
From Melvor Idle
< Template:Disambiguation
Revision as of 09:21, 30 May 2024 by Slash (talk | contribs) (Updated to fix headers sometimes not being present)

Template that is used on Disambiguation pages. These are pages that are created to differentiate between multiple other pages with the same or a similar name.

An example of this would be Siren

The below script will search all current Icon Templates in v1.2.2 (except for Synergies, Spellbooks (not Spells) and Currencies) for the given searchTerm then output an array of the results in valid Icon Template format with expansion icons.

This may result in some duplicates between ItemIcons and UpdateIcons, such as Iron Sieve which is both an Item and Purchase.

// Settings //
let searchTerm = 'Siren'; // The proper capitalization of the search term
let returnEquipmentTemplate = false; // returns a template for {{EquipmentTableFromList}} instead
// End of Settings //
let lcSearchTerm = searchTerm.toLowerCase();
const search = (obj) => obj.name?.toLowerCase().includes(lcSearchTerm);
const wikiIcon = (obj, icon, extras) => {
	if (!returnEquipmentTemplate)
		return `*${obj.namespace?.includes('TotH') ? '{{TotH}}' : obj.namespace?.includes('AoD') ? '{{AoD}}' : ''}{{${icon}|${obj.name}${extras}}}`;
		return obj.name;
const pushResults = (obj) => {
	if (obj.arr.length > 0 && !returnEquipmentTemplate && !results.includes(obj.header))
	obj.arr.forEach(item => {
		if (!returnEquipmentTemplate || item.validSlots !== undefined)
			results.push(wikiIcon(item, obj.iconType, obj.extras || ''))
let results = [];
if (returnEquipmentTemplate) results.push(`{{V|${gameVersion.substr(1)}}}\n\n{{EquipmentTableFromList`);
if (!returnEquipmentTemplate) results.push(`{{Disam}}{{V|${gameVersion.substr(1)}}}\n`, `'''${searchTerm}''' may refer to:`);
pushResults({arr: game.items.weapons.filter(x => search(x)), header: '===Equipment===', iconType: 'ItemIcon'});
pushResults({arr: game.items.equipment.filter(x => search(x) && !(x instanceof WeaponItem) && !x.validSlots.includes('Quiver')), header: '===Equipment===', iconType: 'ItemIcon'});
pushResults({arr: game.items.equipment.filter(x => search(x) && x.validSlots.includes('Quiver')), header: '===Equipment===', iconType: 'ItemIcon'});
pushResults({arr: game.items.filter(x => x.validSlots === undefined && !(x instanceof OpenableItem) && !(x instanceof BoneItem) && !(x instanceof FoodItem) && search(x)), header: '===Items===', iconType: 'ItemIcon'});
pushResults({arr: game.items.openables.filter(x => search(x)), header: '===Openables===', iconType: 'ItemIcon'});
pushResults({arr: game.items.bones.filter(x => search(x)), header: '===Bones===', iconType: 'ItemIcon'});
pushResults({arr: game.items.food.filter(x => search(x)), header: '===Food===', iconType: 'ItemIcon'});
pushResults({arr: game.items.food.filter(x => search(x)), header: '===Food===', iconType: 'ItemIcon'});
pushResults({arr: game.monsters.filter(x => search(x)), header: '===Combat===', iconType: 'MonsterIcon'});
pushResults({arr: [...game.combatAreas.allObjects, ...game.combatAreas.allObjects, ...game.slayerAreas.allObjects, ...game.dungeons.allObjects].filter(x => search(x)), header: '', iconType: 'ZoneIcon'});
pushResults({arr: [...game.standardSpells.allObjects, ...game.ancientSpells.allObjects, ...game.archaicSpells.allObjects, ...game.curseSpells.allObjects, ...game.auroraSpells.allObjects].filter(x => search(x)), header: '===Spells===', iconType: 'SpellIcon'});
pushResults({arr: game.shop.purchases.filter(x => search(x)), header: '===Purchases===', iconType: 'UpgradeIcon'});
pushResults({arr: game.prayers.filter(x => search(x)), header: '===Prayers===', iconType: 'PrayerIcon'});
pushResults({arr: [...game.township.buildings.allObjects, ...game.township.seasons.allObjects, ...game.township.biomes.allObjects, ...game.township.resources.allObjects].filter(x => search(x)), header: '===Township===', iconType: 'TownshipIcon'});
pushResults({arr: game.skills.filter(x => search(x)), header: '===Others===', iconType: 'Skill'});
pushResults({arr: game.pets.filter(x => search(x)), header: '===Others===', iconType: 'PetIcon'});
pushResults({arr: game.astrology.actions.filter(x => search(x)), header: '===Others===', iconType: 'ConstellationIcon'});
pushResults({arr: game.agility.actions.filter(x => search(x)), header: '===Others===', iconType: 'AgilityIcon'});
pushResults({arr: game.thieving.actions.filter(x => search(x)), header: '===Others===', iconType: 'Icon', extras: '|type=thieving'});
if (cloudManager.hasAoDEntitlementAndIsEnabled)
	pushResults({arr: game.cartography.worldMaps.getObjectByID('melvorAoD:Melvor').pointsOfInterest.filter(x => search(x)), header: '===Others===', iconType: 'POIIcon'});
let outputString = ``;
results.forEach((str, i) => { outputString += (returnEquipmentTemplate ? i > 0 ? `\n|${str}` : `${str}` : `${str}\n`) });
if (returnEquipmentTemplate) outputString += '\n}}';
notifyPlayer(game.attack, `Copied results for ${searchTerm} to clipboard`, 'success', 0);