Melvor Idle:User Help/Header: Difference between revisions

improve sentence flow
(Created page with "<div class="wikitable" style="max-width: 750px; width: 100%; margin: 0 auto; text-align: center;"> <div style="font-size: 1.5em; text-align:center; font-weight: bold; line-height: 1.4; margin-bottom: .5em">Welcome to user help!</div> <div style="text-align:left;">On this page, you can ask about how to use or edit the Wiki!<br> You can help with writing articles, creating templates or other wiki-related topics here. For further help see pages such as Melvor Wiki:How to...")
m (improve sentence flow)
(3 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
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<div style="font-size: 1.5em; text-align:center; font-weight: bold; line-height: 1.4; margin-bottom: .5em">Welcome to user help!</div>
<div style="font-size: 1.5em; text-align:center; font-weight: bold; line-height: 1.4; margin-bottom: .5em">Welcome to user help!</div>
<div style="text-align:left;">On this page, you can ask about how to use or edit the Wiki!<br>
<div style="text-align:left;">On this page, you can ask about how to use or edit the Wiki!<br>
You can help with writing articles, creating templates or other wiki-related topics here. For further help see pages such as [[Melvor Wiki:How to edit|How To Edit]], [[mw:Help:Contents|MediaWiki help pages]] or join us on the {{DiscordLink|Melvor Discord server}}. You can get wiki specific help on the '''#wiki-discussion''' channel.</div>
You can get help with writing articles, creating templates, or other wiki-related matters here. For further help see pages such as our [[Melvor Idle:How to edit|How To Edit]] guide, the [[mw:Help:Contents|MediaWiki help pages]], or join us on the {{DiscordLink|Melvor Discord server}}. You can get wiki specific help in the '''#wiki-discussion''' channel.</div>
<div style="text-align: center; margin: 1.5em 0 1.5em">[{{fullurl:Melvor_Wiki:User_Help|action=edit&section=new}} <span class="mw-ui-button mw-ui-progressive">Ask a question</span>]</div>
<div class="plainlinks" style="text-align: center; margin: 1.5em 0 1.5em">[{{fullurl:Melvor Idle:User_Help|action=edit&section=new}} <span class="mw-ui-button mw-ui-progressive">Ask a question</span>]</div>
