
Revision as of 09:08, 1 December 2022 by Zxv975 (talk | contribs) (→‎Body / Legs: Wasteful ring recommendation)
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This section is still a work in progress, but will be updated with details as the meta develops. Make sure to double check and test all builds before committing to idling.

Preliminary Upgrades

The name of the game is to obtain DR from any possible sources. Damage and evasion are secondary to DR. Without access to

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, our sources of DR are quite limited, but they exist. Note that all of the items in this section requires

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Impending Darkness Event

to be completed. Because of the tight DR windows, this section of the guide assumes

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and   Finn, the Cat. It may be possible to supplement lower

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levels with

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Holy Aegis


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Stone Skin

,   Guardian Amulet or a   Wasteful Ring. Each of these options incurs a relatively large efficiency penalty or opportunity cost so they should used be a last resort. With lower

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it will be up to the user to consult the Combat Simulator and proceed with caution.

The item we seek in this section are   Frost Walker Boots,   Perfect Sight Legs,   Slayer Gear Upgrade Kit (Legendary), which total an additional 16% DR over the gear at the start of this section.   Bundled Protection Body can also be used for dungeons. The monsters we focus on are   Large Ice Troll,   Conda,   Alraune and   Spectral Ice Wolf.


The first item is the   Frost Walker Boots from   Large Ice Troll in

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Forsaken Tundra

, which requires

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. These monsters are relatively weak and won't cause too much trouble, but the boots they give offer a whopping 12% DR. These count as legendary slayer tasks and so it is worth rerolling legendary tasks to help make a dent in the 20 tasks needed to purchase   Slayer Gear Upgrade Kit (Legendary).

As usual, the spell of choice will be

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Water Strike


Body / Legs

With the DR offered from   Frost Walker Boots, the next easily obtainable item is   Perfect Sight Legs from   Conda in

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Jungle Labyrinth

, requiring only

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. This monster is easily handled with

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if your

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is high enough, allowing us to save on valuable runes. The legs give 12% DR. These count as a master slayer task, so feel free to reroll them to earn some slayer coins. Feel free to take on any   Alraune tasks you roll, as the DR from   Perfect Sight Legs is not needed for that monster. In addition, any of the other monsters in

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Jungle Labyrinth

will also need to be killed at some point for their respective clue pieces, so killing them when you roll their slayer task is slightly more macro-efficient. Another very easily obtained item is   Bundled Protection Body from   Alraune in

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Jungle Labyrinth

. While this item is easier to obtain than   Perfect Sight Legs, it is slightly less useful as the body slot contests with master and legendary slayer gear. This item will be useful for dungeons, however, as it also gives 12% DR. Unfortunately the passive on this item is not 100% reliable. There are situations where you could take fatal damage on the attack when the bonus DR fades. This means that the bonus DR effectively just reduces food consumption and doesn't enable us to fight stronger enemies.

It is not necessary to use

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against either of these monsters, as it is possible to meet the DR requirements with obtained gear. If you don't have   Perfect Sight Legs yet then use a   Wasteful Ring to supplement your survivability against   Alraune. With   Ultima Godsword the   Shield of Melee Power is the best option for the passive slot. With a 1h weapon instead, then the shield should be equipped in the offhand slot while wearing other typical passive slot items such as   Elder Crown.

Melee Weapon

The next item is   Spectral Ice Sword from   Spectral Ice Wolf. This monster is quite difficult and requires a lot of DR. It is recommended to have   Frost Walker Boots and   Perfect Sight Legs first before attempting this monster. These are a legendary task and should be completed on task at all times.

Note that if you use an amulet other than   Guardian Amulet for the necklace slot, then you will have to wear it in the passive slot or use

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Holy Aegis

and potentially

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Stone Skin

to make up for the lost DR.

Once you obtain this item, if you are not using an   Ultima Godsword then make sure to use it on stab and not slash, as the stab bonuses are considerably higher.

Legendary Slayer Gear

After all of the above items have been obtained, the next goal is to continue working on   Slayer Gear Upgrade Kit (Legendary). We need to complete 20 tasks and they take a long time. The upgrade offers 10% DR and 25% area negation (+4%/+5% respectively over master) per piece and will be a necessary source of DR and negation moving forward. Continue to farm   Large Ice Trolls,   Spectral Ice Wolves and possibly   Polar Bears. The last monster has an unavoidable, 2 turn freeze attack which reduces your DPS considerably, so it may be worth simply skipping them. You will eventually need 15   Frost Walker Boots and 5   Spectral Ice Sword for upgrades in future, so farm either monster that you prefer. The gear will be the same as the relevant sections for the monsters while substituting any upgrades made along the way.

There are unique drops offered by enemies in

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Lava Lake

, but as the area effect is particularly strong these enemies will waste a lot of food if we tackle them now. Best to wait until we have access to greater slayer area negation. In addition and perhaps more importantly, all of these items are solely for collection log purposes. The   Ward of Flame Platebody and   Burning Protection Platelegs require   (P) Divine Platebody and   (P) Divine Platelegs respectively, which are unobtainable on a CO.

Next Upgrades

With the preliminary upgrades obtained, we set our sights on   Weakness Exploiter Cape,   Ethereal Longbow, all of the items from   Static Chest,  Ethereal Greataxe and eventually   Slayer Gear Upgrade Kit (Mythical).

Ancient Sanctuary

We start with working towards

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Ancient Sanctuary

. To access this dungeon you first must acquire 5 clue pieces, each from the 5 unique enemies in

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Jungle Labyrinth

. You will almost certainly already have   Labyrinth Clue 4 and   Labyrinth Clue 5 from   Conda and   Alraune respectively, so now just kill the remaining 3 monsters. You will need to make sure you obtain   Weakness Finder Cape from   Poison Toad as well before moving on. With Legendary slayer gear and other gear upgrades from the previous section it is extremely easy to bypass the DR requirements for these monsters, just make sure to use

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for the

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enemy,   Poison Toad. With the five clue pieces obtained, purchase   Labyrinth Solution from the shop in order to access

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Ancient Sanctuary

. You will be looking to obtain 100   Weakness Exploiter Cape Material, which will require about 450   Ancient Chest. This cape is very strong for

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as it provides hefty range offensive bonuses, a nice 3% DR and -7% enemy DR when using

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. This grind is quite lengthy.

If you are using a 1h weapon then the   Fighter Amulet is best worn in the passive slot to free the neck slot for   Fury of the Elemental Zodiacs, or an   Elder Crown. At this point it is no longer recommended to use   Ragnar God Gloves, as the stun chance from the relentless combo is useful in stopping the boss   Morellia from healing. You should not need a   Wasteful Ring for this fight.


Keeping with the theme of

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upgrades, we next seek to fight   Phantom to obtain   Ethereal Longbow. This monster is quite strong and will require a   Wasteful Ring,   Guardian Amulet and

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Holy Aegis

to just barely stay alive. It will take about 20 hours to reach the drop rate for the item. It is worth killing this monster on task, as you will overall profit slayer coins as the legendary task pool is quite small. The increased DPS from the   Superior Slayer Skillcape is very useful too.

This build prioritises -DR on enemies, as all of the monsters in

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Midnight Valley

have 95% DR.

Lightning Region

With a lot of good

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upgrades under our belt, we can work on clearing our way through

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Lightning Region

to obtain all of the goodies within. This dungeon is very dangerous, hence why we must prepare adequately for it. To access this dungeon we need to blitz through

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Underground Lava Lake

once. This dungeon is very easily cleared with   Ultima Godsword or possibly with   Spectral Ice Sword using the same setup as

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Ancient Sanctuary

, however you will have to take care to avoid fighting   Magic Fire Demon while using

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. These can very easily kill you outright, but are easily dispatched by swapping to

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(wearing   Aeris God Platelegs /   Aeris God Boots if you only have one set of   Perfect Sight Legs /   Frost Walker Boots) and then switching back afterwards. The boss   Trogark will outheal our puny damage from

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Water Strike

with   Ocean Song, so we have to rely on the raw power of   Ultima Godsword instead to get the job done. We can now work on clearing

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Lightning Region

. The boss will stun you frequently and heal a lot, but with the setup listed below you will be able to clear it. This dungeon is extremely lucrative, as every single item is useful. The   Lightning Aura Helmet is our first 12% DR for the helmet slot and synergises with stuns so it is useful for

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.   Lightning Coil 2H Staff with

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Fire Strike

(any elemental spell is fine, but

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Wind Strike

uses 2   Air Rune while the other strike spells only use 1   Air Rune and you will likely have an abundance of the other elemental runes) completely replaces   Ocean Song and you cannot leave this dungeon without it. You will want 5   Lightning Strike 1H Sword in order to make   FrostSpark 1H Sword, which heavily synergies with stuns and the rest of the gear from this dungeon. This sword will probably replace   Ultima Godsword as our go-to

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weapon. You will want 15   Lightning Boots and 15   Lightning Amulet, as those upgrades are very useful and help with dealing with stuns and capitalising on enemy stuns.

Note that there is a small chance of dying while using   Slayer Cowl (Legendary), so to ensure 100% safety until you can secure   Lightning Aura Helmet use the prayer

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Stone Skin

. After obtaining the relevant items from   Static Chest, now is a good time to return to Legendary slayer and obtain the remaining frost items. With all the gear upgrades obtained so far, using

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against   Large Ice Trolls is perfectly safe.   Ethereal Longbow will obliterate   Spectral Ice Wolf, which yields considerable slayer coin income. Keep killing these monsters until you obtain 15   Frost Walker Boots and 5   Spectral Ice Swords.

Underground Lava Lake

With   Lightning Coil 2H Staff, we can also idle our way through

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Underground Lava Lake

. The main item we need from this area is   Blazing Helmet. This becomes our go-to helmet for the foreseeable future as the burn damage adds a considerable amount of dps. With magic we make sure to prioritise DPS prayers that lower enemy DR or increase attack speed, as

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Magic accuracy


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Magic damage

are useless with the unavoidable, fixed damage special attack of   Lightning Coil 2H Staff. This makes prayers such as

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completely worthless.

Ice Hydra

With our very good set of

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upgrades, it is possible to work on completing   Ice Hydra tasks which count as mythical tasks. In fact,   Ice Hydra is the only mythical task we have access to. At the time of writing this guide, there is an issue where you can never roll the same

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task twice in a row, even if that is the only

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task you have available for that tier. There is a Mod available in the Official Mod Manager which fixes this issue. If you choose to use the mod to fix the issue, then simply equip you pimped out

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gear and begin working towards 20 mythical tasks through   Ice Hydra to obtain   Slayer Gear Upgrade Kit (Mythical), leaving

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Auto Slayer

on for the first time since elite slayer (which feels wrong somehow). If you decide not to use the mod fix, then still don your drip and prepare to manually reroll tasks by selecting an easy task after each   Ice Hydra task and then selecting another mythical task. It is recommended to reroll lengthy tasks (above 200 or so) in order to expedite this process, as   Ice Hydra is very slow slayer coins/hr. Even with rerolling, these 20 tasks are expected to take several days to a week of continuous

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, with a few days spent replenishing the approximately 50,000   Static Jellyfish that will be consumed.

  Ice Hydra is extremely strong, tanky and powerful. It requires a lot of DR in order to survive its basic attacks and it can freeze us, making it more deadly. Against this monster in particular, we rely on status effects for over half of our DPS through   Blazing Helmet and   Poison Virulence Ring+  Poison Virulence Gloves. Without these items our kills/hr is cut in half.

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Protect from Magic

results in more kills/hr (and more effective kills/hr by saving a lot of food) than offensive prayers due to reducing the amount of time spent frozen considerably, allowing more status effects to be applied. Once you've killed enough Hydras for 5   Frostshield Amulet, make your first   FrostSpark Amulet and equip it in the amulet slot. Again, less time being frozen increases kills/hr more than raw stats. The alternative to tackling   Ice Hydra now would be to manual one completion of

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Lair of the Spider Queen

in order to obtain access to

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Afflicted City

to fight   Plague Doctors. This monster drops   Area Control Potion III which can be used to combat the intense slowing aura of

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Forsaken Tundra

. This will speed up the Mythical tasks by about 35%, but farming   Plague Doctor takes more time overall than the time saved on   Ice Hydra. The advantage is that you will also accumulate a healthy stack of   Penetration Potion III in doing so, which will be helpful for future dungeons.

Polar Bear

After obtaining   Mythical Slayer Gear, a good upgrade to get next is the   Freezing Touch Body from   Polar Bear. The bonus frostburn dps from the body will be nice for dungeon clearing, even though the DR matches that of   Slayer Platebody (Mythical) and   Bundled Protection Body. Mythical gear helps considerably with this grind, as not only does the extra area negation speed up kills, but without the +4% DR then we would be forced to use a   Wasteful Ring instead of   Hunter's Ring or   Relentless Fury Ring, which cuts our DPS down a lot. Note that the extra HP and DR from   FrostSpark Amulet keeps us safe when   Polar Bear freezes us.

This is quite a fun loadout as we are able to make use of 2 independent sets of item synergies spanning 5 individual items, and the special attack of   FrostSpark 1H Sword naturally synergies with   Fighter Amulet in the same way that   Tidal Edge did. It even occurs more frequently, albeit it is now an avoidable special. Again, make sure to use the weapon on stab as this is significantly more accurate.

Note that even though with   FrostSpark Amulet equipped we should be within AE threshold while stunned, this item suffers from the same issue as   Bundled Protection Body and will not 100% reliably keep you safe. Without

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Holy Aegis

, the   Polar Bear max hit is 501 while you are frozen, so there is a small chance of the enemy stunning you on the attack it takes you to 485-501 HP which would not trigger Auto Eat as   FrostSpark Amulet only activates after the attack. The monster could then follow up with a max hit to finish you off.

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