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{{V0.16.2}}{{Item|name=Burnt Cave Fish|imagefile=Burnt Cave Fish (item).svg|description=No Description|id=42|category=Cooking|type=Cooked Fish|sellsfor=1|customData=|itemSources=*Burning: [[File:Raw Cave Fish (item).svg|25px|middle|link=Raw Cave Fish]]|itemUses=*None}}
'''{{PAGENAME}}''' is an item originally obtained from {{Skill|Cooking}}. Previously if a cooking attempt failed, the player received a burnt variant of the fish being cooked - this was later removed in [[V1.0]] when [[Cooking]] was reworked so that failed cooking attempts provide no items at all. At this point all other burnt fish became [[Unlisted Items#Cooking|unobtainable]], however as {{PAGENAME}} is required to obtain the {{ItemIcon|Clue Chasers Insignia}} it was added to the loot table for {{MonsterIcon|Tentacle}}.
==Item Sources==
==Item Sources==
{{Burnt Cave Fish Sources}}[[Category:Items]]