
From Melvor Idle
Revision as of 07:27, 7 December 2021 by Mazunki (talk | contribs) (moving out of Changelog)

Alpha v0.20 - (11th June 2021)



Summoning is one of the largest and most in-depth Skills to have been released to date. It plays a large role in the world of Melvor, cementing its dark and rich history waiting to be uncovered by you.

This Skill requires you to utilize almost every single other Skill in the game in order to progress and unlock more content. As you continue to level up, you will unlock more powerful and unique benefits to give you that extra edge throughout the game.

Below outlines the basic mechanics of the Skill, and also provides an insight in what to expect from Summoning.


Discovering the existence of Summoning has provided you with the knowledge of a dark magic only told in tales.

You are given the ability to equip not only one, but TWO Familiars to aid you in your journey throughout Melvor.

There is a selection of 20 different Familiars, each one providing you with a unique passive bonus. They also use charges (Just like Ranged Ammo), and are consumed every time and action is taken relating to the passive of your Familiar.

However, great power like this must be earned, and is only given to those who take the time to learn about the Familiar's respective Mark.

Combat Familiars

Half of the Familiars are classed as "Combat Familiars" and provide general benefits to assist within Combat.

On top of this, Combat Familiars also have the ability to attack enemies. They attack every 3 seconds, and have a pre-defined Max Hit (Which is visible during Combat). Their accuracy/chance to hit is the same as yours.

And no, they cannot be hit or attacked by the Enemy :)


Hidden throughout the world of Melvor are the secrets that contain the true power of Summoning, granting the dark magic to those who discover them.

Upon discovering a Mark, you will be able to harness its power by creating Summoning Tablets based on respective Familiars, allowing you to utilize their benefits on your adventure.

These Marks can be further researched and levelled up to unlock even greater power relating to your Familiar in the form of Synergies.

If you happen to have the respective Familiar equipped while searching for further Marks, then the drop rate of the Marks will be doubled.

For those wondering - Levelling up all the Marks to the maximum Level (4) is required for 100% completion. This is due to a new Pet that is being introduced (Named Mark) that is unlocked once you achieve this goal.


Tales tell of an ancient bond that can be formed between two different Familiars. Although this has never been witnessed, it takes true knowledge to be able to achieve such a thing.

By levelling up your Marks, you will unlock Synergies between Familiars that grants an extra unique passive that is active as long as both Familiars are equipped. These passives are unique in what they provide, and can assist greatly during your training.

Synergies are unlocked when their respective Mark levels meet the requirements. Higher level Marks unlock higher tier Synergies.

There are roughly 90 Synergies to unlock and discover.

To make it easier for you, there is also an integrated Synergy Search function within the game that allows you to search for any unlocked Synergy with ease. This search functionality also allows you to equip this Synergy directly from the search results.


Shards are the core ingredient for Summoning Tablet creation, and can be obtained only from the Shop at a cost of GP.

All Summoning Tablets use a variety of Shards in their creation, and there are 6 different coloured Shards to utilize.

Tablet Creation

Tablet Creation is very similar to all other crafting related Skills in the game.

However, Summoning adds another element to this process in the form of "Alternate Recipes". You will find that many of the Summoning Tablets you can create have multiple recipes to select from. Some even have up to 20 different recipes!

The quantity of items required within the recipes are weighted against the base sale price of the item.

There is a recipe for every stage of the game you're at, but not all of them will be efficient.

Levelling the Skill

As is the theme of this Skill, levelling it is a little bit different than all the others.

There are two ways to earn Skill XP:

  • Creating Summoning Tablets
  • Using Tablet charges, by equipping the Familiar and using them in the game

The Summoning Skill XP you earn while using charges is weighted against the interval of your action, as well as the Summoning Level required to unlock that Familiar. Generally this means that using a high level Summoning will give you more XP.

NOTE: Mastery XP can only be earned via Summoning Tablet Creation

New Items and Content

With the introduction of a new Skill, there is also new items and content that come along with it. This includes:

  • Four new equippable items in the Slayer Shop to assist with Summoning
  • Two new Agility Obstacles to also assist with Summoning
  • Yet another new Herblore Potion for (you guessed it) Summoning
  • And of course, we also have the Summoning Skillcape and the Summoning Mastery Token

Woodcutting Changes

Woodcutting has been causing some serious balance issues for the game, as well as any new content planning to be added. Specifically, it is the Multi-Tree upgrade you can purchase from the Shop that is causing these issues.

Multi-Tree allowed you to cut two trees simultaneously. This means each tree was running on its own timer and was rolling rare items for each of these actions. The result of this "double action" meant Woodcutting was always the go-to Skill for any rare items such as Mysterious Stones, Pets (Like Ty, and future global Pets), Signet Ring Half (a), and was also the go-to for the Summoning content during testing (gaining upwards of 2M xp/hr).

The upgrade you can purchase was one of the very first Shop items you could buy in the very early days of Melvor Idle (when there was only 5 Skills in total). It has stuck around since, and I'm actually surprised it lasted this long. The fact that no similar mechanics exist in other Skills should provide some evidence as to how I feel about this kind of mechanic in general.

Instead of leaving it as is and balancing around it or applying exceptions to Woodcutting only for current and future content, now was the right time to adjust the mechanics and bring the Skill back in line with the general feel of the game. However, I have done this in a way that retains the original purpose of the Multi-Tree Upgrade.

Summarized Changes to Woodcutting

  • Multi-Tree is now being combined into one single action
  • Your action's interval is determined by the highest interval out of both trees you are cutting
  • The XP you earn is weighted against the interval stated above. This means XP rates have not actually changed, and are staying the same
  • Logs are provided in the same way the above-mentioned XP is. However, the amount is rounded down as it is not possible to receive half of an item in this game
  • Rare Items in the game roll on a per action basis. Combining Multi-Tree into a single action means you will only be provided with one roll per action, even though you're cutting two trees
  • A complete visual representation on exactly what quantity of Items and XP you are receiving per action has been added

Rare Item Drop Rates

In the initial Announcement, I mentioned drop rates for rare items were not changing. After testing this change on the Test Server for the last few weeks, and gathering data and feedback from players, I have decided to adjust drop rates for some rare items. At the end of the day, it was only fair that the entire game benefits off of a change like this.

Switching Woodcutting to a single action now allows me to buff global rare items without worrying about further snowballing the effects of the old Multi-Tree upgrade.

  • Increased global drop rate for Signet Ring Half (a) to (Level Req / 16,500,000), up from (Level Req / 19,800,000)
  • Increased global drop rate for all Mastery Tokens to (1 / (18,500 / Milestones Unlocked)), up from (1 / (20,000 / Milestones Unlocked))
  • Increased global drop rate for Mysterious Stones to 0.025% per action, up from 0.015%.

Important Combat Adjustments

For those who may or may not know, there is a mechanic in the game where Players and Enemies can deal extra damage to one another depending on an existing status effect (Like being Stunned).

There was a lot of confusion around the consistency with this mechanic, and how it should actually work. With this update, we have finalised the general mechanics around these status effects.

When the enemy inflicts one of the below status effects on you, a very noticeable popup will briefly display to let you know. This notification can also be disabled in Settings.

It is very important that you read what they do, as you may die unexpectedly if you do not.

  • Stunned/Frozen - The Enemy deals 30% extra Damage while you are stunned
  • Sleep - The Enemy deals 20% extra Damage while you are sleeping

Combat Triangle Changes

The Combat Triangle for all gamemodes has received some minor adjustments to the damage values. Below are the changes.

Player Style Game Mode VS
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Old New Old New Old New
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Standard +0% +0% +10% +10% -10% -15%
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
& Adventure
+0% +0% +10% +10% -20% -25%
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Standard -10% -15% +0% +0% +10% +10%
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
& Adventure
-20% -25% +0% +0% +10% +10%
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Standard +10% +10% -10% -15% +0% +0%
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
& Adventure
+10% +10% -20% -25% +0% +0%

Artisan Skill UI Updates

This update includes the start of the transition to a more clear and consistent UI throughout the game.

Starting with most Artisan Skills (Smithing, Fletching, Crafting, Runecrafting, Herblore & Summoning), the UI will be moved to an icon-based layout that will provide all necessary information you seek.

Included in these UI changes is the ability to see your Preservation & Item Doubling chances, as well as how much Skill XP, Mastery XP and Mastery Pool XP you will earn for that action.

These changes will feed into the rest of the game in some way or another.

Please note that Skills will still retain their unique design. I am simply referring to the icon and image usage when talking about transitioning this to the rest of the game.

New Pets

  • Tim the Wolf - Summoning pet
    -1 Shard Cost when creating Familiars in Summoning
  • Mark - Level up all Summoning Marks to Level 4
    +10% Chance to preserve Summoning Charges

New Monsters

  • Superior Eyed Monster - Found in Strange Cave Slayer Area
  • Eye of Fear - Found in Strange Cave Slayer Area

Other Changes

New Features

  • Added Summoning to the game.
  • Added 20 Summoning Familiars (and their respective Tablets with are items) to the game, all which can be created in Summoning
  • Added 90 Synergies between Familiars, ready for you to unlock via Leveling up Marks.
  • Added 20 Summoning Marks ready to be discovered by you, which unlock the Familiar's respective Tablets to create when found. NOTE: These are not items.
  • Added 6 Summoning Shards to the Shop, under the Materials section.
  • New Pet - Tim the Wolf - Summoning Pet - -1 Shard Cost when creating Familiars in Summoning.
  • New Pet - Mark (He's a Mouse) - Level up all Summoning Marks to Level 4 - +10% Chance to preserve Summoning Charges.
  • New Monster - Superior Eyed Monster - Found in Strange Cave Slayer Area.
  • New Monster - Eye of Fear - Found in Strange Cave Slayer Area
  • New Item - Summoning Skillcape - +10% Chance to preserve Summoning Charges. +20% Chance to Preserve Resources in Summoning. +10 Base Quantity for Summoning Tablet Creation.
  • New Item - Summoning Mastery Token
  • New Item - Necromancer Potion - +1/2/3/5 Base Summoning Tablets created.
  • New Item - Necromancer Hat - Found in Slayer Shop - Passive: +2 Base Quantity for Summoning Tablet Creation. +2% Summoning Skill XP
  • New Item - Necromancer Robes - Found in Slayer Shop - Passive: +2 Base Quantity for Summoning Tablet Creation. +2% Summoning Skill XP
  • New Item - Necromancer Bottoms - Found in Slayer Shop - Passive: +2 Base Quantity for Summoning Tablet Creation. +2% Summoning Skill XP
  • New Item - Necromancer Boots - Found in Slayer Shop - Passive: +2 Base Quantity for Summoning Tablet Creation. +2% Summoning Skill XP
  • Added Summoning Synergy Search page links to the Combat Screen and Minibar. From here, you can search synergies and equip them by clicking on them (Assuming you have the Synergy unlocked)
  • Smithing, Crafting, Fletching, Herblore & Runecrafting all have brand new layouts.
  • You can now search for Bank Items using their DESCRIPTION. This also means searching "Passive" will display passive slot compatible items.
  • New background image added to the game.
  • You can now claim Mastery Tokens directly from the Spend Mastery Pool XP screen.
  • Mastery Page now has progress bars
  • Notifications now show for all GP related changes
  • Items sitting in the loot container now have descriptive tooltips
  • Cloud Saves now save in irregular intervals, starting at 15 minutes on all devices and increasing its interval every save if you are inactive/idle during that time.
  • The game no longer refreshes when selecting a character

Changed Features

  • Slightly Adjusted Combat Triangle - You now deal 5% less damage than before if versus an Enemy with the opposing attack style.
  • Multi-Tree has been reworked to be combined into 1 action.
  • Reworked the contents of the Treasure Chest gained from Fishing. You can now get junk from this chest.
  • Buffed Otto & Peri drop rate to 1 in 7,500, changed from 1 in 10,000
  • Adjusted loot tables for eye monsters.
  • Dragons now drop more Dragonhide
  • "Ice Jump" Agility Obstacle now requires 5,000 Crab to build, instead of 5,000 Cave Fish.
  • Pillar of Combat in Agility - Increased Minimum Hit based on Max hit upped to 5%, up from 3%
  • Pillar of Combat in Agility - Hitpoint regeneration is now a flat +50 (+500 for Adventure Mode) instead of +2%.
  • Pillar of Generosity - New bonus - +5% chance to preserve Summoning Charges
  • Increased drop rate for Signet Ring Half (a) to (Level Req / 16,500,000), up from (Level Req / 19,800,000)
  • Increased drop rate for Mastery Tokens to (1 / (18,500 / Milestones Unlocked)), up from (1 / (20,000 / Milestones Unlocked))
  • Increased the drop rate for Mysterious Stones to 0.025% per action, up from 0.015%.
  • New Cloudburst Staff Special Attack: Freeze Ray has changed: Now deals up to 40% dmg 10 times over 2 seconds which always applies a slow, avoidable.
  • Cloudburst Staff: Increased Magic Attack Bonus to 45, up from 28.
  • Cloudburst Staff: Increased Magic Damage Bonus to 30%, up from 0%.
  • Ocean Song - Reduced chance to 35% and lowered damage to 1,350
  • Increased Slash and Block Bonus for all 4 Godswords to 145, up from 125
  • Ice Gear - All armour now have 3% Damage Reduction
  • Ice shortbow: New spec: 50% chance Frozen Shots: Deals a bonus 90 dmg on top of hit and slows enemy by 10% for 3 turns.
  • Frozen Wind Special Attack: Upped chance to 20%
  • Sunset Rapier: Upped stab bonus to 72
  • Warlock Amulet: Lowered spell heal to 10%
  • Almighty Lute: Lowered gp% gain to 200%
  • Bobs Rake: Upped passive to 50% chance
  • Confetti Crossbow: Reduced price to 250K SC
  • Tormented Ring: Upped all bonuses by 10 and lowered defence by 10
  • Fighter Ring - Increased all existing bonuses to 18, up from 12.
  • Eyeballs are now worth 60 GP each
  • Dragon Bones are now worth 200 GP each
  • Magic Bones are now worth 300 GP each.
  • Enemy Special Attack - Confusion - Increased damage to 75% of listed max hit.
  • Enemy Special Attack - Chaotic Slam - Upped damage by 50
  • Enemy Special Attack - Agility - Upped damage by 50
  • Enemy Special Attack - Curse of Fear: Upped damage by 200 and is now avoidable
  • Enemy Special Attack - Sandstorm special attack now deals 1-15% of Enemy current HP as damage, up from 1-5%.
  • Enemy Special Attack - Whirlwind - Damage reduced to 550, down from 650.
  • Enemy Special Attack - Frigid Waves - Damage reduced to 780, down from 900.
  • Enemy Special Attack - Icy Chill - Chance reduced to 5%, down from 10%.
  • Enemy Special Attack - Ice Break - Damage increased to 360, up from 325.
  • Enemy Special Attack - Ice Break - Removed "Damage is doubled if you are frozen/stunned".
  • Enemy Special Attack - Meteor Shower - Damage reduced to 850, down from 900.
  • Enemy Special Attack - Tail Whip - Damage reduced to 690, down from 750.
  • Enemy Special Attack - Penetrating Claws - Damage reduced to 640, down from 700.
  • Enemy - Water Monster - Reduced Melee Strength Bonus to 18, down from 35.
  • Enemy - Murtia - Reduced Strength Level to 430, down from 525.
  • Enemy - Murtia - Reduced Melee Strength Bonus to 0, down from 22.
  • All the new Monsters from v0.18 that had no GP drops now have GP drops lol
  • Amulet of Looting will no longer yeet items if your bank is full. Instead, it will drop the failed loot into the loot container.
  • The number of dungeon completions required to unlock respective Ancient Magick spells will now update the count dynamically with how many are remaining.
  • Magic Logs are now worth 400 GP, up from 300 GP.
  • Removed the item notifications that display when returning an offline session. The popup tells you what you got, no need to double dip and output notifications as well. This saves on performance as well when loading in.


  • Corrected some combat functions using the incorrect damage value dealt to enemies.
  • It's no longer possible to accidentally equip an item by double clicking it while using the Move Item or Sell Item toggles in the Bank.
  • Fixed issue where Agility Obstacle GP costs would not display the correct value due to number formatting.
  • Fix offline Woodcutting Skill XP, Mastery XP, item count and Bird Nest issues
  • Bank hover tooltips now show correct sale price.
  • Background image now sizes correctly based on screen resolution
  • Fixed Elite Slayer Platebody providing low benefit than intended.
  • Damage reduction still not capping on combat triangle modifiers
  • Optimized a lot of loading functions
  • Side menu opens when dragging items in bank
  • Locked logs in the Firemaking dropdown menu have the "text-danger" class but are white because of the dark mode
  • The Sandstorm Ring can no longer turn into an ALT item in Golbin Raid.
  • Golbin Raid Prayer Menu does not reset after finishing a Raid.
  • Golbin Raid Prayers stay active when dying in the Raid.
  • Book of Occults Passive Not Working correctly
  • Pet & Monster Completion Steam Achievement unlocking before 100%
  • Mastery 99 Production Skills turn white upon spending mastery points
  • Enemy attacks dealing 1 extra damage than listed
  • Non-Combat tab in sidebar disappears completely when minimised using the eye icon
  • Skull Cape unintentionally providing its bonus to Alt. Magic
  • Switching tabs back and forth with offline fishing allows you to catch at least 1 fish every time, regardless of interval.
  • Cape of Completion not providing the correct Slayer Area Negation bonus
  • Cape of Completion visual error with Mastery Checkpoints
  • Sandstorm Ring special attack no longer uses any Runes or Prayer Points.
  • Passive Slot item not showing in "View Equipment Stats" modal.
  • Alt Magic no longer deselects an item when returning from Offline Session.
  • Total Raid Coins stats in Golbin Raid displaying incorrectly.
  • (G) Mithril Shield now requires 250 Gold Bars to upgrade, down from 500 (bug)
  • Fixed issue where Offline Cooking was producing higher Skill XP & Mastery XP than intended based on preservation chance.
  • Gentle Hands Potion not applying correctly.
  • Auto eat icon sticks around when leaving Golbin Raid, even if you don't have auto eat yet.
  • Increased (decreased) Damage To Dungeon Monsters does not work correctly when the monster is present in slayer/combat areas
  • Sometimes certain mastery xp goes from 0 to 1 when (re)loading the game
  • New Character's starting Hitpoints XP is 1 less than it should be, resulting in Level 9 HP.
  • All items can now be upgraded with the x10, x100, x1000 and xAll options
  • Ancient Magicks should now unlock after dungeon completions
  • Darksteel Dagger now correctly applies extra flat bleed damage
  • The "Select your Food" menu in Cooking now has a scroll bar to access all Food.