Gem Gloves

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Gem Gloves
Gem Gloves
Collect a random standard Gem for each mining action when equipped. Only works on Ores.
Item ID: melvorD:Gem_Gloves
Category: Misc
Type: Armour
Sells For: 1GP
Equipment Slot: Gloves
Item Sources:
  • Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Item Uses:
  • Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Part of 100% Completion: Yes

Gem Gloves are widely considered to be extremely useful while

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. Purchasing 2000 charges costs 500,000GP and nets the player an average of 762,000GP worth of Gems, turning a significant profit. It is recommended that most mining of ores should be done using Gem Gloves, as it is considered to be an excellent money making method.

It should also be noted that Gem Gloves only come into effect when mining ores, and that Rune Essence does not count.


Gem Gloves does not provide any stat bonuses in combat.

Item Sources
