
This guide is my overall entry point recommendations for

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synergies to support skilling (not doing combat here, yet). These recommendations will help to make

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less daunting and overall cover most aspects of the skill. There are one or two niche situations that the remainder of the synergies pertain to, but you can research those at your own pace when you feel more comfortable with the skill. The goal of this guide is to act as an entry point aimed at making the skill seem much less confusing and make it more approachable. Once you have your foot in the door, the skill will start to make more sense. I have seen several people now say that they avoid

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completely, probably because it seems convoluted to them. This was especially evident with the recent April Fools mode with a wave of people asking how to max

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as their last skill. This is quite unfortunate, as

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is designed to be trained alongside most other skills in the game, and dedicating training of the skill is very slow. You get the vast majority of your experience from *using* the tablets, not from making them. In addition, all of the

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effects pay dividends on the time and resources invested into them. When starting out you will just barely break even (the yield from summoning roughly equals the investment), but as compounding effects from the mastery checkpoints, 95% pool and   Summoning Skillcape come into play, you will start heavily profiting, as you have to spend less time and resources making tablets. My recommendation for starting out is always

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until you unlock

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at level 15. Then fish with

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active until level 25, at which point you can start utilising the

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synergy. This is one of the best synergies and is unlocked at a very low level. You can do this to bolster your profit from

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. The extra cooked fish from the synergy can be directly recycled into making more tablets, and with some preservation and mastery levels you will soon start earning more from bonus fish than you spend on   Summoning Shard (Green) and   Summoning Shard (Silver). The next recommendation is the

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synergy while thieving the

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. This is one of the best money making methods from

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, only outclassed by high level methods with the

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, both of which require   Thieving Skillcape and passive slot from

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Into the Mist

and so they have much, much higher requirements. As a general rule, you always want to be running summoning tablets for any skills that allow them. There are situations where there aren't really any useful synergies (e.g.

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) but even in this case you still want to be running the base tablet for the raw bonuses (non-synergy effects). Remember, tablets are consumed at a 2:1 ratio, where the skill's base tablet is consumed twice (once for the base effect and once for the synergy) while the secondary tablet is consumed once per synergy activation. You should get

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to 99 relatively early into your account progression, and it will soon become your second highest skill behind

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as you will be utilising the synergies constantly.

Here are my general recommendations for the main synergies to focus on for each skill:


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    Doesn't work for special fish like   Raw Magic Fish


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    If cooking interval is quite short


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    For mining   Rune Essence
    For mining   Silver Ore and   Gold Ore
    Everything else


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    For smelting   Silver Bar or   Gold Bar
    For anything requiring   Coal Ore
    Everything else. Drop the crow if excess preservation (99 mastery)


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There are several choices of recipe to use for each tablet. Overall, my recommendation for each tablet is

Tablet Secondary
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  Magic Logs
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  Mithril Ore /   Adamantite Ore /   Runite Ore /   Dragonite Ore
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  Raw Whale /   Raw Manta Ray /   Raw Shark
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  Whale /   Manta Ray /   Shark /   Crab
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  Steam Rune
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  Silver Ruby Necklace /   Silver Sapphire Necklace
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  Gold Bar /   Mithril Bar
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  Barrentoe Herb
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  Ruby /   Sapphire

These recommendations are based on three considerations. First, the quantity needed is based on the GP sale value of an item, so higher valued items are prioritised to reduce the raw quantity needed. Secondly, whether the base item has other uses elsewhere in the game. Lastly, whether the item is easy or not to obtain.

  • For
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    , there is only really one choice, as all of the other logs sell for dirt cheap and hence have far too high of a quantity cost to make them worthwhile.
  • For
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    , you can choose whichever ore you have an abundance of from training
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    . I trained mining on   Mithril Ore, so I had more than enough of this ore to sustain 99
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  • The main use of the
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    tablet will be for early game money making through catching   Raw Whale, so this is likely to be the best choice, but some earlier options are available. Even options such as   Raw Carp have a relatively low quantity requirement, but the player will likely not have the base income to support tablet making at this early stage.
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    secondaries have two sources. Early on, the cooked fish produced from utilising the
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    synergy alone will cover the cost. Later on,   Standard Resupply and   Generous Resupply can be used to easily fund this tablet.
  • For
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    we choose   Steam Rune as this is the fastest rune to produce due to the
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    synergy. This rune also gives the highest experience out of any   Water Rune-based combination rune.
  • We use   Ruby jewellery for
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    as   Emerald and   Diamond have other uses. When the cost drops with mastery levels eventually you can swap to   Silver Sapphire Necklace. We choose to use silver over gold as   Gold Bar are more useful overall than   Silver Bar when compared 1:1. The choice of necklace over ring is because necklaces have slightly higher sell value, so they have a few breakpoints (e.g.   Gold Emerald Necklace vs   Gold Emerald Ring between 10-19
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    mastery) where there are fewer necklaces required than the corresponding ring. Sticking to one specific one is also better to utilise
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    mastery better when producing the jewellery.
  • For
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    the   Gold Bar is preferable to the   Mithril Bar as it has fewer uses and a lower cost, but both are options if the player has an abundance of one bar over the others.
  • For
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    simply swap whenever the price of   Sapphire floors out at 1.