Preservation Chance
Preservation Chance is a modifier which allows resources to be preserved when creating items, allowing for the creation of items at no cost to the player. When resource preservation triggers, the player will receive a notification stating "You managed to preserve your resources".
This page was last updated for (v1.1.2). |
The chance to preserve resources only applies when creating items within a skill, it does not affect the consumption of potion doses,
tablets, or prayer points. Rune Preservation and Ammo Preservation are also separate modifiers, which allow for the preservation of runes and
ammunition respectively.
The preservation chance for all skills is capped at 80%, unless a modifier which increases the cap applies.
Below is a list of many things other than
bonuses and
synergies which provide a chance to preserve resources. Another notable mention is that the Crown of Rhaelyx gains 15% preservation chance (for a total of 25%) when the player has at least one Charge Stone of Rhaelyx within their Bank.
Source | Type | DLC | Preservation Bonuses | Other Modifiers |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Tier 2 - 1 | Agility Obstacle 2 | Error creating thumbnail: File missing | -10% Chance to Preserve Resources in Skills | +10% Accuracy Rating when fighting against Abyssal Damage +3% chance to double loot in Combat when fighting against Abyssal Damage +8% Maximum Hit when fighting against Abyssal Damage |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Pipe Balance | Agility Obstacle 3 | +3% Chance to Preserve Resources in Skills | +10 Mining Node Hitpoints +3% chance to deal no damage to Essence Nodes in Mining +3% chance to deal no damage to Ore Nodes in Mining | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Coal Stones | Agility Obstacle 4 | +3% Chance to Preserve Resources in Skills | -4% Skill XP for all Skills +20% GP gained from Thieving +10% Base Food Healing Value | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Mud Crawl | Agility Obstacle 4 | +3% Chance to Preserve Resources in Herblore | +2% Herblore Mastery XP +2% Herblore Skill XP -10% base primary resource quantity gained in Farming | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Tier 4 - 3 | Agility Obstacle 4 | Error creating thumbnail: File missing | -10% Chance to Preserve Resources in Skills | +10% flat Abyssal Slayer Region effect negation +5% Damage to Slayer Tasks when fighting against Abyssal Damage +10% Global Abyssal Slayer Coins (except Item Sales) +5% Damage to Monsters in Abyssal Slayer Regions |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Rock Climb | Agility Obstacle 5 | -10% Chance to Preserve Resources in Skills | +5% Chance to Double Items in Fishing +5% Chance to Double Items in Woodcutting +5% Chance to Double Items in Mining +5% Chance to Double Items in Thieving | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Tree Climb | Agility Obstacle 5 | -10% Chance to Preserve Resources in Skills | +3% Mastery XP in all Skills +4% Skill XP for all Skills -10% Rune Preservation -10% Ammo Preservation | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Tree Hop | Agility Obstacle 6 | +5% Chance to Preserve Resources in Skills | +5% Rune Preservation +5% Ammo Preservation | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Boulder Trap | Agility Obstacle 7 | -20% Chance to Preserve Resources in Skills | ||
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Runic Trail | Agility Obstacle 8 | +5% Chance to Preserve Resources in Summoning -16% Chance to Preserve Resources in Herblore | +15% Chance to preserve Summoning Charges +3 base primary resource quantity gained in Summoning | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Sweltering Pools | Agility Obstacle 8 | -20% Chance to Preserve Resources in Skills | +3% Cooking Mastery XP +10% Auto Eat Efficiency -3% Cooking Interval +10% Base Food Healing Value | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Ice Jump | Agility Obstacle 9 | +10% Chance to Preserve Resources in Skills | +20 Maximum Hitpoints +5% Base Food Healing Value +5% Chance to Double Items Globally +10 Mining Node Hitpoints | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Lava Waterfall Dodge | Agility Obstacle 10 | +10% Chance to Preserve Resources in Skills | +10% Chance To Preserve Prayer Points +5% Ammo Preservation +10% Rune Preservation | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Pit Maze | Agility Obstacle 11 | -20% Chance to Preserve Resources in Skills | +3% Mastery XP in all Skills for Melvor Realm only +15 Mining Node Hitpoints +2% chance to receive a Quality Superior Gem while Mining a "Gem Vein" Node or Meteorite Ore | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Cave Waters | Agility Obstacle 12 | -10% Chance to Preserve Resources in Herblore | -6% Mastery XP in all Skills for Melvor Realm only +15% Chance To Preserve Potion Charge | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Monkey Trail | Agility Obstacle 12 | -10% Chance to Preserve Resources in Skills | -5% Cooking Interval +10% Base Food Healing Value -6% Agility Skill XP +15% base primary resource quantity gained in Farming for Melvor Realm only | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Cave Trap | Agility Obstacle 13 | -10% Chance to Preserve Resources in Skills | -50 Maximum Hitpoints +5% Chance To Preserve Potion Charge +5% Chance to preserve Summoning Charges | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Mountain Trail | Agility Obstacle 15 | -20% Chance to Preserve Resources in Skills | -0.2s Smithing Interval -0.2s Fletching Interval -0.2s Crafting Interval +30% Chance to gain +1 additional resource in Smithing (Cannot be doubled) +30% Chance to gain +1 additional resource in Fletching (Cannot be doubled) +30% Chance to gain +1 additional resource in Crafting (Cannot be doubled) +3% chance to receive a Quality Superior Gem while Mining a "Gem Vein" Node or Meteorite Ore | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Pillar of Skilling | Agility Pillar | +3% Chance to Preserve Resources in Skills | +2% Mastery XP in all Skills +3% Chance to Double Items Globally +10% base primary resource quantity gained in Farming for Melvor Realm only | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Abyssal Bear | Item (Summon1, Summon2) | Error creating thumbnail: File missing | +5% Chance to Preserve Resources in Herblore | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Abyssal Cooking Scroll | Item (Consumable) | Error creating thumbnail: File missing | -10% Chance to Preserve Resources in Cooking | +1 additional quantity of primary resource gained in Cooking for Abyssal Realm only (cannot be doubled) |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Abyssal Fletching Scroll | Item (Consumable) | Error creating thumbnail: File missing | -10% Chance to Preserve Resources in Fletching | +1 additional quantity of primary resource gained in Fletching for Abyssal Arrows nodes (Cannot be doubled) +1 additional quantity of primary resource gained in Fletching for Abyssal Bolts nodes (Cannot be doubled) +1 additional quantity of primary resource gained in Fletching for Abyssal Javelins nodes (Cannot be doubled) |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Abyssal Hourglass (Inverted) | Item (Weapon) | Error creating thumbnail: File missing | +10% Chance to Preserve Resources in Skills | +6% Mastery XP in all Skills for Abyssal Realm only -1 additional quantity of primary resource gained globally -10% cost to produce Abyssal Realm Items in all Artisan Skills -6% Global Abyssal XP |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Abyssal Hourglass (Upright) | Item (Weapon) | Error creating thumbnail: File missing | -10% Chance to Preserve Resources in Skills | -6% Mastery XP in all Skills for Abyssal Realm only +1 additional quantity of primary resource gained globally +10% cost to produce Abyssal Realm Items in all Artisan Skills +6% Global Abyssal XP |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Abyssal Pig | Item (Summon1, Summon2) | Error creating thumbnail: File missing | +10% Chance to Preserve Resources in Cooking | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Abyssal Salamander | Item (Summon1, Summon2) | Error creating thumbnail: File missing | +5% Chance to Preserve Resources in Smithing | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Abyssal Smithing Scroll | Item (Consumable) | Error creating thumbnail: File missing | -10% Chance to Preserve Resources in Smithing | +1 additional quantity of primary resource gained in Smithing for Abyssal Bars nodes (Cannot be doubled) |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Abyssal Summoning Scroll | Item (Consumable) | Error creating thumbnail: File missing | -10% Chance to Preserve Resources in Summoning | +5 additional quantity of primary resource gained in Summoning for Abyssal Realm only (cannot be doubled) |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Bear | Item (Summon1, Summon2) | +5% Chance to Preserve Resources in Herblore | ||
Candelabra (Lit) | Item (Consumable) | +3% Chance to Preserve Resources in Skills | -3% Interval for all non-Combat Skills +4% non-Combat Skill XP +4% Mastery XP in all Skills for Melvor Realm only | |
Cape of Completion | Item (Cape) | +20% Chance to Preserve Resources in Summoning | +5 additional quantity of Runes gained in Runecrafting (Cannot be doubled) +10 Flat Hitpoints Regeneration Bypass Slayer Area item requirements for areas that require less than level 100 Slayer -50% Prayer Point Cost for Prayers (Cost cannot go below 1) -15% Township Building Cost (Does not affect GP cost. Capped at -80%) +15% Chance to Double Items in Runecrafting -20% Agility Obstacle Item & Currency build costs (Melvor Realm only) +5% Damage To Slayer Tasks +50% Ammo Preservation +1 base quantity when gaining Stardust from Astrology +1 base quantity when gaining Golden Stardust from Astrology +10 base primary resource quantity gained in Summoning -0.5s Thieving Interval -0.5s Crafting Interval +2% Global Perfect Cook chance +25% Mastery Pool XP Cap +100% chance to successfully Cook an item Items that reduce Rune costs are now 2x as effective +10% Chance to preserve Summoning Charges +100% GP gained from Thieving +10% GP gained from Agility x2 Items received from Fishing x2 Items received from Fletching x2 Items received from Herblore -15% Woodcutting Interval -15% Cooking Interval +25% Flat Slayer Area Effect Negation +1 Coal Ore per Ore Mined. (Item doubling does not apply) -50% Coal Costs for Smithing +150 Stealth while Thieving +100% chance to gain Coal Ore in Firemaking +100% chance to gain Ash in Firemaking +5% Skill XP for all Skills +25% base primary resource quantity gained in Farming | |
Cape of Completion (Atlas of Discovery) | Item (Cape) | +20% Chance to Preserve Resources in Cartography | +3 levels of the Brush Tool in Archaeology +3 levels of the Trowel Tool in Archaeology +3 levels of the Shovel Tool in Archaeology -30% Cartography survey interval +15% chance to preserve dig site map excavation actions -50% Cartography Dig Site Map upgrade interval -20% dig site map refinement cost +1 base primary resource quantity gained in Archaeology +3 levels of the Sieve Tool in Archaeology | |
Cartography Skillcape | Item (Cape) | +10% Chance to Preserve Resources in Cartography | -20% Cartography Dig Site Map upgrade interval -10% dig site map refinement cost | |
Chefs Bag | Item (Consumable) | +10% Chance to Preserve Resources in Cooking | +20% Chance to Double Items in Cooking | |
Clown Hat | Item (Helmet) | -10% Chance to Preserve Resources in Skills | +10% Mastery XP in all Skills -5% Skill XP for all Skills | |
Crown of Rhaelyx | Item (Helmet) | +10% Chance to Preserve Resources in Skills | ||
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Magic Enhancement (Superior) | Item (Enhancement1, Enhancement2, Enhancement3) | +2% Chance to Preserve Resources in Skills | +6% Magic Maximum Hit +4% Rune Preservation | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Magic Enhancement 3 | Item (Enhancement3) | +1% Chance to Preserve Resources in Skills | ||
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Magic Enhancement 3 (Augmented) | Item (Enhancement3) | +2% Chance to Preserve Resources in Skills | ||
Maximum Skillcape | Item (Cape) | +20% Chance to Preserve Resources in Summoning | +5 additional quantity of Runes gained in Runecrafting (Cannot be doubled) +10 Flat Hitpoints Regeneration Bypass Slayer Area item requirements for areas that require less than level 100 Slayer -50% Prayer Point Cost for Prayers (Cost cannot go below 1) -15% Township Building Cost (Does not affect GP cost. Capped at -80%) +15% Chance to Double Items in Runecrafting -20% Agility Obstacle Item & Currency build costs (Melvor Realm only) +50% Ammo Preservation +1 base quantity when gaining Stardust from Astrology +1 base quantity when gaining Golden Stardust from Astrology +10 base primary resource quantity gained in Summoning -0.5s Thieving Interval -0.5s Crafting Interval +2% Global Perfect Cook chance +1 Coal Ore per Ore Mined. (Item doubling does not apply) +100% chance to successfully Cook an item +5% Damage To Slayer Tasks +10% Chance to preserve Summoning Charges +100% GP gained from Thieving +10% GP gained from Agility Items that reduce Rune costs are now 2x as effective -15% Woodcutting Interval -15% Cooking Interval x2 Items received from Fishing x2 Items received from Fletching x2 Items received from Herblore +25% Flat Slayer Area Effect Negation -50% Coal Costs for Smithing +150 Stealth while Thieving +100% chance to gain Coal Ore in Firemaking +100% chance to gain Ash in Firemaking +5% Skill XP for all Skills +25% base primary resource quantity gained in Farming | |
Peasant Shirt | Item (Platebody) | +8% Chance to Preserve Resources in Skills | -30% Global GP (except Item Sales) | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Pig | Item (Summon1, Summon2) | +10% Chance to Preserve Resources in Cooking | ||
Ring of Wealth | Item (Ring, Passive) | -3% Chance to Preserve Resources in Skills | +7% Chance to Double Items Globally | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Salamander | Item (Summon1, Summon2) | +5% Chance to Preserve Resources in Smithing | ||
Sturdy Fancy Quill | Item (Weapon) | +20% Chance to Preserve Resources in Cartography | -5% Cartography Interval +8% Cartography Skill XP +20% Chance to Double Items in Cartography | |
Summoning Scrolls | Item (Consumable) | +10% Chance to Preserve Resources in Summoning | +10% Chance to preserve Summoning Charges +15 base primary resource quantity gained in Summoning | |
Summoning Skillcape | Item (Cape) | +20% Chance to Preserve Resources in Summoning | +10% Chance to preserve Summoning Charges +10 base primary resource quantity gained in Summoning | |
Superior Cape of Completion | Item (Cape) | +25% Chance to Preserve Resources in Summoning | +8 additional quantity of Runes gained in Runecrafting (Cannot be doubled) +15 Flat Hitpoints Regeneration +5% of Maximum Hit added to Minimum Hit -75% Prayer Point Cost for Prayers (Cost cannot go below 1) -20% Township Building Cost (Does not affect GP cost. Capped at -80%) -30% Agility Obstacle Item & Currency build costs (Melvor Realm only) +5% Melee Strength Bonus from Equipment +2 base quantity when gaining Stardust from Astrology +2 base quantity when gaining Golden Stardust from Astrology +1 base quantity when gaining Bird Nest from Woodcutting +20% chance to avoid the stun interval and damage in Thieving when failing a pickpocket attempt for Melvor Realm only +4% Global Perfect Cook chance +25% Mastery Pool XP Cap +100% chance to successfully Cook an item +5% Ranged Strength Bonus from Equipment +10% Global Slayer Coins (except Item Sales) +150% GP gained from Thieving +20% GP gained from Agility +100% Chance to gain +1 additional resource in Fishing (Cannot be doubled) +100% Chance to gain +1 additional resource in Fletching (Cannot be doubled) +15% Chance to gain +1 additional resource in Crafting (Cannot be doubled) +100% Chance to gain +1 additional resource in Herblore (Cannot be doubled) +50% chance to gain +1 additional resource in Smithing for Bars nodes (Cannot be doubled) +270 Stealth while Thieving +100% chance to gain Charcoal in Firemaking +100% chance to gain Coal Ore in Firemaking +100% chance to gain Ash in Firemaking +10% Summoning Maximum Hit Items that reduce Rune costs are now 4x as effective +40% base primary resource quantity gained in Farming +5% Lifesteal +5% Magic Damage Bonus from Equipment -75% Coal Costs for Smithing +5% Chance to find gem veins when Mining +75% Ammo Preservation +1% chance to gain 1 Lost Chest from Fishing for Melvor Realm only (Cannot be doubled) +2 Coal Ore per Ore Mined. (Item doubling does not apply) -0.8s Thieving Interval -0.8s Crafting Interval +1 base primary resource quantity gained in Fletching for Gem-Tipped Bolts nodes +10 base primary resource quantity gained in Summoning for Melvor Realm only +15% Chance to preserve Summoning Charges +35% Flat Slayer Area Effect Negation +5% Chance To Preserve Prayer Points Bypass All Slayer Area item requirements +5% Chance To Preserve Potion Charge x2 Items received from Fishing x2 Items received from Fletching x2 Items received from Herblore -20% Woodcutting Interval -25% Cooking Interval -10% Summoning Interval -10% Astrology Interval +5% Reflect Damage -20% Agility Pillar build costs +5% Chance to Preserve Food when eaten +8% Skill XP for all Skills +8% Damage To Slayer Tasks +10% Rune Preservation +20% Chance to Double Items in Farming +25% Chance to Double Items in Runecrafting | |
Superior Cartography Skillcape | Item (Cape) | +20% Chance to Preserve Resources in Cartography | -50% Cartography Dig Site Map upgrade interval -20% dig site map refinement cost -30% Cartography survey interval | |
Superior Max Skillcape | Item (Cape) | +25% Chance to Preserve Resources in Summoning | +8 additional quantity of Runes gained in Runecrafting (Cannot be doubled) +15 Flat Hitpoints Regeneration +5% of Maximum Hit added to Minimum Hit -75% Prayer Point Cost for Prayers (Cost cannot go below 1) -20% Township Building Cost (Does not affect GP cost. Capped at -80%) -30% Agility Obstacle Item & Currency build costs (Melvor Realm only) +5% Melee Strength Bonus from Equipment +2 base quantity when gaining Stardust from Astrology +2 base quantity when gaining Golden Stardust from Astrology +1 base quantity when gaining Bird Nest from Woodcutting +20% chance to avoid the stun interval and damage in Thieving when failing a pickpocket attempt for Melvor Realm only +4% Global Perfect Cook chance +2 Coal Ore per Ore Mined. (Item doubling does not apply) +100% chance to successfully Cook an item +5% Ranged Strength Bonus from Equipment +10% Global Slayer Coins (except Item Sales) +150% GP gained from Thieving +20% GP gained from Agility +100% Chance to gain +1 additional resource in Fishing (Cannot be doubled) +100% Chance to gain +1 additional resource in Fletching (Cannot be doubled) +15% Chance to gain +1 additional resource in Crafting (Cannot be doubled) +100% Chance to gain +1 additional resource in Herblore (Cannot be doubled) +50% chance to gain +1 additional resource in Smithing for Bars nodes (Cannot be doubled) +270 Stealth while Thieving +100% chance to gain Charcoal in Firemaking +100% chance to gain Coal Ore in Firemaking +100% chance to gain Ash in Firemaking +10% Summoning Maximum Hit Items that reduce Rune costs are now 4x as effective +40% base primary resource quantity gained in Farming +5% Lifesteal +5% Magic Damage Bonus from Equipment +1% chance to gain 1 Lost Chest from Fishing for Melvor Realm only (Cannot be doubled) +75% Ammo Preservation +8% Damage To Slayer Tasks -75% Coal Costs for Smithing -0.8s Thieving Interval -0.8s Crafting Interval +20% Chance to Double Items in Farming +25% Chance to Double Items in Runecrafting +15% Chance to preserve Summoning Charges +35% Flat Slayer Area Effect Negation +5% Chance To Preserve Prayer Points +1 base primary resource quantity gained in Fletching for Gem-Tipped Bolts nodes +10 base primary resource quantity gained in Summoning for Melvor Realm only Bypass All Slayer Area item requirements +5% Chance To Preserve Potion Charge -20% Woodcutting Interval -25% Cooking Interval -10% Summoning Interval -10% Astrology Interval +5% Reflect Damage -20% Agility Pillar build costs +5% Chance to Preserve Food when eaten +5% Chance to find gem veins when Mining +8% Skill XP for all Skills +10% Rune Preservation x2 Items received from Fishing x2 Items received from Fletching x2 Items received from Herblore | |
Superior Summoning Skillcape | Item (Cape) | +25% Chance to Preserve Resources in Summoning | -10% Summoning Interval +10% Summoning Maximum Hit +15% Chance to preserve Summoning Charges +10 base primary resource quantity gained in Summoning for Melvor Realm only | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Void Wisp | Item (Summon1, Summon2) | Error creating thumbnail: File missing | +5% Chance to Preserve Resources in Skills | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Gunter | Pet | +10% Chance to Preserve Resources in Runecrafting | ||
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Puff, the Baby Dragon | Pet | +10% Chance to Preserve Resources in Smithing | ||
The Monolith | Point of Interest | +5% Chance to Preserve Resources in Cartography | -5% Cartography Dig Site Map upgrade interval +5% chance to preserve dig site map excavation actions | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Error creating thumbnail: File missing D3 | Skill Tree Node | Error creating thumbnail: File missing | +5% Chance to Preserve Resources in Herblore | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Crow Error creating thumbnail: File missing Salamander Synergy | Summoning Synergy | +10% Chance to Preserve Resources in Smithing +10% Chance to Preserve Resources in Runecrafting | ||
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Pig Error creating thumbnail: File missing Crow Synergy | Summoning Synergy | +15% Chance to Preserve Resources in Cooking | +15% chance to preserve resources in Runecrafting when making Runes | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Pig Error creating thumbnail: File missing Devil Synergy | Summoning Synergy | -10% Chance to Preserve Resources in Firemaking -10% Chance to Preserve Resources in Cooking | +8% Firemaking Mastery XP +8% Cooking Mastery XP |
Chance Cap
The preservation chance for all skills is capped at 80%. For a few skills, there exists bonuses which can increase this cap:
- The Error creating thumbnail: File missingBear & Beaver synergy can increase the cap forError creating thumbnail: File missingFletching by 5%
- The Error creating thumbnail: File missingBear & Fox synergy can increase the cap forError creating thumbnail: File missingHerblore by 5%
- The Herblore Preservation Scroll from Error creating thumbnail: File missingTownship can increase the cap forError creating thumbnail: File missingHerblore by 5%. This stacks with the above.
Calculating Gains
Melvor Idle version v1.3.1 (Released: 30th October 2024) |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Combat: Error creating thumbnail: File missing Attack • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Strength • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Defence • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Hitpoints • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Ranged • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Magic • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Prayer • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Slayer • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Corruption
Skills: Error creating thumbnail: File missing Farming • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Township • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Woodcutting • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Fishing • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Firemaking • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Cooking • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Mining • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Smithing • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Thieving • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Fletching • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Crafting • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Runecrafting • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Herblore • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Agility • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Summoning • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Astrology • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Alternative Magic • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Cartography • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Archaeology • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Harvesting
Other: Error creating thumbnail: File missing Beginners Guide • Guides • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Bank • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Combat • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Mastery • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Money Making • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Shop • Easter Eggs • Pets • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Golbin Raid • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Full Version • Throne of the Herald • Atlas of Discovery • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Into the Abyss
Reference Tables: Items, Equipment, Experience Table, Upgrading Items, Combat Areas, Slayer Areas, Dungeons, Strongholds, The Abyss, Monsters |