
Revision as of 00:03, 19 March 2024 by Ricewind (talk | contribs) (Chance extraItemAmount default from 0 to 1)
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Documentation for this module may be created at Module:ItemEconomy/doc

local number = require('Module:Number')

local p = {}

local ItemEconomy = {
	-- Amount of items required per action.
	-- Amount of items created per action. (ie. 3 bolts per action).
	-- The chance from 0 to 80 to preserve resources.
	-- The chance from 0 to 100 to duplicate the crafting output.
	-- The chance from 0 to 100 to get extra output items (not doubled).
	-- The amount of extra items received, when the extraItemChance is rolled.
	-- The amount of extra items always received per action (not doubled).
	-- The chance to get extra base items (can be doubled).
	-- The amount of extra base items received.

--- Constructor function for creating new ItemEconomy instances.
-- @return ItemEconomy An instance of the ItemEconomy class.
function ItemEconomy:new()
    local newObj = {}
    self.__index = self
    return setmetatable(newObj, self)

--- Verifies and updates the economy values of the ItemEconomy instance.
-- If any economy value is nil, it sets a default value.
-- If any economy value is out of range, clamp it to the nearest valid range.
-- @return ItemEconomy Returns a verified ItemEconomy object.
function ItemEconomy:verify()
    -- Set default values if some are nil
    self.inputsPerAction = self.inputsPerAction or 1
    self.outputsPerAction = self.outputsPerAction or 1
    self.preservationChance = self.preservationChance or 0
    self.duplicationChance = self.duplicationChance or 0
    self.extraItemChance = self.extraItemChance or 0
    self.extraItemAmount = self.extraItemAmount or 1
    self.flatExtraItems = self.flatExtraItems or 0
    self.extraBaseItemChance = self.extraBaseItemChance or 0
    self.extraBaseItems = self.extraBaseItems or 0
    -- Clamp economy values (clamp the verified copy values)
    self.preservationChanceP = number.clamp(self.preservationChance, 0, 80) / 100
    self.duplicationChanceP = number.clamp(self.duplicationChance, 0, 100) / 100
    self.extraItemChanceP = number.clamp(self.extraItemChance, 0, 100) / 100
    self.extraBaseItemChanceP = number.clamp(self.extraBaseItemChance, 0, 100) / 100
    return self

--- Creates a deep copy of ItemEconomy to prevent clashes with the caller.
function ItemEconomy:copy()
    local cpy = {}
    for k, v in pairs(self) do cpy[k] = v end
    return setmetatable(cpy, getmetatable(self))

--- Calculates a ratio between input to output.
-- @param itemEconomy (table) The ItemEconomy object containing ItemEconomy values.
-- @return (number) The output ratio of the crafting process.
function p.estimatedOutputMultiplier(itemEconomy)
	local minOutput = p.estimatedOutput(nil, itemEconomy)
	return minOutput / itemEconomy.inputsPerAction

--- Estimates the output of a crafting process based on input and ItemEconomy values.
-- @param inputAmount (number) The total amount of input items available for crafting.
-- @param itemEconomy (table) The ItemEconomy object containing ItemEconomy values.
-- @return (number) The estimated output of the crafting process.
function p.estimatedOutput(inputAmount, itemEconomy)
	local eco = itemEconomy:verify()

	-- Equal inputAmount to inputsPerAction to get 1 baseAction
	inputAmount = inputAmount or eco.inputsPerAction
	local baseActions = inputAmount / eco.inputsPerAction
	-- Can't craft with what you don't have...
	if inputAmount < eco.inputsPerAction then
		return 0
	-- Calculate the effective actions taken.
	local totalActions = baseActions / (1 - eco.preservationChanceP)
	-- Calculates extra items that can't be doubled.
	local extraItems = (totalActions * eco.extraItemChanceP * eco.extraItemAmount) + (totalActions * eco.flatExtraItems)
	-- Calculates extra items that CAN be doubled.
	local baseItems = (eco.outputsPerAction + eco.extraBaseItemChanceP * eco.extraBaseItems)
	-- Total output
	return (totalActions * baseItems * (1 + eco.duplicationChanceP)) + extraItems

--- Calculates a ratio between output to input.
-- @param itemEconomy (table) The ItemEconomy object containing ItemEconomy values.
-- @return (number) The input ratio of the crafting process.
function p.estimatedInputMultiplier(itemEconomy)
	-- I'm fairly certain that the following holds true in any case.
	return 1 / p.estimatedOutputMultiplier(itemEconomy)

--- Estimates the input required for a given output amount in a crafting process based on ItemEconomy values.
-- This function provides a detailed breakdown of the calculation process.
-- @param outputAmount The total amount of output items desired.
-- @param itemEconomy The ItemEconomy object containing ItemEconomy values.
-- @return The estimated input required for the given output amount.
function p.estimatedInput(outputAmount, itemEconomy)
	-- Again, fairly certain Input is just 1 / Output.
	-- Replace with p.estimatedInputVerbose is this ever isn't the case.
	local inputMultiplier =  1 / p.estimatedOutputMultiplier(itemEconomy)
	return math.max(outputAmount * inputMultiplier, itemEconomy.inputsPerAction)

function p.estimatedInputVerbose(outputAmount, itemEconomy)
	local eco = itemEconomy:verify()

	outputAmount = outputAmount or eco.outputsPerAction
	local preserveAmount = outputAmount * eco.inputsPerAction * (1 - eco.preservationChanceP)
	local duplicateAmount = eco.outputsPerAction + eco.outputsPerAction * eco.duplicationChanceP
	local extraBaseItems = eco.extraBaseItemChanceP * eco.extraBaseItems + eco.extraBaseItemChanceP * eco.extraBaseItems * eco.duplicationChanceP
	local extraItems = eco.extraItemChanceP * eco.extraItemAmount

	-- Total input required for given output.
	local actualInput = preserveAmount / (duplicateAmount + extraBaseItems + extraItems + eco.flatExtraItems)
	return math.max(actualInput, eco.inputsPerAction)

--- Calculates if equipping the Ring Of Wealth will result in more items for the player.
-- @param itemEconomy The ItemEconomy object containing ItemEconomy values.
-- @return TRUE if the Ring of Wealth is more beneficial than harmful.
function p.ringOfWealthHasEffect(itemEconomy)
	local rowEco = itemEconomy:copy():verify()
	-- Apply Ring of Wealth buffs.
	rowEco.preservationChance = rowEco.preservationChance - 3
	rowEco.duplicationChance = rowEco.duplicationChance + 7
	local rowMultiplier = p.estimatedOutputMultiplier(rowEco)
	local playerMultiplier = p.estimatedOutputMultiplier(itemEconomy)
	return rowMultiplier > playerMultiplier

p.ItemEconomy = ItemEconomy

return p