Nature's Wrath Staff

The Nature's Wrath Staff is an upgraded version of Nature's Call Staff. When worn with Nature's Blessing Ring, it gives bonus combat stats; +50% Hitpoint Regeneration, +40 Maximum Hitpoints and +30% of Maximum Hit added to Minimum Hit when using Nature spells.

This page is up to date (v1.3).
Nature's Wrath Staff
Nature's Wrath Staff
Reduces the Nature Rune cost of spells by 1 (Cost cannot go below 1), and grants access to the Nature's Wrath Spell.
When equipped with Nature's Blessing Ring: +50% Hitpoint Regeneration, +40 Maximum Hitpoints and +30% of Maximum Hit added to Minimum Hit when using Nature spells.
Item ID: melvorF:Natures_Wrath_Staff
Category: Combat
Type: Magic Staff
Sells For: 110,000
Equipment Slot: Weapon
Runes Provided: 1 Nature Rune
Item Sources:
  • Upgrading: Fine Poison Powder,Miolite Spore,Nature's Call Staff
Item Uses:
Part of 100% Completion: Yes

While equipped, the staff allows Nature's Wrath to be cast.


Weapon Stats
Offensive Stats Defensive Stats
Attack Speed 3.0s   Defence Bonus 0
Attack Type   Magic   Damage Reduction 0%
  Strength Bonus 0   Defence Bonus 0
  Stab Bonus 0   Defence Bonus 18
  Slash Bonus 0 Equip Requirements
  Block Bonus 0   Level Required 65
  Attack Bonus 0
  Strength Bonus 0
  Attack Bonus 18
  % Damage Bonus 6%
Two Handed? Yes

Item Sources

Item Upgrade
Materials 1   Nature's Call Staff
10   Fine Poison Powder
10   Miolite Spore