Scripting and Extensions

Revision as of 06:56, 11 September 2020 by AldousWatts (talk | contribs) (updating SEMI's version number)

Template:V0.16.2 Many people have developed scripts and extensions that add QOL, automatication, calculators and more. There is an active community of people trying to develop new scripts and extensions on the Melvor Idle Discord.

Disclaimer: It is possible that there are bugs in these scripts that could corrupt your game. Also note that many of these scripts and extensions were created for earlier versions of the game and could not be working in newer versions, or worst case senario, corrupt your save. It is highly recommended to BACKUP YOUR SAVE before running any scripts or extensions.

Disclaimer: Do not run code you can not understand or do not trust. Malicious code could be included in any of these scripts and extensions.

List of Scripts and Extensions

Name Description Author Version Aspects
Melvor TimeRemaining Shows time remaining for completing a task with current resources Breindahl 0.16.2 UI/QOL
Melvor Completion Log Helper Shows greyed out images of items/monsters that you have yet to get/kill in the completion log and adds links to the wiki. Breindahl 0.16.2 UI/QOL
Melvor Slayer Task Notification Gives you notification on slayer task completion. Breindahl 0.16.2 QOL
MakeX Adds button to Make X amount of actions of a skill and then stop. Breindahl 0.16.2 UI/QOL
Melvor Auto Farming Mastery Automatically plants your lowest mastery seeds. JHawk55#8345 0.16.2 Farming
Scripting Engine for Melvor Idle Adds automation and functionality to Melvor Idle, combining several userscripts into one Aldous Watts 0.16.2 Multi
Melvor Combat Simulator Full Combat Simulator Coolrox95 0.16.1 Combat
Melvor Auto Eat Automatically eats food when health is low Not Arcanus 0.15.2 Auto-Eat
Melvor Auto Loot Automatically loot enemy drops Not Arcanus 0.15.2 Auto-Loot
Melvor Auto Replant Automatically replants the same seed for Farming Not Arcanus 0.15.2 Farming
Melvor Idle AutoSell Fishing Junk Automatically sells junk caught while fishing Aldous Watts 0.15.2 Auto-Sell
Melvor Idle Auto Eat Just Enough Tries to eat just enough to survive the next attack Lamb#3856 0.15.1 Auto-Eat
Auto planter by priorities Automatically tries to plant the highest tier seeds avaible Dejv#3141 0.15.1 Farming
AutoMelvorIdle Several automatic functionalities Katorone 0.12.2 Multi
Auto Bonfire Automatically lights bonfires for Firemaking Dream 0.11.2 Firemaking
Auto Cook Automatically cooks fish Dream 0.11.2 Cooking
Auto Eat Automatically eats if health is less than equipped food Shakalaka 0.11.2 Auto-eat
Auto Mine Tracker Mines highest ore available Natsulus 0.11.2 Mining
Auto Slayer Automatically switches to new slayer task nysos3 0.11.2 Combat
Balanced Bronze Mining Switches between tin and copper to mine for bronze nysos3 0.11.2 Mining
Get Specific Task Automatically rerolls Slayer Tasks from defined list Coolrox95 0.11.2 Combat
Mine Priority List Automatically mines based on input ore priority Brqqq 0.11.2 Mining
Smithing HUD Adds Smithing HUD and XP calculator Bioniclegenius 0.11.2 Smithing
XPH Monitors XP/HR stats experimentally Breakit 0.11.2 UI/QOL
Coolrox95's Gear Swapper Automatically switches gear Coolrox95 0.11.1 Combat

In-game functions

It is possible to interact directly with the ingame functions of the game through the console. This can be used to add items, levels, GP and more.

See list of In-game Functions.

How to Use?

Depending on the type of script or extension there are different ways needed to add them to the game.


Extensions are independent add-ons that run in the browser. How to install varies from different browsers.

For Firefox, most extensions can be installed directly to the browser from the Firefox Extension Store.

For Chrome, many extensions needs to be added as an upacked extension while in Developer Mode.

Some extensions might require you to edit specific files or set specific variables before they can run. The page with the download link will usually have a more detailed explanation on how to install.

Remember to refresh the game for the extension to take effect.


Userscripts are programs that run by the help of userscript manager browser extensions such as Greasemonkey or Tampermonkey.

If the source of your userscript is a userscript repository, such as Greasyfork, simply Install by clicking the button on the page.

If the userscript is shared through a plain text sharing site, such as Pastebin, copy the code into a new userscript in your userscript manager browser extension.

Remember to refresh the game for the userscript to take effect.

Console scripts

The simplest form of scripts are javascript code that are pasted directly into the console of of your browser.

To access the console open Developer Tools (usually by pressing F12) in your browser and navigate to the console. Then, simply paste the code in the input field and press enter. Most console scripts will require you to fill out variables in the code before executing them.

Do note that unlike extensions and userscripts, console scripts will run without refreshing the game, but will in turn not be saved when the game is closed.