Lightning Region/Guide: Difference between revisions

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|showrequirements = false
|showrequirements = false
= Idle for Ancient Relics, Hardcore & Adventure =
This guide assumes {{UpgradeIcon|Auto Eat - Tier III}} has been unlocked.
== Melee ==
This setup will require 1227 {{Skill|Hitpoints|Health}} & 91% [[Damage Reduction]] and can expect roughly 1.5 clears per hour. <br>
While only including Base Game stats & items, '''You will require {{ItemIcon|Damage Reduction Potion IV}}''' as well as {{SkillReq|Agility|99}}.
This Guide requires {{SkillReq|Hitpoints|107}}.
* Prayers: {{PrayerIcon|Battleheart}} & {{PrayerIcon|Holy Aegis}}
* Potion: {{ItemIcon|Damage Reduction Potion IV}}
|helm1 = Aeris God Helmet
|body1 = Bundled Protection Body
|legs1 = Perfect Sight Legs
|boots1 = Frost Walker Boots
|gloves1 = Aeris God Gloves
|cape1 = Infernal Cape
|neck1 = Fury of the Elemental Zodiacs
|ring1 = Ring of Barrage
|weapon1 = Shockwave
|shield1 = Earth Layered Shield
|ammo1 = Jadestone Bolts
|passive1 = Elder Crown
|familiar11 = Centaur
|familiar21 = Yak
|enhS1 = Gods Enhancement (Superior)
|Cargo Net
|Rope Jump
|Pipe Climb
|Coal Stones
|Cliff Balance
|Rocky Waters
|Boulder Trap
|Raft Building
|Ice Jump
|Ocean Rafting
|Frozen Maze
|Pillar of Combat
|showtotals = false
|showcosts = false
|showrequirements = false

