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If you have questions for me, you can reach me on the [[Discord]] in the #wiki-discussion channel @Purple

{{UnderConstruction|Page will get a Major Overhaul Tmorrow ((9th of June 2034)}}

'''BIG DISCLAIMER The site is currently being activey worked on, please check back in a few hours for an updated version of this page. '''
To do list:
'''The Fishing Advice was removed as it was a terrible suggestion, alternative methods for bank slots / GP will be offered in the new version'''
# Finish Stronghold Guides - done
# Fix Herald somehow - actually done with help of Jess
Melvor Idle is a cut down RPG game with many hidden depths. There is no right or wrong way to progress in the game, and you will rarely (if ever) be punished for experimenting. Melvor Idle is about the journey not the destination.
# Fix SC money making - done
# Add sim exports to all the guides lacking them - done
# Recheck what to level first guide - done
# take a 2nd look at ITM - done
=The Wiki=
# tag out of date guides - done
# tag incorrect guides - done
The Melvor Wiki is a majority community lead project. The raw data is imported directly from the game, this includes the pages with Monster, Item, Area, Spell, Skill Information/Data. One can almost guarantee that the information on those pages matches in-game content 100%.
# write combat/dungeon progression
# redo golden cloud guide
# add standard guides for chicken-miolite - done
As mentioned, the rest of the wiki is written by users/players such as yourself. There are a few Discord Administrators/Moderators that (occasionally) participate in helping on the Wiki, the majority however is done Players. There is no active professional team that keeps the wiki up to date. This is done to the best of the abilities by the people participating on maintaining the Wiki, things do however fall through the cracks. If you notice something that is incorrect/misspelled/out of date or just could be better in general, feel free to create your own Wiki Account and edit it!
# redo infernal stronghold guide
# add spider queen idle setup - done
Every edit is monitored by other Players and Discord Moderators, egregious edits will be undone/removed, they can also be discussed on the "talk" pages on the Wiki or on the Melvor Discord in the #wiki-discussion channel. This channel is open for:
# rework beginners guide
* Reporting incorrect data or spelling that you either don't know how to edit or simply don't want to edit.
* Suggestions of what need to be changed to be more optimal for User experience
* Pointing out very out of date Guides that don't actually work anymore, these will usually get a huge disclaimer on them until they can be worked on
*People wanting to Contribute and feel like they have things to say / information to impart
*  If you don't have the time or the know how how to edit on the Wiki, be this to simply pass on what you'd want done * or perhaps players in the channel being able to teach you how to do it
When following guides, please check the version in which this was published, some guides are very out of date or no longer relevant, there's work being done on updating them, but writing a good guide takes time and the current dedicated editing team is small. We'll welcome any help we can get, no matter how small or big.
= Goal of this Guide =
This guide gives one method for how to start your Melvor Idle journey. The goal is to give players a helping hand in the early stages of the game. It is in no way complete, or optimal for all play styles.
There are several ways to play this game. Some choices can be found [|here]
= Why not to use this guide? =
There are many reasons that this guide may not be useful:
* This guide is intended for Standard and {{Icon|Hardcore|nolink=true}} [[Game Mode|Game Modes]]:
** If you are playing {{Icon|Adventure|nolink=true}} game-mode then please refer to the [[Adventure/Guide]].
** If you are playing {{AoD}} [[Ancient Relics]] game-mode then please refer to the [[Ancient Relics/Guide]].
= Before you start =
In general:
* This game is meant to be idled - this means that it is intended that you do not actively play this game, but instead do other things, such as go on a walk, or visit the zoo! And when you come back, hopefully you will start to see some progress, but do not expect to complete this game in a week.
** This game however also some more active play when it comes to the combat. You can spend as little or as much time as you want optimizing your farming there.
* Items and equipment will give you small benefits that stack up over time, so do not expect to be a Melvor god after you have completed all of the steps outlined below - you will still have ''a lot'' of gameplay left, and the expansions are a great investment if you are yearning for more!
* You should expect some parts of these guide to take many days and weeks to complete, so feel free to deviate from the guide at any time.
* Off-line progress is capped to 24-hours, and so once you start following these steps, you may feel it necessary to keep the game running continuously, or feel the need to check-in on progress regularly. If you do need a break, this is ok - the progress cap might feel like a limitation at first, but it also means that your township doesn't fall into disarray after a long break.
** If you're unable or unwilling to log in within the 24 hour timespan, there's the option to download the "Unlimited Offline" [[Mods]], please be aware that the longer you stay offline with that mod, the longer it will take for the game to load in.
== Skills That Boost Other Skills ==
These skills are mostly centered around "if you invest in this skill, other skills will get stronger". Some of these skills also provide some direction about what order to work on other skills, because the bonuses to work on other skills come in a certain order. For the sake of simplicity, this section only discusses non-combat bonuses. See the full skill page for how they provide buffs for combat skills.
If you wish to see how Skills effect other Skills please expand the column below.
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|+ Meta Skills
! Skill !! Description !! Order of unlocks for other skills
| {{Skill|Astrology}} || style="width: 50%" | This is the most straightforward Skill Boosting-skill. Study constellations to unlock permanent bonuses for the respective skills. It takes a lot of investment in Astrology before Astrology buffs itself. || * {{Skill|Farming}} <br> * {{Skill|Woodcutting}} <br> * {{Skill|Smithing}} <br> * {{Skill|Firemaking}} <br> * {{Skill|Fishing}} <br> * {{Skill|Mining}} <br> * {{Skill|Cooking}} <br> * {{AoD}}{{Skill|Cartography}} <br> * {{Skill|Archaeology}} <br> * {{Skill|Fletching}} <br> * {{Skill|Runecrafting}} <br> * {{Skill|Agility}} <br> * {{Skill|Thieving}} <br> * {{Skill|Crafting}} <br> * {{Skill|Herblore}} <br> * {{Skill|Summoning}} <br> * {{TotH}} {{Skill|Astrology}}
| {{Skill|Summoning}} || Create Summoning tablets that provide a small bonus to the corresponding skill, using a combination of materials that use ingredients from the skill and materials you buy for GP. Unlock much stronger bonuses by using [[Synergies|synergies]] after progressing in multiple different summons.|| * {{Skill|Woodcutting}}  <br> * {{Skill|Mining}} <br> * {{Skill|Fishing}} <br> * {{Skill|Cooking}} <br> * {{Skill|Runecrafting}} <br> * {{Skill|Thieving}} <br> * {{Skill|Crafting}} <br> * {{Skill|Smithing}}  <br> * {{Skill|Herblore}} <br> * {{Skill|Firemaking}}  <br> * {{TotH}} {{Skill|Agility}} <br> * {{TotH}} {{Skill|Astrology}} <br> * {{TotH}} {{Skill|Fletching}}  <br> * {{TotH}} {{Skill|Summoning}}
| {{Skill|Firemaking}} || Firemaking provides flat percentage bonuses for all skills: skill XP in the form of {{ItemIcon|Firemaking Skillcape}} and mastery XP, from the pool checkpoint and achieving 99 item mastery. It's also required to unlock better [[Cooking|cooking fires]]. || * {{Skill|Cooking}}
| {{Skill|Herblore}} || Most skills have at least one potion that provides a bonus. For non-combat skills, these potions are usually increased output of resources, but there are some important exceptions for speeding up progression. || * {{Skill|Firemaking}} - {{ItemIcon|Controlled Heat Potion}} <br> * {{Skill|Astrology}} - {{ItemIcon|Secret Stardust Potion}} <br> * {{Skill|Mining}} - {{ItemIcon|Perfect Swing Potion}} <br> * {{Skill|Agility}} - {{ItemIcon|Performance Enhancing Potion}} <br> * {{Skill|Runecrafting}} - {{ItemIcon|Elemental Potion}}
| {{Skill|Agility}} || Build obstacles that provide fixed bonuses to specific skills. The higher your skill level, the more obstacles you can build, at higher tiers. However, these obstacles also get progressively more difficult to build, both in terms of money and in terms of items, but they also have some of the strongest bonuses in the game. As you progress in Melvor, you will find yourself swapping between obstacles reasonable often. || Agility has too many bonuses with complicated ordering, so it's difficult to enumerate them like in the previous sections. Please see the {{Skill|Agility}} page for full information.
== Raw Material Gathering Skills ==
These skills provide items that usually aren't useful for themselves, but are very important for doing other skills.  <br> {{Skill|Herblore}} and {{Skill|Agility}} aren't explicitly included because the materials for these skills come from everywhere.
If you wish to look at which Skills power which other Skills, please expand the table below.
<div class="mw-collapsible">
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! Skill !! Description !! Primary skills powered by these items
| {{Skill|Woodcutting}} || style="width: 30%" | Chop Trees. Get logs. || * {{Skill|Firemaking}} <br> * {{Skill|Fletching}} - Bows & Javelins <br> * {{Skill|Farming}} - {{ItemIcon|Bird Nest}} and {{TotH}}  {{ItemIcon|Raven Nest}} <br> * {{TotH}} {{Skill|Crafting}} - Hardwood Armor
| {{Skill|Mining}} || Hit Rocks. Get Ores. || * {{Skill|Smithing}} <br> * {{Skill|Crafting}} - Gems <br> * {{Skill|Runecrafting}} - {{ItemIcon|Rune Essence}} and {{TotH}} {{ItemIcon|Pure Essence}}
| {{Skill|Fishing}} || Catch Fish. || * {{Skill|Cooking}}  <br> * {{Skill|Crafting}} - Gems
| {{Skill|Thieving}} || Steal all kinds of things, each thieving target gives different stuff from all over the game. Thieving targets also provide unique items that can provide unique bonuses for many different skills. || These items are used everywhere.
| {{Skill|Farming}} || Plant Crops. Harvest them after some time has passed. Farming is passive output, you don't activate Farming. || * {{Skill|Cooking}}  <br> * {{Skill|Herblore}} - Herbs for all potions are made in Farming. <br /> ** Also makes logs for the same things as {{Skill|Woodcutting}}
| {{AoD}} {{Skill|Archaeology}} || Go to dig sites, and find cool stuff. Most of these items don't impact other non-combat skills, but there are some exceptions. || * {{ItemIcon|Crystalized Mithril Fragment}} <br> * {{ItemIcon|Crystalized Dragon Fragment}} <br> * {{Skill|Woodcutting}} <br> * {{Skill|Crafting}}  <br> * {{Skill|Summoning}}
== Finished Goods Artisan Skills ==
These skills provide finished items, usually used for combat.
If you wish to look at these items, please expand the table below.
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|+ Artisan Skills
! Skill !! Description !! Primary skills powered by these items
| {{Skill|Smithing}} || style="width: 30%" | Make bars (ingots), then turn them into metal items. || [[Melee]] weapons and armor. <br /> {{Skill|Fletching}} - Javelins, Arrows and Crossbows
| {{Skill|Crafting}} || Make items that you wouldn't use a forge for. || {{Skill|Ranged}} armor <br /> Jewelry (a wide variety of uses) <br /> Consumables (also wide variety of uses)
| {{Skill|Fletching}} || Ranged weapons and ammunition. || {{Skill|Ranged}}
| {{Skill|Runecrafting}} || Transform essence (from {{Skill|Mining}}) into materials needed for magic || {{Skill|Magic}} <br /> {{Skill|Alt. Magic}}
=Choosing the Way to Play The Game=
There are several ways to play the Game, depending on your goals and preferred game play. Here are some suggested ways to play the game and a guide on how to do it.
* [[#Laid back|Laid Back]], only logging in once/twice per day, what to set your offline times to and what to do when online
* [[#Skilling Focused|Skilling Focused]], max out everything to 99/120 then start combat while having access to everything and being as overpowered as possible
* [[#Max efficiency without Throne of the Herald|Max efficiency without Throne of the Herald]] , mix of the 1st and 2nd but then choosing the most optimal way
* [[#Max efficiency with Throne of the Herald|Max efficiency with Throne of the Herald]]  road to 100% completion, this will be combat focused, level as little non-combat as possible to rush herald for the 2% interval, after which skills and item collection will be done.
=Before Settling on Desired Game-play=
Before we get into the actual different way to play. It is generally advised you get a good feel of the game and how it works / interacts. This is generally achieved by leveling all the skills to around Level 20-30 and beat a Dungeon or 2.
Once everything is around level 30 you should better understand how the game works and if you like it. The Core Game Mechanics won't really change much, it gets slightly more complicated especially when it comes to Combat later on, there will be more and more Skill interactions once you get to higher levels. Faster Experience Gains and you'll receive loot quicker. But this is about it. This would be an excellent point to determine if this game is for you or you'd rather move on.
The entire process of leveling everything to around level 30 should take about 2 hours. If you don't have that time to spare in 1 sitting, do what you can and then switch to {{Skill|Astrology}} until the next time you log back in. There is never any harm to level {{Skill|Astrology}}, it will only give you more benefits. At later stages you might want to switch to different skills for other benefits, for now this is your best choice.
# It is advised you start by leveling {{Skill|Astrology}} for the minor gains you'll get from that at low levels.
#* You can stop at {{SkillReq|Astrology|40}} for now.
#** Buy the the first 5 levels of the first 2 [[Astrology#Modifiers|Stars]] (the Blue ones) in each [[Astrology#Constellations|Constellations]] ({{ConstellationIcon|Deedree}}, {{ConstellationIcon|Iridan}}, {{ConstellationIcon|Ameria}}, {{ConstellationIcon|Terra}} and {{ConstellationIcon|Vale}}). If you have enough {{ItemIcon|Stardust}}.
#** This will give you 15% Global [[Accuracy]], 5% experience and {{Icon|Mastery}} gain in: {{Skill|Woodcutting}}, {{Skill|Farming}}, {{Skill|Smithing}}, {{Skill|Fishing}}, {{Skill|Firemaking}}, {{Skill|Mining}} and 5% Experience in {{Skill|Attack}} and {{Skill|Strength}}
# Your next skills should be {{Skill|Woodcutting}} and {{Skill|Summoning}}
#* Summoning is a very important skill for boosting all your other skills, and it is leveled by equipping summoning tablets. It levels very slowly while you do everything else, and it is nearly impossible to come back later and rush level it.
#* Start chopping {{ItemIcon|Normal Logs}} until you get your first {{ItemIcon|Ent}} mark.
#* Sell some of your logs and use the money to buy {{ItemIcon|Summoning Shard (Green)}} to make about 100 {{ItemIcon|Ent}} tablets.
#* Repeat (moving up to {{ItemIcon|Oak Logs}} and {{ItemIcon|Willow Logs}} as they become available) until you have {{SkillReq|Summoning|15}}
# Your next skills should be {{Skill|Fishing}} and {{Skill|Cooking}} (and more {{Skill|Summoning}})
#* To get enough Gold Pieces to upgrade the [[Shop]] upgrades for the first 2 Axes, Fishing Rods and Pickaxes, {{ItemIcon|Octopus}} and {{ItemIcon|Pig}} tablets.
#* Once you get to roughly {{SkillReq|Fishing|23}} you should get enough Gold Pieces to upgrade the Fishng Rod to the level 20 one.
#* At {{SkillReq|Fishing|30}} Sell all the [[Junk]] that you got apart from the [[Fish]], and about half of the fish.
#* When you unlock {{ItemIcon|Octopus}}, stop to make some tablets and equip them.
#* Make sure to save 300 {{ItemIcon|Raw Herring}} and 300 {{ItemIcon|Raw Salmon}} for the next section.
#* Next is {{Skill|Cooking}} the fish caught from {{Skill|Fishing}}, this will be used in [[Combat]].
#** Make sure {{SkillReq|Summoning|25}} before you switch to {{Skill|Cooking}}, so you can unlock {{ItemIcon|Pig}}.
# The next skill would be {{Skill|Agility}}
#* This has some minor increases for {{Skill|Woodcutting}}, {{Skill|Cooking}}, {{Skill|Agility}}, {{Skill|Herblore}}, {{Skill|Firemaking}}, {{Skill|Mining}} and {{Skill|Archaeology}} at low levels.
#* Switching {{Skill|Agility}} Obstacles can be quite pricy at these levels, especially before you have a good moneymaking Method. If you can focus on 1 Obstacle in each Tier and leave them for now, we can start switching later on.
#* At {{SkillReq|Agility|20}}, make sure to build {{AgilityIcon|Pit Jump}} as your Tier 3 obstacle with the fish you saved from the previous step.
# After this finish the rest of the Skills to Level 30, the order in which you do this is not very important, you might run into not being to some Artisan Skills yet as you don't have the resources from the Gathering Skills yet, just come back later to those skills.
There are several ways to earn Gold Coins in this Game. Here are some suggestions how you can obtain them effectively.
When Combat is the main focus, it is generally recommended that your first {{GP|1000000}} goes towards {{UpgradeIcon|Auto Eat}}
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| {{Skill|Thieving}} || 54 / 57 / 77 || At apropriate Levels thieving {{Icon|Fisherman|type=thieving}}, {{Icon|Cyclops|type=thieving}} and {{Icon|Knight|type=thieving}} provides some of the best GP/h, <br> you will however need to obtain {{ItemIcon|Chapeau Noir}}, {{ItemIcon|Golbin Mask}}, {{ItemIcon|Thiever's Cape}} and {{ItemIcon|Sneak-Ers}} from {{Skill|Thieving}}, <br> also {{ItemIcon|Gloves of Silence}} from {{MonsterIcon|Thief}} in {{ZoneIcon|Runic Ruins}} requiring {{SkillReq|Slayer|45}} || It takes quite a while to set up {{Skill|Thieving}} correctly, be sure you don't do this before {{UpgradeIcon|Auto Eat}} as you'll most likely die. Also don't forget to enable the "Continue on Stun" option if you have plenty of Food available
| {{Skill|Fishing}} || ?? || Fishing in general is quite bad for {{GP}}, it is however an easy and AFK method to grind out the first {{GP|1000000}}
| Low Level {{Skill|Mining}} || 0 || Low Level Mining with {{ItemIcon|Gem Gloves}} might sound like a good idea, it does give you some profit, it is however very poor gains per hour.
| {{AoD}} {{Skill|Mining}} || 85 || Mining is a really good way to earn {{GP}}, it however doesn't really start generating a lot before Level 85. It also requires you to have {{AoD}}. {{ItemIcon|Pure Crystal}} sells for {{GP|750}} each, which racks up quite fast and should average around {{GP|4000000}} per hour without any boosts. {{ItemIcon|Perfect Swing Potion}} help immensely if you wish to farm {{GP}} with this Method
With this minor preparation of the Skills, we're now ready to start picking the desired [[#Choosing the Way to Play The Game|Way to Play]], be it Skilling or [[Combat]] you should be set for both!
==Ways To Play The Game==
===Laid Back===
only logging in once/twice per day, what to set your offline times to and what to do when online
===Skilling Focused===
max out everything to 99/120 then start combat while having access to everything and being as overpowered as possible
===Max efficiency without Throne of the Herald===
===mix of the 1st and 2nd but then choosing the most optimal way===
===Max efficiency with Throne of the Herald road to 100% Completion===
This Method aims at clearing {{ZoneIcon|Throne of the Herald}} as soon as possible for the {{PetIcon|Harold}} reward. Which gives:
* Max Pool Mastery Cap increased by 25%
* 2% Global Interval reduction
* 0.1 Attack Speed Interval reduction
* 5% Global Mastery Gain
* as well as many more useful things.
Doing this first has great benefits on the entirety of your account & required Playtime to reach 100% Completion.
This will be combat focused, Level as little non-combat as possible to rush Herald for the benefits, after which skilling and attacking will be faster/easier. It's the biggest boost one can get in the entire game.
Before going into Combat it is recommended to Level these Non-Combat Skills, the order in which you level these skills does not matter.
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! Skill !! Level !! Reason
| {{Skill|Astrology}} || 60 || Max out the first stars (They give Global Accuracy which applies to all Attack Styles). <br> In the [[Constellations]] {{ConstellationIcon|Iridan}}, {{ConstellationIcon|Terra}}, {{ConstellationIcon|Vale}}, {{ConstellationIcon|Syllia}} and {{ConstellationIcon|Arachi}}. If there is not enough {{ItemIcon|Stardust}} obtained, try to balance out where you spend it and maximize the amount of [[Accuracy]] Gained.
| {{Skill|Runecrafting}} || 85 || For Ancient Runes & decently crafted [[Wizard Equipment]].
| {{Skill|Mining}} & {{Skill|Smithing}} || 40 || At 40 {{Skill|Mining}} and 40 {{Skill|Smithing}} you can mine & craft {{ItemIcon|Silver Bar}} and {{ItemIcon|Gold Bar}}, which are required to upgrade [[Melee]] Armour to (G), so they actually get their [[Damage Reduction]]
| {{Skill|Agility}} || 50 || To start with {{SkillReq|Agility|50}} will be enough, {{SkillReq|Agility|99}} should be the aim once {{ZoneIcon|Impending Darkness Event}} is beaten.
After defeating {{ZoneIcon|Impending Darkness Event}} the goals should be:
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! Skill !! Level !! Reason
| {{Skill|Herblore}} or {{Skill|Cartography}} || 90 || Both these Skills grant access to {{ItemIcon|Damage Reduction Potion IV}} which is very helpful, especially in the {{TotH}}[[Throne of the Herald Expansion]]. <br> When {{Skill|Herblore}} is chosen it will also need {{MasteryReq|Damage Reduction Potion IV|90}}. In {{Skill|Cartography}} it 1000 can be gotten at {{Hex|31|19}} {{POIIcon|The Sand-Covered Treasure}}. These can be turned in for {{ItemIcon|Damage Reduction Potion IV|qty=5000}} with [[Township/Tasks#Hard|Township Task Hard 15]].
| {{Skill|Archaeology}} || 90 || Only when also doing {{SkillReq|Cartography|90}}, this allows access to {{ZoneIcon|Underwater Ruins}} which has the very powerful {{ItemIcon|Engulfing Vortex Longbow}}, this is quite a grind but well worth it, it shreds through Throne of the Herald content
| {{Skill|Archaeology}} || 118 || '''This is highly Optional''' Not required but very fun to play with, {{ItemIcon|Merman Pendant}} and {{ItemIcon|Pirate Hook}} are 2 very powerful items only obtainable from very high {{Skill|Archaeology}}. You can defeat the entire game without them, they will however make some parts of the game faster/more fun.
