Wizard (thieving)

From Melvor Idle
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Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Area: Wizard Tower
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Level 84
Perception: 750
Max Hit: 216
Experience: 95 XP

The Wizard is one of the NPCS in the

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Successfully pickpocketing the Wizard will always give 1 - 700GP

Possible Common Drops:

Up to one of these will be received on a successful pickpocket:

Item Qty Price Chance
Chaos Rune 1 - 10 3 - 30GP 411/4,100 10.02%
Water Adept Wizard Hat 1 10GP 63/820 7.68%
Nature Rune 1 - 10 1 - 10GP 147/2,050 7.17%
Smoke Rune 1 - 10 11 - 110GP 147/2,050 7.17%
Water Adept Wizard Boots 1 10GP 3/50 6.00%
Water Adept Wizard Bottoms 1 10GP 99/2,050 4.83%
Fire Adept Wizard Hat 1 10GP 93/2,050 4.54%
Steam Rune 1 - 10 12 - 120GP 42/1,025 4.10%
Havoc Rune 1 - 10 1 - 10GP 42/1,025 4.10%
Water Adept Wizard Robes 1 10GP 159/4,100 3.88%
Fire Adept Wizard Boots 1 10GP 153/4,100 3.73%
Fire Adept Wizard Bottoms 1 10GP 63/2,050 3.07%
Fire Adept Wizard Robes 1 10GP 21/820 2.56%
Lava Rune 1 - 10 13 - 130GP 21/820 2.56%
Death Rune 1 - 10 4 - 40GP 87/4,100 2.12%
Blood Rune 1 - 10 4 - 40GP 3/205 1.46%
Total: 3/4 75.00%

The loot obtained from the average successful pickpocket is worth 15.57GP if sold.

Including currency, the average successful pickpocket is worth 366.07GP.

Possible Rare Drops:

Any of these can be received after a successful pickpocket:

Bobby's PocketMelvor Logo.svg 14,000GP1/1200.8333%
Chapeau NoirMelvor Logo.svg 132,000GP1/20,0000.0050%
Sneak-ErsMelvor Logo.svg 115,000GP1/15,0000.0067%

Possible Area Unique Drops

Any Area Unique Drop is equally likely to be obtained after a successful pickpocket. Each Area Unique Drop is rolled for separately, so it is possible to receive multiple Area Unique Drops from a single action. The chance of receiving an Area Unique drop is tripled if the 95% Thieving Mastery Pool checkpoint is active.

Item Qty Price Chance
Prayer Scroll 1,000 10GP 1/500 0.20%
Wizard's Scroll 1,000 10GP 1/500 0.20%
Wizard's Sigil 1 5,000GP 1/500 0.20%

Possible NPC Unique Drop

The chance of receiving the unique drop for an NPC is based on a combination of several factors. The unique drop chance for an NPC is included in the tooltip for your Stealth against that NPC. The unique drop for the Wizard is Amulet of Incantation.