
This template can be used to create a money making guide.


Using the template will will automatically add the category Category:Money making guides to the page.

|guideName        =
|interval         =
|skills           =
|items            =
|other            =
|skillExp#        =
|skillExp#Amount  =
|input#           =
|input#amount     =
|input#value      =
|output#          =
|output#amount    =
|output#value     =
|category         =
|dlc              =
|intensity        =
|explanation      =



The name of this money making guide. (Required)


Determines what the interval is for the listed input/output/profit values. Can be per hour, per 5 minutes, per dungeon, per kill, etc. (Required)


One or more required skills to follow this money making guide.


One or more required items to follow this money making guide. These are not consumed input items, but rather hard requirements. Things like Sneakers for example.


Any other requirements that do not fit into the above categories. Think of "Requires completion of Into the Mist.


One or more skills where experience is gained in.

  • skillExp# is the skill that experience is gained in.
  • skillExp#Amount is the amount of experience earned for this skill.


The input items that are used (and consumed) for this money making method.

  • input# is the name of the item.
  • input#amount is the amount of an item used.
  • input#value is the sale, alchemy, or otherwise monetary value of the item. (optional)


The output items that are produced by this money making method. (Required)

  • output# is the name of the item (can be directly money).
  • output#amount is the amount of an item produced.
  • output#value is the sale, alchemy, or otherwise monetary value of the item. (preferred)


Determines the general category of this money making guide. "Combat" or "Non-Combat"


Determines what, if any, DLC is required for this money making guide.


Determines how intense this money making guide is to follow. Can range from combat that requires manual healing, to processes that require intermitted attention (such as non-auto slayer), or entirely idle. (Required)


An optional, detailed explanation of things the player should do to follow this money making guide.