
From Melvor Idle
Revision as of 20:25, 27 January 2023 by Falterfire (talk | contribs) (Created new automatically generated DR table)
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Table for getting all items for a given style of a given DR, separated by slot. Valid options are Melee, Ranged, Magic, and Other.

Example: {{EquipmentDRTable|Melee}} returns

DR% Helmet Platebody Platelegs Boots Gloves Weapon Shield
1% AoD.png (B) Steel Helmet
(G) Steel Helmet
AoD.png (S) Crystal Helmet
AoD.png Crystal Helmet
Slayer Helmet (Basic)
AoD.png (B) Steel Platebody
(G) Steel Platebody
AoD.png (S) Crystal Platebody
AoD.png Crystal Platebody
Slayer Platebody (Basic)
AoD.png (B) Steel Platelegs
(G) Steel Platelegs
AoD.png (S) Crystal Platelegs
AoD.png Crystal Platelegs
(G) Steel Boots
AoD.png (S) Crystal Boots
AoD.png Crystal Boots
AoD.png Crystal Gloves (G) Steel Shield
AoD.png (S) Crystal Shield
AoD.png Crystal Defender
AoD.png Crystal Shield
2% AoD.png (B) Black Helmet
(G) Black Helmet
Slayer Helmet (Strong)
AoD.png (B) Black Platebody
(G) Black Platebody
Slayer Platebody (Strong)
AoD.png (B) Black Platelegs
(G) Black Platelegs
(G) Black Boots
AoD.png Heavy Boots
Desert Wrappings AoD.png Cursed 2H Sword (m)
AoD.png Unholy 2H Sword (m)
(G) Black Shield
3% AoD.png (B) Mithril Helmet
AoD.png (C) Mithril Helmet
AoD.png (G) Crystal Helmet
(G) Mithril Helmet
AoD.png (B) Mithril Platebody
AoD.png (C) Mithril Platebody
AoD.png (G) Crystal Platebody
(G) Mithril Platebody
AoD.png (B) Mithril Platelegs
AoD.png (C) Mithril Platelegs
AoD.png (G) Crystal Platelegs
(G) Mithril Platelegs
AoD.png (G) Crystal Boots
(G) Mithril Boots
AoD.png Crystal 2H Hammer
AoD.png Crystal Twin Blades
AoD.png (G) Crystal Shield
(G) Mithril Shield
AoD.png Pure Crystal Defender
4% AoD.png (B) Adamant Helmet
AoD.png (C) Adamant Helmet
(G) Adamant Helmet
TotH.svg (I) Corundum Helmet
Slayer Helmet (Elite)
AoD.png (B) Adamant Platebody
AoD.png (C) Adamant Platebody
(G) Adamant Platebody
TotH.svg (I) Corundum Platebody
AoD.png Aranite Platebody
Slayer Platebody (Elite)
AoD.png Unholy Platebody (m)
AoD.png (B) Adamant Platelegs
AoD.png (C) Adamant Platelegs
(G) Adamant Platelegs
TotH.svg (I) Corundum Platelegs
(G) Adamant Boots
TotH.svg (I) Corundum Boots
Paladin Gloves (G) Adamant Shield
AoD.png Aranite Shield
5% AoD.png (B) Rune Helmet
AoD.png (C) Rune Helmet
(G) Rune Helmet
TotH.svg (I) Augite Helmet
AoD.png (S) Pure Crystal Helmet
AoD.png Pure Crystal Helmet
AoD.png (B) Rune Platebody
AoD.png (C) Rune Platebody
(G) Rune Platebody
TotH.svg (I) Augite Platebody
AoD.png (S) Pure Crystal Platebody
AoD.png Cursed Platebody (m)
AoD.png Pure Crystal Platebody
AoD.png (B) Rune Platelegs
AoD.png (C) Rune Platelegs
(G) Rune Platelegs
TotH.svg (I) Augite Platelegs
AoD.png (S) Pure Crystal Platelegs
AoD.png Pure Crystal Platelegs
(G) Rune Boots
TotH.svg (I) Augite Boots
AoD.png (S) Pure Crystal Boots
AoD.png Pure Crystal Boots
AoD.png Pure Crystal Gloves
AoD.png Unholy Melee Gloves (m)
AoD.png Pure Crystal 2H Axe
AoD.png Pure Crystal 2H Spear
(G) Rune Shield
AoD.png (S) Pure Crystal Shield
AoD.png Pure Crystal Shield
6% AoD.png (B) Dragon Helmet
AoD.png (C) Dragon Helmet
(G) Dragon Helmet
AoD.png (G) Pure Crystal Helmet
TotH.svg (I) Divine Helmet
Slayer Helmet (Master)
AoD.png (B) Dragon Platebody
AoD.png (C) Dragon Platebody
(G) Dragon Platebody
AoD.png (G) Pure Crystal Platebody
TotH.svg (I) Divine Platebody
Slayer Platebody (Master)
AoD.png (B) Dragon Platelegs
AoD.png (C) Dragon Platelegs
(G) Dragon Platelegs
AoD.png (G) Pure Crystal Platelegs
TotH.svg (I) Divine Platelegs
(G) Dragon Boots
AoD.png (G) Pure Crystal Boots
TotH.svg (I) Divine Boots
(G) Dragon Shield
AoD.png (G) Pure Crystal Shield
TotH.svg (I) Corundum Shield
AoD.png Consuming Shield (m)
Recoil Shield
7% AoD.png (B) Ancient Helmet
AoD.png (C) Ancient Helmet
(G) Ancient Helmet
Ragnar God Helmet
AoD.png Ragnar God Helmet (B)
AoD.png Ragnar God Helmet (C)
AoD.png (B) Ancient Platebody
AoD.png (C) Ancient Platebody
(G) Ancient Platebody
Ragnar God Platebody
AoD.png Ragnar God Platebody (B)
AoD.png Ragnar God Platebody (C)
AoD.png (B) Ancient Platelegs
AoD.png (C) Ancient Platelegs
(G) Ancient Platelegs
Ragnar God Platelegs
AoD.png Ragnar God Platelegs (B)
AoD.png Ragnar God Platelegs (C)
Ragnar God Boots
AoD.png Ragnar God Boots (B)
AoD.png Ragnar God Boots (C)
Ragnar God Gloves
Relentless Fury Gloves
(G) Ancient Shield
TotH.svg (I) Augite Shield
TotH.svg (I) Divine Shield
AoD.png Darksteel Shield
8% Terran God Helmet
AoD.png Terran God Helmet (B)
AoD.png Terran God Helmet (C)
Terran God Platebody
AoD.png Terran God Platebody (B)
AoD.png Terran God Platebody (C)
Terran God Platelegs
AoD.png Terran God Platelegs (B)
AoD.png Terran God Platelegs (C)
Terran God Boots
AoD.png Terran God Boots (B)
AoD.png Terran God Boots (C)
Spiked Shell Gloves
Terran God Gloves
AoD.png Hasty Trident
TotH.svg Heated Fury 2H Hammer
Terran Godsword
Ultima Godsword
Dragonfire Shield
9% TotH.svg (P) Corundum Helmet TotH.svg (P) Corundum Platebody TotH.svg (P) Corundum Platelegs TotH.svg (P) Corundum Boots Shield of Melee Power
10% TotH.svg (P) Augite Helmet
TotH.svg Slayer Helmet (Legendary)
TotH.svg (P) Augite Platebody
TotH.svg Slayer Platebody (Legendary)
TotH.svg (P) Augite Platelegs TotH.svg (P) Augite Boots TotH.svg Royal Toxins Spear
11% TotH.svg Meteorite Helmet TotH.svg Meteorite Platebody TotH.svg Meteorite Platelegs TotH.svg Ethereal Greataxe
12% TotH.svg (P) Divine Helmet
TotH.svg Blazing Helmet
TotH.svg Slayer Helmet (Mythical)
TotH.svg (P) Divine Platebody
TotH.svg Slayer Platebody (Mythical)
TotH.svg Ward of Flame Platebody
TotH.svg (P) Divine Platelegs
TotH.svg Burning Protection Platelegs
TotH.svg (P) Divine Boots AoD.png Devouring Barrier Shield
Earth Layered Shield
13% TotH.svg Mask of Madness TotH.svg (P) Corundum Shield
TotH.svg Leviathan Shield
AoD.png Relic Shield
14% TotH.svg Vorloran Protector Helmet TotH.svg Vorloran Protector Platebody TotH.svg Vorloran Protector Platelegs TotH.svg Vorloran Protector Boots TotH.svg Vorloran Protector Gauntlets TotH.svg (P) Augite Shield
16% TotH.svg (P) Divine Shield

{{EquipmentDRTable|Other}} returns

DR% Helmet Platelegs Gloves Shield Cape Amulet Ring
1% Green Party Hat
Purple Party Hat
Red Party Hat
Yellow Party Hat
AoD.png Barrier Sapping Gloves Knight's Cape
AoD.png Poison Cape
Christmas Wreath
Elite Amulet of Ranged
AoD.png Unholy Amulet (m)
AoD.png Cursed Ring (m)
Silver Diamond Ring
AoD.png Silver Magic Band
AoD.png Unholy Ring (m)
2% Santa Hat Gold Crested Shield
Training Shield
Fire Cape AoD.png Cursed Amulet (m)
Elite Amulet of Defence
Elite Amulet of Magic
AoD.png Shell Amulet
Guardian Ring
Spiked Shell Ring
3% AoD.png Circlet of Pain
AoD.png Golden Wreath
AoD.png Barrier Draining Gloves
AoD.png Biting Gloves
Absorbing Shield TotH.svg Bleed Burner Cape
AoD.png Golden Fire Cape
TotH.svg Weakness Exploiter Cape
TotH.svg Allure Amulet
Fury of the Elemental Zodiacs
4% Infernal Cape
5% AoD.png Helmet of Spite (m)
AoD.png Water Crown
TotH.svg Thieving Shorts AoD.png Shield of Martyr (m) AoD.png Ancient Infernal Cape
Cape of Completion
AoD.png Cape of Completion (Atlas of Discovery)
6% AoD.png Mage Mask
9% AoD.png Eradicating Gloves (m)
10% TotH.svg Hood of Shade Summon TotH.svg Gloves of Greater Shade Summon TotH.svg Superior Cape of Completion