Melvor Idle:Projects/Combat effect rework

The combat effect rework aims at making combat buffs and debuffs as accurate and as accessible as they are in game.

The following pages can be identified that contain combat buffs (and likewise skill buffs) that should be listed on their own separate pages. These bonusses should also be verifited for accuracy and completeness. For instance, some current pages do not account for Cartography Points of Interest.

  • Combat Debuff for an overview of all combat debuffs.
  • Skill Boosts which also contains summoning and herblore preservation.
  • Preservation Chance which includes things like Rune Preservation, Ammo Preservation, Prayer Point preservation, Soul Point preservation, etc. Separate pages should be created per unique bonus including a brief explanation on that the bonus provides when used and potential limits to this bonus. Potentially, the bonus can be split up into individual categories (such as Agility, Pets, Equipment, etc).


The following major goals / tasks can be identified. They are listed in order that they are most reasonable to complete in. (Please do not remove items from this list once finished. Rather change completed=no to completed=yes

Completed User Description Skills
Yes N/A Create new pages for all debuffs found on Combat Effects and add category Category:Combat Debuffs to the new page. Remove redirects to Combat Debuff and direct the to the correct page when required. WikiCode
No N/A Create new pages for all combat effects available in the game (if not already present) and add category Category:Combat Buffs to the new page. Remove redirects to existing prages and direct the to the correct page when required. WikiCode
No N/A Create a Combat effects page that lists an overview of all combat buffs and debuffs previously created. WikiCode
No N/A Add lua-sourced templates to all previously created pages that list the source of the buff or debuff (if not already present). Adjustments to Lua Modules might be required. WikiCode, Lua
No N/A Upload missing images for combat buff and combat debuff pages. Check in game which image belongs to what effect. Images can easily be sourced via the browser version by using the developer window (F12). N/A
No N/A Introduce images to flavour texts on all combat effects. Will have to adjust existing Lua modules that create the tables of sources for combat effects. Lua
No N/A Fully introduce flavour texts on all combat effects (including in infoboxes of items). Colour the combat effect name and link it to the relevant page. Will have to adjust existing Lua modules that collect information about combat effects and uses it on their pages. E.g. Module:Magic _getSpellDescription for Abyssal Spellbook. Lua


When creating new pages do not forget to add the version template. This can be achieved by writing {{V}} at the top of the page.

Specific Lua modules still have to be identified, but can be found when viewing the source, navigating to the template, and viewing what module/function it calls.

  • Infoboxes might be beneficial to have on combat effect pages.
  • Combat buff/debuff/effect navbox might be nice to have on all relevant pages. Navboxes would need to be created as well.


The end result of the project should be the categorisation of all combat effects (buffs and debuffs), including images and flavour texts on all pages that use combat effect data.

All combat effects will be categorised under Category:Combat Effect with as subcategories Category:Combat Debuff for the debuffs and Category:Combat Buff for the buffs.

The reader will be able to easily find combat effects, based on name, found on their own separate pages. The reader will also be able to quickly identify on other pages of the wiki what combat effects they have and will be able to quickly nagivate to the relevant effect, if desired.