Spreadsheets and Theorycrafting: Difference between revisions

m (Update versions)
(46 intermediate revisions by 10 users not shown)
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<!--No version number since version is per tool/script
-->{{Otheruses|listing spreadsheets and spreadsheet based calculators|scripts, extensions, and other tools|Scripting and Extensions}}
Many people have created spreadsheets to optimize advancement in the game. There is an active community of people trying to Theorycraft certain aspects of the game, creating new spreadsheets in the process, on the [https://discord.gg/KNakXTh Melvor Idle Discord].
Many people have created spreadsheets to optimize advancement in the game. There is an active community of people trying to Theorycraft certain aspects of the game, creating new spreadsheets in the process, on the [https://discord.gg/KNakXTh Melvor Idle Discord].

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== List of Spreadsheets ==
== List of Spreadsheets ==
{| class="wikitable sortable"
{| class="wikitable sortable stickyHeader"
|- class="headerRow-0"
! Name
! Name
! Description
! Description
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! Version
! Version
| [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1mRHezrM3r8Xto_EmInI61m1SpdjbH4qxl2yfMra08xo Dragon Jav Calc]
| [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1hfNEleLT6LhQXgILBKgT6OkdRPWUO6_oO0O8ELdAe3A Bank Slot Cost Calculator]
| Calculator for Dragon Javelin Money Making method
| Nomeru
| style="background-color:#E8FFEB;" | 0.18.2
| [https://imgur.com/a/8JEtE6g HP Required Dungeon Charts]
| Reference Chart for necessary DR and HP to idle dungeons
| Aurora Aquir#4272
| style="background-color:#E8FFEB;" | 0.18.2
| [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Y_U826Z02Ip0v2htIafAh-RwkrjLToyEspuXczAu7zU Can I Idle This?]<br>[https://drboomtown.github.io/?hp=1000&dr=29&ae=3&style=Melee&mode=Normal Can I Idle This? Web App]
| Calculator for Damage Reduction requirements for doing Dungeons
| Boomtown
| style="background-color:#FFE8E8;" | 0.17.0
| [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1TU5Pc1AwXWxCg9ROjzKA7pVV65jTFIElKpGovt6xuoU Bank Slot Cost Calculator]
| Calculates cost for bank slots based on current amount and desired amount
| Calculates cost for bank slots based on current amount and desired amount
| Aether
| starrazer<br/>Aether#7777
| style="background-color:#FFE8E8;" | 0.16.3
| [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/11gnKaLR4Cc_kPwYNuW4d2FpOwBJW9aoS_-ouX_HsVhQ God Dungeon Money Making]
| [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1iOafXHZponuxGm-p95sHLGQpanVtetCnL8h9kjFFX18 Melvor Idle Rate & Resource Calculator]
| Calculates GP/H from God Dungeons based on clear times
| Comprehensive sheet that helps calculate time, gain and resource usage till some level.
| Breindahl
| [https://discordapp.com/users/564658310272516098 Kidbiz20#2026]
| style="background-color:#FFE8E8;" | 0.16.3
| [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15jtOEFXpiwrw4w934uiWcwhX0gbaMnZPytPx8jRnQgQ Melvor Alching Calculator]
| [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ajdmQFfRKVBbxaR8Q0AjvfuN5juK4U75550JzNCeyVs/edit?usp=sharing Experience Table]
| Calculates the shop price above which it's worth alching items vs. selling
| Experience/Level table and lookup up to level 1999.
| Spectroscopy
| [https://discordapp.com/users/483005368587386905 Foxy#5937]
| style="background-color:#FFE8E8;" | 0.16.3
| [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19v7esGmm7w0X-VIMMsOsaS9vFy5JTCDNeNa5mm5CztY Melvor Dragon Javelin Profit]
| [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gqvUroU6IDaUJMHzeuJvtMoRImCNFyYnWR5IhzT-C1A/edit?usp=sharing Signet A Drop Chance]
| Calculates profit from creating dragon javelins. Lots of options to configure!
| Shows [[Signet Ring Half (a)]] drop chance for every skilling action.
| Spectroscopy
| [https://discordapp.com/users/483005368587386905 Foxy#5937]<br/>[https://discordapp.com/users/156771111239942144 <nowiki>mazunki [they/them]#3247</nowiki>]
| style="background-color:#FFE8E8;" | 0.16.3
| [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1atMfJZXYqiWflIavX1EFY48SRFN1h7IbdaFYkRfrkew Melvor Farming Seed Calculator]
| [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1caJNSMYi6fjqEpSe3vhU4MXgqimAy8JePyk-NqXoKjY Thieving GP Calculator]
| Calculates how many seeds you need to reach a particular mastery level
| Calculates GP per hour rates for Thieving. Based on [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1iRPDZznC5HizeWyyADt7bymFMWxN_jzFP1dGl8Xa4P4 the original spreadsheet] created by [https://discordapp.com/users/91970544789897216 Nomeru#4261].
| Spectroscopy
| geedunk#3987
| style="background-color:#FFE8E8;" | 0.16.3
| [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m0RWhdF-oqrIoyq-RJJzkD_yISwjeE-ThuRV_ztvf6A Seed Mastery]
| [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1TJ4HnTk3n9HbS8MZkTrdyMdNwbIZEpEStwOsf1DOPDE/edit?usp=sharing Cooking HP/s]
| Amounts of herb and allotment seeds needed for it to become selfsustaining
| Healing values from cooking, fishing, and farming. Accounts for all modifiers.
| JHawk55
| [https://discordapp.com/users/483005368587386905 Foxy#5937]
| style="background-color:#FFE8E8;" | 0.16.3
| [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ltY-h5FtP99H-X-naMsI1KRTTBkrqK-2bys9jqEOpww Thieving Calculator]
| [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1UDIWcqGmBduOdaBW874ggYzNTm0NYm75IVsYRuUWP9s/edit?usp=sharing Hidden Levels vs % Global/Style Accuracy]
| Calculates time to reach desired Thieving level based on selected target
| Raw comparison of additional Hidden Levels against Global Accuracy.
| Nomeru
| [https://discordapp.com/users/483005368587386905 Foxy#5937]
| style="background-color:#FFE8E8;" | 0.16.3
| [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15wc6RvTlrxFJ3h-KWSA7lR3yYtyA3j7Ouk51lltzabs Time for X Resource Calculator]
| [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1oaAEh2S_lsXCcd9X035NVvSAr4w_KkT2qHaf4EP0rs4 Dungeon Damage Reduction Tables]
| Comprehensive sheet that helps calculate time for X amount of resources (including multiple skills) and a combined clear time calculator for dungeons
| Table listing required Damage Reduction & HP values required to safely idle dungeons.<br/>Inspired by [https://imgur.com/a/8JEtE6g HP Required Dungeon Charts] by [https://discordapp.com/users/185851310308982804 Aurora Aquir#4272].
| Foxy
| [https://discordapp.com/users/91970544789897216 Nomeru#4261]
| style="background-color:#E8FFEB;" | 0.18.2
| [https://imgur.com/a/AmPxfz0 Combat Leveling]
| [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1DHmHL7Gd2GW_N4nGW31pzuGHDdVuOq4rMU6594H36sY/ Dragon Javelin Calc]
| Highest XP/HR Targets for Combat Leveling.
| Calculator for Dragon Javelin Money Making method
| Trippledot
| [https://discordapp.com/users/91970544789897216 Nomeru#4261]
| style="background-color:#FFE8E8;" | 0.16.1
| [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1GIbmSDIvYrk3Xnewr_ZXvGhH_Rf-L9MwYVHaCmq9QOY Endgame Weapon Comparison Thingamajig]
| Spreadsheet comparing DPS of all endgame weapons (All combat styles)
| Trippledot
| style="background-color:#FFE8E8;" | 0.16.1
| [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1r5MwwMu1hXV3jtDqD4R3AEgW6mVE4fE6Jw3yLm4escs Elite Strength or Elite Glory]
| Comparison between Elite Strength and Elite Glory amulets
| Trippledot
| style="background-color:#FFE8E8;" | 0.15.4
| [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1hV9l3XIY_ekigPbIi_o8bVvd3RDDxs-8dFJ7xMkw8OA Fish Prep time vs HP Healed]
| Figure out what gives you the best food in a given time (HP/Second).
| Levgre
| style="background-color:#FFE8E8;" | 0.15.4
| [https://levgre.itch.io/mastery-calculator Mastery Calculator]
| Calculator for how many tokens you need to max mastery.
| Levgre
| style="background-color:#FFE8E8;" | 0.15.4
| [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Dsm8YHwCKPd2jpiS1KcVzV3y5UbjNi7N-QJmuSbrDoY Melvor Idle Calculations]
| Calculator for various money making methods
| Rhaelyx
| style="background-color:#FFE8E8;" | 0.15.4
| [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1w4gX26OMkTqAiO5L6wGYEaAoGOqM4G5vKf50DVwpRQI Melvor Idle Calculators & Tools]
| A collection of calculators and tools
| Alexiea#6630 and NotArcanus#3825
| style="background-color:#FFE8E8;" | 0.15.4
| [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1pO5SOdBmZAQHJJsemO686Bn45iI9nQF06rlbbAwk4BU XP/HR Chart]
| Weapon comparisons focused on XP/HR (Melee only). Using mid-tier gear/levels.
| Trippledot
| style="background-color:#FFE8E8;" | 0.15.4
| [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15aU6FNP3FoUHH61fDb-47tL3PHerCtHPR-ZC43HEuuk Slayer Skip list]
| [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/176i4mV1hIrjGO9jN8HbCZ8YbEOXMtojHA6cD-heMN4U Melvor Idle Corruption Calculator]
| Creates a monsterIDs Array based on ticked boxes and items equipped for use with [[Scripting_and_Extensions|SEMI]]
| Calculator for Chaos Mode Corruptions.
| 8892/Aurora
| [https://discordapp.com/users/267111261634822144 Hetaku#3546]
| style="background-color:#FFE8E8;" | 0.15.2

Latest revision as of 20:28, 3 March 2025

Many people have created spreadsheets to optimize advancement in the game. There is an active community of people trying to Theorycraft certain aspects of the game, creating new spreadsheets in the process, on the Melvor Idle Discord.

Disclaimer: There is no guarantee of the accuracy that a spreadsheet provides, calculations may be flawed. The version number is the game version for which the spreadsheet was last updated for, this does not necessarily mean that the spreadsheet will not work.

List of Spreadsheets

How to Use?

Usually to use the spreadsheet it has to be copied into your own account (On Google Sheets via File->Make a copy). Then fill in the parts of the spreadsheet that is meant to be filled in (Should be differentiated from the rest).