Grappling Hook

From Melvor Idle
(Redirected from Grapling Hook)
This page is up to date (v1.3.1).
TotH.svg Grappling Hook
Grappling Hook
+50 Stealth while Thieving, -0.10s Thieving Interval, and +20% chance to avoid the stun interval and damage in Thieving when failing a pickpocket attempt for Melvor Realm only
Item ID: melvorTotH:Grappling_Hook
Category: Thieving
Type: Misc
Sells For: 6,969GP
Equipment Slot: Weapon
Special Attack:
  • 69% chance for Bad Throw:
    • You throw out the grappling hook and miss, hooking a rock instead of the enemy. Deals no damage.
  • 31% chance for Good Throw:
    • You throw out the grappling hook and wrap it around the enemy, dealing 69% of your normal damage. Unavoidable.

-0.1s Thieving Interval
+50 Stealth while Thieving
+20% chance to avoid the stun interval and damage in Thieving when failing a pickpocket attempt for Melvor Realm only

Item Sources:
  • Pickpocketing:
    Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Item Uses:
  • Error creating thumbnail: File missing
  • Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Part of 100% Completion: Yes


Weapon Stats
Offensive Stats Defensive Stats
Attack Speed 4.0s
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Defence Bonus
Damage Type
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Damage Reduction
Attack Type
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Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Defence Bonus
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Strength Bonus
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Defence Bonus
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Stab Bonus
-69 Equip Requirements
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Slash Bonus
-69 None
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Block Bonus
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Attack Bonus
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Strength Bonus
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Attack Bonus
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
 % Damage Bonus
Two Handed? No

Item Sources
