From Melvor Idle
Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Skills/Gathering/doc
--Splitting some functions into here to avoid bloating a single file
local p = {}
local SkillData = mw.loadData('Module:Skills/data')
local ShopData = mw.loadData('Module:Shop/data')
local Constants = require('Module:Constants')
local Shared = require('Module:Shared')
local Items = require('Module:Items')
local Icons = require('Module:Icons')
local thievingNormalLootChance = 75
local thievingAreaLootChance = 0.2
function p.getAxeTable(frame)
local toolArray = {}
for i, upgrade in Shared.skpairs(ShopData.Shop.SkillUpgrades) do
if Shared.contains(, 'Axe') then
table.insert(toolArray, upgrade)
local result = '{| class="wikitable"'
result = result..'\r\n!colspan="4"| !!colspan="2"|Cut Time Decrease'
result = result..'\r\n|- class="headerRow-0"'
result = result..'\r\n!colspan="2"|Name!!'..Icons.Icon({'Woodcutting', type='skill', notext=true})..' Level'
result = result..'!!Cost!!This Axe!!Total'
local total = 0
for i, tool in Shared.skpairs(toolArray) do
result = result..'\r\n|-'
result = result..'\r\n|style="min-width:25px" data-sort-value="''"|'..Icons.Icon({, type='upgrade', size='50', notext=true})
result = result..'||'
local level = 1
if tool.unlockRequirements ~= nil and tool.unlockRequirements.skillLevel ~= nil then
--Gonna be lazy and assume there's only the one skill level and it's the one we care about
level = tool.unlockRequirements.skillLevel[1][2]
result = result..'||style="text-align:right"|'..level
result = result..'||style="text-align:right" data-sort-value="''"|'..Icons.GP(
local cutTime = tool.contains.modifiers.decreasedSkillIntervalPercent[1][2]
total = total + cutTime
result = result..'||style="text-align:right"|-'..cutTime..'%'
result = result..'||style="text-align:right"|-''%'
result = result..'\r\n|}'
return result
function p.getPickaxeTable(frame)
local toolArray = {}
for i, upgrade in Shared.skpairs(ShopData.Shop.SkillUpgrades) do
if Shared.contains(, 'Pickaxe') then
table.insert(toolArray, upgrade)
local result = '{| class="wikitable"'
result = result..'\r\n!colspan="4"| !!colspan="2"|Mine Time Decrease!!colspan="2"|2x Ore Chance'
result = result..'\r\n|- class="headerRow-0"'
result = result..'\r\n!colspan="2"|Name!!'..Icons.Icon({'Mining', type='skill', notext=true})..' Level'
result = result..'!!Cost!!This Pick!!Total!!This Pick!!Total'
local total = 0
local total2 = 0
for i, tool in Shared.skpairs(toolArray) do
result = result..'\r\n|-'
result = result..'\r\n|style="min-width:25px" data-sort-value="''"|'..Icons.Icon({, type='upgrade', size='50', notext=true})
result = result..'||'
local level = 1
if tool.unlockRequirements ~= nil and tool.unlockRequirements.skillLevel ~= nil then
--Gonna be lazy and assume there's only the one skill level and it's the one we care about
level = tool.unlockRequirements.skillLevel[1][2]
result = result..'||style="text-align:right"|'..level
result = result..'||style="text-align:right" data-sort-value="''"|'..Icons.GP(
local cutTime = tool.contains.modifiers.decreasedSkillIntervalPercent[1][2]
total = total + cutTime
result = result..'||style="text-align:right"|-'..cutTime..'%'
result = result..'||style="text-align:right"|-''%'
local OreDouble = tool.contains.modifiers.increasedChanceToDoubleOres
total2 = total2 + OreDouble
result = result..'||style="text-align:right"|+'..OreDouble..'%'
result = result..'||style="text-align:right"|+'..total2..'%'
result = result..'\r\n|}'
return result
function p.getRodTable(frame)
local toolArray = {}
for i, upgrade in Shared.skpairs(ShopData.Shop.SkillUpgrades) do
if Shared.contains(, 'Fishing Rod') then
table.insert(toolArray, upgrade)
local result = '{| class="wikitable"'
result = result..'\r\n!colspan="4"| !!colspan="2"|Catch Time Decrease'
result = result..'\r\n|- class="headerRow-0"'
result = result..'\r\n!colspan="2"|Name!!'..Icons.Icon({'Fishing', type='skill', notext=true})..' Level'
result = result..'!!Cost!!This Rod!!Total'
local total = 0
for i, tool in Shared.skpairs(toolArray) do
result = result..'\r\n|-'
result = result..'\r\n|style="min-width:25px" data-sort-value="''"|'..Icons.Icon({, type='upgrade', size='50', notext=true})
result = result..'||'
local level = 1
if tool.unlockRequirements ~= nil and tool.unlockRequirements.skillLevel ~= nil then
--Gonna be lazy and assume there's only the one skill level and it's the one we care about
level = tool.unlockRequirements.skillLevel[1][2]
result = result..'||style="text-align:right"|'..level
result = result..'||style="text-align:right" data-sort-value="''"|'..Icons.GP(
local cutTime = tool.contains.modifiers.decreasedSkillIntervalPercent[1][2]
total = total + cutTime
result = result..'||style="text-align:right"|-'..cutTime..'%'
result = result..'||style="text-align:right"|-''%'
result = result..'\r\n|}'
return result
function p.getTreesTable(frame)
local result = '{| class="wikitable sortable"'
result = result..'\r\n|- class="headerRow-0"'
result = result..'\r\n!colspan="2"|Tree!!colspan="2"|Logs!!'..Icons.Icon({'Woodcutting', type='skill', notext=true})..' Level'
result = result..'!!XP!!Cut Time!!XP/s!!GP/s'
for i, tree in Shared.skpairs(SkillData.Woodcutting.Trees) do
result = result..'\r\n|-'
local treeName = Shared.titleCase(tree.type..' tree')
local logName = Shared.titleCase(tree.type..' logs')
result = result..'\r\n|style="min-width:25px" data-sort-value="'..treeName..'"|'..Icons.Icon({logName, img=treeName, type='tree', notext=true, size=50})
result = result..'||'..treeName..''
result = result..'||style="min-width:25px" data-sort-value="'..logName..'"|'..Icons.Icon({logName, type='item', notext=true, size=50})
result = result..'||[['..logName..']]'
result = result..'||style="text-align:right"|'..tree.level
result = result..'||style="text-align:right"|'..tree.xp
result = result..'||style="text-align:right" data-sort-value="'..tree.interval..'"|'..Shared.timeString(tree.interval/1000, true)
local XPs = tree.xp / (tree.interval / 1000)
local Log = Items.getItemByID(i - 1)
local GPs = Log.sellsFor / (tree.interval / 1000)
result = result..'||style="text-align:right"|'..Shared.round(XPs, 2, 2)
result = result..'||style="text-align:right" data-sort-value="'..GPs..'"|'..Icons.GP(Shared.round(GPs, 2, 2))
result = result..'\r\n|}'
return result
function p.getSpecialFishingTable(frame)
local lootValue = 0
local totalWt = Items.specialFishWt
local result = ''
result = result..'\r\n{|class="wikitable sortable stickyHeader"'
result = result..'\r\n|- class="headerRow-0"'
result = result..'\r\n!Item'
result = result..'!!Price!!colspan="2"|Chance'
--Sort the loot table by weight in descending order
table.sort(Items.specialFishLoot, function(a, b) return a[2] > b[2] end)
for i, row in pairs(Items.specialFishLoot) do
local thisItem = Items.getItemByID(row[1])
result = result..'\r\n|-\r\n|'..Icons.Icon({, type='item'})
result = result..'||style="text-align:left" data-sort-value="'..thisItem.sellsFor..'"'
result = result..'|'..Icons.GP(thisItem.sellsFor)
local dropChance = (row[2] / totalWt) * 100
result = result..'||style="text-align:right" data-sort-value="'..row[2]..'"'
result = result..'|'..Shared.fraction(row[2], totalWt)
result = result..'||style="text-align:right"|'..Shared.round(dropChance, 2, 2)..'%'
lootValue = lootValue + (dropChance * 0.01 * thisItem.sellsFor)
result = result..'\r\n|}'
result = result..'\r\nThe average value of a roll on the special fishing loot table is '..Icons.GP(Shared.round(lootValue, 2, 0))
return result
function p.getFishingJunkTable(frame)
local result = '{| class="wikitable sortable stickyHeader"'
result = result..'\r\n|- class="headerRow-0"'
result = result..'\r\n!colspan="2"|Item!!Value'
local itemArray = Items.getItems(function(item) return item.type == "Junk" end)
table.sort(itemArray, function(a, b) return < end)
for i, item in Shared.skpairs(itemArray) do
result = result..'\r\n|-'
result = result..'\r\n|style="min-width:25px"|'..Icons.Icon({, type='item', notext='true', size='50'})..'||[['']]'
result = result..'||style="text-align:right;" data-sort-value="'..item.sellsFor..'"|'..Icons.GP(item.sellsFor)
result = result..'\r\n|}'
return result
function p.getMiningOresTable(frame)
local result = '{|class="wikitable sortable stickyHeader"'
result = result..'\r\n|- class="headerRow-0"'
result = result..'\r\n!colspan=2|Ore!!'..Icons.Icon({'Mining', type='skill', notext=true})..' Level'
result = result..'!!XP!!Respawn Time!!Ore Value'
local mineData = Shared.clone(SkillData.Mining.Rocks)
table.sort(mineData, function(a, b) return a.level < b.level end)
for i, oreData in Shared.skpairs(mineData) do
local ore = Items.getItemByID(oreData.ore)
result = result..'\r\n|-\r\n|style="min-width:25px"|'..Icons.Icon({, type='item', size='50', notext=true})..'||[['']]'
result = result..'||style="text-align:right"|'..oreData.level..'||style="text-align:right"|'..ore.miningXP
result = result..'||style="text-align:right" data-sort-value="'..oreData.respawnInterval..'"|'
result = result..Shared.timeString(oreData.respawnInterval / 1000, true)
result = result..'||data-sort-value="'..ore.sellsFor..'"|'..Icons.GP(ore.sellsFor)
result = result..'\r\n|}'
return result
function p.getMiningGemsTable(frame)
local result = '{|class="wikitable sortable stickyHeader"'
result = result..'\r\n|- class="headerRow-0"'
result = result..'\r\n!colspan=2|Gem!!Gem Chance!!Gem Price'
-- Sort gems by ID order
for i, gemData in Shared.spairs(Items.GemTable, function(t,a,b) return t[a].id < t[b].id end) do
local gem = Items.getItemByID(
result = result..'\r\n|-\r\n|style="min-width:25px"|'
result = result..Icons.Icon({, type='item', size='50', notext=true})..'||[['']]'
result = result..'||style="text-align:right"|'..string.format("%.1f%%", gemData.chance)
result = result..'||data-sort-value="'..gem.sellsFor..'"|'..Icons.GP(gem.sellsFor)
result = result..'\r\n|}'
return result
function p.getFishTable(frame)
local data = Items.getItems(function(item) return item.fishingID ~= nil end)
table.sort(data, function(a, b) return a.fishingID < b.fishingID end)
local result = '{| class="wikitable sortable stickyHeader"'
result = result..'\r\n|- class="headerRow-0"'
result = result..'\r\n!Fish\r\n!Name\r\n!'..Icons.Icon({'Fishing', type='skill', notext=true})..' Level\r\n!Catch Time'
result = result..'\r\n!Experience\r\n!Fish Price\r\n!'..Icons.Icon({'Cooking', type='skill', notext=true})..' Level'
for i, fish in Shared.skpairs(data) do
result = result..'\r\n|-'
result = result..'\r\n| style="text-align: left;" | '..Icons.Icon({, type='item', size='50', notext=true})
result = result..'\r\n| style ="text-align: left;" |[['']]'
result = result..'\r\n| style="text-align:right"|'
local timeSortVal = (fish.minFishingInterval + fish.maxFishingInterval) / 2
local timeStr = string.format("%.1fs-%.1fs", (fish.minFishingInterval/1000), (fish.maxFishingInterval/1000))
result = result..'\r\n| style="text-align:right" data-sort-value="'..timeSortVal..'"|'..timeStr
result = result..'\r\n| style="text-align:right"|'
result = result..'\r\n| style="text-align:right"|'
local cookStr = "N/A"
if fish.cookingLevel ~= nil then
cookStr = fish.cookingLevel
result = result..'\r\n| style="text-align:right"|'..cookStr
result = result..'\r\n|}'
return result
function p.getFishingAreasTable(frame)
local result = '{| class="wikitable sortable stickyHeader"'
result = result..'\r\n|- class="headerRow-0"'
result = result..'\r\n!Name\r\n!Fish\r\n!Fish Chance'
result = result..'\r\n!Junk Chance\r\n!Special Chance'
for i, area in Shared.skpairs(SkillData.Fishing.Areas) do
result = result..'\r\n|-'
result = result..'\r\n| style ="text-align: left;" |'
local fishArray = {}
for j, fish in Shared.skpairs( do
local fishTable = Items.getItems(function(item) return item.fishingID == fish end)
local fishItem = fishTable[0] or fishTable[1]
table.insert(fishArray, Icons.Icon({, type='item'}))
result = result..'\r\n|'..table.concat(fishArray, '<br />')
result = result..'\r\n| style="text-align:right"|'..area.fishChance..'%'
result = result..'\r\n| style="text-align:right"|'..area.junkChance..'%'
result = result..'\r\n| style="text-align:right"|'..area.specialChance..'%'
result = result..'\r\n|}'
return result
function p.getThievingNPC(npcName)
local result = nil
for i, npc in Shared.skpairs(SkillData.Thieving.NPCs) do
if == npcName then
result = Shared.clone(npc)
return result
function p.getThievingNPCArea(npc)
if type(npc) == 'string' then
npc = p.getThievingNPC(npc)
local result = nil
for i, area in Shared.skpairs(SkillData.Thieving.Areas) do
for j, npcID in pairs(area.npcs) do
if npcID == then
result = area
return result
function p._getThievingNPCStat(npc, statName)
local result = nil
if statName == 'level' then
result = Icons._SkillReq('Thieving', npc.level)
elseif statName == 'maxHit' then
result = npc.maxHit * 10
elseif statName == 'area' then
local area = p.getThievingNPCArea(npc)
result =
result = npc[statName]
if result == nil then
result = ''
return result
function p.getThievingNPCStat(frame)
local npcName = frame.args ~= nil and frame.args[1] or frame[1]
local statName = frame.args ~= nil and frame.args[2] or frame[2]
local npc = p.getThievingNPC(npcName)
if npc == nil then
return "ERROR: Invalid Thieving NPC "..npcName.."[[Category:Pages with script errors]]"
return p._getThievingNPCStat(npc, statName)
function p._getThievingNPCLootTables(npc)
local result = ''
local sectionTxt = {}
--Five sections here: GP, normal loot, area loot, rare loot, and unique item
--First up, GP:
local gpTxt = 'Successfully pickpocketing the '' will always give '..Icons.GP(1, npc.maxGP)
table.insert(sectionTxt, gpTxt)
--Next up, normal loot:
--(Skip if no loot)
if npc.lootTable ~= nil and Shared.tableCount(npc.lootTable) > 0 then
local normalTxt = '===Possible Common Drops:===\r\nUp to one of these will be received on a successful pickpocket:'
local totalWt = 0
local lootChance = thievingNormalLootChance
local lootValue = 0
--First loop through to get the total weight so we have it for later
for i, loot in pairs(npc.lootTable) do
totalWt = totalWt + loot[2]
normalTxt = normalTxt..'\r\n{|class="wikitable sortable"'
normalTxt = normalTxt..'\r\n!Item!!Qty'
normalTxt = normalTxt..'!!Price!!colspan="2"|Chance'
--Then sort the loot table by weight
table.sort(npc.lootTable, function(a, b) return a[2] > b[2] end)
for i, row in Shared.skpairs(npc.lootTable) do
local thisItem = Items.getItemByID(row[1])
local maxQty = row[3]
if thisItem ~= nil then
normalTxt = normalTxt..'\r\n|-\r\n|'..Icons.Icon({, type='item'})
normalTxt = normalTxt..'\r\n|-\r\n|Unknown Item[[Category:Pages with script errors]]'
normalTxt = normalTxt..'||style="text-align:right" data-sort-value="'..maxQty..'"|'
if maxQty > 1 then
normalTxt = normalTxt.. '1 - '
normalTxt = normalTxt..Shared.formatnum(row[3])
--Adding price columns
local itemPrice = 0
if thisItem == nil then
normalTxt = normalTxt..'||data-sort-value="0"|???'
itemPrice = thisItem.sellsFor ~= nil and thisItem.sellsFor or 0
if itemPrice == 0 or maxQty == 1 then
normalTxt = normalTxt..'||'..Icons.GP(itemPrice)
normalTxt = normalTxt..'||'..Icons.GP(itemPrice, itemPrice * maxQty)
--Getting the drop chance
local dropChance = (row[2] / totalWt * lootChance)
if dropChance ~= 100 then
--Show fraction as long as it isn't going to be 1/1
normalTxt = normalTxt..'||style="text-align:right" data-sort-value="'..row[2]..'"'
normalTxt = normalTxt..'|'..Shared.fraction(row[2] * lootChance, totalWt * 100)
normalTxt = normalTxt..'||'
normalTxt = normalTxt..'||colspan="2" data-sort-value="'..row[2]..'"'
normalTxt = normalTxt..'style="text-align:right"|'..Shared.round(dropChance, 2, 2)..'%'
--Adding to the average loot value based on price & dropchance
lootValue = lootValue + (dropChance * 0.01 * itemPrice * ((1 + maxQty) / 2))
if multiDrop then
normalTxt = normalTxt..'\r\n|-class="sortbottom" \r\n!colspan="3"|Total:'
if lootChance < 100 then
normalTxt = normalTxt..'\r\n|style="text-align:right"|'..Shared.fraction(lootChance, 100)..'||'
normalTxt = normalTxt..'\r\n|colspan="2" '
normalTxt = normalTxt..'style="text-align:right"|'..lootChance..'.00%'
normalTxt = normalTxt..'\r\n|}'
table.insert(sectionTxt, normalTxt)
--After normal drops, add in rare drops
local rareTxt = '===Possible Rare Drops:===\r\nAny of these can be received after a successful pickpocket'
rareTxt = rareTxt..'\r\n{|class="wikitable sortable"'
rareTxt = rareTxt..'\r\n!Item!!Qty'
rareTxt = rareTxt..'!!Price!!Chance'
for i, drop in pairs(SkillData.Thieving.RareItems) do
local thisItem = Items.getItemByID(drop.itemID)
local odds = drop.chance
rareTxt = rareTxt..'\r\n|-\r\n|'..Icons.Icon({, type='item'})
rareTxt = rareTxt..'||1||data-sort-value="'..thisItem.sellsFor..'"|'..Icons.GP(thisItem.sellsFor)
rareTxt = rareTxt..'||style="text-align:right" data-sort-value="'..odds..'"|'..Shared.round(odds, 4, 4)..'%'
rareTxt = rareTxt..'\r\n|}'
table.insert(sectionTxt, rareTxt)
local areaTxt = '===Possible Area Unique Drops==='
areaTxt = areaTxt..'\r\nAny Area Unique Drop is equally likely to be obtained after a successful pickpocket. '
areaTxt = areaTxt..'The chance of receiving an Area Unique drop is tripled if the 95% Thieving Mastery Pool checkpoint is active.'
local area = p.getThievingNPCArea(npc)
areaTxt = areaTxt..'\r\n{|class="wikitable sortable"'
areaTxt = areaTxt..'\r\n!Item!!Qty'
areaTxt = areaTxt..'!!Price!!colspan="2"|Chance'
local dropCount = Shared.tableCount(area.uniqueDrops)
local areaDropChance = thievingAreaLootChance / dropCount
local dropLines = {}
for i, drop in pairs(area.uniqueDrops) do
local thisItem = Items.getItemByID(drop.itemID)
local lineTxt = ''
lineTxt = lineTxt..'\r\n|-\r\n|'..Icons.Icon({, type='item'})
lineTxt = lineTxt..'||'..drop.qty..'||data-sort-value="'..thisItem.sellsFor..'"|'..Icons.GP(thisItem.sellsFor)
lineTxt = lineTxt..'||style="text-align:right"|'..Shared.fraction(areaDropChance, 100)
lineTxt = lineTxt..'||'..Shared.round(areaDropChance, 2, 2)..'%'
dropLines[] = lineTxt
for i, txt in Shared.skpairs(dropLines) do
areaTxt = areaTxt..txt
areaTxt = areaTxt..'\r\n|-class="sortbottom" \r\n!colspan="3"|Total:'
areaTxt = areaTxt..'\r\n|style="text-align:right"|'..Shared.fraction(thievingAreaLootChance, 100)..'||'
areaTxt = areaTxt..'style="text-align:right"|'..Shared.round(thievingAreaLootChance, 2, 2)..'%'
areaTxt = areaTxt..'\r\n|}'
table.insert(sectionTxt, areaTxt)
if npc.uniqueDrop ~= nil and npc.uniqueDrop.itemID > -1 then
local uniqueTxt = '===Possible NPC Unique Drop==='
uniqueTxt = uniqueTxt..'\r\nThe chance of receiving the unique drop for an NPC is based on a combination of several factors.'
uniqueTxt = uniqueTxt..' The unique drop chance for an NPC is included in the tooltip for your Stealth against that NPC.'
local thisItem = Items.getItemByID(npc.uniqueDrop.itemID)
uniqueTxt = uniqueTxt..'\r\nThe unique drop for the '' is '
if npc.uniqueDrop.qty > 1 then
uniqueTxt = uniqueTxt..Icons.Icon({, type='item', qty=npc.uniqueDrop.qty})
uniqueTxt = uniqueTxt..Icons.Icon({, type='item'})
table.insert(sectionTxt, uniqueTxt)
return table.concat(sectionTxt, '\r\n')
function p.getThievingNPCLootTables(frame)
local npcName = frame.args ~= nil and frame.args[1] or frame
local npc = p.getThievingNPC(npcName)
if npc == nil then
return "ERROR: Invalid Thieving NPC "..npcName.."[[Category:Pages with script errors]]"
return p._getThievingNPCLootTables(npc)
return p