Unhallowed Wasteland/Guide

Unhallowed Wasteland

After completing the T90 weapon grinds, you are ready to face   Unhallowed Wasteland (UW) - the hardest pre-99   Slayer area.
To access it, you need to purchase a   Map to the Unhallowed Wasteland.

The area requires maximizing a different stat than DR. All of the monsters here will heal a % of their current HP every 2 attacks, which will massively hinder your DPS regardless of the setup. To mitigate this, you need a cumulative 100% Flat Slayer Area Effect Negation.

Here's an example of the gear required for melee:

Item Slot Slayer Area
Effect Negation %
  Slayer Helmet (Master) Head 20%
  Slayer Platebody (Master) Body 20%
  Slayer Cowl (Master) Passive 20%
  Max Skillcape/  Slayer Skillcape Cape 25%
  Hunter's Ring Ring 10%
  Agility Pillar of Combat Agility 5%
Total 100%

For the other combat styles, you'll be wearing the equivalent Master Slayer armor. Note that you cannot ever wear two of the same item, so whichever item you choose to put in the passive slot must be one of the armor pieces not currently equipped in your chest/head slots.

It should be noted that while UW is listed first, completing the   Impending Darkness Event will strictly make this grind faster! You can complete ID without any of the UW gear sets, and the shields greatly speed up these grinds.

While you are here, you will be working to acquire all of the set bonus gear, dropped from each of the UW monsters:


# Obstacle Reason
1 X
2 X
3   Pipe Climb No particular reason beyond being the only obstacle that grants any combat benefits.
4   Coal Stones No negative modifiers, technically saves some food.
5   Cliff Balance +20 hp. This does make your prayers cost more, but as you're buying your prayer points anyways, the cost increase isn't quite as painful.
6   Lake Swim +3% damage, +1% DR.   Rocky Waters may help as a first line of defense for surviving if you're mildly undergeared, but will not be considered the default.
7   Boulder Trap No negative combat modifiers.
8   Spike Jump +5% Chance to Double Items.   Pipe Crawl will be slightly faster, but the negative to slayer coins hurts, especially for Magic sets using the   Cyclops synergy.
9   Ice Jump This obstacle does everything you want it to.
10   Lava Waterfall Dodge   Ocean Rafting is technically the best dps option. Lava Waterfall Dodge is recommended slightly above it, as you preserve some of your ammo and runes, earn more coins, and have an easier time swapping to skilling to restock.
P   Pillar of Combat Lots of beneficial combat bonuses

For Melee, use   Battleheart and   Piety or the highest level combat style prayers you have available.

For Ranged, use   Battleheart and   Rigour or the highest level combat style prayers you have available.

For Magic, use see the specific monster for suggestions


For all combat styles, use   Diamond Luck Potions

For Ranged, with   Shockwave, it is sometimes possible that   Ranged Strength Potion IV is stronger than Diamond Luck Potions. This should never be done without checking Combat Sim for yourself, and should never be done unless the potion is specifically   Ranged Strength Potion IV, and not any lower mastery.


For Melee, use   Dragon and   Minotaur

For Ranged, use   Dragon and   Centaur

For Magic, use   Dragon and   Witch

Notably for Magic, using   Cyclops and   Witch tablets will earn you significantly more coins at a fairly minimal loss of kills per hour.

Below are some gear suggestions. As the final pre-100 combat area, it is assumed that you have access to all buffs. However, depending on your specific setup, your optimal gear may change.

Legaran Wurm

Slot Better to Worse
Head   Slayer Helmet (Master)
Body   Slayer Platebody (Master)
Leggings   Ragnar God Platelegs   Terran God Platelegs
Boots   Ragnar God Boots   Terran God Boots
Hands   Ragnar God Gloves   Terran God Gloves
Cape   Maximum Skillcape   Slayer Skillcape
Passive   Slayer Cowl (Master)
Neck   Fighter Amulet   Fury of the Elemental Zodiacs
Ring   Hunter's Ring
Weapon   Tidal Edge   Infernal Claw
Offhand   Shield of Melee Power   Dragonfire Shield

Using the   Dragonfire Shield instead of the   Shield of Melee Power does not impact any of your gearing choices, but will be slower.

Legaran Wurms are the main enemy where your   Astrology bonuses change what equipment you wear. With absolutely no combat bonuses from astrology,   Tidal Edge and   Fighter Amulet are your best bet. With enough stardust spent,   FEZ overtakes Fighter for kills per hour, however, Fighter Amulet will always consume less food for only a minor hit to DPS. With even more stardust spent,   Infernal Claw once again takes the cake, the lemons, and all the loot.

For consumables, Melee has few stipulations, just equip whatever kills the enemy the fastest

Cursed Lich

Slot Better to Worse
Head   Slayer Cowl (Master)
Body   Slayer Leather Body (Master)
Leggings   Aeris God Platelegs
Boots   Aeris God Boots
Hands   Aeris God Gloves
Cape   Maximum Skillcape   Slayer Skillcape
Passive   Slayer Wizard Hat (Master)
Neck   Deadeye Amulet   Fury of the Elemental Zodiacs
Ring   Hunter's Ring
Weapon   Shockwave
Offhand   Shield of Ranged Power   Scaled Shield

Using the   Scaled Shield instead of the   Shield of Ranged Power does not impact any of your gearing choices, but will be slower.

For consumables, we don't use   Dragon because Cursed Liches are immune to Burn.

Spiked Red Claw

Slot Better to Worse
Head   Slayer Wizard Hat (Master)
Body   Slayer Wizard Robes (Master)
Leggings   Glacia God Platelegs
Boots   Glacia God Boots
Hands   Glacia God Gloves
Cape   Maximum Skillcape   Slayer Skillcape
Passive   Slayer Helmet (Master)
Neck   Fury of the Elemental Zodiacs
Ring   Hunter's Ring
Weapon   Cloudburst Staff   Ocean Song
Offhand   Shield of Magic Power   Earth Layered Shield

The   Cloudburst Staff is approximately 10% faster at killing Spiked Red Claws, however, it requires the use of   Damage Reduction Potion IV, and will consume significantly more food, runes, and potions

The   Ocean Song build with   Shield of Magic Power equipped, and both   Leonardo and   Erran), requires 1% more DR. The   Safeguard prayer gives you this 1% DR at the lowest cost to DPS.   Stone Skin is a more expensive alternative if you don't have one of the DR pets

Using the   Earth Layered Shield instead of the   Shield of Magic Power allows you to use   Augury safely, however it is still slower than the Shield of Power.

Greater Skeletal Dragon

Slot Better to Worse
Head   Slayer Wizard Hat (Master)
Body   Slayer Wizard Robes (Master)
Leggings   Glacia God Platelegs
Boots   Glacia God Boots
Hands   Glacia God Gloves
Cape   Maximum Skillcape   Slayer Skillcape
Passive   Slayer Helmet (Master)
Neck   Fury of the Elemental Zodiacs
Ring   Hunter's Ring
Weapon   Ocean Song
Offhand   Shield of Magic Power   Earth Layered Shield

Using the   Earth Layered Shield instead of the   Shield of Magic Power does not impact any of your gearing choices, but will be slower.

Greater Dragons are the most dangerous enemy currently in the game as Affliction buildup can result in an unfortunate death. This can be mitigated best, like most untimely deaths, by killing the enemy before they kill you. The most important element to beating Greater Skeletal Dragons is   Protect from Melee as it massively reduces your chance of death, while increasing your DPS due to you spending less time stunned.