Golden Golbin

Revision as of 10:37, 13 February 2022 by Auron956 (talk | contribs) (Provide advice on reducing time to grind pet)

The Golden Golbin is a special pet that is not tied to any specific skill. Instead, the Golden Golbin is received upon reaching a Golbin Kill Count of 42,069. The Golbins (Not the Ranged Golbins) in the

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Golden Golbin
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Pet ID: melvorD:GoldenGolbin
Source: Golbin kills
Drop Chance: See: Acquiring Pets
Effect: +1% Chance To Double Loot in Combat
Part of 100% Completion: Yes
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Golbin Village

and all Golbins in the Golbin Raid count.

The chance to double loot from Golden Golbin is additive with other double loot bonuses, such as those provided by Chapeau Noir, Aorpheat's Signet Ring, and the Master tier of slayer armour.

To reduce the amount of time spent reaching the required kill count to unlock the Golden Golbin, consider choosing a weapon with a low attack interval and minimizing the monster respawn time where possible. A common strategy is to use Ancient Throwing Knives with the rapid attack style for -0.4s attack interval, plus the following interval reduction bonuses:

All other equipment should be the best

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equipment available to the player.

Reductions to the monster respawn time are provided by the following: