
From Melvor Idle
Revision as of 07:12, 2 January 2024 by BasChana (talk | contribs) (removed manual version number as this page is not subject to change)
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Prayer is a

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skill. It provides passive combat bonuses at the expense of prayer points. Prayer is one of three skills (along with

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) that is used when determining a player or monster's Combat Level.


Using Prayers

Up to two prayers can be activated from the Prayer panel on the Combat UI. Active prayers will be highlighted, and can be deactivated by interacting with them again. Active prayers provide a variety of passive benefits in combat. New prayers are unlocked as the Prayer skill levels up.

Each equipment set tracks active prayers separately, but a given prayer can be used in any number of equipment sets. Upon death, all prayers are deactivated for the current equipment set and must be manually reapplied.

Prayer Points

Each active prayer costs prayer points (PP) to maintain. This cost is usually incurred when the player or enemy attacks; the specific trigger is detailed in each prayer's description. If the player doesn't have enough PP to trigger an active prayer, it will be deactivated.

Prayer points can be gained by burying bones, enchanted urns, and similar items from the Bank. Current PP is shown in the Stats panel in the Combat UI and next to the Prayer skill in the sidebar. There is no maximum PP limit.

Damage dealt by failed

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attempts is not currently considered an "enemy attack", allowing

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Protect Item

and all prayers that provide Damage Reduction to be used indefinitely at no cost while Thieving. This may be a bug.

Earning Prayer XP

Prayer experience is earned when dealing damage to an enemy while at least one prayer is active. Certain prayers provide no XP, usually because they don't trigger on a player attack; each prayer's description explains whether or not it rewards XP.

The amount of Prayer experience earned is [math]\displaystyle{ \frac{1}{30} }[/math] or [math]\displaystyle{ 0.0\bar{3} }[/math] per point of damage dealt by a player attack, multiplied by the total base PP cost of all active prayers. "Base" PP cost refers to the cost of a prayer before any cost modifiers are applied, meaning that increasing or decreasing prayer costs will not affect how much XP is earned. Using prayers with the highest base costs will result in the most Prayer XP gained per attack.

Prayer can be used to great effect with any combat style. With a healthy supply of PP, Prayer is one of the first Combat skills to reach max level for many players.

Unholy Prayers

Gaining Prayer Points

The most common way to gain prayer points (PP) is to use the "Bury Item" action on certain items from the Bank. Most non-Dungeon monsters drop some kind of Bones when killed. Burying these bones is one of the only sources of PP in the early game, but provide very small amounts and are required en masse for certain

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tasks. Enchanted Urns are by far the most efficient source of PP, despite requiring moderate investments in

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, and

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. It may be useful to delay leveling Prayer until the player can create and bury these urns. Raw Skeleton Fish are a feasible, though less efficient, alternative for players without the prerequisite skills.

The TotH.svg Amulet of Prayers and TotH.svg Holy Bulwark Potion provide PP upon taking damage from a monster.


The table below lists all items that can be buried to gain prayer points.

If any of these items are received as monster loot while wearing the Bone Necklace, they will automatically be buried for twice the normal amount of PP.


All prayers that provide percentage bonuses to Accuracy, Evasion, or Max Hit apply multiplicatively. For example,

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Mystic Might

's +15% Magic Evasion bonus will multiply the player's Magic Evasion Rating by 1.15 rather than directly providing a 15% chance to evade any Magic attack. Likewise, the +15% Magic Accuracy bonus it provides will multiply the player's Magic Accuracy Rating by 1.15 rather than simply adding 15% to their hit chance. Players can view the

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page for more detail on how hit chance is calculated. The three Protection prayers are worded differently and behave differently from prayers that affect Evasion Rating. For example,

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Protect from Magic

provides a flat 80% chance for the player to dodge any Magic attack, completely ignoring the player's Evasion Rating. (Using these prayers when a monster's chance to hit is 20% or lower is not advised, as that increases the chance of being hit.) Likewise, prayers that provide Damage Reduction award a flat percentage bonus, and do not multiply any DR that is already in effect.

Skill Level Unlocks

Increasing the Prayer skill provides access to new prayers.

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1 Use
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Thick Skin
4 Use
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Burst of Strength
7 Use
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Clarity of Thought
10 Use
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Sharp Eye
12 Use
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Mystic Will
16 Use
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Rock Skin
18 Use
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Superhuman Strength
20 Use
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Improved Reflexes
24 Use
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Rapid Heal
26 Use
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Protect Item
28 Use
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30 Use
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Hawk Eye
33 Use
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Mystic Lore
37 Use
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Steel Skin
40 Use
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Ultimate Strength

Wear Unholy Amulet (m)
Wear Unholy Ring (m)
Wear Unholy Platebody (m) (requires
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Wear Unholy Wizard Robes (m) (requires
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Wield Unholy Staff (m) (requires
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Wear Unholy Body (m) (requires
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Wield Unholy Longbow (m) (requires
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Wield Unholy 2H Sword (m) (requires
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Purchase Blessed Bone Offering
42 Use
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Wear Grudge Amulet (m)
43 Use
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Incredible Reflexes
44 Use
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45 Wear Unholy Battle Boots (m)
Wear Unholy Magic Gloves (m) (requires
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Wear Unholy Melee Gloves (m) (requires
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Wear Unholy Ranged Gloves (m) (requires
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46 Use
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Protect from Magic
48 Use
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Protect from Ranged

Consuming Shield (m) (requires
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50 Use
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Protect from Melee

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Lake Swim
in Obstacle 6 (requires
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53 Use
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Eagle Eye
54 Use
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Wear Ring of Malice (m)
56 Use
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Mystic Might
57 Use
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Shield of Martyr (m)
60 Use
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62 Use
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65 Use
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Wear Cursed Amulet (m)
Wear Cursed Platebody (m) (requires
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Helmet of Spite (m)
Wear Cursed Wizard Robes (m) (requires
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Wield Cursed Staff (m) (requires
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Wear Cursed Body (m) (requires
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Wield Cursed Longbow (m) (requires
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Wear Cursed Ring (m)
Wield Cursed 2H Sword (m) (requires
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66 Use
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70 Use
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Spike Jump
in Obstacle 8 (requires
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Cave Maze
in Obstacle 9 (requires
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71 Use
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Sharp Vision
73 Use
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76 Use
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Mystic Mastery
80 Use
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Stone Skin

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Lava Waterfall Dodge
in Obstacle 10 (requires
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Lava Jump
in Obstacle 9
83 Use
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85 Use
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87 Use
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88 Use
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91 Use
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93 Use
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95 Use
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Dragon Fight
in Obstacle 10 (requires
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99 Wear Maximum Skillcape (requires level 99 in all skills)
Wear Prayer Skillcape
100 Use
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Frozen Maze
in Obstacle 11
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Pipe Maze
in Obstacle 11 (requires
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102 Use
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105 Use
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108 Use
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110 Use
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Holy Aegis
112 Use
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Divine Precision
115 Use
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118 Use
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120 Wear Superior Max Skillcape (requires level 120 in all skills)
Wear Superior Prayer Skillcape


The standard and superior skillcapes for this skill can be purchased from the store for 1,000,000GP and 10,000,000GP after the player reaches

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Level 99


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Level 120

, respectively. Reaching

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Level 120

requires the Throne of the Herald Expansion.

Regular Skillcape

The Prayer Skillcape is the skillcape for the Prayer skill. It can be purchased for 1,000,000GP from the Shop once the player reaches

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Level 99

in the Prayer skill. The Prayer Skillcape offers the following benefits when worn:

-50% Prayer Point Cost for Prayers (Cost cannot go below 1)

Superior Skillcape

The Superior Prayer Skillcape is the superior skillcape for the Prayer skill. It can be purchased for 10,000,000GP from the Shop once the player reaches

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Level 120

in the Prayer skill.

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Level 120

can only be reached if the player owns the TotH.svg Throne of the Herald expansion. Likewise, the superior skillcape can only be purchased if the player owns this expansion. The superior skillcape offers the following benefits when worn:

-75% Prayer Point Cost for Prayers (Cost cannot go below 1) and +5% Chance To Preserve Prayer Points


This skill's pet can be unlocked by performing any action that provides Prayer XP.

Monk-eyMonk-eyMelvor Logo.svg +5% Chance To Preserve Prayer Points

Skill Bonuses

Prayer Cost Reduction

These bonuses reduce the cost of each active prayer by either a percentage of its base cost or a flat number of PP, down to a minimum of 1 PP per prayer. Flat reductions are applied before percentage reductions, and the resulting cost is rounded. This rounding can cause some combinations of cost reduction to be ineffective, especially on prayers with lower costs.


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Protect Item

prayer costs no PP when the Gold Diamond Ring is equipped.

Chance to Preserve Prayer Points

With this bonus, any usage of a prayer has a chance to cost no PP, bypassing other cost reduction modifiers. The chance is rolled each time the prayer is triggered.