Talk:What to level first

From Melvor Idle


Full stop at step #4 for a new player. Maybe I got lucky with an early Mark of the Ent, but suddenly it costs tens of thousands of gold I don't have to buy summoning shards to level summoning, so something in this guide needs to change. Maybe an overnight (or two) fishing session and sell off the junk and gems? --GregariousJB (talk) 20:20, 23 December 2023 (UTC)

EDIT: Oh, because it skips fishing until step #7. The reddit guide linked has fishing as step #2 so a lot more money is made. I'm glad this guide exists, and I hope it improves, but I'm going to switch over to using that reddit guide for now. --GregariousJB (talk) 21:39, 23 December 2023 (UTC)

I adjusted that portion of the guide to suggest the player that they can fish for money. I reckon the guide lists woodcutting first to unlock the synergy for +6% rare item chance before starting fishing. Please feel free to improve upon this guide if you feel that things are missing. Ricewind (talk) 13:00, 14 March 2024 (UTC)

Somewhat inconsistent/non-sequitur guide

Heya, I'm a kinda new player, was following the guide but there's a lot of weird sections that seem to be from old edits that go nowhere (ex. referencing a point that is no longer matching the topic) or that assume information that is either unclear or not there (the combat section in the lazy idle).

I made an account as I'm going to fix what I can but very likely I'll leave a comment here after the fact with questions of things I can't straighten as I'm not experienced enough. If anyone sees this and wants to preempt that just have a full read through of the leisure section as if you have no knowledge of the game and you should see many issues as I do (the guide assumes at some point 25 summoning without saying so, guess how did I find out <.<, cargo net is not build before starting fishing which is silly since it's 10k and it's supposed to help with fishing exp/mastery, etc.) I should be able to fix some of these but yeah. Neviskio (talk) 23:29, 2 March 2025 (UTC)--

Awesome, feedback is always appreciated. Most of what you added was also very welcome extra info, I amended your crafting addition a little bit for more detailed instructions, other than that great job! Ayarez (talk) 14:43, 6 March 2025 (UTC)