User:Toadmilk/Combat Guide/Into the Abyss


The following guide takes the player through the combat of the

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Into the Abyss Expansion with as little effort as possible. This guide is targeted at people who have either completed or nearly completed the base game. Completion of at least the Air God Dungeon is recommended to follow the largest portion of this guide.

Frequent skill swapping is a lot more important than in   base game, so if you are struggling to progress try leveling some non-combat skills first.

Skill Trees are also extremely important, make sure you are acquiring the buffs as those points come in to make progression significantly faster.

This Guide is NOT designed with the Ancient Relics Game Mode in mind. Players looking for more information about that Game Mode should visit the Ancient Relics Guide.

A simplistic order for completing combat (WIP):

  1. Error creating thumbnail: File missing
    Depths of Woe
  2. Error creating thumbnail: File missing
    Depths of Decay
  3. Error creating thumbnail: File missing
    Depths of Fear
  4. Error creating thumbnail: File missing
    Depths of Ruin
  5. Error creating thumbnail: File missing
    Depths of Isolation
  6. Error creating thumbnail: File missing
    Depths of Dissolve
  7. Error creating thumbnail: File missing
    Stronghold of Blight
  8. Error creating thumbnail: File missing
    Depths of Resolve
  9. Error creating thumbnail: File missing
    Stronghold of Fear
  10. Error creating thumbnail: File missing
    Stronghold of the Overlords
  11. Error creating thumbnail: File missing
    The Final Depth

How Into the Abyss affects Combat

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Reversed Combat Triangle

In the Abyssal Realm, the direction of the combat triangle is reversed. Note that if your AR is reduced by the Abyssal Intimidation passive, the combat triangle is applied last.

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    is strong against
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    is strong against
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    is strong against
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Abyssal Damage

Abyssal Damage is dealt by all monsters in the

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Into the Abyss Expansion, making Damage Reduction useless. Abyssal Resistance is the stat required to reduce damage by these enemies.

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Combat Simulator

Because the combat mechanics in this expansion are rather complex, and minor changes in enemy, equipment and player stats can make specific items better or worse it is always recommended to use the Combat Simulator to verify how to get the most kills per hour or drops per hour.

Stats and Buffs

Having progressed through   Throne of the Herald and   Atlas of discovery combat will make

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Into the Abyss significantly easier. This is due to   powerful starting potions from

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bonuses and

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familiars.   also has many benefits such as the

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Point's of interest added which give many useful combat buffs, some of the

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Unholy Items can be useful too.

Make sure to run in Combat Simulator to find out what to use! These are just recommendations.

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Recommended gear to get before starting

  Base Game

  Throne of the Herald

  Atlas of Discovery

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There are a few useful summoning synergies to have before you get Abyssal Familiars:

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Roughly in order of unlock. Be sure to look at dungeon/stronghold guides.

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  3. File:Opress (prayer).png Opress +
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Enhancements are very useful for both non-combat skilling and combat. They are obtained from Strongholds. Before starting it is recommended that you acquire all four   melvor realm enhancements:

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Abyssal Stronghold enhancements will be acquired as progress is made in the expansion, all four are useful.

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Point's of Interest

Into the Abyss Combat

Early Game Into the Abyss

After collecting all suggested gear from the Gear section, proceed to start combat. Immediate goals are to begin gathering

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Abyssal Damage

resistant gear. Remember that leveling all skills simultaneously is a lot more important in

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Into the Abyss than base game. It is recommended that other abyssal skills are leveled a bit before starting combat to get their AXP bonuses from the respective Skill trees:

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Items that are acquired from other skills will be omitted in the interest of verbosity.

Remember to check Dungeon guides before attempting to ensure you meet the minimum requirements! Or just use Combat Simulator if you have that.

Major Goals

  1. Clear
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    Depths of Woe
  2. Loot
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    Woeful Gloves
  3. Acquire
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    Abyssal Shield
  4. Loot
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    Toxic Protection Mask
  5. Loot
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    Smog Fiend Cape
  6. Loot
    Error creating thumbnail: File missing
    Thorn Defender
  7. Clear
    Error creating thumbnail: File missing
    Depths of Decay
  8. Loot
    Error creating thumbnail: File missing
    Blighting Gloves
  9. Clear
    Error creating thumbnail: File missing
    Depths of Fear
  10. Loot
    Error creating thumbnail: File missing
    Seismic Wave Boots
  11. Loot
    Error creating thumbnail: File missing
    Seismic Toss Gloves
  12. Loot
    Error creating thumbnail: File missing
    Fractured Beast Shield
  13. Clear
    Error creating thumbnail: File missing
    Depths of Ruin
  14. Loot
    Error creating thumbnail: File missing
    Abyssal Darkshield
  15. Loot
    Error creating thumbnail: File missing
    Echo Drifter Cape

Mid Game Into the Abyss

After completing the early game the next goal is to unlock the   Cult Grounds dungeon as fast as possible and farm it to upgrade your god gear to   (B). The difficulty starts ramping up here. If you are struggling to defeat these dungeons check the individual strategy guides on each dungeons page.

Major Goals

  1. Find   Old Route Chart
  2. Complete
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    Unholy Forest
  3. Find   Torn Scrolls
  4. Complete   Trickery Temple once
  5. Find   Lost Cursed Text
  6.   Adaptive Summoning Amulet from
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    Cult Imp
  7. Farm   Cult Grounds until you have enough   Barrier Exalted Shard and   Siphoning Barrier Gem to upgrade your   air god and then   earth god armour to (B). The helmet for both should be skipped if you have the   summon set from  .   Barrier Dust can be farmed from either
    Error creating thumbnail: File missing
    Cult Imp
    Error creating thumbnail: File missing
    Cult Member
  8. Equip   Summoner's Blessed Ring from   Cult Grounds unless you are using the   summon set from  

Late Game Into the Abyss

The main goal of late game is to find   Melantis, collect the three weapons from   Underwater Ruins, finishing   Underwater City and then acquiring endgame clear speed items for the subsequent   pet farms.

Major Goals

  1. Optionally; Finish
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    Into the Mist
    at least once for the   passive slot
  2. Discover   Melantis through following a trail of clues (solution here for lazy people)
  3.   Engulfing Vortex Longbow from
    Error creating thumbnail: File missing
    Mermaid Archer
    .   Devouring Barrier Gem in your   gem slot. Optionally;   Water Pulse Staff from
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    and   Hasty Trident from
    Error creating thumbnail: File missing
    Merman Guard
    can be acquired but they are easily replaced
  4.   Underwater City (guide higly reccomended!). Equip   Eradicating Gloves (m) as soon as they are found (for those using   summon set play around with the Combat Simulator to decide whether to use them or not)
  5.   Devouring Barrier Shield for   shield slot and   Knight's Summoning Defender for   passive slot are both reccomended for further farming