In-game Functions

Revision as of 09:17, 26 October 2022 by 47Y (talk | contribs)

In-game functions are responsible for most things in the game. It is possible to interact directly with them through the console. This can be used to add items, levels, GP and more. These functions can be executed though the console. To access the console open Developer Tools (usually by pressing F12) in your browser and navigate to the console. Then, simply paste the code in the input field and press enter. Most functions will require you to fill out variables in the code before executing them. Note that all code is case sensitive.

This page was last updated for (v1.1).
Various sections of this page are incomplete or reference pages which have not been updated. Due to this, certain functions may not have all the information easily available on the wiki at this time.

Disclaimer: Blindly adding items and experience will most likely take away game enjoyment. It is highly encouraged only to use this to either test things or recoup lost items/progress due to lost saves.

You are playing around with the code of the game if you make mistakes, it is possible that could corrupt your game. It is highly recommended to BACKUP YOUR SAVE before running any in-game functions.

Using In-game Functions On Steam

Players should refer to the Scripting and Extensions Instructions page for a step-by-step guide on using these functions with the Steam version of Melvor Idle.

Add Item to Bank

The addItemByID function can be used to add any item in the game to the bank., quantity, logLost, found, ignoreSpace)


Attribute Type Optional? Default Value Description
itemID string No The ID of the item.
For a complete list of items and their IDs, see: Table of Items
quantity int No Quantity of item to add. Will remove items from the bank if a negative value is specified
logLost boolean Yes false If true, items that did not fit into the bank will be logged as lost
found boolean Yes false Determines if it will show in item completion log
ignoreSpace boolean Yes false If true, the item will be added to the bank even if the bank is already full

Examples"melvorD:Oak_Logs", 10, true, true, false);

The above code will result in attempting to add 10 Oak Logs to the Bank. If they do not fit, 10 will be added to the # of Oak Logs lost on the item's stats. Additionally, Oak Logs will be marked as discovered in the Completion Log.

Remove Item from Bank

The removeItemQuantity function can be used to remove any item from the bank, quantity, removeItemCharges)


Attribute Type Optional? Default Value Description
itemID string No The ID of the item.
For a complete list of items and their IDs, see: Table of Items
quantity int No The number of items to remove.
removeItemCharges boolean Yes true If true, the count of glove charges will be set to 0 if the itemID is for a pair of gloves with charges.

Examples"melvorD:Oak_Logs", 10);

The above code will result in 10 of item ID "melvorD:Oak_Logs" being removed from the bank.

Add GP

The gp.add function can be used to add GP to a player.


Attribute Type Optional? Default Value Description
amount int No The quantity of GP to add


The above code will add 1 gp to the player.

Remove GP

The gp.remove function can be used to remove GP from a player. If the amount specified is greater than the amount the player currently has, then GP will go into the negatives.


Attribute Type Optional? Default Value Description
amount int No The quantity of GP to remove


The above code will remove 1 GP from the player.

Add Slayer Coins

The slayerCoins.add function can be used to add slayer coins to a player.



Attribute Type Optional? Default Value Description
amount int No The quantity of slayer coins to add.



The above code will add 1 slayer coin to the player.

Remove Slayer Coins

The slayerCoins.remove function can be used to remove slayer coins from a player. If the amount specified is greater than the amount the player currently has, then slayer coins will go into the negatives.



Attribute Type Optional? Default Value Description
amount int No The quantity of slayer coins to remove



The above code will remove 1 slayer coin from the player.

Add Raid Coins

The raidCoins.add function can be used to add raid coins to a player.



Attribute Type Optional? Default Value Description
amount int Yes 0 The quantity of raid coins to be added.



The above will add 1 raid coin to the player.

Remove Raid Coins

The raidCoins.remove function can be used to remove raid coins from a player.



Attribute Type Optional? Default Value Description
amount int Yes 0 The quantity of raid coins to be removed.



The above will remove 1 raid coin from the player.

Add Prayer Points

The combat.player.addPrayerPoints function can be used to add prayer points to a player.



Attribute Type Optional? Default Value Description
amount int No The quantity of prayer points to add.



The above code will add 1 prayer point to the player, and update player stats.

Add XP

The addXP function can be used to add experience to any skill.


where skill is the lowercase name of the skill you are adding experience to.


Attribute Type Optional? Default Value Description
xp int No Amount of experience to add.



The above code will result in 1000 experience being added to Theiving.

Add Mastery XP

The addMasteryXP function can be used to add experience to any specific Mastery in a skill.

game.skill.addMasteryXP(masteryAction, xp)

where skill is the lowercase name of the skill you are adding mastery experience to.


Attribute Type Optional? Default Value Description
masteryAction object No The action to add Mastery XP to. Obtained with game.skill.actions.allObjects[n] where n is the ID of the action, starting at 0. Also obtainable with game.skill.actions.getObjectByID(id) where id is the string ID of the action.
xp int Yes 0 Amount of experience to add.


game.farming.addMasteryXP(game.farming.actions.allObjects[13], 300);

The above code will result in 300 Mastery XP being added to Farming for Mastery ID 13 (Carrot Seeds).

game.firemaking.addMasteryXP(game.firemaking.actions.allObjects[3], 3000);

The above code will result in 3000 Mastery XP being added to Firemaking for Mastery ID 3 (Teak Logs).

Add Mastery XP to Pool

The addMasteryPoolXP function can be used to add mastery pool experience to a skill


where skill is the lowercase name of the skill you are adding mastery experience to.


Attribute Type Optional? Default Value Description
xp int Yes 0 Amount of experience to add.



The above code will result in 600 Mastery Pool XP being added to Woodcutting.

Unlock Pet

The petManager.unlockPetByID function is used to unlock Pets. Note that unlocking a pet is permanent - there is no supported method to lock a pet once again.



Attribute Type Optional? Default Value Description
petID string No The ID of the pet, which can be found on the individual pet pages (such as
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
for example).



The above code will result in the unlocking of

Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Cool Rock


Discover Mark

The discoverMark function is used to discover Summoning Marks. Once discovered, there is no supported method to allow a mark to become undiscovered again.



Attribute Type Optional? Default Value Description
mark object No The mark to discover. Obtained with game.summoning.actions.allObjects[n] where n is the ID of the mark, starting at 0. Also obtainable with game.summoning.actions.getObjectByID(id) where id is the string ID of the action.



The above code discovers a single mark for the

Error creating thumbnail: File missing
