Millennium Gate/Guide: Difference between revisions

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{{Otheruses|the suggested way to complete Millennium Gate|the dungeon itself|Millennium Gate}}
{{Otheruses|the suggested way to complete Millennium Gate|the dungeon itself|Millennium Gate}}

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=== Guardian of the Herald ===
This monster is a tad tougher, this setup is almost identical to {{ZoneIcon|Throne of the Herald}} phase 1.
There is technically a negligable death chance as the maximum hit is 1 higher than the auto-eat threshold (combat sim did not return any deaths on 100,000 trials).
* Spell: {{SpellIcon|Tsunami}}
* Curse: {{SpellIcon|Despair}}
* Aurora: {{SpellIcon|Surge II}}
* Prayers: {{PrayerIcon|Holy Aegis}} & {{PrayerIcon|Stone Skin}}
* Potion: {{ItemIcon|Deadly Toxins Potion}}
|helm1 = Mask of Despair
|body1 = Infernal Mythical Wizard Robes
|legs1 = Infernal Mythical Wizard Bottoms
|boots1 = Frostspark Boots
|gloves1 = Gloves of Greater Shade Summon
|cape1 = Infernal Cape
|neck1 = Fury of the Elemental Zodiacs
|ring1 = Guardian Ring
|weapon1 = Archaic Wand
|shield1 = Leviathan Shield
|passive1 = Gauntlets of Rage
|consumable1 = Fervor Scroll
|familiar11 = Yak
|familiar21 = Witch
|enhC1 = Undead Enhancement (Superior)
|enhT1 = Dragon Enhancement (Superior)
|enhS1 = Gods Enhancement (Superior)
|Cargo Net
|Balance Beam
|Pipe Climb
|Gap Jump
|Cliff Balance
|Lake Swim
|Boulder Trap
|Raft Building
|Ice Jump
|Ocean Rafting
|Pipe Maze
|Boulder Balance
|Rope Trap
|Freezing Climb
|Waterfall Crossing
|Pillar of Combat
|showtotals = false
|showcosts = false
|showrequirements = false

