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== Training Cartography ==
== Training Cartography ==
Since Skill XP boosts will change the pathing of this guide. This guide will be using the following to setup. Note this is not the most optimal setup. Check the (XP TABLE) and (INTERVAL TABLE) below for other boosts.
Since Skill XP boosts will change the pathing of this guide. This guide will be using the following to setup. Note this is not the most optimal setup. Check the (TODO: Fix this)[[user:{{PAGENAME}}#XP|XP Table]] and (TODO: Fix this)[[user:{{PAGENAME}}#Interval|Interval Table]] below for other boosts.
* {{ConstellationIcon|Nysa|Nysa's}} Survey Interval at -3% and Skill XP at 6%
* {{ConstellationIcon|Nysa|Nysa's}} Survey Interval at -3% and Skill XP at 6%
* {{AgilityIcon|Pit Jump}}, {{AgilityIcon|Tree Climb}} and {{AgilityIcon|A Lovely Jog}} will built for 12% Skill XP
* {{AgilityIcon|Pit Jump}}, {{AgilityIcon|Tree Climb}} and {{AgilityIcon|A Lovely Jog}} will built for 12% Skill XP
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An image has been supplied as a visual aid on where to go. The step numbers align with the numbered point on the map.
An image has been supplied as a visual aid on where to go. The step numbers align with the numbered point on the map.

# Follow the Red Path Port at (12, 19) and Survey this hex until you are level 10. You will not fully survey the Port yet. Make sure to Discover {{POIIcon|Old Village}} at (13, 17). If you Survey {{POIIcon|The Southern Lighthouse}} at (12, 18), make sure you do not Discover this POI. The temporary <span style="color:green">-2% Survey Interval</span> Discovery Reward will be used later.
# Follow the Red Path Port at (12, 19) and Survey this hex until you are level 10. You will not fully survey the Port yet
#* Make sure to Discover {{POIIcon|Old Village}} at (13, 17)
#* If you Survey {{POIIcon|The Southern Lighthouse}} at (12, 18), make sure you do not Discover this POI. The temporary <span style="color:green">-2% Survey Interval</span> Discovery Reward will be used later
# Follow the Blue Path until you Discover {{POIIcon|Monuments}} at (6, 11).
# Follow the Blue Path until you Discover {{POIIcon|Monuments}} at (6, 11).
#* Digging for Tiny Artefacts at {{POIIcon|Monuments}} will allow you to get {{ItemIcon|Golden Leaf|qty=8}} which can be upgraded into {{ItemIcon|Golden Wreath}} for <span style="color:green">+3% Skill XP</span>
#* Digging for Tiny Artefacts at {{POIIcon|Monuments}} will allow you to get {{ItemIcon|Golden Leaf|qty=8}} which can be upgraded into {{ItemIcon|Golden Wreath}} for <span style="color:green">+3% Skill XP</span>
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#* After obtaining the {{ItemIcon|Old Spyglass}}, you will want to Discover {{POIIcon|The Vibrant Coral Gardens}} at (6, 22) which rewards the {{ItemIcon|Coral|qty=500}} needed for {{AgilityIcon|Ocean Drifting}}, which will be built later.
#* After obtaining the {{ItemIcon|Old Spyglass}}, you will want to Discover {{POIIcon|The Vibrant Coral Gardens}} at (6, 22) which rewards the {{ItemIcon|Coral|qty=500}} needed for {{AgilityIcon|Ocean Drifting}}, which will be built later.
# Follow the Purple Path which will Discover {{POIIcon|The Jagged Labyrinth}} at (5, 7) and unlock the ability to purchase {{UpgradeIcon|Cartographer's Enhancement}} for {{GP|3000000}}. Upon reaching {{SkillReq|Cartography|60}}, you will be able to purchase {{UpgradeIcon|Ship Anchor Upgrade}}.
# Follow the Purple Path which will Discover {{POIIcon|The Jagged Labyrinth}} at (5, 7) and unlock the ability to purchase {{UpgradeIcon|Cartographer's Enhancement}} for {{GP|3000000}}. Upon reaching {{SkillReq|Cartography|60}}, you will be able to purchase {{UpgradeIcon|Ship Anchor Upgrade}}.
#* {{POIIcon|The Treacherous North}} is located at (4, 9) and rewards {{ItemIcon|Redwood Logs|qty=5000|nolink=true}} and {{POIIcon|The Ancient Wreckage}} is located at (7, 7) and rewards {{ItemIcon|Cursed Logs|qty=1000|nolink=true}}. These can be useful if you do not have {{ItemIcon|Redwood Logs|qty=28000|nolink=true}} for {{UpgradeIcon|Ship Rudder Upgrade}} and {{UpgradeIcon|Ship Crow's Nest Upgrade}} or the {{ItemIcon|Cursed Logs|qty=12000|nolink=true}} for {{UpgradeIcon|Ship Keel Upgrade}}.
#* The following POIs can be useful if you do not have the {{ItemIcon|Redwood Logs|qty=28000|nolink=true}} for {{UpgradeIcon|Ship Rudder Upgrade}} and {{UpgradeIcon|Ship Crow's Nest Upgrade}} or the {{ItemIcon|Cursed Logs|qty=12000|nolink=true}} for {{UpgradeIcon|Ship Keel Upgrade}}
# Follow the towards {{POIIcon|The Pirate's Treasure Trails}} at (10, 6) and Discover this hex. It is important this POI gets discovered before Surveying the entire map.
#*# {{POIIcon|The Treacherous North}} located at (4, 9) which rewards {{ItemIcon|Redwood Logs|qty=5000|nolink=true}}
#*# {{POIIcon|The Ancient Wreckage}} located at (7, 7) which rewards {{ItemIcon|Cursed Logs|qty=1000|nolink=true}}

=== Fully Surveying all of the Temporary POI Hexes ===
=== Fully Surveying all of the Temporary POI Hexes ===
[[File:CartographyGuide5-10-min.png|thumb|Visual Representation for Steps 5-10]]
[[File:CartographyGuide5-10-min.png|thumb|Visual Representation for Steps 5-10]]
(TODO: The first 2 steps don't line up with the image. It's more efficient to go to the green location in the image first from where the blue path starts heading south-east) Following the Blue Pentagon Path, '''Survey''' {{POIIcon|The Pink Kraken}} at (4, 16) and {{POIIcon|The Western Lighthouse}} at (1, 18). '''Do not Discover''' these POIs. There is a Port at (2, 19) which can help reduce the travel costs later.
An image has been supplied as a visual aid on where to go. The step numbers align with the numbered point on the map.

Next, use the Green Star Path to travel West towards the starting point and '''Survey''' {{POIIcon|The Southern Lighthouse}} at (12, 18), {{POIIcon|The Watchful Ship}} at (14, 20) and {{POIIcon|A Sadge Kraken}} at (12, 21). '''Do not Discover''' these POIs. There is a Port at (12, 19) which can help reduce the travel costs later.
'''Do not Discover''' the following POIs unless otherwise stated. The goal is to Survey them, not Discover them.

The next POIs will be towards the South side of the map. Along the Purple Square Path to {{POIIcon|Fisherman's Enclave}} at (22, 22), there is a Port at (21, 20). You will need to Discover this POI before Surveying the entire map. Survey {{POIIcon|The Sea Noodle}} at (23, 25). '''Do not Discover''' this POI. At {{SkillReq|Cartography|70}}, you will unlock the Shop Purchase {{UpgradeIcon|Ship Rudder Upgrade}} as well as the Agility Obstacle, {{AgilityIcon|Ocean Drifting}}. It is recommended you grab both of these if possible.
# Follow the Blue Path and '''Survey''' {{POIIcon|The Pink Kraken}} at (4, 16) and {{POIIcon|The Western Lighthouse}} at (1, 18)
#* The Port at (2, 19) can be '''Discovered''' which can help reduce the travel costs later
Next up is the Orange Circle Path. You will want to Discover both {{POIIcon|Old Mine}} at (23, 14) and {{POIIcon|The Abandoned Vein Mine}} at (22, 15). These POIs need to be discovered before Surveying the entire map.
# Follow the Green Path and '''Survey''' {{POIIcon|The Southern Lighthouse}} at (12, 18), {{POIIcon|The Watchful Ship}} at (14, 20) and {{POIIcon|A Sadge Kraken}} at (12, 21)
#* The Port at (12, 19) can be '''Discovered''' which can help reduce the travel costs later
Along the Gray Triangle Path there are 2 POIs, {{POIIcon|Capital City Lighthouse}} at (27, 13), and {{POIIcon|The Pushy Sailor}} at (29, 9). '''Do not Discover''' these POIs. There is a Port at (27, 14). You may grab this before heading to {{POIIcon|The Pushy Sailor|nolink=true}} which you should be able to reach from (27, 11). There are a group of 8 {{SkillReq|Cartography|80}} hexes to the East. If you are not {{SkillReq|Cartography|90}} yet, Survey these. At {{SkillReq|Cartography|85}}, you will be able to Purchase {{UpgradeIcon|Ship Keel Upgrade}}.
# The next POIs will be towards the South side of the map along the Purple Path. '''Survey''' {{POIIcon|The Sea Noodle}} at (23, 25). You will need to '''Discover''' {{POIIcon|Fisherman's Enclave}} at (22, 22) before Surveying the entire map.
#* Along the Purple Path to {{POIIcon|Fisherman's Enclave}}, there is a Port that can be '''Discovered''' at (21, 20)
#* At {{SkillReq|Cartography|70}}, you will unlock the Shop Purchase {{UpgradeIcon|Ship Rudder Upgrade}} as well as the Agility Obstacle, {{AgilityIcon|Ocean Drifting}}. It is recommended you get both of these if possible.
# Next up is the Orange Path. You will want to '''Discover''' both {{POIIcon|Old Mine}} at (23, 14) and {{POIIcon|The Abandoned Vein Mine}} at (22, 15). These POIs need to be Discovered before Surveying the entire map.
# Along the Gray Path, '''Survey''' {{POIIcon|Capital City Lighthouse}} at (27, 13), and {{POIIcon|The Pushy Sailor}} at (29, 9)
#* The Port at (27, 14) can be '''Discovered''' which can help reduce the travel costs later. You may grab this before heading to {{POIIcon|The Pushy Sailor|nolink=true}}
#* At {{SkillReq|Cartography|85}}, you will be able to Purchase {{UpgradeIcon|Ship Keel Upgrade}}

=== Fully Surveying the Map ===
=== Fully Surveying the Map ===
Moving to {{POIIcon|The Edge of Darkness}} will cost around 50m GP. If you wish to cut this cost down, you can Survey ONE of the following 3 POIs: {{POIIcon|Seashade Village}} at (7, 20), {{POIIcon|Willowshire}} at (25, 7), {{POIIcon|Rosedale}} at (27, 18) plus {{POIIcon|The Shimmering Sands Outpost}} at (18, 15). When you are ready to get the interval POIs, Discover one of the first POIs, then Discover {{POIIcon|The Shimmering Sands Outpost}} since this one gives <span style="color:green">-10% Cartography travel costs</span> whereas the first ones only give <span style="color:green">-5% Cartography travel costs</span>.
Moving to {{POIIcon|The Edge of Darkness}} will cost around 50m GP. If you wish to cut this cost down, you can''' Survey ONE''' of the following 2 POIs then '''Survey''' {{POIIcon|The Shimmering Sands Outpost}} at (18, 15).
# {{POIIcon|Seashade Village}} at (7, 20) which is conveniently located above {{POIIcon|Coral Wreckage}}
With all of the Temporary <span style="color:green">-2% Survey Interval</span> POIs fully Surveyed, it's time to Discover all of them without traveling to any unnecessary hexes in between. These boosts will only last for 10 turns and there are 8 POIs. Even though you have 2 spare moves, it is important you do not waste these. You will need to move once at {{SkillReq|Cartography|100}} and again after fully Surveying the North East corner. The order for the first 7 are not important however you want to make sure you end on {{POIIcon|The Pushy Sailor}} at (29, 9).
# {{POIIcon|Rosedale}} at (27, 18). While this would take a bit longer, it's along the way to {{POIIcon|Bandit Hideout}} which is good if you plan to do some Thieving
When you are ready to get the interval POIs, Discover one of the first 2 POIs for <span style="color:green">-5% Cartography travel costs</span>, THEN Discover {{POIIcon|The Shimmering Sands Outpost|nolink=true}} for <span style="color:green">-10% Cartography travel costs</span>.
You want to start Auto Surveying at (26, 8). This will require you to Survey (27, 9) and (27, 8) first. At {{SkillReq|Cartography|90}} you will want to restart the Auto Survey at (28, 12) so the Level 90 Hexes around (30, 16) get Surveyed. At {{SkillReq|Cartography|99}} the second last Ship Upgrade, {{UpgradeIcon|Ship Crow's Nest Upgrade}}, can be purchased.
Upon reaching {{SkillReq|Cartography|100}}, you want to manually Survey (30, 9) and (31, 8). From here, Auto Survey (31, 7) until the corner hex is Fully Survyed. Ideally you will want to be active when this happens otherwise you will need to move which will result in losing one of the -2% Survey Interval POIs 1 turn sooner. After you fully Survey {{POIIcon|The Edge of Darkness}} at (31, 0), you will want to move there. This will unlock the Shop Purchase, {{UpgradeIcon|Cartographer's Knowledge}} for {{GP|50000000}}. Traveling to this hex will also cost somewhere around 47.5m-52m GP.
To reach level 120 you will have to move 2-3 more times to areas with higher exp. Hex experience is based on the level of the hex, therefore the best exp is in the high level areas.
[ This map] can help visualize where the high exp zones are. The first location you will want to move to is the snowy area in the bottom middle, around (17, 25) since this is a dense, compact area. Upon reaching {{SkillReq|Cartography|110}}, the final Ship Upgrade, {{UpgradeIcon|Ship Combat Overhaul}}, can be purchased. The top middle is going to be the second location, around (12, 2) so you can grab the level 80 and 90 hexes to the East and West. Upon reaching {{SkillReq|Cartography|120}}, you will want to purchase and equip the {{ItemIcon|Superior Cartography Skillcape}}. If you still have not reached {{SkillReq|Cartography|120}} after the first 2 locations, move to the center of the map, around (16, 11) and start surveying the hexes to the East since they are higher level than the ones on the left.

(15, 26) - Bottom spot
With all of the Temporary <span style="color:green">-2% Survey Interval</span> POIs fully Surveyed, it's time to Discover all of them without traveling to any unnecessary hexes in between. These boosts will only last for 10 moves and there are 8 POIs (+2 if you chose to decrease travel costs). Even though you have 2 spare moves, it is important you do not waste these. You will need to move once at {{SkillReq|Cartography|100}} and again after fully Surveying the North East corner. The order for the first 7 POIs is not important however you want to make sure you '''end on''' {{POIIcon|The Pushy Sailor}} at (29, 9).
(15, 11) - Middle spot / (15, 12) / Early Logbook: (17, 10)

Level 10 = 80xp
Start Auto Surveying at (26, 8). This will require you to Survey (27, 9) and (27, 8) first. At {{SkillReq|Cartography|90}} you will want to restart the Auto Survey at (28, 12) so the Level 90 Hexes around (30, 16) get Surveyed. At {{SkillReq|Cartography|99}} the second last Ship Upgrade, {{UpgradeIcon|Ship Crow's Nest Upgrade}}, can be purchased.
Level 35 = 282xp
Level 50 = 404xp
Level 65 = 525xp
Level 80 = 646xp
Level 90 = 727xp
Level 100 = 780xp
Level 100 = 808xp

Upon reaching {{SkillReq|Cartography|100}}, you want to manually Survey towards the East wall of the map then upwards, leaving the last hex so you can start Auto Surveying without moving. Ideally you want to be active here so you can immediately move when {{POIIcon|The Edge of Darkness}} at (31, 0) is fully surveyed. This will unlock the Shop Purchase, {{UpgradeIcon|Cartographer's Knowledge}} for {{GP|50000000}}. Traveling to this hex will also cost somewhere around 47.5m-52m GP.
# Finish final section
# Re-route second stage -> Green path first then blue path; This route is faster (Done, needs updated Image)
# Is it better to get Spyglass first or the shop purchase? (Spyglass->POI->361,208xp/6h33m) vs (POI->Spyglass->363,599xp/6h38m)

{{SkillReq|Cartography|50}, {{ItemIcon|}, {{POIIcon|}, {{AgilityIcon|}, {{UpgradeIcon|}, {{ConstellationIcon|}, {{Icon|Mastery}, {{TotH}
To reach level 120 you will have to move 2-3 more times to areas with higher exp. Hex experience is based on the level of the hex, therefore the best exp is in the high level areas [ This map] can help visualize where the high exp zones are.
<span style="color:green"></span>
# The first location you will want to move to is the snowy area in the bottom middle, around (17, 25) since this is a dense, compact area. #* Upon reaching {{SkillReq|Cartography|110}}, the final Ship Upgrade, {{UpgradeIcon|Ship Combat Overhaul}}, can be purchased
# The top middle is going to be the second location, around (12, 2) so you can grab the level 80 and 90 hexes to the East and West
# The last location will be the center of the map, around (16, 11) and start surveying the higher level hexes in the area, ignoring the level 35 hexes. You may utilize Auto Survey here
Upon reaching {{SkillReq|Cartography|120}}, you will want to purchase and equip the {{ItemIcon|Superior Cartography Skillcape}} then Auto Survey until all 944 hexes have been Mastered.
