From Melvor Idle
Documentation for this module may be created at Module:ItemEconomy/doc
local p = {}
local function clamp(value, min, max)
return math.min(math.max(value, min), max)
-- Calculates the expected output given the player's starting items and item economy modifiers.
-- PreservationChance (number from 0 - 80)
-- DuplicationChance (number from 0 - 100)
-- ExtraItemChance (number from 0 - ?)
function p.estimatedOutput(inputAmount, preservationChance, duplicationChance, extraItemChance)
-- Default values to zero if they haven't been provided.
preservationChance = preservationChance or 0
duplicationChance = duplicationChance or 0
extraItemChance = extraItemChance or 0
-- Clamp values and turn them into decimals
local preservationP = clamp(preservationChance, 0, 80) / 100
local duplicationP = clamp(duplicationChance, 0, 100) / 100
local extraItemP = math.max(extraItemChance, 0) / 100
local input = inputAmount or 0
local totalActions = input / (1 - preservationP)
local extraItems = totalActions * extraItemP
return (totalActions * (1 + duplicationP)) + extraItems
-- Calculates the expected input required for an output given the player's item economy modifiers.
-- PreservationChance (number from 0 - 80)
-- DuplicationChance (number from 0 - 100)
-- ExtraItemChance (number from 0 - ?)
function p.estimatedInput(outputAmount, preservationChance, duplicationChance, extraItemChance)
-- Default values to zero if they haven't been provided.
preservationChance = preservationChance or 0
duplicationChance = duplicationChance or 0
extraItemChance = extraItemChance or 0
local preservationP = clamp(preservationChance, 0, 80) / 100
local duplicationP = clamp(duplicationChance, 0, 100) / 100
local extraItemP = math.max(extraItemChance, 0) / 100
local output = outputAmount or 0
return (output - output * preservationP) / (1 + duplicationP + extraItemP)
-- Calculates if equipping the Ring Of Wealth will result in more items for the player.
-- PreservationChance (number from 0 - 80)
-- DuplicationChance (number from 0 - 100)
-- ExtraItemChance (number from 0 - ?)
function p.ringOfWealthHasEffect(preservationChance, duplicationChance, extraItemChance)
-- Default values to zero if they haven't been provided.
preservationChance = preservationChance or 0
duplicationChance = duplicationChance or 0
extraItemChance = extraItemChance or 0
local currentModifier = p.estimatedOutput(1, preservationChance, duplicationChance, extraItemChance)
local rowPreserve = math.max(0, preservationChance - 3)
local rowDupe = math.min(100, duplicationChance + 7)
local rowModifier = p.estimatedOutput(1, rowPreserve, rowDupe, extraItemChance)
return rowModifier > currentModifier
return p