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Adventure Mode Preliminary Guide
Written by /u/Steelsauce, with help from adventure-mode-chat on discord, and the [[HCCO/Guide]].

== Preface ==
Adventure mode takes what you know about Melvor and turns it on its head! You start with only melee combat unlocked and must pay an increasing GP cost to unlock each skill. It means that the skills you choose will greatly affect the route you take through the game. Your non-combat skills will be locked to your combat level, so the skilling you can do is very limited at first.

== Preface ==
This mode requires you to do more combat than the other modes, especially at the beginning. On one hand, it may be hard for new players to get a grasp of how all skills are connected without using them first. On the other hand, the Adventure mode reduces the number of early-game choices, which can help new players to get a feel of the game. It's all about tradeoffs!
Adventure mode takes what you know about Melvor and turns it on its head! You start with only melee combat unlocked, and must pay an increasing GP cost to unlock each skill. This means that the skills you choose will greatly affect the route you take through the game. Your noncombat skills will be locked to your combat level, which means the skilling you can do is very limited at first.

This mode requires you to do combat in the beginning, which you cannot currently do offline. Once you unlock some skills, it can be more AFK friendly. It may be harder for newer players to get a grasp of how all the skills are interconnected without using them first, so I wouldn't recommend a brand new player starting out on Adventure mode.
Speaking of tradeoffs, that is the name of the game in this mode. You can save time on one grind by picking another skill or targeting a different enemy, but it will likely cost you more time somewhere else. The trick is to pick aspects of the game that you like the most and focus your time and attention to those areas, then you can apply the time-reduction strategies to the areas you don't like as much. It's all about tradeoffs! We'll get into this more later. That said, there really are ways to hamper yourself pretty badly, so this guide is all about helping you dodge the big mistakes and apply your time where you want to spend it.

There is a lot to learn and this mode was just released recently. I'll be sharing my strategy, but feel free to experiment!
A rough strategy is given below, but don't let anyone dictate your <s>suffering</s> adventure!

== Starting out ==
== Starting out ==

First you need to do some basic melee combat to get some combat levels and cash for a first skill. Equip your {{ItemIcon|Bronze Sword}} and {{ItemIcon|Shrimp}} and start whacking some {{MonsterIcon|Plant|Plants}}. Remember to press the collect loot button to keep your potatoes! Change styles to keep your stats somewhat equal.
First you need to do some basic melee combat to get some combat levels and cash for a first skill. During the tutorial, you made a {{ItemIcon|Bronze Dagger|Bronze Dagger}}. This will be the strongest weapon you need until steel. Equip that and your {{ItemIcon|Shrimp}} and start whacking some {{MonsterIcon|Plant|Plants}}. Remember to press the Loot All button to keep your potatoes! Use different fighting styles (Stab, Slash, Block) to keep your stats somewhat equal.  

With a stack of potatoes, you can branch out to other monsters to earn new gear. Read the [[HCCO/Guide]] to learn which mobs drop gear, but note that some mobs require you to unlock slayer first.
After getting about about 10|10|10 (Attack, Strength, Defense), try killing a {{MonsterIcon|Cow}}. If it hits too hard, level up a bit more with {{MonsterIcon|Plant|Plants}}.
After that, follow the [[HCCO/Guide]] for a smooth enemy progression, but note that some mobs require you to unlock {{Skill|Slayer}} first. Do note that this guide may be somewhat outdated, so I'll try to catch some of the basic changes below.

=== Early money making ===
=== Early money making ===
Your first money maker will be fighting {{MonsterIcon|Cow|Cows}}. Collect their {{ItemIcon|Leather}}, and then go to the shop and purchase as many {{ItemIcon|Green Dragonhide}} as you can, then sell the green hides. This gives an extra 50gp compared to just selling the plain leather.
Your first money maker will be fighting {{MonsterIcon|Cow|Cows}}. Collect their {{ItemIcon|Leather}}, and then go to the shop and purchase as many {{ItemIcon|Green Dragonhide}} as you can, then sell the green hides. This gives an extra {{GP|50}} compared to just selling the plain leather.
Historically, the {{ItemIcon|Amulet of Looting}} was a critical upgrade in this mode, but since thieving was updated and the combat loot box expanded, that can be your main money-maker very early (within a few hours of starting your character). I'll discuss more advanced tactics below (~4-6 hours to idle woman instead of 8+ for man), but if you just keep thieving from [[Man]], you will eventually reach a 100% success rate and be able to idle him without losing food. Before about 93% success, you will have to keep manually eating to prevent death in this phase.
=== Planning Ahead ===
==== Skill Unlock Costs ====
Skill level unlock costs increase drastically, so planning out a skill unlock order is extremely important. Here are unlock costs:
==== Combat Level ====
[[Combat Level|Read the wiki page on Combat Level.]]
Your non-combat skills are gated behind your combat level, greatly restricting what you can do. Getting to 99 combat level is an important early goal of this mode. Combat level factors in HP, defence, prayer, plus your highest style of combat: magic, ranged, or attack/strength. It's easier to get combat lvl 99 through attack/strength.
The combat level formula means that if you have a high level in one combat style, picking up another one won’t raise your combat level until you surpass your other combat style’s level.
It is meaningfully easier to reach 99 combat through melee than other means, and prayer can further speed this up. You will be aiming for stats (Attack, Strength, Defense, HP, Prayer) something around 79/79/76/78/75 to reach your goal, though feel free to play around with those numbers- they're very flexible.
==== Long Term goals ====
If you want to complete the Adventure mode, you will need several billion GP. To get that much money, you need a good method and a plan for how to get it.  

Once you have some better gear and levels, killing {{MonsterIcon|Master Farmer}} and selling the seeds is more profitable than cows. You can earn more money with some mid game items, such as [[Gloves of Silence]], [[Almighty Lute]], [[Sand Treaders]], [[Chapeau Noir]], and if you are lucky [[Aorpheat's Signet Ring]].  
Please read the [[Money Making]] guide in order to make a draft of your money-making progression.

When you have some mithril armor and an {{ItemIcon|Ice Sword}}, try to get the {{ItemIcon|Amulet of Looting}} from the {{ZoneIcon|Spider Forest}}. With this and purchasing [[Auto Eat - Tier I]] from the shop for 1M gp, you will be able to afk combat and earn gp.
For instance:
# Unlock Cooking.
# Kill cows and cook beef.
# Unlock Thieving.
# Get your combat level to 30.
# Thieve from Man, sustaining by manually eating Beef
# Progress through items that improve thieving- Thiever's cape from Bandit Thug or Marauder, Golbin Mask from Golbin Chief, Sneakers from anyone
# Unlock the skills needed for the production of {{ItemIcon|Jadestone Bolts|Jadestone Bolts}} (Note: There are several viable late and endgame money-making setups. Jade Bolts is currently the strongest endgame. Focus progression on things that improve global thieving first, as they improve any money-making build)

If you don’t want to keep hitting the collect loot button, you can earn money slowly by mining, fishing, woodcutting, or agility to earn some gp while afk.
== Potential Skill Order ==

The best early game money making is mining ores using {{ItemIcon|Gem Gloves}}. You will need to unlock mining as well as buy the glove for 500k. After that hurdle, you will earn 262k gp per glove by selling all the gems. If you are selling the ore, mine the highest tier ore you can.
Choosing a skill order will greatly change your path through the Adventure Mode.<br>
Many skills are interconnected, so you will be limited by your combat level and the items you can't get.  

If your goal is the 100% completion, then it is about getting the best money-making method as fast as possible.<br>
This section presents routes from zero to making money with some of the best methods in the game.

=== Planning Ahead ===
==== Example: Thieving ====
Unlock route: Cooking > Slayer > Fishing > Thieving > Mining > Smithing > Prayer > Combat level 99
Get {{ItemIcon|Potatoes}} from {{MonsterIcon|Plant|Plants}}. When you have 100 {{ItemIcon|Potatoes}}, switch to {{MonsterIcon|Cow|Cows}}.

==== Skill Unlock Costs ====
Kill {{MonsterIcon|Cow|Cows}}, loot all including {{ItemIcon|Leather}}, buy {{ItemIcon|Green Dragonhide}} and then sell it.  
Skill level unlock costs increase drastically, so planning out a skill unlock order is extremely important. Here are unlock costs:

{| class="wikitable stickyHeader"
Unlock {{Skill|Cooking}} to stop relying on {{ItemIcon|Potatoes}}. Use {{ItemIcon|Beef}} instead.
|- class="headerRow-0"
!Unlock!!Cost!!Cumulative Cost

Unlock {{Skill|Slayer}} and get {{ItemIcon|Amulet of Strength}} and {{ItemIcon|Gold Emerald Ring}} from {{MonsterIcon|Mummy}}.

==== Combat Level ====
Unlock {{Skill|Fishing}}. It will be the source of material for {{Skill|Cooking}}.
[[Combat Level|Wiki page on Combat Level]]
Your non combat skills are gated behind your combat level. This greatly restricts what you can do. Getting to 99 combat level is a big goal.
Combat level factors in HP, defence, prayer, plus your highest skill of magic, ranged, or attack/strength.
This means that if you have a high level in one combat style, picking up another one won’t raise your combat level until you surpass your other combat style’s level.

==== Long Term goals ====
Sell fish to unlock {{Skill|Thieving}}.
If you want the max cape, you need several billion GP. So you want to be able to make lots of money, clear high level content, get a lot of food and prayer points. [[Money Making|Read the wiki guide on Money Making.]]

It is not easy to figure out whom to pickpocket with {{Skill|Thieving}} to get the most of money. Use Nomeru's sheet on Thieving from [[Spreadsheets and Theorycrafting]] to decide whom to target. Keep in mind that the results in early game are ''drastically'' different from what is given on the sheet - you need to copy the sheet and enter your current situation.

== Skills Pros/Cons ==
Unlock {{Skill|Mining}} and {{Skill|Smithing}}. With them you can create your own armor and weapons.
My recommendation for when to unlock these skills:
Early game: skill unlock 1-3.  
Mid game: 4-8.  
Late game: 9-12.
End game: 13-17

==== {{Skill|Attack}}, {{Skill|Strength}} ====
Transition into {{ItemIcon|Mithril Helmet|Mithril}} and then {{ItemIcon|Adamant Helmet|Adamant}} armor. Trim your resulting armor up to Gold (G).
'''Pros:''' Unlocked at start. No ammo needed to train. Can get starter weapon/armor quickly. Will need to use it for a while at the start. Fishing lets you train strength afk. Melee is the easiest way to idle the first two difficult dungeons.

'''Cons:''' Hard to get more mid/late game weapons and armor. Very weak to magic enemies. Not as strong as magic late game. Only contributes to combat level if higher level than other combat styles. Need to train two skills instead of one.
After that, you might want to get to Combat level 99 to upgrade your {{Skill|Thieving}} options. For that, unlock {{Skill|Prayer}} and level Melee together with prayers. Use the most expensive and relevant prayers you have. Chivalry and Piety are the best options to level up {{Skill|Prayer}}: the options that spend fewer prayer points have lower rate of prayer-xp-per-point and will slow down your combat.

==== {{Skill|Defence}} ====
Level up your Combat.<br>
'''Pros:''' Unlocked at start. Can train with any type of combat. Always contributes to combat level. Reduces food usage.
Fight the following monsters:
* Attack Level 1-9 {{Icon|Cow|type=monster}}.
* Attack Level 10-49 {{Icon|Frozen Archer|type=monster}}.
* Attack Level 50-99 {{Icon|Giant Crab|type=monster}}.
You can check out the [[Combat Simulator]] to see which monster is the best for your situation. Don't forget to consider the food expenditure.

'''Cons:''' Doesn’t help you kill faster, for more xp/hr.
As an example of Combat Level 99, the following combination was enough: Attack 77, Strength 75, Defence 79, Hitpoints 77, Prayer 91.

==== {{Skill|Ranged}} ====
The later upgrades of money-making with {{Skill|Thieving}} consist of {{Skill|Herblore}}, {{Skill|Agility}}, and {{Skill|Summoning}}. It's up to you to decide in which order to unlock them and the other skills they need. Nomeru's sheet on Thieving from [[Spreadsheets and Theorycrafting]] will come in handy to compare the improvements.
'''Pros:''' Fairly easy to get weapon/armor drops from enemies. Frozen arrows are strong and relatively quick to gather with melee. Great against magic enemies.  

'''Cons:''' Need to farm ammo, which is much slower if you don’t have mining + smithing for knives, and additionally woodcutting + fletching for arrows. Less needed than other forms of combat. Not as strong as magic late game. Only contributes to combat level if higher level than other combat styles.
==== Example: Dragon Javelins ====

Recommended to unlock: Late game
Unlock route: Cooking > Slayer > Fishing > Mining > Smithing > Rune > Magic > Prayer > Combat level 99 > Woodcutting > Fletching.

==== {{Skill|Magic}} ====
Most of the things are the same as in the ''Example: Thieving'', but we don't unlock {{Skill|Thieving}}, and we use {{Skill|Alt. Magic}} to get prayer points.
'''Pros:''' Very strong, especially in the end game. Great for killing hard enemies and dungeons. Many enemies are melee. Alt magic lets you gain prayer points easily, plus (low) offline xp. Can craft good weapons/armor with runecrafting.

'''Cons:''' Need mining + runecrafting before you can start. Takes time to farm runes. You need woodcutting or thieving to make elemental staves, otherwise they are monster drops. Prayer points can come from fishing. Needs ancient magic to reach full potential. Best runes are locked behind a high runecrafting level. Only contributes to combat level if higher level than other combat styles.
After you unlocked {{Skill|Smithing}}, unlock {{Skill|Runecrafting}}, {{Skill|Magic}}, and {{Skill|Prayer}}.

Recommended to unlock: Mid/Late game
Get prayer points through {{Icon|Blessed Offering|type=spell}} from {{Skill|Alt. Magic}}.

==== {{Skill|Prayer}} ====
Get your combat up to level 99.
'''Pros:''' Helps a ton in combat, especially in difficult combat or late game. You get bones from everything. Always contributes to combat level.  

'''Cons:''' Needs a supply of prayer points, bone drops aren’t enough. Best ways for that are [[Raw Skeleton Fish]] from fishing or [[Blessed Offering]] from alt magic.
Unlock {{Skill|Woodcutting}} and {{Skill|Fletching}}.

Recommended to unlock: Mid game
Level up the unlocked skills to start earning money with {{ItemIcon|Dragon Javelin|Dragon Javelins}}.

==== {{Skill|Slayer}} ====
== Skills Pros/Cons ==
'''Pros:''' Rerolling easy tasks is free, so you can always gain slayer coins and xp from what you want to fighting. If you are willing to reroll tasks, it gives free slayer xp. Coins can be spent on important upgrades and resupply which gives food, bones and ammo. Unlocks slayer areas with important mobs, like mummy for gold emerald ring and gold topaz ring.
The recommendation for when to unlock a skill means the following:
* Early game: skill unlock 1-3.  
* Mid game: 4-8.  
* Late game: 9-13.  
* End game: 14-18

'''Cons:''' Acquiring slayer coins requires you to manually reroll tasks, or at least switch to your current task, which is inconvenient for mostly idling/afk players. You can still earn some slayer xp by fighting in a slayer area. Takes a while to earn up coins to buy anything. Does not contribute to combat level!
===== {{Skill|Attack}}, {{Skill|Strength}} =====
Pros: Unlocked at start. No ammo needed to train. Can get starter weapon/armor quickly. Will need to use it for a while at the start. Fishing lets you train Strength when idle with [[Barbarian Fishing]]. Strong against ranged enemies.

Recommended to unlock: early game for active players, else mid/late
Cons: Not as strong as magic in late-game. Need to train two skills instead of one. Weak to magic enemies.

==== {{Skill|Woodcutting}} ====
===== {{Skill|Defence}} =====
'''Pros:''' Easy to train afk, can make decent gp/hr at higher levels. Get logs for magic staves, arrows. Birds nest are a decent source of seeds. Level 99 needed to efficiently create [[Dragon Javelin]], one of the best end game [[Money Making]] strategies.
Pros: Unlocked at start. Can train with any type of combat. Always contributes to combat level. Reduces food usage.

'''Cons:''' Everything you can get here you can get from thieving, and the gp/hr is worse than gem gloves until a high level.  
Cons: Doesn’t increase your damage.

Recommended to unlock: Late/end game
===== {{Skill|Ranged}} =====
Pros: Fairly easy to get weapon/armor drops from enemies. Frozen arrows are strong and relatively quick to gather with melee. Strong against magic enemies.

==== {{Skill|Fishing}} ====
Cons: Need to farm ammo, which is much slower if you don’t have mining + smithing for bolts/knives, and additionally wood + fletching for arrows. Less needed than other forms of combat. Not as strong as magic late game. Bad against melee enemies, most enemies are melee.
'''Pros:''' With cooking, easy and afk food supply. Get [[ARoS]] if you are lucky. Chance to get [[Message in a Bottle]], which unlocks [[Raw Skeleton Fish]] which are a great source of prayer points. Train strength afk with barb fishing. Can make some money offline.

'''Cons:''' You can get food from farming or combat. Prayer points can come from alt magic. The gp/hr is worse than gem gloves until high levels, can’t get that sweet whale+fishing cape gp/hr for a long time.
Recommended to unlock: Late game, when fighting the {{ZoneIcon|Water God Dungeon}}.

Recommended to unlock: early or Late/end game
===== {{Skill|Magic}} =====
Pros: Very strong, especially in the end game. Ancient magic is high damage and perfect accuracy. Strong against melee, most enemies are melee. {{Skill|Alternative Magic|Alt magic}} lets you gain prayer points easily, plus some idle xp. Can craft good weapons/armor with runecrafting easily.

==== {{Skill|Firemaking}} ====
Cons: Need mining + runecrafting before you can start. Takes time to craft runes, best runes are locked behind a high runecrafting level. You need woodcutting or thieving to make elemental staves, otherwise they are monster drops. Prayer points can come from fishing instead. Needs ancient magic to reach full potential. Bad against ranged enemies.
'''Pros:''' The cape gives you xp bonus.. Eventually. Cooking xp bonus with fires

'''Cons:''' Need 99 combat level to get cape, at which point the grind will not be as worth it compared to normal modes. Need to get logs from woodcutting.
Recommended to unlock: Mid to Late game, when you already have [[Mining]] and [[Runecrafting]] unlocked.

Recommended to unlock: Late/end game
===== {{Skill|Prayer}} =====
Pros: Helps a ton in combat, especially in difficult combat or late game. You get bones from everything. Always contributes to combat level.

==== {{Skill|Cooking}} ====
Cons: Needs a supply of prayer points, bone drops aren’t enough. Best ways for that are [[Raw Skeleton Fish]] from fishing or [[Blessed Offering]] from alt magic.
'''Pros:''' Easy and quick afk food with fishing.  

'''Cons:''' You can get food and lots of other items from farming or combat. Does not give any advantage besides food.
Recommended to unlock: Mid game, when you have a good source of prayer points.

Recommended to unlock: early or Late/end game
===== {{Skill|Slayer}} =====
Pros: Rerolling easy tasks is free, so you can always gain slayer coins and xp from what you want to fight. Slayer coins can be spent on upgrades and resupplies that give food, bones, and ammo. Slayer areas have important mobs, like mummy for gold emerald ring and gold topaz ring.

==== {{Skill|Mining}} ====
Cons: Acquiring slayer coins requires you to manually reroll tasks, or at least switch to your current task, which is inconvenient for mostly idling players until you get 150k for auto slayer. You can still earn some slayer xp by fighting in a slayer area. Takes a while to earn up coins to buy anything. Does '''not''' contribute to combat level.
'''Pros:''' Mining with gem gloves is the best money making strat early on, plus it's mostly afk. Can earn some offline gp before gem gloves. Need essence for magic and gloop for farming. With smithing, you can get bars for armor trimming, and ranged ammo. Level 99 needed to efficiently create [[Dragon Javelin]], one of the best end game [[Money Making]] strategies.

'''Cons:''' Need 500k for first pair of gem gloves.  
Recommended to unlock: Early to Mid game, when you need the drops from Slayer mobs.

Recommended to unlock: Early game
===== {{Skill|Woodcutting}} =====
Pros: Easy to idle, can make decent gp/hr at higher levels. Gets logs for magic staves, arrows. [[Bird Nest]] are a decent source of seeds. Level 99 needed to efficiently create [[Dragon Javelin|Dragon Javelins]], one of the best end-game [[Money Making]] strategies.

==== {{Skill|Smithing}} ====
Cons: Everything you can get here you can get from thieving, and the gp/hr is worse than {{ItemIcon|Gem Gloves}} until a high level.  
'''Pros:''' Make silver/gold bars for armor trimming and gp before you can afford gem gloves. Make ranged ammo. Make melee weapons/armor. If you get to combat level 99 and 99 smithing, you can make dragon armor and trim it in order to afk volcano easier. Level 99 needed to efficiently create [[Dragon Javelin]], one of the best end game [[Money Making]] strategies.

'''Cons:''' You can kill knights for melee weapons/armor far sooner than you unlock with smithing (except gloves). You can earn gold and silver bars from monster drops, although smithing is far quicker. Can get ranged ammo from mob drops.
Recommended to unlock: Late to end game, when you are planning to do Dragon Javelins.

Recommended to unlock: Mid/Late game
===== {{Skill|Fishing}} =====
Pros: With cooking, it's an easy afk food supply. Can get {{ItemIcon|Ancient Ring of Skills|ARoS}} for XP or {{ItemIcon|Message in a Bottle}} that unlocks {{ItemIcon|Raw Skeleton Fish}} - a great source of prayer points. Can train strength afk with [[Barbarian Fishing]]. Can make some decent money offline at higher levels. Cooking is not mandatory to gain edible food from fishing because there's {{ItemIcon|Raw Magic Fish}}, but it's very slow compared to Cooking.

==== {{Skill|Thieving}} ====
Cons: You can get food from farming or combat. Prayer points can come from alt magic. The gp/hr is worse than gem gloves until high levels.
'''Pros:''' Get decent (?) gp/hr while getting other materials like food and logs and seeds.

Cons: Hard to get started, will want to be naked before getting auto eat. You can get everything here from other places.
Recommended to unlock: Early to Late game, depending on if your food/prayer source comes from here or from [[Farming]] and [[Alternative Magic]].

Recommended to unlock: Mid/Late game
===== {{Skill|Firemaking}} =====
Pros: The skill cape gives you and xp bonus, but you can buy it only at level 99. Gives Cooking an xp bonus with fires. If you are going for max completion, might want to get the [[Firemaking Skillcape]] and [[Pyro]] before completing some other skills.

==== {{Skill|Farming}} ====
Cons: Need 99 combat level to get the skill cape, its appeal is reduced by its late acquisition. Need to get logs from woodcutting. Need [[Herblore]] for [[Controlled Heat Potion]] for effective training.
'''Pros:''' Food with no ingame time spent. After a few days you make a ton of food every few hours. Only viable way to get herbs. Get most types of logs. Earn some decent gp with no in game time spent if you sell herbs/logs. Get most seeds from combat, or thieving or woodcutting.

'''Cons:''' Need to open the game every so often to get the most food. Need to buy [[Compost]] or kill farmers for it. Need mining to get [[Weird Gloop]] for best xp and food rate. Thieving or woodcutting is required to get [[Carrot Seeds]].
Recommended to unlock: Late to End game, when you have [[Woodcutting]] and [[Herblore]] and want to grind the [[Firemaking Skillcape]] for bonus xp.

Recommended to unlock: Early/Mid game
===== {{Skill|Cooking}} =====
Pros: Easy and quick afk food with [[Fishing]]. If you aren't able to actively play, it is hard to get food from collecting monster drops or from farming.

==== {{Skill|Fletching}} ====
Cons: You can get food and lots of other items from [[Farming]] or [[Combat]]. Farming can provide food without pressing the Loot All button regularly. Does not give any advantage besides food.
'''Pros:''' Needed for arrows. Level 99 needed to fletch [[Dragon Javelin]], one of the best end game [[Money Making]] strategies.

'''Cons:''' Ranged is not the strongest, and you can get arrows from drops. Fletching djavs for money is not viable until combat level 99.
Recommended to unlock: Depends on if you take fishing and put off farming.

Recommended to unlock: Late/End game
===== {{Skill|Mining}} =====
Pros: Mining with [[Gem Gloves]] is the best money making strat early on, plus it's idle. Can earn some offline gp before the gloves. Need [[Rune Essence]] for [[Runecrafting]] and [[Weird Gloop]] for [[Farming]]. With [[Smithing]], you can get bars for armor trimming, melee armor and weapons, and ranged ammo. Needed to create [[Dragon Javelin|Dragon Javelins]].

==== {{Skill|Crafting}} ====
Cons: Need 500k for first pair of gem gloves.  
'''Pros:''' Makes ranged armor and jewelry.  

'''Cons:''' Ranged armor and jewelry drop from combat. Not a great skill.
Recommended to unlock: Early game - gem gloves is love, gem gloves is life.

Recommended to unlock: End game
===== {{Skill|Smithing}} =====
Pros: Make silver/gold bars for armor trimming and gp before you can afford gem gloves. Make ranged ammo. Make melee weapons/armor. Needed to create armor in order to idle some crucial late-game locations. Needed to create Dragon Javelins.

==== {{Skill|Runecrafting}} ====
Cons: You can kill knights for melee weapons/armor far sooner than you unlock with smithing (except gloves). You can earn gold and silver bars from monster drops, although smithing is far quicker. Can get ranged ammo from mob drops.
'''Pros:''' Lets you use magic, the strongest end game combat style. Also required for alt magic for prayer points. Curses and auras make you stronger until you become OP with ancient magic.  

'''Cons:''' Need mining first. Doesn’t do anything before unlocking magic. Higher tier runes require a high level, which means a high combat level.
Recommended to unlock: When you want better melee gear.

Recommended to unlock: Mid/Late game
===== {{Skill|Thieving}} =====
Pros: Get decent gp/hr while getting other materials like food and logs and ore. Pickpocketing the [[Farmer]] is the best source of [[Farming#Seeds|Seeds]]. Can get [[Chapeau Noir]] to earn more drops from combat.

==== {{Skill|Herblore}} ====
Cons: Hard to get started. You can get the vital stuff from other places.
'''Pros:''' Makes other skills more efficient. Combat potions provide a boost, but [[Diamond Luck Potion]] and [[Damage Reduction Potion]] are essential for late game combat. Level 53 needed to efficiently create [[Dragon Javelin]], one of the best end game [[Money Making]] strategies.

'''Cons:''' Needs farming for herbs, some secondary materials are hard to get. Need a high combat level to get the best combat potions. Slow to train.
Recommended to unlock: Mid to Late game, depending on when you think the drops will be useful.

Recommended to unlock: Mid/Late game
===== {{Skill|Farming}} =====
Pros: Food with no in-game time spent. The only way to get herbs for [[Herblore]]. Gets most types of logs. Earn some decent gp with no in-game time spent if you sell herbs/logs.

==== {{Skill|Agility}} ====
Cons: Need to open the game every so often to get the most food. Get seeds from [[Thieving]], [[Combat]] or [[Woodcutting]]. Need to buy [[Compost]] or kill farmers for it. Need mining to get [[Weird Gloop]] for best xp and food rate. Thieving or woodcutting is required to get [[Carrot Seeds]].
'''Pros:''' Provides small buffs to other skills, increasing XP, mastery, item preservation, combat buffs, etc. Easy afk way to make some gp/hr, with some increasingly steep startup costs. Does not surpass gem gloves until at least level 70, unless you have [[Aorpheat's Signet Ring]].

'''Cons:'''  Many obstacles require skills or items you have not unlocked yet. Obstacles become increasingly expensive, and some have large debuffs.
Recommended to unlock: Early to Late game, depending on if you take fishing and cooking first.

Recommended to unlock: Mid/Late/End game
===== {{Skill|Fletching}} =====
Pros: Needed to craft [[Arrows]] and bows for [[Ranged]] combat. Needed for Dragon Javelins (DJavs).

== FAQ ==
Cons: Ranged is not the strongest combat style, and you can get most arrows and bows from combat drops. Fletching DJavs for money is locked behind high level.
Written by Jeff

(Q) Why Slayer?
Recommended to unlock: Late to End game, when you start doing DJavs.
(A) Slayer is going to be your best friend for a while. Unless you plan on making money off feathers Slayer is pretty much the go to for first or second unlock. Think of it this way: you're already pretty much forced to start with combat. Why not make the best of it and unlock everything slayer has to offer from the get go?

(Q) What skill should I choose next?
===== {{Skill|Crafting}} =====
(A) There's no correct way to build your account. Think of what you have to work with, make a strategy and don't let anyone tell you how to build your Adventure
Pros: Makes ranged armor and jewelry.  

(Q) What happens when I reach my skilling cap?
Cons: Ranged armor and jewelry drop from combat. Not a useful skill.
(A) The skill in question will cease to receive experience 1 action before what would otherwise be gaining +1 level. You will still gather or work and master xp will still be gained.

(Q) When do I buy the next skill?
Recommended to unlock: End game when you have nothing else to unlock.
(A) Generally you want to have the money for it but it might also be a good idea to save up a little extra so you aren't left with nothing after unlocking your new skill.

(Q) Is prayer good?
===== {{Skill|Runecrafting}} =====
(A) Yes. It contributes to combat level and is needed for high level combat. Make sure you have a source of prayer points first- fishing skele fish, alt magic, or slayer resupply.  
Pros: Lets you use Magic. Also required for [[Alternative Magic|Alt Magic]] to gain prayer points. Curses and auras make you stronger until you become a walking DPS machine with ancient magic.  

(Q) What should I be aiming for?
Cons: Need [[Mining]] first. Doesn’t do anything before unlocking magic. Higher tier runes require a high level, which means a high combat level.
(A) These are merely based on personal opinion but can be beneficial: You might want to prioritize combat. Getting your Auto Slayer and Auto Eats will define how long you are manually doing things. Slayer Farming are generally good first unlocks. You set your own goals and play your own way.

== Potential Skill Order WIP ==
Recommended to unlock: Mid to Late game, when you plan to start training magic.
We are still figuring this out, and it depends greatly on how often you are actively playing the game, and if you can let the combat run on your device while you are afk. The start of the game requires a lot of attention to progress efficiently, until you unlock auto eat and looting amulet.  

This is by no means a final guide, just some theory crafting.  
===== {{Skill|Herblore}} =====
Pros: Makes other skills more efficient. Combat potions provide a boost, but {{ItemIcon|Diamond Luck Potion IV}} and {{ItemIcon|Damage Reduction Potion IV}} are desired for late game combat. Level 53 helps to create [[Dragon Javelin|Dragon Javelins]] faster.

Cons: Needs [[Farming]] for herbs, some secondary materials are hard to get depending on you available skills. Need a high combat level and a huge number of ingredients to get the best combat potions. Slow to train.

Recommended to unlock: Mid to Late game, when you have plenty of herbs and want some efficiency on your other skills.
==== Active Playing: Early Game ====
Slayer > Farming > Mining

With slayer, reroll easy tasks until you get the creature you want to fight, usually plants, cows, or farmers. Save coins for auto slayer, or buy basic resupply if you are impatient.
===== {{Skill|Agility}} =====
Pros: Provides small buffs to other skills, increasing XP, mastery, item preservation, combat buffs, etc. Easy afk way to make good gp/hr at higher levels.  

Once you have the money for farming, buy it and start farming. It is slow at first, but soon will give you more food than you need. Harvest and plant new seeds whenever you can. Herbs and trees are less important for now, but are still good for xp.
Cons:  Many obstacles require skills or items you have not unlocked yet. Obstacles become increasingly expensive, and some have large debuffs. Gp/hr Does not surpass gem gloves until high levels unless you have {{ItemIcon|Aorpheat's Signet Ring}}.

Buy mining and save up for gem gloves. Mine some essence and use it to make weird gloop. Mine the highest tier ore and sell it if you have to afk and can't run combat.
Recommended to unlock: Mid to End game, when you have enough money, skills and items to create a useful course.

==== AFK Playing: Early Game ====
===== {{Skill|Summoning}} =====
Mining > Fishing > Cooking
Pros: Provides small buffs to other skills, and helps in combat. Some synergies provide big boosts.

You will need to actively collect loot from combat and heal with potatoes at first. After you kill enough cows to unlock mining, you can start earning low gp/hr offline.  
Cons:  Needs other skills unlocked to unlock more familiars and synergies. Getting materials for some marks may be tricky, and shards are expensive. Need an [[Agility]] course and spend slayer coins on gear to train efficiently.

==== Active playing, magic main skill order: ====
Recommended to unlock: Late to End game, when you have the skills to unlock useful familiars and the money to burn on shards.
Slayer > farming > mining > runecrafting > magic > prayer > ?

==== Active playing, melee main skill order ====
===== {{Skill|Astrology}} =====
Slayer > farming > mining > smithing > prayer > fishing > ?
Pros: Provides bonuses to all skills. Has no requirements to train.

==== AFK playing, magic main skill order ====
Cons: These bonuses won't make help you in farming the gold for the next skill.
Fishing > cooking > mining > slayer > runecrafting > magic > prayer > ?

==== AFK playing, melee main skill order ====
Recommended to unlock: Late to End game, when you have unlocked one of the best money-making methods.
Fishing > cooking > mining > slayer > smithing > prayer > ?


Latest revision as of 19:59, 23 June 2024



Adventure mode takes what you know about Melvor and turns it on its head! You start with only melee combat unlocked and must pay an increasing GP cost to unlock each skill. It means that the skills you choose will greatly affect the route you take through the game. Your non-combat skills will be locked to your combat level, so the skilling you can do is very limited at first.

This mode requires you to do more combat than the other modes, especially at the beginning. On one hand, it may be hard for new players to get a grasp of how all skills are connected without using them first. On the other hand, the Adventure mode reduces the number of early-game choices, which can help new players to get a feel of the game. It's all about tradeoffs!

Speaking of tradeoffs, that is the name of the game in this mode. You can save time on one grind by picking another skill or targeting a different enemy, but it will likely cost you more time somewhere else. The trick is to pick aspects of the game that you like the most and focus your time and attention to those areas, then you can apply the time-reduction strategies to the areas you don't like as much. It's all about tradeoffs! We'll get into this more later. That said, there really are ways to hamper yourself pretty badly, so this guide is all about helping you dodge the big mistakes and apply your time where you want to spend it.

A rough strategy is given below, but don't let anyone dictate your suffering adventure!

Starting out

First you need to do some basic melee combat to get some combat levels and cash for a first skill. During the tutorial, you made a   Bronze Dagger. This will be the strongest weapon you need until steel. Equip that and your   Shrimp and start whacking some   Plants. Remember to press the Loot All button to keep your potatoes! Use different fighting styles (Stab, Slash, Block) to keep your stats somewhat equal.

After getting about about 10|10|10 (Attack, Strength, Defense), try killing a   Cow. If it hits too hard, level up a bit more with   Plants.

After that, follow the HCCO/Guide for a smooth enemy progression, but note that some mobs require you to unlock

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first. Do note that this guide may be somewhat outdated, so I'll try to catch some of the basic changes below.

Early money making

Your first money maker will be fighting   Cows. Collect their   Leather, and then go to the shop and purchase as many   Green Dragonhide as you can, then sell the green hides. This gives an extra 50  compared to just selling the plain leather.

Historically, the   Amulet of Looting was a critical upgrade in this mode, but since thieving was updated and the combat loot box expanded, that can be your main money-maker very early (within a few hours of starting your character). I'll discuss more advanced tactics below (~4-6 hours to idle woman instead of 8+ for man), but if you just keep thieving from Man, you will eventually reach a 100% success rate and be able to idle him without losing food. Before about 93% success, you will have to keep manually eating to prevent death in this phase.

Planning Ahead

Skill Unlock Costs

Skill level unlock costs increase drastically, so planning out a skill unlock order is extremely important. Here are unlock costs:

Combat Level

Read the wiki page on Combat Level.

Your non-combat skills are gated behind your combat level, greatly restricting what you can do. Getting to 99 combat level is an important early goal of this mode. Combat level factors in HP, defence, prayer, plus your highest style of combat: magic, ranged, or attack/strength. It's easier to get combat lvl 99 through attack/strength.

The combat level formula means that if you have a high level in one combat style, picking up another one won’t raise your combat level until you surpass your other combat style’s level.

It is meaningfully easier to reach 99 combat through melee than other means, and prayer can further speed this up. You will be aiming for stats (Attack, Strength, Defense, HP, Prayer) something around 79/79/76/78/75 to reach your goal, though feel free to play around with those numbers- they're very flexible.

Long Term goals

If you want to complete the Adventure mode, you will need several billion GP. To get that much money, you need a good method and a plan for how to get it.

Please read the Money Making guide in order to make a draft of your money-making progression.

For instance:

  1. Unlock Cooking.
  2. Kill cows and cook beef.
  3. Unlock Thieving.
  4. Get your combat level to 30.
  5. Thieve from Man, sustaining by manually eating Beef
  6. Progress through items that improve thieving- Thiever's cape from Bandit Thug or Marauder, Golbin Mask from Golbin Chief, Sneakers from anyone
  7. Unlock the skills needed for the production of   Jadestone Bolts (Note: There are several viable late and endgame money-making setups. Jade Bolts is currently the strongest endgame. Focus progression on things that improve global thieving first, as they improve any money-making build)

Potential Skill Order

Choosing a skill order will greatly change your path through the Adventure Mode.
Many skills are interconnected, so you will be limited by your combat level and the items you can't get.

If your goal is the 100% completion, then it is about getting the best money-making method as fast as possible.
This section presents routes from zero to making money with some of the best methods in the game.

Example: Thieving

Unlock route: Cooking > Slayer > Fishing > Thieving > Mining > Smithing > Prayer > Combat level 99

Get   Potatoes from   Plants. When you have 100   Potatoes, switch to   Cows.

Kill   Cows, loot all including   Leather, buy   Green Dragonhide and then sell it.


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to stop relying on   Potatoes. Use   Beef instead. Unlock

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and get   Amulet of Strength and   Gold Emerald Ring from   Mummy. Unlock

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. It will be the source of material for

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. Sell fish to unlock

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. It is not easy to figure out whom to pickpocket with

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to get the most of money. Use Nomeru's sheet on Thieving from Spreadsheets and Theorycrafting to decide whom to target. Keep in mind that the results in early game are drastically different from what is given on the sheet - you need to copy the sheet and enter your current situation. Unlock

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. With them you can create your own armor and weapons.

Transition into   Mithril and then   Adamant armor. Trim your resulting armor up to Gold (G).

After that, you might want to get to Combat level 99 to upgrade your

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options. For that, unlock

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and level Melee together with prayers. Use the most expensive and relevant prayers you have. Chivalry and Piety are the best options to level up

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: the options that spend fewer prayer points have lower rate of prayer-xp-per-point and will slow down your combat.

Level up your Combat.
Fight the following monsters:

You can check out the Combat Simulator to see which monster is the best for your situation. Don't forget to consider the food expenditure.

As an example of Combat Level 99, the following combination was enough: Attack 77, Strength 75, Defence 79, Hitpoints 77, Prayer 91.

The later upgrades of money-making with

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consist of

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, and

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. It's up to you to decide in which order to unlock them and the other skills they need. Nomeru's sheet on Thieving from Spreadsheets and Theorycrafting will come in handy to compare the improvements.

Example: Dragon Javelins

Unlock route: Cooking > Slayer > Fishing > Mining > Smithing > Rune > Magic > Prayer > Combat level 99 > Woodcutting > Fletching.

Most of the things are the same as in the Example: Thieving, but we don't unlock

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, and we use

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Alt. Magic

to get prayer points. After you unlocked

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, unlock

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, and

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. Get prayer points through   Blessed Offering from

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Alt. Magic


Get your combat up to level 99.


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Level up the unlocked skills to start earning money with   Dragon Javelins.

Skills Pros/Cons

The recommendation for when to unlock a skill means the following:

  • Early game: skill unlock 1-3.
  • Mid game: 4-8.
  • Late game: 9-13.
  • End game: 14-18
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Pros: Unlocked at start. No ammo needed to train. Can get starter weapon/armor quickly. Will need to use it for a while at the start. Fishing lets you train Strength when idle with Barbarian Fishing. Strong against ranged enemies.

Cons: Not as strong as magic in late-game. Need to train two skills instead of one. Weak to magic enemies.

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Pros: Unlocked at start. Can train with any type of combat. Always contributes to combat level. Reduces food usage.

Cons: Doesn’t increase your damage.

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Pros: Fairly easy to get weapon/armor drops from enemies. Frozen arrows are strong and relatively quick to gather with melee. Strong against magic enemies.

Cons: Need to farm ammo, which is much slower if you don’t have mining + smithing for bolts/knives, and additionally wood + fletching for arrows. Less needed than other forms of combat. Not as strong as magic late game. Bad against melee enemies, most enemies are melee.

Recommended to unlock: Late game, when fighting the

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Water God Dungeon


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Pros: Very strong, especially in the end game. Ancient magic is high damage and perfect accuracy. Strong against melee, most enemies are melee.

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Alt magic

lets you gain prayer points easily, plus some idle xp. Can craft good weapons/armor with runecrafting easily.

Cons: Need mining + runecrafting before you can start. Takes time to craft runes, best runes are locked behind a high runecrafting level. You need woodcutting or thieving to make elemental staves, otherwise they are monster drops. Prayer points can come from fishing instead. Needs ancient magic to reach full potential. Bad against ranged enemies.

Recommended to unlock: Mid to Late game, when you already have Mining and Runecrafting unlocked.

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Pros: Helps a ton in combat, especially in difficult combat or late game. You get bones from everything. Always contributes to combat level.

Cons: Needs a supply of prayer points, bone drops aren’t enough. Best ways for that are Raw Skeleton Fish from fishing or Blessed Offering from alt magic.

Recommended to unlock: Mid game, when you have a good source of prayer points.

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Pros: Rerolling easy tasks is free, so you can always gain slayer coins and xp from what you want to fight. Slayer coins can be spent on upgrades and resupplies that give food, bones, and ammo. Slayer areas have important mobs, like mummy for gold emerald ring and gold topaz ring.

Cons: Acquiring slayer coins requires you to manually reroll tasks, or at least switch to your current task, which is inconvenient for mostly idling players until you get 150k for auto slayer. You can still earn some slayer xp by fighting in a slayer area. Takes a while to earn up coins to buy anything. Does not contribute to combat level.

Recommended to unlock: Early to Mid game, when you need the drops from Slayer mobs.

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Pros: Easy to idle, can make decent gp/hr at higher levels. Gets logs for magic staves, arrows. Bird Nest are a decent source of seeds. Level 99 needed to efficiently create Dragon Javelins, one of the best end-game Money Making strategies.

Cons: Everything you can get here you can get from thieving, and the gp/hr is worse than   Gem Gloves until a high level.

Recommended to unlock: Late to end game, when you are planning to do Dragon Javelins.

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Pros: With cooking, it's an easy afk food supply. Can get   ARoS for XP or   Message in a Bottle that unlocks   Raw Skeleton Fish - a great source of prayer points. Can train strength afk with Barbarian Fishing. Can make some decent money offline at higher levels. Cooking is not mandatory to gain edible food from fishing because there's   Raw Magic Fish, but it's very slow compared to Cooking.

Cons: You can get food from farming or combat. Prayer points can come from alt magic. The gp/hr is worse than gem gloves until high levels.

Recommended to unlock: Early to Late game, depending on if your food/prayer source comes from here or from Farming and Alternative Magic.

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Pros: The skill cape gives you and xp bonus, but you can buy it only at level 99. Gives Cooking an xp bonus with fires. If you are going for max completion, might want to get the Firemaking Skillcape and Pyro before completing some other skills.

Cons: Need 99 combat level to get the skill cape, its appeal is reduced by its late acquisition. Need to get logs from woodcutting. Need Herblore for Controlled Heat Potion for effective training.

Recommended to unlock: Late to End game, when you have Woodcutting and Herblore and want to grind the Firemaking Skillcape for bonus xp.

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Pros: Easy and quick afk food with Fishing. If you aren't able to actively play, it is hard to get food from collecting monster drops or from farming.

Cons: You can get food and lots of other items from Farming or Combat. Farming can provide food without pressing the Loot All button regularly. Does not give any advantage besides food.

Recommended to unlock: Depends on if you take fishing and put off farming.

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Pros: Mining with Gem Gloves is the best money making strat early on, plus it's idle. Can earn some offline gp before the gloves. Need Rune Essence for Runecrafting and Weird Gloop for Farming. With Smithing, you can get bars for armor trimming, melee armor and weapons, and ranged ammo. Needed to create Dragon Javelins.

Cons: Need 500k for first pair of gem gloves.

Recommended to unlock: Early game - gem gloves is love, gem gloves is life.

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Pros: Make silver/gold bars for armor trimming and gp before you can afford gem gloves. Make ranged ammo. Make melee weapons/armor. Needed to create armor in order to idle some crucial late-game locations. Needed to create Dragon Javelins.

Cons: You can kill knights for melee weapons/armor far sooner than you unlock with smithing (except gloves). You can earn gold and silver bars from monster drops, although smithing is far quicker. Can get ranged ammo from mob drops.

Recommended to unlock: When you want better melee gear.

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Pros: Get decent gp/hr while getting other materials like food and logs and ore. Pickpocketing the Farmer is the best source of Seeds. Can get Chapeau Noir to earn more drops from combat.

Cons: Hard to get started. You can get the vital stuff from other places.

Recommended to unlock: Mid to Late game, depending on when you think the drops will be useful.

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Pros: Food with no in-game time spent. The only way to get herbs for Herblore. Gets most types of logs. Earn some decent gp with no in-game time spent if you sell herbs/logs.

Cons: Need to open the game every so often to get the most food. Get seeds from Thieving, Combat or Woodcutting. Need to buy Compost or kill farmers for it. Need mining to get Weird Gloop for best xp and food rate. Thieving or woodcutting is required to get Carrot Seeds.

Recommended to unlock: Early to Late game, depending on if you take fishing and cooking first.

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Pros: Needed to craft Arrows and bows for Ranged combat. Needed for Dragon Javelins (DJavs).

Cons: Ranged is not the strongest combat style, and you can get most arrows and bows from combat drops. Fletching DJavs for money is locked behind high level.

Recommended to unlock: Late to End game, when you start doing DJavs.

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Pros: Makes ranged armor and jewelry.

Cons: Ranged armor and jewelry drop from combat. Not a useful skill.

Recommended to unlock: End game when you have nothing else to unlock.

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Pros: Lets you use Magic. Also required for Alt Magic to gain prayer points. Curses and auras make you stronger until you become a walking DPS machine with ancient magic.

Cons: Need Mining first. Doesn’t do anything before unlocking magic. Higher tier runes require a high level, which means a high combat level.

Recommended to unlock: Mid to Late game, when you plan to start training magic.

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Pros: Makes other skills more efficient. Combat potions provide a boost, but   Diamond Luck Potion IV and   Damage Reduction Potion IV are desired for late game combat. Level 53 helps to create Dragon Javelins faster.

Cons: Needs Farming for herbs, some secondary materials are hard to get depending on you available skills. Need a high combat level and a huge number of ingredients to get the best combat potions. Slow to train.

Recommended to unlock: Mid to Late game, when you have plenty of herbs and want some efficiency on your other skills.

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Pros: Provides small buffs to other skills, increasing XP, mastery, item preservation, combat buffs, etc. Easy afk way to make good gp/hr at higher levels.

Cons: Many obstacles require skills or items you have not unlocked yet. Obstacles become increasingly expensive, and some have large debuffs. Gp/hr Does not surpass gem gloves until high levels unless you have   Aorpheat's Signet Ring.

Recommended to unlock: Mid to End game, when you have enough money, skills and items to create a useful course.

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Pros: Provides small buffs to other skills, and helps in combat. Some synergies provide big boosts.

Cons: Needs other skills unlocked to unlock more familiars and synergies. Getting materials for some marks may be tricky, and shards are expensive. Need an Agility course and spend slayer coins on gear to train efficiently.

Recommended to unlock: Late to End game, when you have the skills to unlock useful familiars and the money to burn on shards.

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Pros: Provides bonuses to all skills. Has no requirements to train.

Cons: These bonuses won't make help you in farming the gold for the next skill.

Recommended to unlock: Late to End game, when you have unlocked one of the best money-making methods.