Module:Constants: Difference between revisions

Update for v1.3
(Updated Arch Tool Level display, Fixed error on nil modifiers in getModifiersDifference)
(Update for v1.3)
Tag: Replaced
Line 3: Line 3:
local Shared = require('Module:Shared')
local Shared = require('Module:Shared')
local GameData = require('Module:GameData')
local GameData = require('Module:GameData')
local Modifiers = require('Module:Modifiers')
--Just hardcoding these because I guess that's where we're at
--getModifierSkills still needs skills, otherwise this can be removed
local modifierTypes = {
["MeleeStrengthBonus"] = { text = "{V}% Melee Strength Bonus from Equipment", skills = {'Combat'} },
["DamageToDungeonMonsters"] = { text = "{V}% Damage To Dungeon Monsters", skills = {'Combat'} },
["GlobalMasteryXP"] = { text = "{V}% Global Mastery XP", skills = {'Woodcutting', 'Fishing', 'Firemaking', 'Cooking', 'Mining', 'Smithing', 'Thieving', 'Farming', 'Fletching', 'Crafting', 'Runecrafting', 'Herblore', 'Agility', 'Summoning', 'Astrology', 'Archaeology'} },
["ChanceRandomPotionHerblore"] = { text = "{V}% chance to gain a second potion of a random tier", skills = {'Herblore'} },
["FlatPrayerCostReduction"] = { text = "{V} Prayer Point Cost for Prayers (Prayer Point cost cannot go below 1)", inverseSign = true, skills = {'Prayer'} },
["MinEarthSpellDmg"] = { text = "{VX} Min Earth Spell Dmg", skills = {'Magic'} },
["SlayerTaskLength"] = { text = "{V}% Slayer Task Length/Qty", skills = {'Slayer'} },
["ChanceToDoubleLootCombat"] = { text = "{V}% Chance To Double Loot in Combat", skills = {'Combat'} },
["GPFromAgility"] = { text = "{V}% GP From Agility", skills = {'Agility'} },
["SkillXP"] = { text = "{V}% {SV0} Skill XP" },
["MiningNodeHP"] = { text = "{V} Mining Node HP", skills = {'Mining'} },
["FarmingYield"] = { text = "{V}% Farming Yield", skills = {'Farming'} },
["GPFromMonstersFlat"] = { text = "{V} GP From Monsters", skills = {'Combat'} },
["GlobalPreservationChance"] = { text = "{V}% Chance to Preserve Resources in Skills" },
["RunePreservation"] = { text = "{V}% Rune Preservation", skills = {'Magic'} },
["MaxHitpoints"] = { text = "{VX} Maximum Hitpoints", skills = {'Combat', 'Hitpoints'} },
["ChanceToDoubleItemsSkill"] = { text = "{V}% Chance to Double Items in {SV0}" },
["autoSlayerUnlocked"] = { text = "{V} Auto Slayer Unlocked", skills = {'Slayer'} },
["HitpointRegeneration"] = { text = "{V}% Hitpoint Regeneration", skills = {'Combat', 'Hitpoints'} },
["PotionChargesFlat"] = { text = "{V} Charges per Potion" },
["SkillInterval"] = { text = "{VMS}s {SV0} Interval", isIncreaseNegative = true, isSkill = true },
["BankSpace"] = { text = "{V} Bank Space" },
["MinHitBasedOnMaxHit"] = { text = "{V}% of Maximum Hit added to Minimum Hit", skills = {'Combat'} },
["DamageToSlayerTasks"] = { text = "{V}% Damage To Slayer Tasks", skills = {'Combat'} },
["Lifesteal"] = { text = "{V}% Lifesteal", skills = {'Combat'} },
["HPRegenFlat"] = { text = "{VX} Flat HP Regen", skills = {'Combat', 'Hitpoints'} },
["ChanceToDoubleOres"] = { text = "{V}% Chance to Double Ores in Mining", skills = {'Mining'} },
["MonsterRespawnTimer"] = { text = "{VMS}s Monster Respawn Timer", isIncreaseNegative = true, skills = {'Combat'} },
["SkillPreservationChance"] = { text = "{V}% Chance to Preserve Resources in {SV0}" },
["DamageToCombatAreaMonsters"] = { text = "{V}% Damage To Combat Area Monsters", skills = {'Combat'} },
["TreeCutLimit"] = { text = "{V} Tree Cut Limit", skills = {'Woodcutting'} },
["EquipmentSets"] = { text = "{V} Equipment Sets" },
["HiddenSkillLevel"] = { text = "{V} Hidden {SV0} Level" },
["ChanceToPreservePrayerPoints"] = { text = "{V}% Chance To Preserve Prayer Points", skills = {'Prayer'} },
["ReflectDamage"] = { text = "{V}% Reflect Damage", skills = {'Combat'} },
["MeleeEvasion"] = { text = "{V}% Melee Evasion", skills = {'Combat'} },
["DamageToSlayerAreaMonsters"] = { text = "{V}% Damage To Slayer Area Monsters", skills = {'Combat'} },
["GPFromMonsters"] = { text = "{V}% GP From Monsters", skills = {'Combat'} },
["MagicEvasion"] = { text = "{V}% Magic Evasion", skills = {'Combat'} },
["DamageReduction"] = { text = "{V}% Damage Reduction", skills = {'Combat'} },
["MinWaterSpellDmg"] = { text = "{VX} Min Water Spell Dmg", skills = {'Magic'} },
["DamageToAllMonsters"] = { text = "{V}% Damage To All Monsters", skills = {'Combat'} },
["golbinRaidIncreasedStartingRuneCount"] = { text = "{V} to starting Elemental Rune count" },
["FoodHealingValue"] = { text = "{V}% Food Healing Value", skills = {'Combat'} },
["MinFireSpellDmg"] = { text = "{VX} Min Fire Spell Dmg", skills = {'Magic'} },
["SlayerCoins"] = { text = "{V}% Slayer Coins", skills = {'Slayer'} },
["GPFromThievingFlat"] = { text = "{V} GP From Thieving", skills = {'Thieving'} },
["GlobalAccuracy"] = { text = "{V}% Global Accuracy", skills = {'Combat'} },
["SlayerAreaEffectNegationFlat"] = { text = "{V}% Flat Slayer Area Effect Negation", skills = {'Combat'} },
["MagicAccuracyBonus"] = { text = "{V}% Magic Accuracy Bonus", skills = {'Combat'} },
["SkillIntervalPercent"] = { text = "{V}% {SV0} Interval", isIncreaseNegative = true, isSkill = true },
["GlobalSkillXP"] = { text = "{V}% Global Skill XP" },
["MeleeAccuracyBonus"] = { text = "{V}% Melee Accuracy Bonus", skills = {'Combat'} },
["DamageToBosses"] = { text = "{V}% Damage To Bosses", skills = {'Combat'} },
["ChanceToPreservePotionCharge"] = { text = "{V}% Chance To Preserve Potion Charge" },
["MaxHitPercent"] = { text = "{V}% Max Hit", skills = {'Combat'} },
["AltMagicSkillXP"] = { text = "{V}% Alt. Magic Skill XP", skills = {'Magic'} },
["MinAirSpellDmg"] = { text = "{VX} Min Air Spell Dmg", skills = {'Magic'} },
["AutoEatEfficiency"] = { text = "{V}% Auto Eat Efficiency", skills = {'Combat'} },
["GPFromThieving"] = { text = "{V}% GP From Thieving", skills = {'Thieving'} },
["ChanceToDoubleItemsGlobal"] = { text = "{V}% Chance to Double Items Globally" },
["GPGlobal"] = { text = "{V}% GP from all sources (Except Item Selling)", skills = {'Combat', 'Thieving', 'Agility'} },
["RangedAccuracyBonus"] = { text = "{V}% Ranged Accuracy Bonus", skills = {'Combat'} },
["AutoEatThreshold"] = { text = "{V}% Auto Eat Threshold", skills = {'Combat'} },
["freeBonfires"] = { text = "Bonfires in Firemaking require no logs to light. Automatically relights Bonfires when depleted", unsigned = true, skills = {'Firemaking'} },
["AutoEatHPLimit"] = { text = "{V}% Auto Eat HP Limit", skills = {'Combat'} },
["BankSpaceShop"] = { text = "{V} Bank Space from Shop" },
["BirdNestDropRate"] = { text = "{V}% Bird Nest drop rate", skills = {'Woodcutting'} },
["RangedEvasion"] = { text = "{V}% Ranged Evasion", skills = {'Combat'} },
["ChanceDoubleHarvest"] = { text = "{V}% chance for double harvest", skills = {'Farming'} },
["golbinRaidStartingWeapon"] = { text = "Start the Golbin Raid with an {VITEM}", unsigned = true },
["AttackRolls"] = { text =  "Your Attacks now roll twice (Select highest chance)", unsigned = true, skills = {'Combat'} },
["AmmoPreservation"] = { text = "{V}% Ammo Preservation", skills = {'Ranged'} },
["RangedStrengthBonus"] = { text = "{V}% Ranged Strength Bonus from Equipment", skills = {'Combat'} },
["MagicDamageBonus"] = { text = "{V}% Magic Damage Bonus from Equipment", skills = {'Combat'} },
["MasteryXP"] = { text = "{V}% {SV0} Mastery XP" },
["dungeonEquipmentSwapping"] = { text = "{V} Dungeon Equipment Swapping", skills = {'Combat'} },
["SeeingGoldChance"] = { text = "{V}% chance for Silver Ore to also produce a Gold Bar when smithed", skills = {'Smithing'} },
["ElementalRuneGain"] = { text = "{V} runes received when generating random elemental runes", skills = {'Runecrafting'} },
["GPFromSales"] = { text = "{V}% GP From Sales" },
["MaxHitFlat"] = { text = "{VX} Max Hit", skills = {'Combat'} },
["ChanceNoDamageMining"] = { text = "{V}% chance to do zero damage to Ores and Rune Essence", skills = {'Mining'} },
["ChanceForElementalRune"] = { text = "{V}% chance to receive random elemental runes per Runecraft", skills = {'Runecrafting'} },
["ChanceToApplyBurn"] = { text = "{V}% Chance to apply Burn to Enemy in Combat", skills = {'Combat'} },
["SummoningShardCost"] = { text = "{V} Shard Cost when creating Familiars in Summoning", skills = {'Summoning'}, isIncreaseNegative = true },
["SummoningCreationCharges"] = { text = "{V} Base Quantity for Summoning Tablet Creation", skills = {'Summoning'} },
["SummoningChargePreservation"] = { text = "{V}% Chance to preserve Summoning Charges", skills = {'Summoning'} },
["GPOnEnemyHit"] = { text = "{V} GP Gained on successful Enemy Hit", skills = {'Combat'} },
["AdditionalRunecraftCountRunes"] = { text = "{V} Additional Runes of the same type in Runecrafting", skills = {'Runecrafting'} },
["ChanceAdditionalSkillResource"] = { text = "{V}% Chance to gain +1 additional resource in {SV0}. Cannot be doubled" },
["AttackIntervalPercent"] = { text = "{V}% Attack Interval", isIncreaseNegative = true, skills = {'Combat'} },
["summoningSynergy_0_1"] = {text = "Upon killing an Enemy, grants GP equal to {V}% of their highest base Evasion Rating.", skills = {"Combat",}},
["summoningSynergy_0_6"] = {text = "Grants GP equal to {V}% of your MELEE damage dealt.", skills = {"Combat"}},
["summoningSynergy_0_7"] = {text = "Grants GP equal to {V}% of your RANGED damage dealt.", skills = {"Combat"}},
["summoningSynergy_0_8"] = {text = "Grants GP equal to {V}% of your MAGIC damage dealt.", skills = {"Combat"}},
["summoningSynergy_0_12"] = {text = "Upon killing a Slayer Task Enemy, grants {V}% GP.", skills = {"Combat"}},
["summoningSynergy_0_13"] = {text = "Upon being hit by an Enemy, grants GP equal to ({V} * Your Damage Reduction). This can only proc once every Enemy Attack Turn.", skills = {"Combat"}},
["summoningSynergy_0_14"] = {text = "{VX100}% of regenerated health gained as GP", skills = {"Combat"}},
["summoningSynergy_0_15"] = {text = "Upon killing an Enemy that is BURNING, grants {V}% GP.", skills = {"Combat"}},
["summoningSynergy_1_2"] = {text = "When player has full HP, effects from the Occultist Familiar are tripled.", skills = {"Combat"}},
["summoningSynergy_1_8"] = {text = "{V} Magic Defence Bonus.", skills = {"Combat"}},
["summoningSynergy_1_12"] = {text = "If the Enemy is your current Slayer Task, {V}% Enemy Accuracy Rating.", skills = {"Combat"}, inverseSign = true},
["summoningSynergy_1_13"] = {text = "Grants flat Melee & Ranged Defence Bonus equal to your Damage Reduction", skills = {"Combat"}},
["summoningSynergy_1_14"] = {text = "If the Enemy has more combined Evasion Ratings than the Player, grants {V}% Hitpoint Regeneration.", skills = {"Combat", "Hitpoints"}},
["summoningSynergy_1_15"] = {text = "If the Player is BURNING, grants {V} Melee, Ranged and Magic Defence Bonus.", skills = {"Combat"}},
["summoningSynergy_2_12"] = {text = "Grants Slayer Coins equal to {V}% of HP leeched from Lifesteal.", skills = {"Slayer"}},
["summoningSynergy_2_13"] = {text = "Upon attacking an Enemy, heals you for {V}% of your Damage Reduction. This can only proc once every 2 seconds.", skills = {"Combat"}},
["summoningSynergy_2_15"] = {text = "Heals you for all damage dealt by the Wolf & Dragon Familiars.", skills = {"Combat"}},
["summoningSynergy_3_4"] = {text = "{V}% chance per action in Woodcutting to gain a random Gem.", skills = {'Woodcutting'}},
["summoningSynergy_3_5"] = {text = "{V}% Increased Special Item chance in Fishing. {V}% Increased chance to obtain a Bird Nests in Woodcutting.", skills = {'Fishing', 'Woodcutting'}},
["summoningSynergy_3_9"] = {text = "{V}% chance to receive +1 Cooked Food in Cooking. Cannot be doubled.", skills = {'Cooking'}},
["summoningSynergy_3_10"] = {text = "{V}% Runecrafting Preservation Chance when creating Staves.", skills = {'Runecrafting'}},
["summoningSynergy_3_11"] = {text = "When successfully pickpocketing the Lumberjack in Thieving, grants {V} Bird Nest instead of GP.", skills = {'Thieving'}},
["summoningSynergy_3_16"] = {text = "In Woodcutting, {V}% chance for a random Silver or Gold Jewelry to drop instead of a Bird Nest.", skills = {'Woodcutting'}},
["summoningSynergy_3_17"] = {text = "{V}% chance to gain +1 Base Logs from Woodcutting, or produced Items from Smithing.", skills = {'Woodcutting', 'Smithing'}},
["summoningSynergy_3_18"] = {text = "While the Bird Nest Potion is active in Woodcutting, grants {V} minimum Bird Nest.", skills = {'Woodcutting'}},
["summoningSynergy_3_19"] = {text = "{V}% of Woodcutting Skill XP is earned as Firemaking Skill XP. Chance to double Logs is halved.", skills = {'Woodcutting', 'Firemaking'}},
["summoningSynergy_4_5"] = {text = "When receiving a Gem from Mining or Fishing, there is a {V}% chance to get another random Gem.", skills = {'Fishing', 'Mining'}},
["summoningSynergy_4_9"] = {text = "{V}% base burn chance in Cooking. Grants 100 Coal Ore when burning Food.", skills = {'Cooking'}},
["summoningSynergy_4_10"] = {text = "Base quantity for Rune Essence in Mining is doubled.", skills = {'Mining'}},
["summoningSynergy_4_11"] = {text = "When successfully pickpocketing the Miner in Thieving, {V}% chance to get a random Gem.", skills = {'Thieving'}},
["summoningSynergy_4_16"] = {text = "Base quantity for Silver Ore & Gold Ore is doubled in Mining.", skills = {'Mining'}},
["summoningSynergy_4_17"] = {text = "{V}% chance to receive a smithed verion of the Ore you are Mining.", skills = {'Mining'}},
["summoningSynergy_4_18"] = {text = "While the Perfect Swing Potion is active in Mining, all Mining Nodes have {V} Max HP.", skills = {'Mining'}},
["summoningSynergy_4_19"] = {text = "{V}% chance to receive a Diamond per action in Firemaking.", skills = {'Firemaking'}},
["summoningSynergy_5_9"] = {text = "{V}% chance to receive an extra Fish as a Cooked version while Fishing.", skills = {'Fishing'}},
["summoningSynergy_5_10"] = {text = "In Runecrafting, when creating a Combination Rune that requires Water Runes as an ingredient, produce {V} extra Combination Runes.", skills = {'Runecrafting'}},
["summoningSynergy_5_11"] = {text = "-50% Thieving Skill Interval for Fisherman only. Also grants +2 Base Thieving Item Qty from Fisherman only.", skills = {'Thieving'}},
["summoningSynergy_5_16"] = {text = "33% chance to gain a random Gem while creating Jewelry in Crafting.", skills = {'Crafting'}},
["summoningSynergy_5_17"] = {text = "While creating Dragon Gear in Smithing, grants {V}% Smithing Preservation chance.", skills = {'Smithing'}},
["summoningSynergy_5_18"] = {text = "{V}% charges when using the Fishermans Potion. Bonus is applied when new Potion is activated. Charges are used each Fishing action.", skills = {'Fishing'}},
["summoningSynergy_6_7"] = {text = "While fighting a Ranged Enemy, grants {V} Melee Accuracy Bonus and {V} Melee Strength Bonus.", skills = {"Combat", 'Melee'}},
["summoningSynergy_6_8"] = {text = "While fighting your current Slayer Task, grants {V}% of your Magic Max Hit as Minimum Damage.", skills = {"Combat", 'Magic'}},
["summoningSynergy_6_12"] = {text = "While fighting your current Slayer Task, grants {V}% of your Melee Max Hit as Minimum Damage.", skills = {"Combat", 'Melee'}},
["summoningSynergy_6_13"] = {text = "While fighting a Ranged Enemy, grants {V}% Damage Reduction.", skills = {"Combat"}},
["summoningSynergy_6_14"] = {text = "While using a Melee Weapon, grants {V}% of your Melee Max Hit as Flat HP Regen.", skills = {"Combat", 'Melee', 'Hitpoints'}},
["summoningSynergy_6_15"] = {text = "If the Enemy is BURNING, effects from the Minotaur Familiar are tripled.", skills = {"Combat", 'Melee'}},
["summoningSynergy_7_8"] = {text = "While fighting a Magic Enemy, grants {V} Ranged Accuracy Bonus and {V} Ranged Strength Bonus.", skills = {"Combat", 'Ranged'}},
["summoningSynergy_7_12"] = {text = "While fighting your current Slayer Task, grants {V}% of your Ranged Max Hit as Minimum Damage.", skills = {"Combat", 'Ranged'}},
["summoningSynergy_7_13"] = {text = "While fighting a Magic Enemy, grants {V}% Damage Reduction.", skills = {"Combat"}},
["summoningSynergy_7_14"] = {text = "While using a Ranged Weapon, grants {V}% of your Ranged Max Hit as HP Regeneration.", skills = {"Combat", 'Ranged', 'Hitpoints'}},
["summoningSynergy_7_15"] = {text = "Your Ranged Attacks now have {V}% to inflict BURNING on the Enemy.", skills = {"Combat", 'Ranged'}},
["summoningSynergy_8_12"] = {text = "Grants Slayer Coins equal to {V}% of your Magic Damage while on Slayer Task.", skills = {'Slayer'}},
["summoningSynergy_8_13"] = {text = "While fighting a Melee Enemy, grants {V}% Damage Reduction.", skills = {"Combat"}},
["summoningSynergy_8_14"] = {text = "Grants {V}% of your Max Hit as HP Regeneration if using a Magic Attack Style.", skills = {"Combat", 'Magic', 'Hitpoints'}},
["summoningSynergy_9_11"] = {text = "The Chef in Thieving now deals no damage to you.", skills = {'Thieving'}},
["summoningSynergy_9_16"] = {text = "Crafting Recipes that require Dragonhide now use {V} quantity to create. Recipe cost cannot go below 1.", skills = {'Crafting'}, inverseSign = true},
["summoningSynergy_9_17"] = {text = "{VMS}s Skill Interval for Cooking & Smithing.", inverseSign = true, skills = {'Cooking', 'Smithing'}},
["summoningSynergy_9_18"] = {text = "Generous Cook Potions now provide {V}% charges. This bonus is applied when a new potion is activated.", skills = {'Cooking'}},
["summoningSynergy_10_11"] = {text = "Successfully pickpocketting the Miner in Thieving will now grant {V} Rune Essence.", skills = {'Thieving'}},
["summoningSynergy_10_16"] = {text = "{V}% chance to double when creating Leather, Hard Leather or Dragonhide Armour in Crafting.", skills = {'Crafting'}},
["summoningSynergy_10_17"] = {text = "{V}% Smithing & Runecrafting Preservation Chance.", skills = {'Smithing', 'Runecrafting'}},
["summoningSynergy_10_18"] = {text = "While the Elemental Potion is active in Runecrafting, grants a chance to get random Combination Runes. The chance and quantity is equal to that of the Elemental Potion.", skills = {'Runecrafting'}},
["summoningSynergy_10_19"] = {text = "Grants {V} Fire Runes while creating Elemental Runes.", skills = {'Runecrafting'}},
["summoningSynergy_11_16"] = {text = "Upon receiving an item in Thieving, grants GP equal to {VX100}% of its sale price.", skills = {'Thieving'}},
["summoningSynergy_11_17"] = {text = "Upon successfully pickpocketting an item from the Miner in Thieving, {V}% chance to receive a random Bar.", skills = {'Thieving'}},
["summoningSynergy_11_18"] = {text = "{V}% chance to obtain a single Herb Sack while Thieving the Farmer, on top of the original item obtained.", skills = {'Thieving'}},
["summoningSynergy_11_19"] = {text = "While Thieving any NPC, 50% chance to grant +100% GP, 35% chance to grant 4x Items, or 15% chance to receive no items or GP at all.", skills = {'Thieving'}},
["summoningSynergy_12_13"] = {text = "While fighting your current Slayer Task, {V}% Damage Reduction.", skills = {"Combat"}},
["summoningSynergy_12_14"] = {text = "While fighting your current Slayer Task, {V}% Hitpoints Regeneration.", skills = {"Combat", "Hitpoints"}},
["summoningSynergy_13_14"] = {text = "{V}% Hitpoints Regeneration if you have less than 75% Current HP.", skills = {"Combat", "Hitpoints"}},
["summoningSynergy_16_17"] = {text = "{V}% chance to preserve resources in Crafting when creating Rings or Amulets only.", skills = {'Crafting'}},
["summoningSynergy_16_18"] = {text = "Crafting Potions now last twice as long. Bonus is applied when a new potion is activated. Charges are used per Crafting action.", skills = {'Crafting'}},
["summoningSynergy_16_19"] = {text = "Burning Logs in Firemaking grants GP equal to {V+100}% of its base sale price.", skills = {'Firemaking'}},
["summoningSynergy_17_18"] = {text = "While using the Seeing Gold Potion in Smithing, double Silver & Gold Bar output.", skills = {'Smithing'}},
["summoningSynergy_17_19"] = {text = "{V} Coal required for Smithing Item production.", skills = {'Smithing'}, inverseSign = true},
["summoningSynergy_18_19"] = {text = "While using the Controlled Heat Potions, +5% Firemaking Skill XP and Bonfire duration is doubled. Charges are used per Firemaking action.", skills = {'Firemaking'}},
-- New 0.21 modifiers
["AgilityObstacleCost"] = { text = "{V}% Agility Obstacle Build Costs", skills = {'Agility'}, isIncreaseNegative = true },
["allowAttackAugmentingMagic"] = { text = "Magic Curses and Auroras can be used without a magic weapon", skills = {'Combat'} },
["allowSignetDrops"] = { text = "Something else drops instead of Gold Topaz Ring" },
["aprilFoolsDecreasedCarrotGang"] = { text = "{V} Carrot Gang reputation points", isIncreaseNegative = true, inverseSign = true, skills = {'Combat'} },
["aprilFoolsDecreasedLemonGang"] = { text = "{V} Lemon Gang reputation points", isIncreaseNegative = true, inverseSign = true, skills = {'Combat'} },
["aprilFoolsDecreasedMovementSpeed"] = { text = "{V} Movement Speed", isIncreaseNegative = true, inverseSign = true },
["aprilFoolsDecreasedTeleportCost"] = { text = "{V}% Rune cost for Teleportation Spells", inverseSign = true },
["aprilFoolsDecreasedUpdateDelay"] = { text = "{V} days next Major Update has been delayed", inverseSign = true },
["aprilFoolsIncreasedCarrotGang"] = { text = "{V} Carrot Gang reputation points", skills = {'Combat'} },
["aprilFoolsIncreasedLemonGang"] = { text = "{V} Lemon Gang reputation points", skills = {'Combat'} },
["aprilFoolsIncreasedMovementSpeed"] = { text = "{V} Movement Speed" },
["aprilFoolsIncreasedTeleportCost"] = { text = "{V}% Rune cost for Teleportation Spells", isIncreaseNegative = true },
["aprilFoolsIncreasedUpdateDelay"] = { text = "{V} days next Major Update has been delayed", isIncreaseNegative = true },
["AttackInterval"] = { text = "{VMS}s Attack Interval", isIncreaseNegative = true, skills = {'Combat'} },
["autoBurying"] = { text = "Bones are automatically buried for {V+100}% of their prayer point value", unsigned = true, skills = {'Prayer'} },
["autoLooting"] = { text = "Combat loot is automatically collected", skills = {'Combat'} },
["bleedImmunity"] = { text = "{V}% chance to ignore bleed", skills = {'Combat'} },
["BleedLifesteal"] = { text = "{V}% Bleed lifesteal", skills = {'Combat'} },
["BonusCoalMining"] = { text = "{V} Coal Ore per Ore Mined. (Item doubling does not apply)", skills = {'Mining'} },
["bonusCoalOnDungeonCompletion"] = { text = "1% chance to receive {V} Coal when completing a dungeon", skills = {'Combat'} },
["burnImmunity"] = { text = "{V}% chance to ignore burn", skills = {'Combat'} },
["BurnLifesteal"] = { text = "{V}% Burn lifesteal", skills = {'Combat'} },
["bypassSlayerItems"] = { text = "Bypass Slayer Area item requirements", skills = {'Slayer'} },
["ChanceToConvertSeedDrops"] = { text = "{V}% chance to convert combat seed drops to herbs", skills = {'Combat'} },
["CompostPreservationChance"] = { text = "{V}% Chance to preserve Compost or Weird Gloop applied to Farming Plots when harvesting", skills = {'Farming'} },
["Confusion"] = { text = "{V}% of remaining Hitpoints taken as damage on a successful attack (once per turn)", isIncreaseNegative = true, skills = {'Combat'} },
["curseImmunity"] = { text = "Immune to curses", skills = {'Combat'} },
["DamageReductionPercent"] = { text = "{V}% Damage Reduction", skills = {'Combat'} },
["DamageTaken"] = { text = "{V}% more Damage taken", isIncreaseNegative = true, skills = {'Combat'} },
["debuffImmunity"] = { text = "Immune to debuffs", skills = {'Combat'} },
["Decay"] = { text = "{V}% of Maximum Hitpoints taken as damage on a successful attack (once per turn)", isIncreaseNegative = true, skills = {'Combat'} },
["doubleItemsSkill"] = { text = "x{VMUL} Items received from {SV0}", unsigned = true },
["doubleOresMining"] = { text = "x2 Ores received from Mining", unsigned = true, skills = {'Mining'} },
["DragonBreathDamage"] = { text = "{V}% damage taken from dragonbreath", isIncreaseNegative = true, skills = {'Combat'} },
["FiremakingCoalChance"] = { text = "{V}% chance to receive coal when burning logs in Firemaking", skills = {'Firemaking'} },
["FlatMaxHitpoints"] = { text = "{VX} Maximum Hitpoints", skills = {'Hitpoints'} },
["FlatMinHit"] = { text = "{VX} Minimum Hit", skills = {'Combat'} },
["FlatReflectDamage"] = { text = "{VX} Reflect Damage", skills = {'Combat'} },
["freeCompost"] = { text = "Composting crops in Farming is free", skills = {'Farming'} },
["GlobalEvasion"] = { text = "{V}% Global Evasion", skills = {'Combat'} },
["golbinRaidIncreasedMaximumAmmo"] = { text = "{V}% Maximum Ammo in Golbin Raid", skills = {'Combat'} },
["golbinRaidIncreasedMaximumRunes"] = { text = "{V}% Maximum Runes in Golbin Raid", skills = {'Combat'} },
["golbinRaidIncreasedMinimumFood"] = { text = "{V} Minimum Food in Golbin Raid", skills = {'Combat'} },
["golbinRaidIncreasedPrayerLevel"] = { text = "{V} Prayer Levels in Golbin Raid", skills = {'Prayer'} },
["golbinRaidIncreasedPrayerPointsStart"] = { text = "{V} Starting Prayer Points in Golbin Raid", skills = {'Prayer'} },
["golbinRaidIncreasedPrayerPointsWave"] = { text = "{V} Prayer Points per Wave in Golbin Raid", skills = {'Prayer'} },
["golbinRaidPassiveSlotUnlocked"] = { text = "Unlocked Passive Slot in Golbin Raid", skills = {'Combat'} },
["golbinRaidPrayerUnlocked"] = { text = "Unlocked Prayer in Golbin Raid", skills = {'Prayer'} },
["golbinRaidWaveSkipCostReduction"] = { text = "{V}% Golbin Raid wave Skip Cost", inverseSign = true, skills = {'Combat'} },
["GPMultiplierCap"] = { text = "{VD}% maximum gp per damage dealt", skills = {'Combat'} },
["GPMultiplierMin"] = { text = "{VD}% minimum gp per damage dealt", skills = {'Combat'} },
["GPMultiplierPer1MGP"] = { text = "{VD}% GP per damage dealt for every 1M GP owned", skills = {'Combat'} },
["itemProtection"] = { text = "Items are not lost on death", skills = {'Combat'} },
["MagicCritChance"] = { text = "{V}% Magic critical hit chance", skills = {'Magic'} },
["MagicLifesteal"] = { text = "{V}% Magic lifesteal", skills = {'Magic'} },
["MagicMaxHit"] = { text = "{V}% Magic Max Hit", skills = {'Magic'} },
["magicProtection"] = { text = "You have a set {V}% chance to dodge Magic attacks", skills = {'Magic'} },
["MasteryPoolProgress"] = { text = "{V}% to effective Mastery Pool progress" },
["MaxAirSpellDmg"] = { text = "{VX} Max Air Spell Dmg", skills = {'Magic'} },
["MaxEarthSpellDmg"] = { text = "{VX} Max Earth Spell Dmg", skills = {'Magic'} },
["MaxFireSpellDmg"] = { text = "{VX} Max Fire Spell Dmg", skills = {'Magic'} },
["MaxWaterSpellDmg"] = { text = "{VX} Max Water Spell Dmg", skills = {'Magic'} },
["MeleeCritChance"] = { text = "{V}% Melee critical hit chance", skills = {'Combat'} },
["MeleeLifesteal"] = { text = "{V}% Melee Lifesteal", skills = {'Combat'} },
["MeleeMaxHit"] = { text = "{V}% Melee Max Hit", skills = {'Combat'} },
["meleeProtection"] = { text = "You have a set {V}% chance to dodge Melee attacks", skills = {'Combat'} },
["MeleeStunThreshold"] = { text = "Melee attacks stun the target when they deal {V}% of max hit", skills = {'Combat'} },
["MiningGemChance"] = { text = "{V}% Chance to receive gems from Mining (Does not work for Rune Essence)", skills = {'Combat'} },
["OffItemChance"] = { text = "{V}% increased chance to receive an off-item (An item from a skill that is not the main resource you are gathering)" },
["poisonImmunity"] = { text = "{V}% chance to ignore poison", skills = {'Combat'} },
["PoisonLifesteal"] = { text = "{V}% Poison lifesteal", skills = {'Combat'} },
["PrayerCost"] = { text = "{V}% Prayer Point Cost for Prayers (Prayer Point cost cannot go below 1)", isIncreaseNegative = true, skills = {'Prayer'} },
["RangedCritChance"] = { text = "{V}% Ranged critical hit chance", skills = {'Ranged'} },
["RangedLifesteal"] = { text = "{V}% Ranged Lifesteal", skills = {'Ranged'} },
["RangedMaxHit"] = { text = "{V}% Ranged Max Hit", skills = {'Ranged'} },
["rangedProtection"] = { text = "You have a set {V}% chance to dodge Ranged attacks", skills = {'Ranged'} },
["RebirthChance"] = { text = "{V}% chance to respawn with full hitpoints upon reaching 0 hitpoints", skills = {'Combat'} },
["RedemptionPercent"] = { text = "{V}% of max hitpoints healed on redemption", skills = {'Combat'} },
["RedemptionThreshold"] = { text = "{V}% redemption threshold", skills = {'Combat'} },
["RolledReflectDamage"] = { text = "{S}0-{VX} Reflect Damage", unsigned = true, skills = {'Combat'} },
["RuneProvision"] = { text = "Rune providing items provide {VMUL}x as many runes", unsigned = true, skills = {'Combat'} },
["SecondaryFoodBurnChance"] = { text = "{V}% Secondary Chance to burn food when Cooking", isIncreaseNegative = true, skills = {'Cooking'} },
["sleepImmunity"] = { text = "Immune to Sleep", skills = {'Combat'} },
["SmithingCoalCost"] = { text = "{V}% Coal Costs for Smithing", skills = {'Smithing'}, isIncreaseNegative = true },
["stunImmunity"] = { text = "{V}% chance to ignore Stuns and Freezes", skills = {'Combat'} },
["summoningSynergy_9_19"] = { text = "" },
-- 0.22 Modifiers
["AllotmentSeedCost"] = { text = "{V} seed cost to plant Allotments in Farming", isIncreaseNegative = true, skills = {'Farming'} },
["AltMagicRunePreservation"] = { text = "{V}% Rune Preservation for Alt. Magic Spells", skills = {'Magic'} },
["autoEquipFoodUnlocked"] = { text = "Auto Equip Food Unlocked", skills = {'Combat', 'Cooking'} },
["autoSwapFoodUnlocked"] = { text = "Auto Swap Food Unlocked", skills = {'Combat'} },
["ChancePerfectCookFire"] = { text = "{V}% Perfect Cook chance for items cooked on Cooking Fire", skills = {'Cooking'} },
["ChancePerfectCookFurnace"] = { text = "{V}% Perfect Cook chance for items cooked in Furnace", skills = {'Cooking'} },
["ChancePerfectCookGlobal"] = { text = "{V}% Global Perfect Cook chance.", skills = {'Cooking'} },
["ChancePerfectCookPot"] = { text = "{V}% Perfect Cook chance for items cooked in Pot", skills = {'Cooking'} },
["ChanceSuccessfulCook"] = { text = "{V}% chance to successfully Cook an item.", skills = {'Cooking'} },
["FishingSpecialChance"] = { text = "{V}% chance to receive Special Items from Fishing", skills = {'Fishing'} },
["Frostburn"] = { text = "{V}% of Current HP taken as damage per Attack", isIncreaseNegative = true, skills = {'Combat'} },
["masteryToken"] = { text = "Grants Mastery Pool XP equal to {V}% of the maximum Mastery Pool XP for the respective skill",
skills = {'Woodcutting', 'Fishing', 'Firemaking', 'Cooking', 'Mining', 'Smithing', 'Thieving', 'Farming',
'Fletching', 'Crafting', 'Runecrafting', 'Herblore', 'Agility', 'Summoning', 'Astrology'} },
["MinThievingGP"] = { text = "{V}% minimum GP from Thieving", skills = {'Thieving'} },
["RunecraftingEssencePreservation"] = { text = "{V}% chance to preserve resources when Runecrafting runes", skills = {'Runecrafting'} },
["SummoningMaxHit"] = { text = "{V}% Summoning Max Hit", skills = {'Combat'} },
["ThievingStealth"] = { text = "{V} Stealth while Thieving", skills = {'Thieving'} },
-- 1.0 Modifiers
["AfflictionChance"] = { text = "{V}% chance to apply affliction when attacking", skills = {'Combat'} },
["allowLootContainerStacking"] = { text = "Items other than bones stack within the loot container", skills = {'Combat'} },
["BaseStardustDropQty"] = { text = "{V} to base drop quantity of Stardust and Golden Stardust from Astrology", skills = {'Astrology'} },
["BleedReflectChance"] = { text = "{V}% chance to inflict a bleed that does 100% of the attack's damage to attackers when hit", skills = {'Combat'} },
["ChanceForDiamondFiremaking"] = { text = "{V}% chance to receive a Diamond per action in Firemaking (Cannot be doubled)", skills = {'Firemaking'} },
["ChanceToApplyFrostburn"] = { text = "{V}% chance to apply Frostburn when attacking", skills = {'Combat'} },
["ChanceToApplyPoison"] = { text = "{V}% chance to apply Poison when hitting with an attack", skills = {'Combat'} },
["ChanceToIncreaseStunDuration"] = { text = "{V}% chance to increase the length of stuns inflicted by 1 turn", skills = {'Combat'} },
["ChanceToPreserveFood"] = { text = "{V}% chance to Preserve Food when eaten", skills = {'Combat'} },
["ElementalEffectChance"] = { text = "{V}% chance to apply Burn, Frostburn or Freeze when hitting with a Magic attack (once per turn)", skills = {'Combat'} },
["EndOfTurnHealing2"] = { text = "{V}% of current hitpoints every 2 turns", skills = {'Combat', 'Hitpoints'} },
["EndOfTurnHealing3"] = { text = "{V}% of current hitpoints every 3 turns", skills = {'Combat', 'Hitpoints'} },
["EndOfTurnHealing5"] = { text = "{V}% of current hitpoints every 5 turns", skills = {'Combat', 'Hitpoints'} },
["freeProtectItem"] = { text = "The Protect Item Prayer costs nothing", skills = {'Prayer'} },
["frostBurnImmunity"] = { text = "{V}% chance to ignore Frostburn", skills = {'Combat'} },
["globalEvasionHPScaling"] = { text = "Evasion Ratings are multiplied by {V} times current Hitpoints percent", skills = {'Combat'} },
["GPFromFiremaking"] = { text = "{V}% GP from Firemaking.", skills = {'Firemaking'} },
["infiniteLootContainer"] = { text = "The loot container has an infinite amount of slots", skills = {'Combat'} },
["magicImmunity"] = { text = "Immune to Magic attacks", skills = {'Combat'} },
["meleeImmunity"] = { text = "Immune to Melee attacks", skills = {'Combat'} },
["MeleeStunChance"] = { text = "{V}% chance to stun when hitting with a Melee attack (once per turn)", skills = {'Combat'} },
["MinNatureSpellDamageBasedOnMaxHit"] = { text = "{V}% of Maximum Hit added to Minimum Hit when using Nature spells", skills = {'Combat'} },
["NonMagicPoisonChance"] = { text = "{V}% chance to apply poison when hitting with a Melee or Ranged attack", skills = {'Combat'} },
["OnHitSlowMagnitude"] = { text = "Inflict a slow that increases the target's attack interval by {V}% when hitting with an attack", skills = {'Combat'} },
["otherStyleImmunity"] = { text = "Immune to all attack types other than their own", skills = {'Combat'} },
["PoisonReflectChance"] = { text = "{V}% chance to poison attackers when hit", skills = {'Combat'} },
["rangedImmunity"] = { text = "Immune to Ranged attacks", skills = {'Combat'} },
["RegenerationInterval"] = { text = "{VMS}s Hitpoint Regeneration interval", isIncreaseNegative = true, skills = {'Combat', 'Hitpoints'} },
["slowImmunity"] = { text = "{V}% chance to ignore Slow effects", skills = {'Combat'} },
["SurgeSpellAccuracy"] = { text = "{V}% Accuracy Rating when using Surge spells", skills = {'Combat'} },
["SurgeSpellMaxHit"] = { text = "{V}% Max Hit when using Surge spells", skills = {'Combat'} },
["TotalBleedDamage"] = { text = "{VX} total damage to bleeds inflicted", skills = {'Combat'} },
-- The below are not present in 1.0 but are left here for now until everything is fully-migrated to 1.0
["CombatStoppingThreshold"] = { text = "{V}% automatic combat stopping threshold", skills = {'Combat'} },
["MagicCritMult"] = { text = "{V}% Magic critical hit multiplier", skills = {'Magic'} },
["MeleeCritMult"] = { text = "{V}% Melee critical hit multiplier", skills = {'Combat'} },
["RangedCritMult"] = { text = "{V}% Ranged critical hit multiplier", skills = {'Ranged'} },
-- New 1.1 modifiers
["15SlowStunChance2Turns"] = { text = "{V}% chance to apply a 15% Slow for 2 Attack Turns when hitting with any attack (once per turn)", skills = {'Combat'} },
["30Slow5TurnsChance"] = { text = "{V}% chance to inflict a Slow that increases the target's attack interval by 30% for 5 target turns when hitting with an attack", skills = {'Combat'} },
["5DROnBeingHit"] = { text = "When hit by an Enemy, gain +5% Damage Reduction for 1 Enemy Turn (Does not Stack)", skills = {'Combat'} },
["AbsorbingSkin"] = { text = "Target gains +3% Damage Reduction for every successful hit by the Attacker (Stacks up to 10 times)", skills = {'Combat'} },
["AdditionalAshInFiremaking"] = { text = "{V} Ash per burn in Firemaking (Cannot be doubled)", isIncreaseNegative = true, skills = {'Firemaking'} },
["AgilityPillarCost"] = { text = "{V}% Agility Pillar build costs", isIncreaseNegative = true, skills = {'Agility'} },
["allowNonMagicCurses"] = { text = "Magic Curses can be used without a Magic weapon", skills = {'Combat'} },
["applyDespairCurseOnSpawn"] = { text = "Apply Despair Curse to the Target on spawn or revive", skills = {'Combat'} },
["applyMadnessCurseOnSpawn"] = { text = "Apply Madness Curse to the Target on spawn or revive", skills = {'Combat'} },
["applyRandomCurseOnSpawn"] = { text = "Apply a random Curse to the Target on spawn or revive", skills = {'Combat'} },
["applyTormentCurseOnSpawn"] = { text = "Apply Torment Curse to the Target on spawn or revive", skills = {'Combat'} },
["Assassin"] = { text = "When Target is hit, Attacker gains a stack of Assassin: +30% Global Accuracy (Stacks up to 5 times and resets after 5 Attack Turns)", skills = {'Combat'} },
["bigRon"] = { text = "Big Ol Ron is active", skills = {'Combat'} },
["BleedDOTDamage"] = { text = "{V}% Damage taken from Bleeds", skills = {'Combat'} },
["BoltProduction"] = { text = "{V} Bolts produced per action in Fletching", skills = {'Fletching'} },
["BonusFishingSpecialChance"] = { text = "{V}% Special Item chance in Fishing", skills = {'Fishing'} },
["BurnDOTDamage"] = { text = "{V}% Damage taken from Burns", skills = {'Combat'} },
["bypassAllSlayerItems"] = { text = "Bypass All Slayer Area item requirements", skills = {'Combat'} },
["ChanceAdditionalBarSmithing"] = { text = "{V}% Chance to gain +1 additional bar in Smithing (Cannot be doubled)", skills = {'Smithing'} },
["ChanceAdditionalPerfectItem"] = { text = "{V}% chance to receive an additional Perfect Item from Cooking (Cannot be doubled)", skills = {'Cooking'} },
["ChanceDarkBlade"] = { text = "{V}% chance to apply Dark Blade Effect (+1% Max Hit) to the Attacker per successful hit (Stacks up to 30 times)", skills = {'Combat'} },
["ChanceDoubleSlayerTaskKill"] = { text = "{V}% chance for a Slayer Task kill to count as 2 kills (Rewards Slayer Coins for 2nd kill, but not Slayer XP)", skills = {'Combat'} },
["ChanceExtraArrows"] = { text = "{V}% chance for +5 Arrows produced per action in Fletching (Cannot be doubled)", skills = {'Fletching'} },
["ChanceExtraCrossbows"] = { text = "{V}% chance for +1 Crossbow produced per action in Fletching (Cannot be doubled)", skills = {'Fletching'} },
["ChanceExtraJavelins"] = { text = "{V}% chance for +3 Javelins produced per action in Fletching (Cannot be doubled)", skills = {'Fletching'} },
["ChanceExtraMeteoriteOre"] = { text = "{V}% chance for +1 Meteorite Ore in Mining (Cannot be doubled)", skills = {'Mining'} },
["ChanceExtraUnstrungBows"] = { text = "{V}% chance for +2 Unstrung Bows produced per action in Fletching (Cannot be doubled)", skills = {'Fletching'} },
["ChanceForArrowShaftsWoodcutting"] = { text = "{V}% chance to gain Arrow Shafts when cutting Trees (Cannot be Doubled)", skills = {'Fletching', 'Woodcutting'} },
["ChanceForAshInFiremaking"] = { text = "{V}% chance to receive Ash per burn in Firemaking", skills = {'Firemaking'} },
["ChanceForAshInWoodcutting"] = { text = "{V}% chance to receive an Ash drop while Woodcutting", skills = {'Woodcutting'} },
["ChanceForCharcoalInFiremaking"] = { text = "{V}% chance to receive Charcoal per burn in Firemaking", skills = {'Firemaking'} },
["ChanceForOneExtraFish"] = { text = "{V}% chance to receive +1 Fish in Fishing (Cannot be doubled)", skills = {'Fishing'} },
["ChanceForOneExtraOre"] = { text = "{V}% chance to receive +1 Ore in Mining (Cannot be doubled)", skills = {'Mining'} },
["ChanceForQualitySuperiorGem"] = { text = "{V}% chance to receive a Quality Superior Gem while Mining Gem Veins or Meteorite Ore", skills = {'Mining'} },
["ChanceForStardustInFiremaking"] = { text = "{V}% chance to receive Stardust when burning Magic Logs in Firemaking", skills = {'Firemaking'} },
["ChanceGoldenStardust"] = { text = "{V}% chance to locate Golden Stardust in Astrology", skills = {'Astrology'} },
["ChanceItemToGoldFletching"] = { text = "{V}% chance for Items produced in Fletching to be converted to GP equal to 150% Base Sale price", skills = {'Fletching'} },
["ChanceStardust"] = { text = "{V}% chance to locate Stardust in Astrology", skills = {'Astrology'} },
["ChanceStardustCuttingMagicLogs"] = { text = "{V}% chance to receive Stardust when cutting Magic Logs in Woodcutting (Quantity equal to Logs received)", skills = {'Woodcutting'} },
["ChanceToApplyBurnWithRanged"] = { text = "{V}% chance to apply burn when attacking with Ranged", skills = {'Combat'} },
["ChanceToApplyDeadlyPoison"] = { text = "{V}% chance to apply Deadly Poison to the Target", skills = {'Combat'} },
["ChanceToApplyDeadlyPoisonWhenPoisoned"] = { text = "If target is poisoned, {V}% chance to apply deadly poison when hitting with an attack", skills = {'Combat'} },
["ChanceToApplyDecayCurse"] = { text = "{V}% to apply Decay Curse to the Target per hit", skills = {'Combat'} },
["ChanceToApplyShock"] = { text = "{V}% chance to reduce Target Damage Reduction by 1% per successful hit. Stacks up to 20 times", skills = {'Combat'} },
["ChanceToApplySleepToTargetWhenHit"] = { text = "When hit, {V}% chance to apply Sleep to the Target for 1 turn", skills = {'Combat'} },
["ChanceToAvoidCurses"] = { text = "{V}% chance to avoid Curses", skills = {'Combat'} },
["ChanceToAvoidSleep"] = { text = "{V}% chance to avoid Sleep", skills = {'Combat'} },
["ChanceToAvoidStun"] = { text = "{V}% chance to avoid being Stunned", skills = {'Combat'} },
["ChanceToAvoidThievingStuns"] = { text = "{V}% chance to avoid the stun interval and stun damage in Thieving when pickpocket attempt fails", skills = {'Thieving'} },
["ChanceToDoubleLeatherDragonhideCrafting"] = { text = "{V}% chance to double items in Crafting when making Leather or Dragonhide armour", skills = {'Crafting'} },
["ChanceToFindLostChest"] = { text = "{V}% chance to find a Lost Chest while Fishing (This is separate to the Special Fishing Chance)", skills = {'Fishing'} },
["ChanceToFindMeteorite"] = { text = "{V}% chance to locate a Meteorite in Astrology", skills = {'Astrology'} },
["ChanceToFindMushroomWoodcutting"] = { text = "{V}% chance to find a Mushroom in Woodcutting (Cannot be doubled)", skills = {'Woodcutting'} },
["ChanceToIncreaseSleepDuration"] = { text = "{V}% chance for Sleep applied to the Enemy to last an extra 1 Attack Turn", skills = {'Combat'} },
["ChanceToPreserveConsumable"] = { text = "{V}% chance to preserve Consumable Slot charges" },
["coalGainedOnCookingFailure"] = { text = "{V} Coal Ore when failing to Cook Food", skills = {'Cooking'} },
["CookingSuccessCap"] = { text = "{V}% Cooking success chance cap", skills = {'Cooking'} },
["CraftingJewelryPreservation"] = { text = "{V}% chance to preserve resources in Crafting when making jewelry", skills = {'Crafting'} },
["CraftingJewelryRandomGemChance"] = { text = "{V}% chance to gain a random gem when creating jewelry in Crafting", skills = {'Crafting'} },
["CraftingPotionCharges"] = { text = "{V}% Crafting Potion charges", skills = {'Crafting'} },
["CurseLifesteal"] = { text = "{V}% Lifesteal if target is Cursed", skills = {'Combat'} },
["CyclopsCreationCharges"] = { text = "{V} Base Quantity for Cyclops Tablet Creation in Summoning", skills = {'Summoning'} },
["DamageDealtIfPoisoned"] = { text = "{V}% damage dealt if target is poisoned", isIncreaseNegative = true, skills = {'Combat'} },
["DamageReductionAgainstBosses"] = { text = "{V}% Damage Reduction when fighting a Dungeon Boss", skills = {'Combat'} },
["DamageReductionAgainstMagic"] = { text = "{V}% Damage Reduction when fighting a Magic Enemy", skills = {'Combat'} },
["DamageReductionAgainstMelee"] = { text = "{V}% Damage Reduction when fighting a Melee Enemy", skills = {'Combat'} },
["DamageReductionAgainstRanged"] = { text = "{V}% Damage Reduction when fighting a Ranged Enemy", skills = {'Combat'} },
["DamageReductionAgainstSlayerTasks"] = { text = "{V}% Damage Reduction when fighting a Slayer Task monster", skills = {'Combat'} },
["DamageReductionWithMagic2HWeapon"] = { text = "{V}% Damage Reduction when using a Magic 2-Handed Weapon", skills = {'Combat'} },
["DamageTakenAddedAsPrayerPoints"] = { text = "{VD}% of all damage taken is added as Prayer Points (Rounded down)", skills = {'Combat'} },
["DamageTakenPerAttack"] = { text = "{V}% of Current HP taken as damage per Attack", isIncreaseNegative = true, skills = {'Combat'} },
["DamageTakenWhenAsleep"] = { text = "{V}% damage taken when asleep", isIncreaseNegative = true, skills = {'Combat'} },
["DamageTakenWhenStunned"] = { text = "{V}% damage taken when stunned", isIncreaseNegative = true, skills = {'Combat'} },
["DeadlyPoisonDOTDamage"] = { text = "{V}% Damage taken from Deadly Poison", skills = {'Combat'} },
["DeadlyToxinsFromHerblore"] = { text = "When creating Lethal Toxins Potions in Herblore, gain +${value} Deadly Toxins Potion(s) as an additional Potion (Cannot be doubled)", skills = {'Herblore'} },
["decreaseEnemyEvasionOnSleep"] = { text = "When a Sleep is applied to the Target, -10% Global Evasion Rating for the remainder of the fight (Stacks up to 3 times)", skills = {'Combat'} },
["decreaseEnemyEvasionOnStun"] = { text = "When a Stun is applied to the Target, -10% Global Evasion Rating for the remainder of the fight (Stacks up to 3 times)", skills = {'Combat'} },
["disableGoldenStardustDrops"] = { text = "No longer receive Golden Stardust from Astrology", isIncreaseNegative = true, skills = {'Astrology'} },
["disableHPRegeneration"] = { text = "Passive Hitpoint Regeneration is disabled", isIncreaseNegative = true, skills = {'Combat', 'Hitpoints'} },
["disableLifesteal"] = { text = "Disables all sources of Lifesteal", isIncreaseNegative = true, skills = {'Combat'} },
["disableSalamanderItemReduction"] = { text = "Item Cost reduction is disabled when making Salamander Tablets in Summoning (Excludes Shard Cost)", isIncreaseNegative = true, skills = {'Summoning'} },
["doubleBoneDrops"] = { text = "All Bone drops from Combat are doubled", skills = {'Combat'} },
["doubleLifesteal"] = { text = "Doubles the Attacker Lifesteal percent", skills = {'Combat'} },
["doubleLogProduction"] = { text = "Quantity of logs produced by Woodcutting is doubled", skills = {'Woodcutting'} },
["doubleRuneEssenceMining"] = { text = "x{VMUL} Rune Essence received from Mining", unsigned=true, skills = {'Mining'} },
["doubleSilverGoldMining"] = { text = "x{VMUL} Gold and Silver Ore recieved from Mining", unsigned=true, skills = {'Mining'} },
["doubleSilverGoldSmithingWithSeeingGold"] = { text = "x2 Silver and Gold bars recieved from Smithing when using Seeing Gold Potions", skills = {'Smithing'} },
["Duality"] = { text = "For each Target Attack Turn: 50% chance for the Target to apply -50% Attack Interval to itself for 2 turns", skills = {'Combat'} },
["EndOfTurnEvasion2"] = { text = "Gains up to {V}% Global Evasion Rating every 2 turns (Lasts 2 turns)", skills = {'Combat'} },
["EndOfTurnMaxHealing2"] = { text = "Heal {V}% of max hitpoints every 2 turns", skills = {'Combat', 'Hitpoints'} },
["EnemyDamageReduction"] = { text = "Enemy Damage Reduction is decreased by flat {V}%", isIncreaseNegative = true, skills = {'Combat'} },
["EvasionAgainstMagic"] = { text = "{V}% Global Evasion against Magic targets", skills = {'Combat'} },
["EvasionAgainstMelee"] = { text = "{V}% Global Evasion against Melee targets", skills = {'Combat'} },
["EvasionAgainstRanged"] = { text = "{V}% Global Evasion against Ranged targets", skills = {'Combat'} },
["EvasionBasedOnDR"] = { text = "{V}% Global Evasion Rating for every 2% base Damage Reduction", skills = {'Combat'} },
["FiremakingLogGP"] = { text = "{V}% of Log base sale price granted as GP when Burnt in Firemaking", skills = {'Firemaking'} },
["FireRunesWhenMakingElementalRunes"] = { text = "{V} Fire Runes gained when Runecrafting elemental runes", skills = {'Runecrafting'} },
["FishermansPotionCharges"] = { text = "{V}% Fisherman's Potion charges", skills = {'Fishing'} },
["FishingCookedChance"] = { text = "{V}% chance to gain 1 cooked version of a fish when Fishing", skills = {'Fishing'} },
["FlatBlockAttackBonus"] = { text = "{V} Block Attack Bonus", skills = {'Combat'} },
["FlatCraftingDragonhideCost"] = { text = "{V} Dragonhide costs when Crafting (Cannot be reduced below 1)", isIncreaseNegative = true, skills = {'Crafting'} },
["FlatFarmingYield"] = { text = "{V} harvest quantity from Farming (Cannot be doubled or multiplied)", skills = {'Farming'} },
["FlatHPRegenBasedOnMagicMaxHit"] = { text = "{V}% of Magic max hit as flat hitpoints regeneration", skills = {'Combat', 'Hitpoints'} },
["FlatHPRegenBasedOnMeleeMaxHit"] = { text = "{V}% of Melee max hit as flat hitpoint regeneration", skills = {'Combat', 'Hitpoints'} },
["FlatHPRegenBasedOnRangedMaxHit"] = { text = "{V}% of Ranged max hit as flat hitpoints regeneration", skills = {'Combat', 'Hitpoints'} },
["FlatMagicAccuracyBonusPerAttackInterval"] = { text = "{V} Flat Magic Accuracy Bonus per 0.1s Attack Interval. This is doubled if a 2-Handed Weapon is currently equipped", skills = {'Combat'} },
["FlatMagicAttackBonus"] = { text = "{V} Magic Attack Bonus", skills = {'Combat'} },
["FlatMagicDefenceBonus"] = { text = "{V} Magic Defence Bonus", skills = {'Combat'} },
["FlatMeleeAccuracyBonusPerAttackInterval"] = { text = "{V} Flat Melee Accuracy Bonus per 0.1s Attack Interval. This is doubled if a 2-Handed Weapon is currently equipped", skills = {'Combat'} },
["FlatMeleeDefenceBonus"] = { text = "{V} Melee Defence Bonus", skills = {'Combat'} },
["FlatMeleeStrengthBonus"] = { text = "{V} Melee Strength Bonus", skills = {'Combat'} },
["FlatMeleeStrengthBonusPerAttackInterval"] = { text = "{V} Flat Melee Strength Bonus per 0.1s Attack Interval. This is doubled if a 2-Handed Weapon is currently equipped", skills = {'Combat'} },
["FlatRangedAccuracyBonusPerAttackInterval"] = { text = "{V} Flat Ranged Accuracy Bonus per 0.1s Attack Interval. This is doubled if a 2-Handed Weapon is currently equipped", skills = {'Combat'} },
["FlatRangedAttackBonus"] = { text = "{V} Ranged Attack Bonus", skills = {'Combat'} },
["FlatRangedDefenceBonus"] = { text = "{V} Ranged Defence Bonus", skills = {'Combat'} },
["FlatRangedStrengthBonus"] = { text = "{V} Ranged Strength Bonus", skills = {'Combat'} },
["FlatRangedStrengthBonusPerAttackInterval"] = { text = "{V} Flat Ranged Strength Bonus per 0.1s Attack Interval. This is doubled if a 2-Handed Weapon is currently equipped", skills = {'Combat'} },
["FlatSlashAttackBonus"] = { text = "{V} Slash Attack Bonus", skills = {'Combat'} },
["FlatSmithingCoalCost"] = { text = "{V} Coal Ore Cost when Smithing", isIncreaseNegative = true, skills = {'Smithing'} },
["FlatStabAttackBonus"] = { text = "{V} Stab Attack Bonus", skills = {'Combat'} },
["FletchingBoltQuantity"] = { text = "{V} Base Quantity when creating Bolts in Fletching", skills = {'Fletching'} },
["FletchingIntervalWithArrows"] = { text = "{VMS}s Fletching Interval when making Arrows", isIncreaseNegative = true, skills = {'Fletching'} },
["freezeImmunity"] = { text = "{V}% chance to ignore Freezes only", inverseSign = true, skills = {'Combat'} },
["gainSlayerCoinsBasedOnEnemyCombatLevelMagic"] = { text = "Killing a Magic Slayer Task Enemy grants Slayer Coins equal to Enemy Combat Level", skills = {'Combat'} },
["gainSlayerCoinsBasedOnEnemyCombatLevelMelee"] = { text = "Killing a Melee Slayer Task Enemy grants Slayer Coins equal to Enemy Combat Level", skills = {'Combat'} },
["gainSlayerCoinsBasedOnEnemyCombatLevelRanged"] = { text = "Killing a Ranged Slayer Task Enemy grants Slayer Coins equal to Enemy Combat Level", skills = {'Combat'} },
["GemVeinChance"] = { text = "{V}% Chance to find gem veins when Mining", skills = {'Mining'} },
["GenerousCookPotionCharges"] = { text = "{V}% Generous Cook Potion charges", skills = {'Cooking'} },
["giveRandomComboRunesRunecrafting"] = { text = "Gain a chance to receive random combination runes when recieving random elemental runes equal to the chance to receive random elemental runes from Runecrafting", skills = {'Runecrafting'} },
["globalAccuracyHPScaling"] = { text = "Accuracy Ratings are multiplied by {V} times current Hitpoints percent", unsigned = true, skills = {'Combat'} },
["GlobalSkillIntervalPercent"] = { text = "{V}% Interval for all Non-Combat Skills", isIncreaseNegative = true },
["GlobalSleepChance"] = { text = "{V}% chance to apply Sleep when hitting with any attack (once per turn)", skills = {'Combat'} },
["GlobalStunChance"] = { text = "{V}% chance to apply a Stun for 1 Attack Turn when hitting with any attack (once per turn)", skills = {'Combat'} },
["GPBasedOnEnemyCombatLevel"] = { text = "{V}% GP gained per Attack Turn equal to the Enemy Combat Level", skills = {'Combat'} },
["GPBasedOnSummonDamage"] = { text = "{V}% of damage dealt by Summoning Familiars gained as GP", skills = {'Combat'} },
["GPFromAgilityPerActiveObstacle"] = { text = "{V}% GP from Agility per active Obstacle", skills = {'Agility'} },
["GPFromBurningMonsters"] = { text = "{V}% GP from burning Monsters", skills = {'Combat'} },
["GPFromItemAlchemy"] = { text = "{VX100}% Item Alchemy Item sale price conversion" },
["GPFromMonstersFlatBasedOnEvasion"] = { text = "{V}% of enemy's highest evasion rating as GP on kill", skills = {'Combat'} },
["GPFromNegativeObstacles"] = { text = "{V}% GP from Agility Obstacles that contain a negative modifier", skills = {'Agility'} },
["GPFromSlayerTaskMonsters"] = { text = "{V}% GP from Slayer Task monsters", skills = {'Combat'} },
["GPOnRegenBasedOnHPGain"] = { text = "{VD}% of passively regenerated health gained as GP", skills = {'Combat'} },
["GPPerDamage"] = { text = "{VD}% of damage dealt gained as GP", skills = {'Combat'} },
["GPPerMagicDamage"] = { text = "{VD}% of magic damage dealt gained as GP", skills = {'Combat'} },
["GPPerMeleeDamage"] = { text = "{VD}% of melee damage dealt gained as GP", skills = {'Combat'} },
["GPPerRangedDamage"] = { text = "{VD}% of ranged damage dealt gained as GP", skills = {'Combat'} },
["GPWhenHitBasedOnDR"] = { text = "{V} GP gained per your damage reduction when hit by an enemy (Procs once per Enemy Attack Turn)", skills = {'Combat'} },
["growingMadnessPassive"] = { text = "For every Enemy Attack Turn, the Enemy gains -2% Attack Interval, +2% Maximum Hit (Stacks 25 times)", isIncreaseNegative = true, skills = {'Combat'} },
["halveDamageReduction"] = { text = "Damage Reduction is halved (Floored)", isIncreaseNegative = true, skills = {'Combat'} },
["halvedWoodcuttingDoubleChance"] = { text = "Chance to double Logs while Woodcutting is halved", isIncreaseNegative = true , skills = {'Woodcutting'}},
["HealingOnAttackBasedOnDR"] = { text = "Heal for {VX}% of your damage reduction on attacking an enemy (once per turn)", skills = {'Combat', 'Hitpoints'} },
["healOnHitBasedOnTargetDR"] = { text = "Heal for {VX}% of the Target's base Damage Reduction on a successful attack (once per turn)", skills = {'Combat', 'Hitpoints'} },
["HealWhenSleep"] = { text = "When Sleep is applied to you, heal for {V}% of your Max HP", skills = {'Combat', 'Hitpoints'} },
["HealWhenStunned"] = { text = "When a stun is applied to you, heal for {V}% of your Max HP", skills = {'Combat', 'Hitpoints'} },
["HerbSackChanceThievingFarmer"] = { text = "{V}% chance to receive a Herb Sack when gaining a Common Drop from Thieving the Farmer", skills = {'Thieving'} },
["HitpointRegenerationAgainstSlayerTasks"] = { text = "{V}% Hitpoint Regeneration when fighting Slayer Task monsters", skills = {'Combat', 'Hitpoints'} },
["HPRegenWhenEnemyHasMoreEvasion"] = { text = "{V}% hitpoint regeneration when the enemy has more combined evasion ratings than the player", skills = {'Combat', 'Hitpoints'} },
["InfernalSpellAccuracy"] = { text = "{V}% Accuracy Rating when using Archaic Spells that use Infernal Runes", skills = {'Combat', 'Magic'} },
["JavelinProduction"] = { text = "{V} base Javelins produced per action in Fletching", skills = {'Fletching'} },
["JavelinResourceCost"] = { text = "{V}% Resource Cost for Javelins in Fletching", isIncreaseNegative = true, skills = {'Fletching'} },
["LeprechaunCreationCharges"] = { text = "{V} Base Quantity for Leprechaun Tablet Creation in Summoning", skills = {'Summoning'} },
["Leviathan"] = { text = "When hit, gain a stack of Leviathan: +5% Reflect Damage and +1% Damage Reduction (Stacks up to 5 times)", skills = {'Combat'} },
["LifestealBasedOnHPRegenEffectiveness"] = { text = "Increased Lifesteal based on {V}% * Current HP Regen Effectiveness (Eg. 5% * 300 = +15% Lifesteal)", skills = {'Combat'} },
["LightningSpellAccuracy"] = { text = "{V}% Accuracy Rating when using Archaic Spells that use Lightning Runes", skills = {'Combat', 'Magic'} },
["MagicMaxHitBonusAgainstMelee"] = { text = "{V}% Magic Max Hit. This value is tripled if fighting a Melee Enemy", skills = {'Combat'} },
["MagicMaxHitFlat"] = { text = "{V} Flat Magic Maximum Hit", skills = {'Combat', 'Strength'} },
["MagicMinHitBasedOnMaxHitSlayerTask"] = { text = "{V}% of Magic Maximum Hit added to Minimum Hit when fighting Slayer Task monsters", skills = {'Combat'} },
["MasteryPoolCap"] = { text = "{V}% Mastery Pool XP Cap" },
["MasteryXPFromNegativeObstacles"] = { text = "{V}% Agility Mastery XP from Obstacles that contain a negative modifier", skills = {'Agility'} },
["MaxHitPercentBasedOnDamageReduction"] = { text = "{V}% Max Hit for each 1% of Damage Reduction", skills = {'Combat'} },
["MaxHitPercentBasedOnEnemyDamageReduction"] = { text = "{V}% Max Hit for each 1% of Damage Reduction the Enemy has", skills = {'Combat'} },
["MaxHPBurnDamage"] = { text = "Burns to the Target deal {V}% Max HP as extra damage", skills = {'Combat'} },
["MeleeMaxHitBasedOnMaxHitSlayerTask"] = { text = "{V}% of Melee Maximum Hit added to Minimum Hit when fighting Slayer Task monsters", skills = {'Combat'} },
["MeleeMaxHitBonusAgainstRanged"] = { text = "{V}% Melee Max Hit. This value is tripled if fighting a Ranged Enemy", skills = {'Combat'} },
["MeleeMaxHitFlat"] = { text = "{V} Flat Melee Maximum Hit", skills = {'Combat', 'Strength'} },
["MeleeRangedDefenceBonusBasedOnDR"] = { text = "Gain Melee and Ranged Defence Bonus equal to damage reduction. (e.g. 50% damage reduction grants +50 melee and ranged defence bonus)", skills = {'Combat'} },
["MeteoriteOre"] = { text = "{V} Meteorite Ore gained when Mining Meteorite Veins", skills = {'Mining'} },
["MinBirdNestQuantity"] = { text = "{V} minimum Bird Nest's recieved from Woodcutting", skills = {'Woodcutting'} },
["MinimumBirdNestsWhenPotionActive"] = { text = "{V} minimum Bird Nests recieved from Woodcutting when the Bird Nest Potion is active", skills = {'Woodcutting'} },
["MinInfernalArchaicDmg"] = { text = "{V} Minimum Damage for Archaic Spells that use Infernal Runes", skills = {'Combat', 'Magic'} },
["MiningBarChance"] = { text = "{V}% chance to recieve the bar version of an ore when Mining", skills = {'Mining'} },
["MiningNodeHPWithPerfectSwing"] = { text = "{V} Mining node HP when using Perfect Swing Potions", skills = {'Mining'} },
["MinLightningArchaicDmg"] = { text = "{V} Minimum Damage for Archaic Spells that use Lightning Runes", skills = {'Combat', 'Magic'} },
["MinMeteorShowerSpellDamage"] = { text = "{V} minimum Spell damage when using the Meteor Shower Archaic Spell", skills = {'Combat'} },
["MinPoisonArchaicDmg"] = { text = "{V} Minimum Damage for Archaic Spells that use Poison Runes", skills = {'Combat', 'Magic'} },
["momentInTimePassive"] = { text = "For every Enemy Attack Turn, the Enemy gains -2% Attack Interval, +2% Maximum Hit, +2% Global Accuracy (Stacks 25 times)", isIncreaseNegative = true, skills = {'Combat'} },
["NonCombatSkillXP"] = { text = "{V}% Non-Combat Skill XP" },
["NonShardCostForEquippedTablets"] = { text = "{V}% Item creation cost for equipped Summoning Tablets (Excludes Shard Cost)", isIncreaseNegative = true, skills = {'Summoning'} },
["PassiveCookInterval"] = { text = "{V}% Passive Cook Interval", isIncreaseNegative = true, skills = {'Cooking'} },
["PlayerDamageReduction"] = { text = "Reduce Player damage reduction by {V}%", isIncreaseNegative = true, skills = {'Combat'} },
["PlayerRage"] = { text = "When hit, gain a stack of Rage: +2% Max Hit and -2% Attack Interval (Stacks up to 10 times)", skills = {'Combat'} },
["PoisonDOTDamage"] = { text = "{V}% Damage taken from Poison", skills = {'Combat'} },
["PoisonSpellAccuracy"] = { text = "{V}% Accuracy Rating when using Archaic Spells that use Poison Runes", skills = {'Combat', 'Magic'} },
["PrayerPointsWhenHit"] = { text = "Gain {V} Prayer Points for each successful Enemy hit on you", skills = {'Combat'} },
["Rage"] = { text = "When Target is hit, Attacker gains a stack of Rage: +2% Max Hit and -2% Attack Interval (Stacks up to 10 times)" },
["RandomBarChanceThievingMiner"] = { text = "{V}% chance to receive a random bar when gaining a Common Drop from Thieving the Miner", skills = {'Thieving'} },
["RangedMaxHitBasedOnMaxHitSlayerTask"] = { text = "{V}% of Ranged Maximum Hit added to Minimum Hit when fighting Slayer Task monsters", skills = {'Combat'} },
["RangedMaxHitBonusAgainstMagic"] = { text = "{V}% Ranged Max Hit. This value is tripled if fighting a Magic Enemy", skills = {'Combat'} },
["RangedMaxHitFlat"] = { text = "{V} Flat Ranged Maximum Hit", skills = {'Combat', 'Strength'} },
["reducedTargetDamageRedcutionIfBleeding"] = { text = "While Target is Bleeding, reduce their Damage Reduction by {V}%", skills = {'Combat'} },
["reignOverTimePassive"] = { text = "For every Enemy Attack Turn, Enemy gains -2% Attack Interval, +2% Maximum Hit, +2% Global Accuracy, +2% Global Evasion Rating (Stacks 25 times)", isIncreaseNegative = true, skills = {'Combat'} },
["RunecraftingStavePreservation"] = { text = "{V}% chance to preserve resources in Runecrafting when making staves", skills = {'Runecrafting'} },
["RunecraftingWaterComboRunes"] = { text = "{V} base quantity when creating Combination runes that require Water Runes in Runecrafting", skills = {'Runecrafting'} },
["RuneEssenceThievingMiner"] = { text = "{V} Rune Essence gained when Thieving the Miner", skills = {'Thieving'} },
["SalamanderCreationCharges"] = { text = "{V}% Salamander Tablets made in Summoning", skills = {'Summoning'} },
["SCfromLifesteal"] = { text = "{VD}% of lifesteal healing gained as Slayer Coins", skills = {'Combat'} },
["shadowCloak"] = { text = "", skills = {'Combat'} },
["SkillMasteryXPPerAmeria"] = { text = "{V}% {SV0} Mastery XP per maxed Star in Ameria constellation in Astrology", isSkill = true },
["SkillMasteryXPPerArachi"] = { text = "{V}% {SV0} Mastery XP per maxed Star in Arachi constellation in Astrology", isSkill = true },
["SkillMasteryXPPerDeedree"] = { text = "{V}% {SV0} Mastery XP per maxed Star in Deedree constellation in Astrology", isSkill = true },
["SkillMasteryXPPerHyden"] = { text = "{V}% {SV0} Mastery XP per maxed Star in Hyden constellation in Astrology", isSkill = true },
["SkillMasteryXPPerIridan"] = { text = "{V}% {SV0} Mastery XP per maxed Star in Iridan constellation in Astrology", isSkill = true },
["SkillMasteryXPPerKo"] = { text = "{V}% {SV0} Mastery XP per maxed Star in Ko constellation in Astrology", isSkill = true },
["SkillMasteryXPPerQimican"] = { text = "{V}% {SV0} Mastery XP per maxed Star in Qimican constellation in Astrology", isSkill = true },
["SkillMasteryXPPerSyllia"] = { text = "{V}% {SV0} Mastery XP per maxed Star in Syllia constellation in Astrology", isSkill = true },
["SkillMasteryXPPerVale"] = { text = "{V}% {SV0} Mastery XP per maxed Star in Vale constellation in Astrology", isSkill = true },
["SkillPreservationCap"] = { text = "{V}% Resource Preservation cap in {SV0}", isSkill = true },
["SlayerCoinsBasedOnTargetDR"] = { text = "Gain Slayer Coins equal to {V}% of the Target Damage Reduction", skills = {'Combat'} },
["SlayerCoinsPerDamage"] = { text = "{V}% Damage Dealt gained as Slayer Coins", skills = {'Combat'} },
["SlayerCoinsPerMagicDamageSlayerTask"] = { text = "{VD}% of Magic Damage Dealt against Slayer Task monsters gained as Slayer Coins", skills = {'Combat'} },
["SlayerCoinsPerPoisonDamage"] = { text = "{VD}% of Poison damage dealt is gained as Slayer Coins", skills = {'Combat'} },
["SlayerTaskMonsterAccuracy"] = { text = "{V}% Slayer Task monster Accuracy Rating", skills = {'Combat'} },
["SmithingDragonGearPreservation"] = { text = "{V}% chance to preserve resources in Smithing when making Dragon Gear", skills = {'Smithing'} },
["SummoningAttackLifesteal"] = { text = "{V}% Lifesteal for Summoning attacks", skills = {'Combat'} },
["SummoningCreationChargesForEquippedTablets"] = { text = "{V} Base Quantity when creating equipped Summoning Tablets", skills = {'Combat', 'Magic'} },
["SummoningIntervalForOctopus"] = { text = "{V}% Summoning Interval when making Octopus Tablets", isIncreaseNegative = true, skills = {'Summoning'} },
["SummoningIntervalPercentForEquippedTablets"] = { text = "{V}% Summoning Interval for equipped Summoning Tablets", isIncreaseNegative = true, skills = {'Combat', 'Magic'} },
["summoningSynergy_Bear_Devil"] = { text = "{V}% Firemaking XP and +100% bonfire duration when using Controlled Heat Potions", inverseSign = true, skills = {'Firemaking'} },
["summoningSynergy_Devil_Eagle"] = { text = "While Thieving - 50% chance for +10% base Skill XP, 40% chance for 2.5x GP, and 10% chance to gain no Items or GP", skills = {'Thieving'} },
["summoningSynergy_Ent_Leprechaun"] = { text = "{V} Bird Nest when thieving the lumberjack, but gain no GP", inverseSign = true, skills = {'Woodcutting', 'Thieving'} },
["summoningSynergy_Leprechaun_Devil"] = { text = "+50% chance to gain 100% GP, +35% chance to gain 4x items and +15% chance to gain no items or gp from Thieving", skills = {'Thieving'} },
["summoningSynergy_Mole_Leprechaun"] = { text = "{V}% chance to receive a gem while thieving the Miner", inverseSign = true, skills = {'Thieving'} },
["summoningSynergy_Octopus_Leprechaun"] = { text = "+50% Thieving Interval and +2 base item quantity when thieving the Fisherman", skills = {'Thieving'} },
["ThievingAreaUniqueChance"] = { text = "{V}% chance to receive Thieving Area Unique Item", skills = {'Thieving'} },
["ThievingAutoSellPrice"] = { text = "Automatically sell Common Drops from Thieving for {V}x their base sale price", skills = {'Thieving'} },
["thievingChefNoDamage"] = { text = "Take no damage when stunned by the Chef in Thieving", skills = {'Thieving'} },
["ThievingStunIntervalPercent"] = { text = "{V}% Thieving Stun Interval", isIncreaseNegative = true, skills = {'Thieving'} },
["TownshipAridPlainsProduction"] = { text = "{V}% Township Building Production in Arid Plains Biome", skills = {'Township'} },
["TownshipBarProduction"] = { text = "{V}% Township Bar Production", skills = {'Township'} },
["TownshipBlacksmithProduction"] = { text = "{V}% Township Production for Blacksmith buildings", skills = {'Township'} },
["TownshipBuildingCost"] = { text = "{V}% Township Building Cost", isIncreaseNegative = true, skills = {'Township'} },
["TownshipBuildingHappinessPenalties"] = { text = "{V}% Township Building Happiness Penalties", isIncreaseNegative = true, skills = {'Township'} },
["TownshipClothingProduction"] = { text = "{V}% Township Clothing Production", skills = {'Township'} },
["TownshipCoalProduction"] = { text = "{V}% Township Coal Production", skills = {'Township'} },
["TownshipCoalUsage"] = { text = "{V}% Township Coal Usage", isIncreaseNegative = true, skills = {'Township'} },
["TownshipDeadStorage"] = { text = "{V}% Township Dead Storage", skills = {'Township'} },
["TownshipDesertProduction"] = { text = "{V}% Township Building Production in Desert Biome", skills = {'Township'} },
["townshipDisableHunting"] = { text = "Hunting is forbidden in Township", isIncreaseNegative = true, skills = {'Township'} },
["TownshipEducation"] = { text = "{V}% Township Education", skills = {'Township'} },
["TownshipFarmProduction"] = { text = "{V}% Township Production for Farm buildings", skills = {'Township'} },
["TownshipFishingDockProduction"] = { text = "{V}% Township Production for Fishing Dock buildings", skills = {'Township'} },
["TownshipFoodProduction"] = { text = "{V}% Township Food Production", skills = {'Township'} },
["TownshipFoodUsage"] = { text = "{V}% Township Citizen Food Usage", isIncreaseNegative = true, skills = {'Township'} },
["TownshipForestProduction"] = { text = "{V}% Township Building Production in Forest Biome", skills = {'Township'} },
["TownshipGPProduction"] = { text = "{V}% Township GP Production", skills = {'Township'} },
["TownshipGrasslandsProduction"] = { text = "{V}% Township Building Production in Grasslands Biome", skills = {'Township'} },
["TownshipHappiness"] = { text = "{V}% Township Happiness", skills = {'Township'} },
["TownshipHealth"] = { text = "{V}% Township Health", skills = {'Township'} },
["TownshipHerbProduction"] = { text = "{V}% Township Herb Production", skills = {'Township'} },
["TownshipJungleProduction"] = { text = "{V}% Township Building Production in Jungle Biome", skills = {'Township'} },
["TownshipLeatherProduction"] = { text = "{V}% Township Leather Production", skills = {'Township'} },
["TownshipMagicEmporiumProduction"] = { text = "{V}% Township Production for Magic Emporium buildings", skills = {'Township'} },
["TownshipMaxStorage"] = { text = "{V}% Township Max Storage", skills = {'Township'} },
["TownshipMountainsProduction"] = { text = "{V}% Township Building Production in Mountains Biome", skills = {'Township'} },
["TownshipOrchardProduction"] = { text = "{V}% Township Production for Orchard buildings", skills = {'Township'} },
["TownshipOreProduction"] = { text = "{V}% Township Ore Production", skills = {'Township'} },
["TownshipPlankProduction"] = { text = "{V}% Township Plank Production", skills = {'Township'} },
["TownshipPopulationCap"] = { text = "{V} Township Population Cap", skills = {'Township'} },
["TownshipPotionProduction"] = { text = "{V}% Township Potion Production", skills = {'Township'} },
["TownshipResourceProduction"] = { text = "{V}% Township Resource Generation", skills = {'Township'} },
["TownshipRuneEssenceProduction"] = { text = "{V}% Township Rune Essence Production", skills = {'Township'} },
["TownshipSnowlandsProduction"] = { text = "{V}% Township Building Production in Snowlands Biome", skills = {'Township'} },
["TownshipStoneProduction"] = { text = "{V}% Township Stone Production", skills = {'Township'} },
["TownshipSwampProduction"] = { text = "{V}% Township Building Production in Swamp Biome", skills = {'Township'} },
["TownshipTaxPerCitizen"] = { text = "{V}% GP gained from Township Citizen Tax", skills = {'Township'} },
["TownshipTraderStock"] = { text = "{V} Township Trader GP Limit per visit", skills = {'Township'} },
["TownshipValleyProduction"] = { text = "{V}% Township Building Production in Valley Biome", skills = {'Township'} },
["TownshipWaterProduction"] = { text = "{V}% Township Building Production in Water Biome", skills = {'Township'} },
["TownshipWoodcuttingProduction"] = { text = "{V}% Township Production for Woodcutting buildings", skills = {'Township'} },
["TownshipWoodProduction"] = { text = "{V}% Township Wood Production", skills = {'Township'} },
["WoodcuttingGemChance"] = { text = "{V}% chance to receive a gem per Woodcutting action", skills = {'Woodcutting'} },
["WoodcuttingJewelryChance"] = { text = "{V}% chance for Silver or Gold Jewelry to drop instead of a Bird's Nest from Woodcutting", skills = {'Woodcutting'} },
["WoodcuttingXPAddedAsFiremakingXP"] = { text = "{V}% Woodcutting XP added as Firemaking XP", skills = {'Woodcutting', 'Firemaking'} },
["XPFromNegativeObstacles"] = { text = "{V}% Agility Skill XP from Obstacles that contain a negative modifier", skills = {'Agility'} },
-- New 1.1.2 modifiers
["enableNightfallSeason"] = { text = "There is a 20% chance of a Nightfall Season occurring in Township", skills = {'Township'} },
["enableSolarEclipseSeason"] = { text = "There is a 20% chance of a Solar Eclipse Season occurring in Township", skills = {'Township'} },
["EssenceFromMining"] = { text = "{V} base quantity received from Essence nodes in Mining", skills = {'Mining'} },
["MasteryTokens"] = { text = "{V} Mastery Tokens received", skills = {'Woodcutting', 'Fishing', 'Firemaking', 'Cooking', 'Mining', 'Smithing', 'Thieving', 'Farming', 'Fletching', 'Crafting', 'Runecrafting', 'Herblore', 'Agility', 'Summoning', 'Astrology'} },
["TownshipRepairCost"] = { text = "{V}% Township repair costs", isIncreaseNegative = true, skills = {'Township'} },
["TownshipTraderCost"] = { text = "{V}% Township Trader costs", isIncreaseNegative = true, skills = {'Township'} },
-- New 1.2 modifiers
["AccuracyIfCursed"] = { text = "{V}% Global Accuracy when Cursed", isIncreaseNegative = true, skills = {'Combat'} },
["agilityItemCostReductionCanReach100"] = { text = "Item cost reduction in Agility can now reach 100%", skills = {'Agility'} },
["AgilityObstacleItemCost"] = { text = "{V}% Agility Obstacle Item Costs", skills = {'Agility'}, isIncreaseNegative = true },
["allowUnholyPrayerUse"] = { text = "Allow Unholy Prayer Use", unsigned = true, skills = {'Combat', 'Prayer'} },
["AmmoPreservationBypass"] = { text = "{V}% Ammo Preservation (Bypass Gamemode Limitation)", skills = {'Combat', 'Ranged'} },
["applyAttackMasterRelicEffect"] = { text = "Apply -1% Melee Evasion to the Target per hit, stacking up to 30 times and lasts until the end of the fight", skills = {'Combat'} },
["applyMagicMasterRelicEffect"] = { text = "Start the fight with 100% Magic Critical Hit chance, which decreases by 20% per Attack Turn", skills = {'Combat'} },
["applyStrengthMasterRelicEffect"] = { text = "Apply 1 stack of Rage to self per Attack Turn, stacking up to 10 times and resetting at max stacks", skills = {'Combat'} },
["ArchaeologyCommonItemSkillXP"] = { text = "{V}% Archaeology Skill XP when locating a Common Artefact", skills = {'Archaeology'} },
["archaeologyVeryRareMapPreservation"] = { text = "Finding a Very Rare or Super Rare item in Archaeology will use no Dig Site Map excavation charges", skills = {'Archaeology'} },
["ArrowProduction"] = { text = "{V} Arrows produced per action in Fletching" },
["BarrierSummonDamage"] = { text = "{V}% Summoning Familiar damage added as extra damage to Barrier", skills = {'Combat'} },
["BarrierSummonDamageIfSlayerTask"] = { text = "{V}% Barrier damage added to Summon Familiar if target is current Slayer Task", skills = {'Combat'} },
["BaseCraftingConsumableProduction"] = { text = "{V} base quantity of Consumables produced per action in Crafting" },
["BoltSpellMaxHitFlat"] = { text = "{VX} Max Hit when using Bolt spells", skills = {'Combat'} },
["BrushToolLevel"] = { text = "{V} Brush tool level", skills = {'Archaeology'} },
["BurnReflectChance"] = { text = "{V}% chance to inflict a Burn to the Attacker when hit", skills = {'Combat'} },
["ChanceAdditionalSoup"] = { text = "{V} chance to receive an additional Soup from Cooking (Cannot be doubled)", skills = {'Cooking'} },
["ChanceBarrierBleed"] = { text = "{V}% chance for Summon to apply a Barrier Bleed to the enemy that deals damage equal to 200% Summon Max Hit over 10s", skills = {'Combat'} },
["ChanceBarrierBurn"] = { text = "{V}% chance for Summon to apply a Barrier Burn to the enemy", skills = {'Combat'} },
["ChanceCrystallization"] = { text = "{V}% chance to apply Crystallization (Target is stunned and takes +50% Damage during effect)", skills = {'Combat'} },
["ChanceCrystalSanction"] = { text = "{V}% chance to apply Crystal Sanction to the Target (Next Attack Turn from Target deals no Damage)", skills = {'Combat'} },
["ChanceForChestOfGemsInWoodcutting"] = { text = "{V}% chance to obtain a Chest of Gems per Woodcutting action", skills = {'Woodcutting'} },
["ChanceForEnchantedUrnInCrafting"] = { text = "{V}% chance for Urns produced in Crafting to be Enchanted", skills = {'Crafting'} },
["ChanceForGoldFromCrafting30"] = { text = "{V}% chance to to gain GP equal to 30% of the base sale price of the Item crafted in Crafting", skills = {'Skilling', 'Fishing'} },
["ChanceForGPFromFishing"] = { text = "{V}% chance to gain GP equal to base fish sale price while Fishing", skills = {'Fishing'} },
["ChanceToApply5Slow"] = { text = "{V}% chance to apply a Slow to the Target that increases its Attack Interval by +5% for 3 Turns.", skills = {'Combat'} },
["ChanceToApplyBlind"] = { text = "{V}% chance to apply -20% Global Accuracy to the Target when hit", skills = {'Combat'} },
["ChanceToApplyConfusionCurse"] = { text = "{V}% chance to apply Confusion Curse to the Target per hit", skills = {'Combat'} },
["ChanceToCatchExtraSameAreaFish"] = { text = "{V}% chance to catch +1 random Fish from the same Fishing Area (Cannot be doubled)", skills = {'Skilling', 'Fishing'} },
["ChanceToCleanse"] = { text = "{V}% to apply Cleanse to self for 2 turns (Immune to all debuffs and damage over time effects)", skills = {'Combat'} },
["ChanceToDodge"] = { text = "{V}% chance to convert a successful hit from the Target into a miss", skills = {'Combat'} },
["ChanceToDodgeCrystallization"] = { text = "{V}% chance to dodge Crystallization from being applied", skills = {'Combat'} },
["ChanceToDodgeCrystalSanction"] = { text = "{V}% chance to dodge Crystal Sanction from being applied", skills = {'Combat'} },
["ChanceToLocateAncientRelic"] = { text = "{V}% increased chance to locate Ancient Relics" },
["ChanceToLocateSkillPet"] = { text = "{V}% increased chance to locate a Skill Pet" },
["ChanceToNull"] = { text = "{V}% chance to apply Null to the Target for 2 Turns (Prevents the Target from applying buffs or modifier effects to themself).", skills = {'Combat'} },
["ChanceToPreserveMapCharges"] = { text = "{V}% chance to preserve dig site map excavation actions", skills = {'Cartography'} },
["ChanceToPreservePrayerPointsPerPoint"] = { text = "{V}% chance to preserve Prayer Points per Prayer Point cost of active Prayers", skills = {'Combat'} },
["ChanceToPreserveUnholyPrayerPoints"] = { text = "{V}% chance to preserve Prayer Points for Unholy Prayers", skills = {'Combat', 'Prayer'} },
["ChanceToReceiveNoCombatDrops"] = { text = "{V}% chance to receive no Combat drops from Monsters or Dungeons", isIncreaseNegative = true, skills = {'Combat'} },
["ChanceWeakeningTouch"] = { text = "{V}% chance to apply Weakening Touch to the Target", skills = {'Combat'} },
["cleansed"] = { text = "Immune to all debuffs and damage over time effects", skills = {'Combat'} },
["CombinationRuneProduction"] = { text = "{V} Combination Runes produced per action in Runecrafting", skills = {'Runecrafting'} },
["convertBoneDropsIntoCake"] = { text = "Converts all Bone drops from Combat into Birthday Cake Slice drops", skills = {'Comabt'} },
["CookingIntervalForBasicSoup"] = { text = "{V}% Cooking Interval when making Basic Soup", isIncreaseNegative = true, skills = {'Cooking'} },
["crystallized"] = { text = "Modifier to determined status of crystallized effect", skills = {'Combat'} },
["CurseOnHitWithUnholyMark"] = { text = "{V}% chance to apply a random Curse when hitting with an attack if the target has Unholy Mark", skills = {'Combat'} },
["DamageBasedOnCurrentHitpoints"] = { text = "{V}% of target's current hitpoints dealt as damage when hitting with an attack", skills = {'Combat'} },
["DamageBasedOnMaxHitpoints"] = { text = "{V}% of target's max hitpoints dealt as damage when hitting with an attack", skills = {'Combat'} },
["DamageDealtPerEffect"] = { text = "{V}% damage dealt per effect affected by", skills = {'Combat'} },
["DamageDealtWith2Effects"] = { text = "{V}% damage dealt if affected by 2 or more effects", skills = {'Combat'} },
["DamageReductionIfCursed"] = { text = "{V}% Damage Reduction when Cursed", isIncreaseNegative = true, skills = {'Combat'} },
["DamageReductionPer30Defence"] = { text = "{V}% Damage Reduction per 30 Defence Skill Levels", skills = {'Combat'} },
["DamageReductionWithActivePrayer"] = { text = "{V}% Damage Reduction when at least one Prayer is active", skills = {'Combat'} },
["DamageTakenBasedOnHP"] = { text = "{V}% damage taken per percent of hitpoints missing", isIncreaseNegative = true, skills = {'Combat'} },
["DamageTakenIfCursed"] = { text = "{V}% damage taken when Cursed", isIncreaseNegative = true, skills = {'Combat'} },
["DamageTakenWhenSlowed"] = { text = "{V}% damage taken when Slowed", isIncreaseNegative = true, skills = {'Combat'} },
["DigSiteMapCharges"] = { text = "{V} Dig Site Map excavation actions", skills = {'Cartography'} },
["DigSiteMapSlots"] = { text = "{V} Dig Site Map slots", skills = {'Cartography'} },
["disableAttackDamage"] = { text = "Disables all damage from Attacks", skills = {'Combat'} },
["disabledSpecialAttacks"] = { text = "All player special attacks are disabled", isIncreaseNegative = true, skills = {'Combat'} },
["disableTownshipHealthDegradation"] = { text = "Township Health no longer degrades", skills = {'Township'} },
["doubleActiveModifiersCartography"] = { text = "Doubles the effects of all positive Active Modifiers from Point of Interests in Cartography", skills = {'Archaeology'} },
["doubleConsumablesArchaeology"] = { text = "x{VMUL} Consumable Items received from Archaeology", unsigned = true, skills = {'Archaeology'} },
["doubleModifiersInAstrologyForMaxedConstellations"] = { text = "All modifiers in a completed Astrology Constellation are doubled", skills = {'Astrology'} },
["Elusive"] = { text = "When Target is hit, +3% Global Evasion Rating and -1% Attack Interval (Stacks 10 times)", skills = {'Combat'} },
["enableBarrierBurn"] = { text = "Burns can now damage Barrier", skills = {'Combat'} },
["enableLemonSeason"] = { text = "There is a 20% chance of a Lemon Season occurring in Township", skills = {'Township'} },
["EnemyMaximumHitpoints"] = { text = "{V}% Maximum Hitpoints for the Target", skills = {'Combat'}, isIncreaseNegative = true },
["EvasionIfCursed"] = { text = "{V}% Global Evasion when Cursed", isIncreaseNegative = true, skills = {'Combat'} },
["FlatBarrierDamage"] = { text = "{VX} Flat Barrier damage dealt by Attacker per Attack Turn", skills = {'Combat'} },
["FlatBarrierSummonDamage"] = { text = "{VX} Flat Barrier damage added to Summon Familiar", skills = {'Combat'} },
["FlatBarrierSummonDamageMagic"] = { text = "{VX} Flat Barrier damage added to Summon Familiar if using Magic", skills = {'Combat'} },
["FlatBarrierSummonDamageMelee"] = { text = "{VX} Flat Barrier damage added to Summon Familiar if using Melee", skills = {'Combat'} },
["FlatBarrierSummonDamageRanged"] = { text = "{VX} Flat Barrier damage added to Summon Familiar if using Ranged", skills = {'Combat'} },
["FrostburnReflectChance"] = { text = "{V}% chance to inflict Frostburn to the Attacker when hit", skills = {'Combat'} },
["gain2MaxHitpointsPerTurn"] = { text = "+2% maximum Hitpoints per Turn (Maximum 10 stacks)", skills = {'Combat'} },
["GlobalFreezeChance"] = { text = "{V}% chance to apply Freeze for 1 Attack Turn when hitting with any attack (once per turn)", skills = {'Combat'} },
["GlobalPreservationChanceBypass"] = { text = "{V}% Chance to Preserve Resources in Skills (Bypass Gamemode Limitation)" },
["GPFlat"] = { text = "{V} GP gained when earning GP, except Alt. Magic and Item Sales" },
["GPFromBarrierDamage"] = { text = "Grants GP equal to {VD}% damage dealt to Barrier", skills = {'Combat'} },
["GPFromLogSales"] = { text = "{V}% GP From Log Sales", skills = {'Woodcutting'} },
["GPFromRawFishSales"] = { text = "{V}% GP From Raw Fish Sales", skills = {'Fishing'} },
["GPPerArchaeologyLevelNoArtefact"] = { text = "Gain GP equal to {V} per Archaeology Skill Level per excavation action that locates no Artefacts", skills = {'Archaeology'} },
["halfAttackInterval"] = { text = "UNDEFINED TRANSLATION: :MODIFIER_DATA_halfAttackInterval", skills = {'Combat'} },
["halfMasteryXP"] = { text = "UNDEFINED TRANSLATION: :MODIFIER_DATA_halfMasteryXP" },
["halfSkillInterval"] = { text = "UNDEFINED TRANSLATION: :MODIFIER_DATA_halfSkillInterval" },
["halfSkillXP"] = { text = "UNDEFINED TRANSLATION: :MODIFIER_DATA_halfSkillXP" },
["HealEvery200Int"] = { text = "Heal for {V}% current Hitpoints every 0.2s", skills = {'Combat'} },
["HealingWhenHit"] = { text = "{V}% of max hitpoints healed when hit by an attack", skills = {'Combat'} },
["HexTravelCost"] = { text = "{V}% Cartography travel costs", isIncreaseNegative = true, skills = {'Cartography'} },
["HiddenSkillLevelBasedOnLevels"] = { text = "{V}% of your {SV0} Level added as Hidden {SV0} Levels", isSkill = true, skills = {'Combat'} },
["HiddenSkillLevelPer2Levels"] = { text = "{V} Hidden {SV0} Level for every 2 levels of {SV0}", isSkill = true, skills = {'Combat'} },
["HolyDustFromBlessedOffering"] = { text = "{V} Holy Dust obtained from Blessed Offering Alt. Magic Spell (cannot be doubled)", skills = {'Combat'} },
["InitialMapArtefactValues"] = { text = "{V}% initial artefact values when creating maps in Cartography", skills = {'Cartography'} },
["LargeArtefactChance"] = { text = "{V}% chance to find Large Artefacts in Archaeology", skills = {'Archaeology'} },
["LargeArtefactValue"] = { text = "{V} Large Artefact value", skills = {'Archaeology'} },
["LemonsPerAction"] = { text = "{V} Lemons granted per non-Combat action", skills = {'Township'} },
["LifestealDamageBasedOnCurrentHitpoints"] = { text = "{V}% of target's current hitpoints dealt as damage and healed when hitting with an attack", skills = {'Combat'} },
["MagicMaxHitWithActivePrayer"] = { text = "{V}% Magic Max Hit when at least one Prayer is active", skills = {'Combat'} },
["MapRefinementCost"] = { text = "{V}% dig site map refinement cost", isIncreaseNegative = true, skills = {'Cartography'} },
["MapUpgradeActions"] = { text = "{V}% Dig Site Map excavation actions when upgrading in Cartography", skills = {'Cartography'} },
["MapUpgradeInterval"] = { text = "{V}% Cartography Dig Site Map upgrade interval", isIncreaseNegative = true, skills = {'Cartography'} },
["MaxHitBasedOnPrayerCost"] = { text = "{V}% Maximum Hit per Prayer Point cost of active Prayers", skills = {'Combat'} },
["MaxHitIfCursed"] = { text = "{V}% Maximum Hit when Cursed", isIncreaseNegative = true, skills = {'Combat'} },
["MaxHitPercentBasedOnTargetCurrentHitpoints"] = { text = "{V}% Maximum Hit for each 1% of Target current Hitpoints remaining", skills = {'Combat'} },
["MediumArtefactChance"] = { text = "{V}% chance to find Medium Artefacts in Archaeology", skills = {'Archaeology'} },
["MediumArtefactValue"] = { text = "{V} Medium Artefact value", skills = {'Archaeology'} },
["MeleeAccuracyMaxHitPer8Strength"] = { text = "{V}% Melee Accuracy and Melee Max Hit per 8 Strength Skill Levels (Floored)", skills = {'Combat'} },
["MeleeAttackIntervalPercent"] = { text = "{V}% Melee Attack Interval", skills = {'Combat', 'Attack'}, isIncreaseNegative = true },
["MeleeStrengthBonusBasedOnSkillLevel"] = { text = "{V} Melee Strength Bonus based on your current {SV0} Level", isSkill = true, skills = {'Combat'} },
["MeleeStrengthBonusPer10EnemyDR"] = { text = "{V}% Melee Strength Bonus from equipment per 10% base enemy damage reduction", skills = {'Combat'} },
["MinimumItemsFoundInArchaeology"] = { text = "{V} minimum Items found in Archaeology", skills = {'Archaeology'} },
["MinimumTownshipBuildingEfficiency"] = { text = "{V}% minimum Township building efficiency", skills = {'Township'} },
["MinSpellDmg"] = { text = "{VX} Minimum Spell Damage", skills = {'Combat', 'Magic'} },
["noDamageFromThievingNPCs"] = { text = "NPCs in Thieving deal no damage", skills = {'Thieving'} },
["nulled"] = { text = "Unable to apply buffs or modifier effects to self", isIncreaseNegative = true, skills = {'Combat'} },
["PaperMakingInterval"] = { text = "{V}% Cartography paper making interval", isIncreaseNegative = true, skills = {'Cartography'} },
["PotionsHerblore"] = { text = "{V} Potions created in Herblore (Cannot be doubled)", skills = {'Herblore'} },
["PrayerPointsFromBurying"] = { text = "{V} Prayer Points from Burying", skills = {'Combat', 'Prayer'} },
["PrayerPointsFromBuryingPercent"] = { text = "{V}% Prayer Points gained from burying Bones", skills = {'Combat', 'Prayer'} },
["PrayerPointsPerMonsterKill"] = { text = "{V} Prayer Points gained per Monster kill", skills = {'Combat'} },
["RangedStrengthBonusPer8Ranged"] = { text = "{V}% Ranged Strength Bonus per 8 Ranged Skill Levels (Floored)", skills = {'Combat'} },
["RegenPerDamageTaken"] = { text = "{V}% of damage taken from attacks healed on next hitpoint regeneration", skills = {'Combat'} },
["removeDebuffsFromAgility"] = { text = "Remove all debuffs from Agility Obstacles", skills = {'Agility'} },
["RunePreservationBypass"] = { text = "{V}% Rune Preservation (Bypass Gamemode Limitation)", skills = {'Combat', 'Magic'} },
["SelfDamageBasedOnCurrentHitpoints"] = { text = "Deal damage to self equal to {V}% of your current Hitpoints per hit", isIncreaseNegative = true, skills = {'Combat'} },
["ShovelToolLevel"] = { text = "{V} Shovel tool level", skills = {'Archaeology'} },
["SieveToolLevel"] = { text = "{V} Sieve tool level", skills = {'Archaeology'} },
["SightRange"] = { text = "{V} Cartography sight range", skills = {'Cartography'} },
["SmallArtefactChance"] = { text = "{V}% chance to find Small Artefacts in Archaeology", skills = {'Archaeology'} },
["SmallArtefactValue"] = { text = "{V} Small Artefact value", skills = {'Archaeology'} },
["StandardRuneProduction"] = { text = "{V} Standard Runes produced per action in Runecrafting", skills = {'Runecrafting'} },
["SurveyInterval"] = { text = "{V}% Cartography survey interval", isIncreaseNegative = true, skills = {'Cartography'} },
["SurveyRange"] = { text = "{V} Cartography survey range", skills = {'Cartography'} },
["SurveyXP"] = { text = "{V}% Cartography survey XP", skills = {'Cartography'} },
["TinyArtefactChance"] = { text = "{V}% chance to find Tiny Artefacts in Archaeology", skills = {'Archaeology'} },
["TinyArtefactValue"] = { text = "{V} Tiny Artefact value", skills = {'Archaeology'} },
["TravelEventChance"] = { text = "{V}% increased travel event chance in Cartography", skills = {'Cartography'} },
["TrowelToolLevel"] = { text = "{V} Trowel tool level", skills = {'Archaeology'} },
["underwaterEffect"] = { text = "Each Attack Turn, Attacker's Attack interval is decreased by -1% and the Target is slow by +1%. Stacks 20 times.", skills = {'Combat'} },
["UnholyMarkOnHit"] = { text = "{V} Unholy Mark stacks applied when hitting with an attack", skills = {'Combat'} },
["unlockAllSummoningSynergies"] = { text = "All Summoning Synergies are unlocked", skills = {'Summoning'} },
["XPFromMasteryTokens"] = { text = "All Mastery Tokens grant {V}% of the maximum Mastery Pool XP for the respective Skill" },
["HiddenSkillLevelPer3Levels"] = { text = "{V} Hidden {SV0} Level for every 3 levels of {SV0}" },
-- New 1.2.2 modifiers
["MinElementalSpellDmg"] = { text = "{VX} minimum Elemental Spell Damage", skills = {'Combat'} },
["SummoningAttackIntervalPercent"] = { text = "{V}% Summoning Familiar Attack Interval", isIncreaseNegative = true, skills = {'Combat'} },
["barrierRegenTurns"] = { text = "Regenerates 25% Barrier every {V} Attack Turns", skills = {'Combat'} }

function p.getTriangleAttribute(attribute, attackerStyle, targetStyle, modeName)
function p.getTriangleAttribute(attribute, attackerStyle, targetStyle, modeName)
Line 832: Line 73:
local slotData = GameData.getEntityByID('equipmentSlots', id)
local slotData = GameData.getEntityByID('equipmentSlots', id)
if slotData ~= nil then
if slotData ~= nil then
return slotData.emptyName

function p.getEquipmentSlotID(name)
function p.getEquipmentSlotID(name)
local slotData = GameData.getEntityByName('equipmentSlots', name)
local slotData = GameData.getEntityByProperty('equipmentSlots', 'emptyName', name)
if slotData ~= nil then
if slotData ~= nil then
Line 862: Line 103:
return nil
return nil
return GameData.rawData.slayerTiers[tierID + 1]
return GameData.rawData.slayerTaskCategories[tierID + 1]
Line 874: Line 115:
return Shared.printError('Invalid Slayer level')
return Shared.printError('Invalid Slayer level')
for i, tier in ipairs(GameData.rawData.slayerTiers) do
for i, tier in ipairs(GameData.rawData.slayerTaskCategories) do
if tier.minLevel <= level and (tier.maxLevel == nil or tier.maxLevel >= level) then
if tier.type == 'CombatLevel' and tier.minLevel <= level and (tier.maxLevel == nil or tier.maxLevel >= level) then
return tier
return tier
Line 912: Line 153:
--ex. "HPRegenFlat", "+${value} Flat Hitpoints Regeneration", false, "multiplyByNumberMultiplier"
--ex. "HPRegenFlat", "+${value} Flat Hitpoints Regeneration", false, "multiplyByNumberMultiplier"
function p.getModifierDetails(modifierName)
function p.getModifierDetails(modifierName)
-- Unsupported
error('Function is no longer supported', 2)
local baseName = modifierName
local baseName = modifierName
local modifier = GameData.rawData.modifierData[modifierName]
local modifier = GameData.rawData.modifierData[modifierName]
Line 924: Line 168:

return baseName, modifier.description, modifier.isNegative, modifier.modifyValue
return baseName, modifier.description, modifier.isNegative, modifier.modifyValue

function p._getModifierText(modifier, value, doColor)
function p._getModifierText(modifier, value, doColor)
if doColor == nil then doColor = true end
return Modifiers.getModifierText(modifier, value, doColor)
local modName, modText, isNegative, modifyValue = p.getModifierDetails(modifier)
if modName == nil then
return Shared.printError('Invalid modifier type for "' .. modifier .. '"')
if modifyValue ~= nil and string.match(modifyValue, 'ToolLevels') then
modifyValue = 'ArchaeologyToolLevels'
local formatModValue = function(value, rule)
local ruleFunctions = {
['value'] = function(val) return val end,
['multiplyByNumberMultiplier'] = function(val) return val * 10 end,
['divideByNumberMultiplier'] = function(val) return val / 10 end,
['milliToSeconds'] = function(val) return val / 1000 end,
['(value)=>value*100'] = function(val) return val * 100 end,
['(value)=>100+value'] = function(val) return val + 100 end,
['(value)=>value+1'] = function(val) return val + 1 end,
['(value)=>Math.pow(2,value)'] = function(val) return 2^val end,
["(value)=>{if(value>=2){return getLangString('ALLOW_UNHOLY_PRAYERS');}\nelse if(value>=1){return getLangString('ALLOW_UNHOLY_PRAYERS_WITH_EQUIPMENT');}\nelse{return 'Invalid modifier value.';}}"] = function(val) return 'Allows for Unholy Prayers to be used' end,
['ArchaeologyToolLevels'] = function(val)
local toolLevel = '+' .. val
if string.match(modName, 'Sieve') then
toolLevel = toolLevel ..  ' level of the Sieve Tool in Archaeology'
elseif string.match(modName, 'Trowel') then
toolLevel = toolLevel ..  ' level of the Trowel Tool in Archaeology'
elseif string.match(modName, 'Brush') then
toolLevel = toolLevel ..  ' level of the Brush Tool in Archaeology'
elseif string.match(modName, 'Shovel') then
toolLevel = toolLevel ..  ' level of the Shovel Tool in Archaeology'
if val > 1 then
return string.gsub(toolLevel, 'level', 'levels')
return toolLevel
['(value)=>game.golbinRaid.startingWeapons[value].name'] = function(val)
-- For golbin raid starting weapons
local startingWeapons = { 'melvorD:Bronze_Scimitar', 'melvorD:Adamant_Scimitar' }
local itemID = startingWeapons[val + 1]
local item = GameData.getEntityByID('items', itemID)
if item ~= nil then
return 'Unknown'
local ruleFunc = ruleFunctions[modifyValue] or ruleFunctions['value']
if type(value) == 'table' then
-- If table is a pair of values then format both & add a separator
return ruleFunc(value[1]) .. '-' .. ruleFunc(value[2])
return ruleFunc(value)
local valueArray, resultArray = nil, {}
if type(value) ~= 'table' then
valueArray = {value}
valueArray = value
for i, subVal in ipairs(valueArray) do
local resultText = modText
-- A few modifiers don't have official descriptions; Fallback to manual ones instead
if string.match(resultText, 'UNDEFINED TRANSLATION') then
resultText = modifierTypes[modName].text
local modMagnitude = nil
if type(subVal) == 'table' and subVal.skillID ~= nil then
-- Modifier value is skill specific
modMagnitude = subVal.value
local skillName = p.getSkillName(subVal.skillID)
if skillName ~= nil then
resultText = string.gsub(resultText, '${skillName}', skillName)
-- Modifier value is the magnitude only
modMagnitude = subVal
resultText = string.gsub(resultText, '${value}', function(rule) return (formatModValue(modMagnitude, rule) or '') end)
if doColor then
local colorCode = (isNegative ~= nil and isNegative and 'color:red' or 'color:green')
resultText = '<span style="' .. colorCode .. '">' .. resultText .. '</span>'
table.insert(resultArray, resultText)
return table.concat(resultArray, '<br/>')

Line 1,044: Line 193:

function p.getModifiersText(modifiers, doColor, inline, maxVisible)
function p.getModifiersText(modifiers, doColor, inline, maxVisible)
if inline == nil then inline = false end
return Modifiers.getModifiersText(modifiers, doColor, inline, maxVisible)
if type(maxVisible) ~= 'number' then maxVisible = nil end
if modifiers == nil or Shared.tableIsEmpty(modifiers) then
return ''
local modArray = { ["visible"] = {}, ["overflow"] = {} }
local modCount = { ["visible"] = 0, ["overflow"] = 0 }
local insertKey = 'visible'
for bonus, value in pairs(modifiers) do
-- If there is a single by skill modifier with multiple values, this will
-- appear as multiple rows. Split these so the number of visible lines is
-- always accurate
local valueArray = nil
if type(value) == 'table' then
valueArray = value
valueArray = {value}
for i, subVal in ipairs(valueArray) do
if type(subVal) == 'table' and subVal.skillID ~= nil then
subVal = {subVal}
if maxVisible ~= nil and not inline and insertKey == 'visible' and modCount[insertKey] >= maxVisible then
insertKey = 'overflow'
table.insert(modArray[insertKey], p._getModifierText(bonus, subVal, doColor))
modCount[insertKey] = modCount[insertKey] + 1
if inline then
return table.concat(modArray['visible'], ' and ')
if modCount['overflow'] == 1 then
table.insert(modArray['visible'], modArray['overflow'][1])
local overflowText = ''
if modCount['overflow'] > 1 then
-- Number of other modifiers has exceeded the specified maximum
overflowText = table.concat({
'<br/><span class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" ',
'data-expandtext="Show ' .. Shared.formatnum(modCount['overflow']) .. ' more modifiers" ',
table.concat(modArray['overflow'], '<br/>'),
return table.concat(modArray['visible'], '<br/>') .. overflowText

function p.getModifierSkills(modifiers)
function p.getModifierSkills(modifiers)
local skillArray = {}
return Modifiers.getModifierSkills(modifiers)
for modifier, value in pairs(modifiers) do
if type(value) == 'table' then
for i, subVal in ipairs(value) do
if type(subVal) == 'table' and subVal.skillID ~= nil then
local skillName = p.getSkillName(subVal.skillID)
if not Shared.contains(skillArray, skillName) then
table.insert(skillArray, skillName)
local baseName = p.getModifierDetails(modifier)
if baseName == nil then
return { Shared.printError('Modifier "' .. modifier .. '" is invalid') }
if modifierTypes[baseName].skills ~= nil then
for i, skillName in Shared.skpairs(modifierTypes[baseName].skills) do
if not Shared.contains(skillArray, skillName) then
table.insert(skillArray, skillName)
return skillArray