Golbin (thieving)

From Melvor Idle
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Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Area: Golbin Village
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Level 8
Perception: 175
Max Hit: 40
Experience: 10 XP

The Golbin is one of the NPCS in the

Error creating thumbnail: File missing



Successfully pickpocketing the Golbin will always give 1 - 175GP

Possible Common Drops:

Up to one of these will be received on a successful pickpocket:

Item Qty Price Chance
Copper Ore 1 2GP 75/524 14.31%
Bronze Bar 1 6GP 75/524 14.31%
Normal Logs 1 1GP 75/524 14.31%
Tin Ore 1 2GP 75/524 14.31%
Oak Logs 1 5GP 45/1,048 4.29%
Iron Bar 1 12GP 45/1,048 4.29%
Iron Ore 1 5GP 9/262 3.44%
Steel Bar 1 30GP 15/524 2.86%
Willow Logs 1 10GP 15/524 2.86%
Total: 3/4 75.00%

The loot obtained from the average successful pickpocket is worth 3.62GP if sold.

Including currency, the average successful pickpocket is worth 91.62GP.

Possible Rare Drops:

Any of these can be received after a successful pickpocket:

Bobby's PocketMelvor Logo.svg 14,000GP1/1200.8333%
Chapeau NoirMelvor Logo.svg 132,000GP1/20,0000.0050%
Sneak-ErsMelvor Logo.svg 115,000GP1/15,0000.0067%

Possible Area Unique Drops

Any Area Unique Drop is equally likely to be obtained after a successful pickpocket. Each Area Unique Drop is rolled for separately, so it is possible to receive multiple Area Unique Drops from a single action. The chance of receiving an Area Unique drop is tripled if the 95% Thieving Mastery Pool checkpoint is active.

Item Qty Price Chance
Crate of Basic Supplies 1 500GP 1/500 0.20%