Stronghold of Magic/Guide/Sims

Revision as of 22:58, 14 June 2024 by Ayarez (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Click on the Expand button to show the Combat Simulator Exports. Please note that collapsing them afterwards is near impossible {{SpoilerBox|color=default|title=Sim 1| ewogInZlcnNpb24iOiAiMy4wLjYwIiwKICJhc3Ryb2xvZ3lNb2RpZmllcnMiOiB7CiAgImRhdGFUeXBlIjogIk1hcCIsCiAgInZhbHVlIjogWwogICBbCiAgICAibWVsdm9yRjpEZWVkcmVlIiwKICAgIHsKICAgICAic3RhbmRhcmRNb2RzQm91Z2h0IjogWwogICAgICAwLAogICAgICAwLAogICAgICAwCiAgICAgXSwKICAgICAidW5pcXVlTW9kc0JvdWdodCI6IFsKICAgICAgMCwKICAgICAgMCwKICAgI...")
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Click on the Expand button to show the Combat Simulator Exports. Please note that collapsing them afterwards is near impossible

Sim 1