Easter Eggs
Amulet of Calculated Promotion
The Amulet of Calculated Promotion was added in the Alpha v0.12 update and was the first Easter egg item to be added to the game. Twitch streamer witwix has promoted Melvor Idle on his stream by discussing the game with his community, leading to an increase in active players. The amulet was added as a response by the developer to show his appreciation for this promotion. The amulet is obtainable by name changing to "witwix" (case sensitive) and opening the Chest of Witwix, which is dropped by Leeches. The chest will always contain the Amulet of Calculated Promotion if the player's character name is witwix.
Clue Chasers Insignia
The Clue Chasers Insignia was added in the Alpha v0.14 update and was teased with a clue which requires metagaming to solve. The clue for how to obtain the amulet was left in the patch notes:
"The Numbers, mason, What do they mean?!"
The clue is a red herring reference to a cutscene from the game Call of Duty: Black Ops. The numbers important for solving the clue come from the TV show Lost, which uses the numbers 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, and 42, as a part of the show's mythology. The numbers correspond to the 'item ID' of items in Melvor Idle, 4 is Maple Logs, 8 is Redwood Logs, 15 is Raw Swordfish, 16 is Raw Crab, 23 is Herring, and 42 is Burnt Cave Fish. These items must be manually placed in the aforementioned order, so that the first 6 slots of the Bank contain them. The items must also have a specific quantity, which is discovered by reversing the number sequence. The correct order and quantity of items is shown below.
42 Maple Logs,
23 Redwood Logs,
16 Raw Swordfish,
15 Raw Crab,
8 Herring,
4 Burnt Cave Fish.
Once the items have been moved to the first 6 slots of the Bank in the correct order and quantity, the Clue Chasers Insignia will be automatically awarded. If there is already a Clue Chasers Insignia in the bank, or if the order/quantity of items is wrong, the amulet will not be awarded. If the amulet is equipped, sold or lost, it can be obtained again using the same method.
"69(lol)" is a Farming easter egg where "(lol)" is added next to every instance of 69 appearing on the Farming page. Whenever Snape Grass, Carrots, or other high wait time seeds are planted the information tile will read "Time Left: About 69(lol) mins" remaining. This Easter egg was added in the Alpha v0.12 update, which made changes to the Farming UI.
Sell x6,969M
When selling items from the Bank, changing the amount to "ALL" will set the sell amount to 6,969M by default.
Prior to patch version Alpha v0.13, some of the creatures were erroneously named Goblin, which is a creature from European folklore, used most commonly in fantasy settings today. Patch Alpha v0.13 changed all creatures named Goblin to Golbin, which is the developer's unique spin on the Goblin archetype.
Typing "wherearemylemons" into the Bank search bar will add a Lemon to the player's Bank. Lemon, Lemons, and Lemonade are joke items added in the April Fools 2020 Event, patch v0.14.69.
Patreon Items
Equipment and items with the "Created by Patreon (Username)" tag are available to all players. Players who have supported the development of Melvor Idle through Patreon have had their ideas implemented into the game and the Patreon item tag distinguishes which items are player-made. Chapeau Noir, Bobbys Pocket, Book of Eli, Sunset Rapier, Aorpheats Signet Ring, Weird Gloop, and Clue Chasers Insignia, are examples of Patreon items.
Monster and Item Names
Malcs, the Guardian of Melvor, is a combat level 677 dungeon boss named after the developer of the game. Prat, the Protector of Secrets is a combat level 360 dungeon monster named after the "artist", writer, and Discord moderator of the game. The Cape of Prat is also named after Prat, with the flavour text, "You're more accurate when you're naked." The text is purely for flavour and has no mechanical impact. The text is a reference to an in-joke between the developer and Prat.
Melvor Idle version v1.3.1 (Released: 30th October 2024) |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Combat: Error creating thumbnail: File missing Attack • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Strength • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Defence • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Hitpoints • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Ranged • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Magic • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Prayer • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Slayer • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Corruption
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Other: Error creating thumbnail: File missing Beginners Guide • ![]() Error creating thumbnail: File missing Bank • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Combat • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Mastery • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Money Making • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Shop • ![]() ![]() Error creating thumbnail: File missing Golbin Raid • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Full Version • ![]() Error creating thumbnail: File missing Into the Abyss
Reference Tables: Items, Equipment, Experience Table, Upgrading Items, Combat Areas, Slayer Areas, Dungeons, Strongholds, The Abyss, Monsters |