
is used to obtain ores and gems. To start Mining no requirements are needed.

This page was last updated for (v0.15.3).
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Upgrading your pickaxe should be done whenever you have the possibility to. The upgrades are available in the shop.


If available to the player then rings such as File:Aorpheats Signet Ring (item).png Aorpheats Signet Ring,   Ancient Ring of Skills, or   Ancient Ring of Mastery should be equipped depending on whether the player prioritizes item, skill experience, or mastery experience gain.

In addition   Clue Chasers Insignia may be equipped to increase the drop rate of Mastery Tokens, and also very slightly increase the rate of Gems if not using   Gem Gloves.


Mining offers two alternative gloves, both Which can be purchased from the shop.

  Gem Gloves - For a cost of 500k File:Coins (item).png Coins Gem Gloves provide 2,000 charges of gloves that guarantee a random Gem to drop every action. It should be noted that these gloves guarantee a small profit per glove and is highly recommend to use these all the way to 99 for an income usually totally over 10m. (Does not work on   Rune Essence

  Mining Gloves - For a cost of 75k File:Coins (item).png Coins Mining increase the base quantity of ores to 2 (or 4 for   Rune Essence instead). The base quantity can then be doubled by normal means such as mastery.


Mining → Runecrafting & Smithing

This method opens up the option to train

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training has been completed. The key here is to get 500,000  to purchase   Gem Gloves to provide a steady source of gems and therefore passive income while Mining. Some sort of Money Making method is advised to fund the initial purchase of gloves. If in need of money, the gems gained from using   Gem Gloves can be sold to fund the repurchase of gloves, however note that it is recommended to at least keep any   Diamonds as they are useful in the late game for   Diamond Luck potions.

When first starting with Mining, it is recommended to use any Mastery Pool experience to increase the Mastery level of rock(s) that are currently being mined (or rocks that will soon be mined) to around level 30-40. This is because each Mastery level increases the Rock HP, greatly reducing the amount of time spent waiting for rocks to respawn while Mining (as respawning will occur less frequently). In the later levels, it is more beneficial to save pool experience for the Mastery pool checkpoint bonuses.

Level 1-15: Copper/Tin Ore

Mine either   Tin Ore or   Copper Ore. Ideally, an equal amount of tin and copper will be mined in order to create   Bronze Bars for training

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Level 15-30: Iron Ore

Mine   Iron Ore until you unlock   Coal Ore.

Level 30-50: Coal Ore

Mine   Coal Ore until you unlock   Mithril Ore. Any   Coal Ore mined will be needed for

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training later.

Level 50-99: Mithril Ore

From here on it is recommended to mine   Mithril Ore with   Gem Gloves equipped all the way until

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Level 99

. This is because:

  • Mithril is key for
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    training, consuming significantly less   Coal Ore per bar than higher tier bars
  • The rock respawn time of   Runite Ore and   Dragonite Ore (60 seconds and 120 seconds respectively) is significantly higher than that for   Mithril Ore (20 seconds), which harms the rate of experience gained
  • The required   Coal Ore necessary to smelt the large amount of   Mithril Bars needed later will be obtained once
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    Level 99
    has been reached, taking advantage of the   Mining Skillcape perk

Once 99 Mining is achieved, the   Mining Skillcape becomes available for purchase from the Shop. When equipped, this provides 1 extra   Coal Ore for each ore mined.

Level 99: Rune Essence

With the   Mining Skillcape equipped you have to mine about 330,000   Rune Essence for

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Level 99

.[1]   Gem Gloves do not work with   Rune Essence, therefore if affordable the   Mining Gloves are a good alternative to speed up the process. [1] This number was calculated before the Mastery rework (patch V0.17). Approximately half as much   Rune Essence (160,000) is required for

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Level 99

. A new number is yet to be calculated, but it could be as low as 120-140k.

Level 99: Coal ore

After mining   Rune Essence, about 235,000   Coal Ore will still be needed. Equipping   Gem Gloves while mining this is recommended.

Mining Rune Essence and Glove Use

This section and table was developed by soup#8068.

  • The player is wearing the mining cape and has no double drops, no gem drops outside gem gloves.
  • 1.3 sec/action.
  • Avg. profit of 131 gp/charge of gem gloves.
Mining Resource No gloves Mining Gloves (MG) MG Essence, Coal MG Essence, Gem Gloves Coal
Essence (Mining Actions) 165,000 82,500 82,500 82,500
Coal (Mining Actions) 37,500 52,500 78,750 78,750
Action Total 202,500 135,000 161,250 161,250
Action Delta 0 67,500 41,250 41,250
Time Total (hrs) 73.125 47.750 56.88 56.88
Time Delta (hrs) 0 24.375 14.890 14.890
Cost Total 0 20,250,000 12,375,000 2,058,750
Approx Cost (Gp/hr) 0 415,000 212,000 35,000

The player should use mining gloves to mine essence, and then gem gloves for coal. A total investment of ~ 2 MGp saves ~15 hrs of time.
Furthermore, if the player has an excess of money, or access to money making methods to make in excess of 415k/hr (99 Fishing, 99 Woodcutting), then using mining gloves for all mining actions is a more efficient use of time.