This page was last updated for (v0.18.2). |
Case of Fortune
Case of Fortune was an event introduced in v0.15.2 of the game. In order to participate in the event, players had to navigate to the Case of Fortune page by clicking on it in the sidebar. The player was then presented with a selection of different cases which could be purchased and opened to receive a randomized prize. Opening a case cost "M-bucks" a currency exclusive to the event. M-bucks could be acquired by hitting the "Beg Parent for M-Bucks" button, which would usually result in gaining some of the currency, but sometimes would result in gaining none, or even losing some of it. Additional M-bucks could be purchased in the "P2W Shop (Waste your money here)" at a rate of 100 GP per M-buck.
Return of the Gods Event 2020 - A Tale of the Past, a future's prophecy
Starting on March 12, 2020, the first in a series of eight images was posted to Reddit and to Discord (in plain text) by the developer. Originally the majority of the text was missing, however more was revealed with each new post, until on April 21, 2020, the final completed version was shared. The scroll text and God lore released was a part of the Alpha v0.15 Return of the Gods patch, which introduced four new end game dungeons, the bosses of which were the four Gods featured below.
Long ago when the world was young there were 4 Gods. Each tasked to do their part in shaping the world. Working together with each other they sought to maintain the balance the world needed. As time went on, so did the complexity in their positions grew. Small quarrels turned to arguments, arguments turned to hate and not too soon after war was on the horizon. And so they went their separate ways.
With hostility growing between the Gods so did their ignorance towards the rest not wanting to partake in the war. Malcs, the leader of the lesser dragons at that time begins devising a plan. While not as strong as the Gods they knew something had to be done.
Recognizing that they could not defeat them they could instead seal them. Willingly they would sacrifice themselves in the process of creating a powerful seal under their leader. But it took a huge toll. Almost all perish in the end to complete the seal, but it works, with Malcs now a saviour in the eyes of others. Knowing that if he were defeated it would mean the end. And so he leaves in grief, exiling himself for an eternity.
In the long centuries that pass so does the creep of age affect Malcs, a long time has passed. One day adventurers unknowingly discover his location. Not knowing who he was, Malcs was treated like another trophy to get, and so he was targeted. Countless adventurers from all over took up this opportunity and so he fought, for years...until he no longer could. The seals break and in doing so 4 beacons of light strike up towards the sky with a vicious roar: Radiant Silver, Soft Blue, Mossy Green and Burning Red.
Rumors of mysterious colossal dungeons appearing at the origins of these light start to spread. The Gods prepare for their return. With you at the centre of this now, what will you do?
Aeris - The Air God, April 22, 2020.
Radiant Silver, wings of bountiful colors. Aeris is known as the Loving God. Given the power of flight she travelled the world radiating her love and beauty towards all the populace of Melvor. In the eyes of the people she was a beacon of hope and a symbol of peace in which the gods upheld. When trouble arose she would always be there as if a guardian was always watching over. During the early times she would often meet with the other gods to discuss the role she would play, however she considered only one a good friend. Over the many years that had passed her tireless effort had left her exhausted. "It's always the same." she cried. With all her effort she truly believed she was doing good. But the world is cruel and ever changing. Was she really ever needed? she thought. Upset and no longer wanting to feel this way she decides to exact the opposite of what she stood for. And so in the end the once loving god of Melvor becomes the recluse. Leaving the people to fend for themselves. "I wonder, what does all this power amount to when its no longer there, what do the people do when the hero leaves?"
Glacia - The Water God, April 25, 2020.
Soft Blue, a cold heart. Glacia is known as the Helping God. While managing the oceans and seas she would guide lost voyagers who had gone astray to safety. The explorers of Melvor called her the Ocean's Spirit, for when she was happy the oceans were calm and when she was not the waves echoed it. The role she played was not something she wanted to do, but she knew it was her duty to maintain. Her true dream was to be free above the clouds like Aeris. Being tied to the oceans it was the only thing that was ever on her mind. However the burden of not being able to lied deep within her heart. Despite knowing she was shackled she would still try time and time again but fail. To always see Aeris soar away after their meeting was enough to break her. And as time went by her growing bitterness towards her role eventually escalated to hatred when Aeris decided she would no longer fulfil her role anymore. Having clung to this dream for so long and seeing someone squander it was outrageous to her. And so they argued and argued for even longer until only what was left was nothing but pain behind her eyes. And after all these years it had already consumed her inner self. "Do you pity those who use their power for everyone else knowing they can never help themselves? they are the ones who tread the line between a blessing and curse."
Terran - The Earth God, April 29, 2020.
Mossy Green, careless wisdom. Terran is known as the Entrusted god. The Earth God was the first before the others. With his power he transformed most of the worlds landmass to how it is seen today. All but one of the other gods respected him as their elder, knowing full well he would be the most knowledgeable. And so being unrestricted he was allowed to do whatever he wanted. The early inhabitants of Melvor saw him as the greatest of all which gave him all the support he needed to further continue his work. Terran would also organize the meetings of gods and instruct them of the role they should be upholding. But since the other gods never questioned him his ignorance towards everyone grew in parallel with his arrogance. As time went by to him there were no more boundaries, which in turn led to the anger of the other gods. But it had been so long, he did so much so what was different for him now? And so in his mind he was so sure he was betrayed when he was confined to a place where he no longer had any influence. "Solitary, confined to my own darkness. The whispers of a thousand cries brush over me like the wind. Is this true torture? Maybe not. This is the beginning of a new true king."
Ragnar - The Fire God, May 4, 2020.
Burning Red, a demonic ego. Ragnar is known as the Chaotic god. The Fire God was the youngest of all the gods. With the power of fire he stood above the rest in terms of strength and he knew. His fierce rivalries with the other gods and his lack of emotion towards everyone else was troublesome. Knowing this the other gods shunned him and for the benefit of all living creatures he was restrained to a lesser influence by Terran. Ragnar was treated like an outcast and for a god to be shackled to this kind of level was demeaning. Ragnar despised Terran but he also knew he was not yet strong enough to take on all three of them and so he decides to start scheming in the background. Through his subordinates he would start to spread rumors which led to hate and violence amongst the people. His targeted actions were ruthless and lingered for years. Knowing full well who would eventually be blamed for this, Terran. And so with the growing hostilities between the gods and the inevitability of war on the horizon the restraints that once held him back turned feeble. The others will remember why he was known as the strongest. "Patience is the key to everything, the weak seek to find their opportunity while the strong know when it is their time again."
April Fools Event 2020 - ArChAeOloGy
The ArChAeOloGy event was added for April Fools 2020 and allowed the player to scratch a tile to reveal a "prize". Sometimes the tile would reveal a joke, "Nothing LOL" for experience, or the image of an item, which awarded the item. The experience earned was equal to 50 times ArChAeOloGy level when scratching "Nothing LOL". It took approximately 15 hours to reach level 99, which when reached gave the player nothing. The item drop rates in order of rarity were: Lemon, Herb Sack, Bird Nest, Mastery tokens, Black Platebody and Ancient Wizard Boots.
Easter Event 2020 - Flappy Golbin
The Easter Event ran from the 10th to the 14th of April, 2020. The event added a "Flappy Golbin" mini-game, which is a reskin of the 2013 classic Flappy Bird. Flappy Golbin has three difficulty levels, Easy, Normal, and Hard. Easy has a wide gap between logs to pass through and awards 1 point per log passed. Normal has a smaller gap to pass through and awards 2 points per log passed. Hard has logs which move up and down, awarding 4 points per log passed. The player's high score for each difficulty is displayed on the event page.
The player's score each game in Flappy Golbin is converted to "Eggs" for the player, which is a currency that could be used to purchase items from the Easter Shop.
Anniversary Event 2020
To celebrate the anniversary of melvor idle's public release, a week long event featuring a puzzle to be solved.
the clues were as follows
1:"I've existed for 100 generations. I've been here since the start. I don't fit in with the others, but I'm still important. Everyone prefers to keep their hands warm, but that doesn't matter around me."
2":"Lured from my comfort, respawned from being generous. My pockets are full, but what happens if no one is around to hear it? 500 times a tale's told, though only once does it really mean something."
3:"Keep me with you at all times, always in your sight. Whatever you do, don't let go of me. Let me join you on your adventure, but only once. I love getting close and personal, so don't make me watch from afar."
4:"Don't jump ahead, you'll be disappointed. Named at birth, you're given a life. A life of adventure. We know you well, you're in the tales. But if things were to change, you'd simply be forgotten. But not today, because today's my Birthday. 12092019."
To solve the
you need to mine Rune Essence. this gave
, which required you to perform 500 actions in a skill to receive an ingredient.
for Candle,
for Cake Base,
for Magical Flavouring, and
for Magical Icing, then combine them into a
Birthday Cake, also granting the
.Next you were required to equip the cake and kill any monster with melee, making sure not to auto eat the cake, which would grant Birthday Token and the
. To finish, you must set your characters name to 12082019 and claim the token, granting you a Purple Party Hat and a congratulatory message.
Christmas Event 2020
Introduced in V0.18.1, the 2020 Christmas Event ran from the 23rd to the 30th of December, 2020. The event was similar to the 2020 April Fool's Event, in that players would open presents by scratching a tile to reveal the gift inside. Each player would initially have 10 presents, with another present being added for each 10 minutes of play time. The event introduced 7 items and a pet which were only obtainable while the event was active.
Upon opening a present, the player would either reveal a joke tile, acquire a random item from a selection of items (including one of six event specific items available from presents), or unlock the event specific pet:
. The full list of available items is listed below.
One of the event specific items, the Friendship Bracelet, cannot be found by opening presents. Instead, this item can be found by first acquiring a
Christmas Cracker from presents, following which the player must select the
Christmas Cracker within the bank and click the "Find a Friend" button when the time is 04:20 UTC or 16:20 UTC. If the player is successful they will be notified that they have found a friend and the
Friendship Bracelet will be added to the bank. However, if unsuccessful the player will instead be notified that no friends were found and they will not receive the bracelet.
Present Drops
Item | Chance | |
Nothing | 8/23 | 34.78% |
![]() |
8/115 | 6.96% |
![]() |
8/115 | 6.96% |
![]() |
8/115 | 6.96% |
![]() |
4/115 | 3.48% |
![]() |
4/115 | 3.48% |
![]() |
4/115 | 3.48% |
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4/115 | 3.48% |
![]() |
4/115 | 3.48% |
![]() |
4/115 | 3.48% |
![]() |
4/115 | 3.48% |
![]() |
4/115 | 3.48% |
![]() |
4/115 | 3.48% |
![]() |
4/115 | 3.48% |
![]() |
4/115 | 3.48% |
![]() |
1/115 | 0.87% |
![]() |
1/115 | 0.87% |
![]() |
1/115 | 0.87% |
![]() |
1/115 | 0.87% |
![]() |
1/115 | 0.87% |
![]() |
1/115 | 0.87% |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Ripper the Reindeer
1/115 | 0.87% |
Total: | 100.00% |
April Fools 2021
The April Fools event for 2021 introduced the
Game Mode. New characters could be created for this game mode until April 11th, 2021, and could continue to be played until v0.21
Melvor Idle version v1.3.1 (Released: 30th October 2024) |
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Skills: Error creating thumbnail: File missing Farming • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Township • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Woodcutting • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Fishing • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Firemaking • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Cooking • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Mining • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Smithing • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Thieving • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Fletching • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Crafting • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Runecrafting • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Herblore • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Agility • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Summoning • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Astrology • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Alternative Magic • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Cartography • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Archaeology • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Harvesting
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Reference Tables: Items, Equipment, Experience Table, Upgrading Items, Combat Areas, Slayer Areas, Dungeons, Strongholds, The Abyss, Monsters |