Money Making
There are many different ways to make money in Melvor Idle, below are some methods that provide the highest rates of gp gain.
Smithing Dragon Platebodies Max (2118k/hr)
- Level 99 Mining
- Level 99 Smithing
- Mining Skillcape
- Smithing Skillcape
- Dragon Pickaxe
- 500k gp to purchase Gem Gloves
Improves GP Rate
- Making diamonds into Diamond Luck Potions with the Herblore Skillcape more than doubles their value. This requires:
- Aorpheats Signet Ring for a 10% chance to double ore, bar, platebody and potion gains
- Perfect Swing Potions to increase the idle rate that ore can be mined at.
- Increasing Mastery Level of items provide additional resource saving and doubling benefits.
- Gather Dragonite Ore, Runite Ore and Coal Ore in a 1:2:6 ratio. This should be done wearing the Mining Skillcape. Depending on Mastery Levels and whether or not Diamond Luck Potions are being made, either Gem Gloves or Mining Gloves should be worn.
- Make Dragonite Bars while wearing the Smithing Skillcape.
- Make Dragon Platebodies
- Make the diamonds into Diamond Luck Potions with the Herblore Skillcape if possible.
- Sell the Gems, Diamond Luck Potions and Dragon Platebodies for profit
GP Rates with different Equipment and Mastery
The mastery in the tables below assume that every item has that mastery level. Note that the time to gather the ingredients for and make Perfect Swing Potions has not been included in the calculation due to it being negligible. It is also assumed that the Barrentoe Herbs for creating Diamond Luck Potions is grown concurrently during the money making method, and does not add additional time.
Equipment | |||||||
Gloves | Mining | Gem | Mining | Gem | Gem | Gem | Gem |
Signet Ring | No | No | Yes | Yes | No | Yes | Yes |
Make Diamond Luck | No | No | No | No | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Perfect Swing | No | No | No | No | No | No | Tier 4 |
Mastery | GP Per Hour | ||||||
1 | 34,346 | 92,850 | 61,035 | 109,548 | 143,643 | 168,705 | 470,490 |
10 | 98,541 | 203,815 | 156,550 | 240,733 | 303,798 | 355,771 | 700,881 |
20 | 183,543 | 308,001 | 271,054 | 364,947 | 450,083 | 526,414 | 853,812 |
30 | 276,073 | 404,524 | 391,972 | 481,140 | 572,598 | 670,720 | 979,278 |
40 | 403,203 | 513,805 | 551,243 | 614,290 | 718,743 | 842,954 | 1,137,911 |
50 | 524,151 | 617,919 | 703,493 | 741,425 | 839,503 | 987,252 | 1,270,966 |
60 | 715,715 | 767,405 | 937,049 | 924,779 | 992,359 | 1,172,130 | 1,442,452 |
70 | 872,638 | 894,775 | 1,130,942 | 1,080,840 | 1,156,265 | 1,366,490 | 1,637,861 |
80 | 1,163,392 | 1,122,613 | 1,478,991 | 1,358,751 | 1,375,280 | 1,631,844 | 1,895,516 |
90 | 1,366,378 | 1,286,852 | 1,726,135 | 1,559,149 | 1,545,851 | 1,837,532 | 2,099,939 |
99 | 1,380,735 | 1,306,346 | 1,743,054 | 1,581,345 | 1,577,716 | 1,872,574 | 2,117,292 |
Calculating the GP Rate
This section is currently WIP.
The gp rate, [math]\displaystyle{ R_{gp} }[/math] was calculated by finding the profit, [math]\displaystyle{ P }[/math] from performing 1 platebody smithing action, and dividing by the total time, [math]\displaystyle{ T_{tot} }[/math], required to perform that action.
The total time can be found by combining the time from mining ores([math]\displaystyle{ T_{mine} }[/math]), smelting bars ([math]\displaystyle{ T_{smelt} }[/math]), smithing the bars into platebodies ([math]\displaystyle{ T_{smith} }[/math], and making diamond luck potions ([math]\displaystyle{ T_{luck} }[/math]).
[math]\displaystyle{ T_{tot} = T_{smith} + T_{smelt} + T_{mine} + T_{luck} }[/math]
Smithing Time
The smithing time is simply the time it takes to complete one smithing action. [math]\displaystyle{ T_{smith} = 2s }[/math].
Smelting Time
First, the number of smelting actions required, [math]\displaystyle{ N_{smelt} }[/math] is calculated by dividing the average number of ingredients to perform one platebody action, [math]\displaystyle{ I_{smith} }[/math], by the average quantity of bars produced by one smelting action, [math]\displaystyle{ Q_{smelt} }[/math].
[math]\displaystyle{ N_{smelt} = \frac {I_{smith}} {Q_{smelt}} }[/math]
This is then multiplied by the time it takes to smelt an item, which gives:
[math]\displaystyle{ T_{smelt} = \frac {2I_{smith}}{Q_{smelt}} \text{s} }[/math]
The average ingredient cost is dependent on the Mastery level of dragon platebodies,[math]\displaystyle{ M_{smith} }[/math] ,and is reduced by 0.1 for every 20 mastery levels.
[math]\displaystyle{ I_{smith} = 1 - 0.1 \left \lfloor \frac {M_{smith}}{20} \right \rfloor }[/math]
The average quantity of bars is dependent on the Mastery level of dragon bars, [math]\displaystyle{ M_{smelt} }[/math], and is increased by 0.1 for every 20 mastery levels above -10. The signet ring multiplies this amount by 1.1.
[math]\displaystyle{ Q_{smelt} = \begin{cases} 1 + 0.1 \left \lfloor \frac {M_{smelt}+10}{20} \right \rfloor & \text {if signet is not equipped} \\ 1.1 \left ( 1 + 0.1 \left \lfloor \frac {M_{smelt}+10}{20} \right \rfloor \right ) & \text {if signet is equipped} \end{cases} }[/math]
Mining Time
Diamond Luck Time
Fishing for Whales (Max 1140k/hr)
- Aorpheats Signet Ring
- Fishing Skillcape
- Amulet of Fishing
- Dragon Fishing Rod
- Level 99 Raw Whale Mastery
Equip Fishing gear and fish for Whales. All the equipment isn't entirely necessary, however each piece will give a substantial boost to profit per hour. 65 Whale Mastery is the most important level milestone, which will remove the junk catch chance. Fishing is one of the most profitable money making methods.
Fletching Magic Longbows (Max 975k/hr)
- Level 99 Woodcutting
- Level 99 Fletching
- Dragon Axe Upgrade
- Multi-Tree Upgrade
- Woodcutting Skillcape
- Fletching Skillcape
- (Optional) Aorpheats Signet Ring
- (Optional) Skilled Fletching Potion IV
By utilizing the output doubling of the Fletching Skillcape, the value of magic logs can be more than quadrupled; it is doubled once making unstrung bows, and another time making strung bows. Profits can be further increased by using Skilled Fletching Potion IV and Aorpheats Signet Ring. For the purpose of calculating the maximum GP per hour, 99 mastery level will be assumed. The entire process is as follows:
- Cut yew logs and magic logs simultaneously while wearing the Woodcutting Skillcape. The yew logs should be sold.
- Fletch the magic logs into Magic Longbow (u) while wearing the Fletching Skillcape.
- Purchase bowstrings from the Shop and fletch the unstrung bows into Magic Longbow.
- Sell the longbows for profit.
Without using Aorpheats Signet Ring and Skilled Fletching Potion IV profits are around 624k/hr, however using the ring and potion increases profits by 351k/hr.
Mining with Gem Gloves (Max 496k/hr Idle)
- 500k gp to purchase Gem Gloves
Improves GP Rate
- The Mining Skillcape provides additional coal to sell
- Higher tier Pickaxes increase the rate that ore is mined
- Higher Mastery levels for an ore allow it to be mined more before it needs to respawn
- Adamantite Ore provides the highest idle gp rates when all ores and gems are sold
- Actively switching to the highest tier ore yields higher gp rates
This method relies on Gem Gloves increasing the gem chance to 100% when mining (excluding Rune Essence). The average value of a Gem is 381.25 gp, while a single charge of the Gem Gloves costs only 250 gp. Thus an additional 131.25gp of profit is earned per mining action. It is recommended to use this method while gathering the large quantities of ore required to train the Smithing skill.
Chopping Magic Logs (Max 444k/hr)
- Level 75 Woodcutting
Improves Gp Rate
- Higher tier axes increase the rate that trees are chopped
- The Multi-Tree upgrade allows the player to also cut Yew Logs for additional profit
- The Woodcutting Skillcape doubles the rate that trees are chopped
- Higher levels of log Mastery increase the chance to receive double the amount of logs
Simply cut down Magic Logs and Yew Logs (if the Multi-Tree upgrade has been purchased) and sell the logs for profit.
Mining Dragon Ore (Max 162k/hr)
Mining Dragonite Ore is one of the lowest entry level money making strategies. It requires 95 mining and 270 total mastery in mining. The rate at which gp is earned is dependent on the pickaxe level owned, as well as the dragon ore mastery level. This is because the pickaxe increases mining speed and the mastery level determines the amount of ore that can extract from a rock before it has to regenerate. Mining Gloves are not used, because they cost more than the gp earned by using them.
Mastery | Rock HP | gp/hr |
1 | 6 | 19,440 |
2 | 7 | 22,680 |
5 | 10 | 31,200 |
10 | 15 | 45,000 |
25 | 30 | 75,600 |
50 | 55 | 112,200 |
99 | 104 | 162,240 |
Combat can yield some of the highest gp rates in the game, but may require active work or outside automation to prevent the player from dying. Due to the complexity of combat exact rates are difficult to determine, but some of the highest gp rate targets are as follows: Volcanic Cave, Master Farmers, Black Dragons.
Melvor Idle version v1.3.1 (Released: 30th October 2024) |
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Reference Tables: Items, Equipment, Experience Table, Upgrading Items, Combat Areas, Slayer Areas, Dungeons, Strongholds, The Abyss, Monsters |