Money Making

Revision as of 22:08, 9 November 2023 by Slash (talk | contribs)

For beginners, the method with the least amount of required skills for its maximum rate is the Fishing method. The Skill requirements listed in each method are the minimum required, and you will often struggle to reach the maximum rates without higher levels in the respective skills for things like Skillcapes, or the ability to make boosts from other Skills.

Base Game



Improves GP Rate

Name Effect
  Thieving Skillcape -0.5s Thieving Interval
+100% GP from Thieving
+150 Stealth
10% Thieving Mastery Pool Checkpoint +30 Stealth
25% Thieving Mastery Pool Checkpoint -0.2s Thieving Interval
50% Thieving Mastery Pool Checkpoint +100% GP from Thieving
95% Thieving Mastery Pool Checkpoint +100 Stealth
3x chance to gain unique area items
  Thieving Gloves +75 Stealth
  Gloves of Silence -0.1s Thieving Interval
+150 Flat GP from Thieving
+50 Stealth
  Thief's Moneysack +20% of Maximum GP added to Minimum GP
  Golbin Mask +20 Flat GP from Thieving
+20 Stealth
  Sneak-Ers +5% Global GP
+40 Stealth
  Jeweled Necklace +5% Global GP
  Fine Coinpurse +10% Global GP
  Leprechaun +50 Flat GP from Thieving
  Gentle Hands Potion IV +75 Stealth
  Aorpheat's Signet Ring +100% Global GP
+5% Global Doubling
  Snek +50% GP from Thieving
  Rooftop Run -0.2s Thieving Interval
+20% GP from Thieving
+35 Stealth
  Ice Jump +5% Global Doubling
  Pillar of Skilling +3% Global Doubling
  Slayer Platebody (Master)
  Slayer Leather Body (Master)
  Slayer Wizard Robes (Master)
+3% Thieving Doubling
  Aquarias +1% Global Doubling
  Ko +8% Thieving Doubling
-5% Thieving Interval
+50 Stealth

Thieving Princess and Fletching Jadebolts (24,740k/hr max)


  •   Level 15
  •   Level 10
  •   Level 92
  •   Level 95

Improves GP Rate

These boosts are in addition to the ones above and are specifically for this method.

Name Effect
    Level 99 +100% GP from Princess
+174 Stealth vs Princess
  Fletching Skillcape (  Level 99) Doubles items received from Fletching
  Leprechaun+  Devil (  Level 90) +50 Flat GP from Thieving
50% Chance for 2x GP
35% Chance for 4x Items
15% Chance for nothing
  Crown of Rhaelyx and its   Charge Stones +25% Resource Preservation
  Agility Obstacles providing Resource Preservation


  1.   Steal   Jadestones from the   Princess
  2.   Mine   Iron Ore
  3.   Smith   Iron Bars
  4.   Forge   Headless Bolts
  5.   Fletch   Jadestone Bolts
  6. Sell common drops. Use   Item Alchemy III along with any available GP boosts on drops worth more than 15,000 

Thieving is not better than the   Dragon Javelin method by default. Both methods heavily depend on the buffs from items, passives, and skills. The most important boosts for this method are all buffs to Stealth and   Thieving Interval Reductions. Although princess is unlocked at level 92, it likely will take until level 99 for the   Thieving Skillcape and the 95% mastery pool bonus to have sufficient stealth bonuses for a high thieving success rate. Once   Princess is survivable, the next most important boost is the   Leprechaun+  Devil synergy to increase the number of   Jadestones gathered.

High resource preservation and item doubling during   Fletching is very beneficial. Using   Crown of Rhaelyx and its   Charge Stones is strongly recommended here. Without most of the buffs, earnings can be as low as 4,000,000  per hour.

Check your own   Thieving setup with Thieving GP Calculator by Nomeru#4261.

With the   Throne of the Herald expansion, the items   Grappling Hook and   Thieving Shorts are available at level 100 from the   Explorer which provide substantial buffs for this method.

With the   Atlas of Discovery expansion,   Bandit Hideout point of interest in   Cartography provides several useful buffs to this method.

Thieving Knight with Leprechaun + Monkey Synergy (16,476k/hr max)


This is in alternative method requiring fewer skills and boosts to get viable results.


Improves GP Rate

These boosts are in addition to the ones above and are specifically for this method.

Name Effect
    Level 99 +100% GP from Knight
+174 Stealth vs Knight


This method relies on the increased sell values of common drops from the   Leprechaun+  Monkey synergy: "Upon receiving a Common Drop from Thieving, automatically sell it for 1500% of its base sale price." Although knight is unlocked at level 88, it likely will take until level 99 for the   Thieving Skillcape and the 95% mastery pool bonus to have sufficient stealth bonuses for a high thieving success rate.

  1.   Craft   Leprechaun and   Monkey Tablets and equip them
  2.   Steal from the   Knight
  3. Sell all unsold drops. Use   Item Alchemy III along with any available GP boosts on drops worth more than 10,000 

Without most of the buffs, earnings can be lower than 5,000,000  per hour. If you are lacking in stealth for a high success rate on   Knight, the   Leprechaun+  Monkey synergy may be more effective on the   Fisherman.

Check your own   Thieving setup with Thieving GP Calculator by Nomeru#4261.