
Revision as of 08:56, 30 December 2021 by Vbion (talk | contribs) (→‎Prayer Point Acquisition Rates: Fix table to reflect the Aorpheat change of the top Bone Fish method.)

Prayer is a

This page was last updated for (v1.0.1).
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skill that provides passive bonuses at the expense of prayer points. Prayer points can be gained by burying bones from the Bank. Killing monsters while wearing the Bone Necklace will automatically bury bones and award twice the normal amount of prayer points. During Combat, a maximum of two prayers can be active at once. There is no limit to the amount of prayer points that the player can have. Raising Prayer to

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Level 99

will unlock the Prayer Skillcape for purchase from the Shop.

Prayer experience is earned when dealing damage to monsters while any prayers costing per player attack are active. The amount of Prayer experience earned is [math]\displaystyle{ \frac{1}{30} }[/math] or [math]\displaystyle{ 0.0\bar{3} }[/math] per point of damage dealt multiplied by the prayer point cost per player attack. Note that the 'prayer point cost' is the base cost before any cost modifiers are applied, meaning that methods used by the player to either reduce or increase prayer costs do not affect the experience earned. This experience can be increased by 4% by equipping the Gold Emerald Ring, which along with the 1% increase from Pyro and 5% from Firemaking Skillcape provides a skill XP increase of 10%.

Prayer Point Acquisition Rates

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with the Dragon Fishing Rod has the catching [math]\displaystyle{ (2.4 + 7.2) / 2 = 9.6 / 2 = 4.8 }[/math] seconds. With the
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Amulet of Fishing
, it's [math]\displaystyle{ (1.8 + 5.4) / 2 = 7.2 / 2 = 3.6 }[/math] seconds.
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has the interval of 2 seconds. With   Amulet of Incantation, the Alt.Magic interval goes down to 1.8 seconds.

The earth rune expenditure can be mitigated by using the   Staff of Earth leaving two   Nature Runes per cast. It adds roughly [math]\displaystyle{ (1.3+2)/16/\frac{1}{1-0.8} = 0.04125 }[/math] seconds per a Blessed Offering cast if we consider the maximum preservation, mastery, mining without the God Upgrades

The rune expenditure can be mitigated further by the   Nature's Call Staff and the   Magic Skillcape, leaving only one   Earth Rune per cast. Using the God Upgrades, It can be sped up to roughly [math]\displaystyle{ (0.85+1.7)/16/\frac{1}{1-0.8} = 0.0319 }[/math] seconds per a Blessed Offering cast.

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, we take 10% doubling and 10% interval reduction because the higher rolls require too much dust. Aside from the cape, the final doubling modifier for the Bone Fish method is 1+ 
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Level 99
+  Aorpheat+  potion+  hook+
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Astrology doubling
is [math]\displaystyle{ 1 + (99-1) \times 0.004 + 0.12 + 0.1 + 0.1 + 0.1 = 1.812 }[/math]

  Sailor's Top is not accounted for because otherwise you would have to redo all Bone Fish formulas with accounting for the special chance, which will complicate them too much.

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calculation in Combat Simulator, the following setup was used:

Full   Glacia set,   Skull Cape,   Elite Amulet of Magic,   Cloudburst Staff,

Level 95 in all skills, Hardcore mode, and either
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Water Wave
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Water Surge
The time of
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Water Wave
, adjusted by cooking   Whale (Perfect) and crafting runes, turned out to be better by 3 seconds per 1k Slayer coins, resulting in 24.81k Slayer coins per hour. By   Standard Resupply or   Generous Resupply, the Slayer coins are converted to prayer points by a ratio of 2:1, so it's 12.41k prayer points per hour or 3.45 prayer points per second.
Method Prayer points per second Result
Fishing   Raw Skeleton Fish with Dragon Rod [math]\displaystyle{ 3/4.8 }[/math] 0.63
Fishing   Raw Skeleton Fish with Dragon Rod +  
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Level 99
[math]\displaystyle{ 3 \times 2 \times 1.392/4.8 }[/math] 1.74
Alt. Magic/  Blessed Offering with   Staff [math]\displaystyle{ 3 \times 3/(2 + 2 \times 0.04125) }[/math] 4.32
Alt. Magic/  Blessed Offering with   Staff,   Cape and God Upgrades [math]\displaystyle{ 3 \times 3/(2 + 0.0319) }[/math] 4.43
Fishing   Raw Skeleton Fish with Dragon Rod,  
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Level 99
,   Cape, and
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[math]\displaystyle{ 3 \times 4 \times 1.392/3.6 }[/math] 4.64
Alt. Magic/  Blessed Offering with   Staff,   Cape,   Amulet and God Upgrades [math]\displaystyle{ 3 \times 3/(1.8 + 0.0319) }[/math] 4.91
Fishing   Raw Skeleton Fish with everything above plus   Aorpheat,   potion,   hook,
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, and
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[math]\displaystyle{ 3 \times (4 \times 1.812 + 0.03)/2.8 }[/math] 7.8
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details in Calculations above 3.45

Slayer tasks do not directly generate many bones. Instead, the Prayer points are acquired by spending the

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Slayer Coins

earned at the Shop on either   Standard Resupply or   Generous Resupply packs, which contain 500   Magic Bones and 1,000   Magic Bones respectively. (The   Basic Resupply provides a worse rate than the other two and should be avoided)

Both the Standard and Generous Resupply packs allow converting Slayer Coins into Prayer Points at a rate of 2  per Prayer Point. This means Slayer tasks begin generating 5 prayer points per second once the player can gain at least 36,000  per hour.


Bones can primarily be acquired by killing Monsters that are not in Dungeons. Alternative sources are:


All prayers that provide a percentage increase apply multiplicatively, except for

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Stone Skin

which provide flat increases to Damage Reduction. For example,

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Mystic Might

's +15% Magic Evasion bonus will multiply the player's Magic Evasion Rating by 1.15 rather than directly providing a 15% chance to evade any Magic attack. Likewise, the +15% Magic Accuracy bonus it provides will multiply the player's Magic Accuracy Rating by 1.15 rather than simply adding 15% to their hit chance. Players can view the

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page for more detail on how hit chance is calculated. The three Protection prayers are worded differently and behave differently from prayers that affect Evasion Rating. For example,

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Protect from Magic

provides a flat 80% chance for the player to dodge any Magic attack, therefore using protection prayers when the monsters's chance to hit is 20% or lower is not advised as doing so would increase the monster's chance to hit.

Reducing Prayer Point Usage

To reduce the number of prayer points used by active prayers, players can take advantage of various sources granting modifiers that reduce the prayer point cost of prayers and/or provide a chance to preserve all prayer points the prayer would have used.

The prayer point cost reduction modifiers can reduce the cost of prayers to a minimum of 1 point per prayer, the only exception to this being that protection prayers are free when the   Gold Diamond Ring is equipped. Any flat prayer point reductions are applied before any percentage reductions, therefore in some specific cases some flat cost reductions provide no benefit. For example, consider a scenario where prayers with an odd prayer point cost are active while both the   Prayer Skillcape and   Priest Hat are equipped - in such a case, the Prayer Skillcape reduces the cost to 2 points regardless of whether the Priest Hat is equipped or not.

The chance to preserve prayer points provides a chance that active prayers will be used for free. The highest possible chance to preserve is currently 78% without

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constellations, or up to 93% should the player manage to roll +5% chance to preserve prayer points on all three unique modifier stars within the

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constellation. Damage dealt by failed

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attempts does not currently count as an Enemy Attack for the purposes of spending prayer points, allowing the prayers

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Stone Skin

, and

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Protect Item

to be active while thieving for effectively zero cost as long as you have enough prayer points to turn them on. This may be a bug.


The skillcape can be purchased from the store for 1,000,000  after the player reaches

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Level 99


Regular Skillcape

The   Prayer Skillcape is the skillcape for the Prayer skill. It can be purchased for 1,000,000  from the Shop once the player reaches

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Level 99

in the Prayer skill. The Prayer Skillcape offers the following benefits when worn:

-50% Prayer Point Cost for Prayers (Cost cannot go below 1)

Superior Skillcape

The   Superior Prayer Skillcape is the superior skillcape for the Prayer skill. It can be purchased for 10,000,000  from the Shop once the player reaches

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Level 120

in the Prayer skill.

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Level 120

can only be reached if the player owns the   Throne of the Herald expansion. Likewise, the superior skillcape can only be purchased if the player owns this expansion. The superior skillcape offers the following benefits when worn:

-75% Prayer Point Cost for Prayers (Cost cannot go below 1) and +5% Chance To Preserve Prayer Points


The pet can be unlocked by doing any action that provides Prayer XP.

 Monk-ey  +5% Chance To Preserve Prayer Points