What to level first
This page was last updated for (v1.0). |
This page presents one of the possible ways to start your Melvor journey. Please note that the instructions below are for the Standard and
Game Modes. For Adventure, please refer to Adventure/Guide.
The goal of the provided steps is to give you a helping hand in the early stages of the game, and introduce you to the basic concepts of the game and some inter-skill synergies. It is not guaranteed that this is the fastest method, nor is there a right or wrong way to progress in the game. Therefore, new players are encouraged to try a larger diversity of skills as soon as they feel more comfortable with the basics.
This page is inspired by the following reddit post.
Notice that the guide is missing instructions for
, which despite its high learning curve, can be a great source of
income for a new account (through taxation via Town Halls), as well as enabling buyable pets (like Ace) and hats (like
Clown Hat) that can work across many skills simultaneously.
- Level Error creating thumbnail: File missingAstrology until theError creating thumbnail: File missingAmeria constellation is unlocked (Error creating thumbnail: File missingLevel 20)
- Once Error creating thumbnail: File missingLevel 10 is achieved, training on theError creating thumbnail: File missingIridan constellation is the fastest path to Ameria. Generally speaking, the fastest method for training a skill is the one with the highest level requirement.
- Once
- Continue training Error creating thumbnail: File missingAstrology on theError creating thumbnail: File missingAmeria constellation untilError creating thumbnail: File missingMastery level 80 is achieved in Ameria.
- Doing so will provide access to 3 basic modifiers and 2 unique modifiers from Ameria, which can then be activated and then upgraded by consuming
Stardust and
Golden Stardust. All of these bonuses are good, however, be aware that the cost doubles for each upgrade you purchase. For now, we recommend not purchasing past the following upgrade levels:
- For
Stardust modifiers, be careful upgrading past star level 5-6
- For
Golden Stardust modifiers, be careful upgrading past star level 3-4
- You can always come back for more bonuses later!
- For
- Doing so will provide access to 3 basic modifiers and 2 unique modifiers from Ameria, which can then be activated and then upgraded by consuming
- Train Error creating thumbnail: File missingWoodcutting until you obtain one
Mark of the Ent
- Axe upgrades should be purchased as soon as possible, as they significantly decrease the amount of time required to cut all trees.
- Open any
Bird Nests, plant the seeds you're able to in
Error creating thumbnail: File missingFarming, and sell any seeds you're not able to plant. If able, always useWeird Gloop (by combining 2
Compost with 10
Rune Essence in the
Error creating thumbnail: File missingShop) when planting seeds as this guarantees their growth.- Farming works passively while you're doing something else, so harvesting crops/herb/trees and planting new ones as soon as they're available is the best strategy.
- Train Error creating thumbnail: File missingSummoning by creatingError creating thumbnail: File missingEnt Tablets until aboutError creating thumbnail: File missingLevel 10.
- We will use these Tablets in Error creating thumbnail: File missingWoodcutting to further levelError creating thumbnail: File missingSummoning to unlock the Ent/Octopus Synergy for Fishing later in the guide. You can see all possibleError creating thumbnail: File missingSynergies here.
- Summoning can be fairly expensive and unintuitive at first, however, as you collect higher level resources, you will use less of each to make each batch of Tablets, making them significantly easier over time.
- We will use these Tablets in
- Train Error creating thumbnail: File missingWoodcutting with yourError creating thumbnail: File missingEnt Tablets equipped, until 5 more
Marks of the Ent have been discovered, making your
Mark of the Ent level 2, enabling one half of the
Error creating thumbnail: File missingEnt/Error creating thumbnail: File missingOctopus synergy.- No matter what you're doing, try to ensure you always have Tablets equipped, even if this means temporarily stopping whatever skill you are doing to create some more. Having a Error creating thumbnail: File missingTablet equipped that works in the skill you're training increases the amount ofError creating thumbnail: File missingSummoning XP you gain per action.
- Once at least 1 batch of Tablets of the appropriate Mark has been crafted, you have enabled finding additional Marks of that type even when the Tablets aren't equipped or present in your Bank. However, the drop chance for Marks is higher when respective Tablet(s) are equipped.
- We want to prepare unlocking the Error creating thumbnail: File missingEnt half of the synergy now, so that it is immediately ready while we're training Fishing later. Having a synergy active further improves Summoning XP gained per action.
- No matter what you're doing, try to ensure you always have Tablets equipped, even if this means temporarily stopping whatever skill you are doing to create some more. Having a
- If not already Error creating thumbnail: File missingLevel 15, trainError creating thumbnail: File missingSummoning untilError creating thumbnail: File missingLevel 15. You can train Summoning by either:
- Preferably, equipping and using Tablets in its appropriate action (e.g. equipping Error creating thumbnail: File missingEnt whileError creating thumbnail: File missingWoodcutting)
- Alternatively, but slower and not recommended, creating additional Tablets (e.g. creating Error creating thumbnail: File missingEnt Tablets)
- Preferably, equipping and using Tablets in its appropriate action (e.g. equipping
- Train Error creating thumbnail: File missingFishing until you receive one
Mark of the Octopus.
- Don't forget, after the first Mark is found, you must create at least 1 batch of Tablets of the associated Mark to be able to find any additional Marks of that type.
- Create at least 1 batch of Error creating thumbnail: File missingOctopus Tablets to enable finding additional
Marks of the Octopus
- Train Error creating thumbnail: File missingFishing with bothError creating thumbnail: File missingEnt andError creating thumbnail: File missingOctopus equipped untilError creating thumbnail: File missingLevel 25
- Equipping both prepares you for the likely chance that you accumulate enough
Marks of the Octopus to enable the Ent/Octopus synergy, enabling even faster Summoning XP gains
- Synergies use both Tablets in the Synergy simultaneously, so expect the Tablet usage for both to go up when the Synergy is active.
- Equipping both prepares you for the likely chance that you accumulate enough
- Train Error creating thumbnail: File missingCooking until you find a total of six
Mark of the Pig.
- Again, remember to craft at least one batch of Error creating thumbnail: File missingPig to be able to find more than one
Mark of the Pig.
- As Mark drop rates don't scale with action time, it is recommended to cook something with a fast cooking time, e.g.
Shrimp .
- Again, remember to craft at least one batch of
- Train Error creating thumbnail: File missingFishing withError creating thumbnail: File missingOctopus andError creating thumbnail: File missingPig equipped until both the
Ancient Ring of Skills and
Ancient Ring of Mastery have been acquired.
- It is likely that Error creating thumbnail: File missingLevel 99 will have been reached by the time this happens due to the rarity of these rings.
- Like with Woodcutting's Axe upgrades, Fishing Rods also provide a significant decrease to catch time and should be purchased as soon as they become available.
- Open any
Treasure Chests, equipping the
Error creating thumbnail: File missingAmulet of Fishing if it drops, as this greatly reduces the catch time for all fish. - Consume any
Mastery Tokens acquired to increase your
Error creating thumbnail: File missingMastery Pool, as long as you don't cap your pool. - Keep any
Diamonds gained along the way as these are required for a number of highly desirable things later, notably
Diamond Luck Potions and the Ice Jump
Error creating thumbnail: File missingAgility obstacle. - Use the raw fish you catch to create Error creating thumbnail: File missingOctopi and the cooked fish you earn from the synergy to createError creating thumbnail: File missingPigs. Some resources cannot be used to create Tablets.
- Once you start making more raw and cooked fish than you need to create Tablets, sell the excess for spare Error creating thumbnail: File missingGP.
- Most summoning Tablets allow you to select the recipe, changing the type and quantity of resources consumed per action. For example, Error creating thumbnail: File missingPig needs 50
Shrimp available at
Error creating thumbnail: File missingLevel 1, making goodError creating thumbnail: File missingPig Tablet uptime hard, but only needs 7Swordfish which is available at
Error creating thumbnail: File missingLevel 50. - Once you've obtained a decent amount of of Error creating thumbnail: File missingGP, you can begin saving any
Emeralds, and
Sapphires obtained from fishing, as these will be useful for creating
Error creating thumbnail: File missingDevil Tablets later, and for various other skills further down the line. - Sell everything that isn't a rare special drop acquired while Fishing, which should provide enough Error creating thumbnail: File missingGP to fund fishing rod upgrades
- Special drops can be seen on Fishing Specials, other notable drops include
Circlet of Rhaelyx
- Special drops can be seen on Fishing Specials, other notable drops include
- Once the 2M Error creating thumbnail: File missingGP for the Dragon Fishing Rod upgrade is acquired, all gems can reasonably be saved at this point.
- Catching the following fish is suggested:
- Below Error creating thumbnail: File missingLevel 99:
- See Fishing Training. Your fish selection should always be the highest XP/h fish.
- Keep leveling Error creating thumbnail: File missingSummoning simultaneously by always having theError creating thumbnail: File missingOctopus/Error creating thumbnail: File missingPig Synergy equipped, and making sure your selected fish can actually cook. It is preferable to only pick fish that work with this synergy, even if it means losing a bit ofError creating thumbnail: File missingFishing XP/h.
- Keep leveling
- See Fishing Training. Your fish selection should always be the highest XP/h fish.
- Error creating thumbnail: File missingLevel 99 with Fishing Skillcape unlocked (requiringError creating thumbnail: File missingLevel 99 and costing 1M GP):
Whales for GP and eventually so they can be cooked into valuable food and
Error creating thumbnail: File missingCooking XP, or turned intoError creating thumbnail: File missingSummoning Tablets (Error creating thumbnail: File missingOctopus,Error creating thumbnail: File missingWolf, andError creating thumbnail: File missingPig), as well as other uses, including as a resource for anError creating thumbnail: File missingAgility Obstacle.Magic Fish are generally not recommended if using Summoning. If you're not using Summoning, they are technically worth approximately 1% more GP/h than Whales, which makes Magic Fish require the least amount of setup to be effective for GP. However
Whales seriously outweigh Magic Fish in flexibility in other uses in the game, as well as severely outvaluing the GP/h when Whales are used with the
Error creating thumbnail: File missingOctopus/Error creating thumbnail: File missingPig synergy.
- For maximum special drops, once
Message in a Bottle is acquired: (Only suggested if stacked on cooked fish and GP):
- By reading the
Message in a Bottle, you unlock the Secret Fishing area which has a 5% special catch rate, the highest in the base game. With Level 50
Error creating thumbnail: File missingMastery in the respective fish, the special catch rate is 8%. - Equipping the Error creating thumbnail: File missingEnt/Error creating thumbnail: File missingOctopus Synergy for an additional +6% chance to acquire special items will push the special chance to 11%, or 14% with Level 50Error creating thumbnail: File missingMastery in the respective fish.
- For the most special rolls per hour:
- Fastest catch speed in this area, which maximizes the chance of acquiring both rings
- Contrary to the other fish in the Secret Area, Seahorses can be synergized with Error creating thumbnail: File missingOctopus/Error creating thumbnail: File missingPig ifError creating thumbnail: File missingEnt resources are hard to come by.
- For prayer points:
Skeleton Fish
- Can be redeemed for 3 Error creating thumbnail: File missingPrayer points each, but can not be cooked
- Can be redeemed for 3
Magic Fish is not recommended for special drops, as their catch rate is the one of the slowest in the base game, with
Skeleton Fish having an almost 100% increased rate of special catches per hour in comparison.
- By reading the
- Below
- Any spare GP can be spent on bank slots. It is advised to leave a sizeable buffer of GP (at least 3M) remaining to be able to afford Shards for additional Error creating thumbnail: File missingSummoning Tablets, as well as other upgrades.
- When your Error creating thumbnail: File missingFishing Mastery pool exceeds 95%, you can start spending your Mastery pool to increase yourError creating thumbnail: File missingMastery level for individual fish. First, level all fish to at least level 20, then focus spending on whichever fish you're currently working on, if it is below 88 Mastery.
- Level 88 Error creating thumbnail: File missingMastery is an approximate point where spending Mastery pool becomes inefficient, while you can use the pool to level an item higher than 88, it is recommended at that point to simply train the item until it hits 99 and spend your pool on other, lower leveled items.
- Higher total Error creating thumbnail: File missingMastery levels across all items and all skills increase the rate at which you obtain certain rare items, so your first goal when hitting above 95% Pool in any skill should be to level as many items as possible as high as possible.
- Level 88
- It is likely that
- Train Error creating thumbnail: File missingAstrology further. Equip the
Ancient Ring of Mastery and study
Error creating thumbnail: File missingDeedree until level 80Error creating thumbnail: File missingMastery.- Like suggested in the start of the guide, purchase modifiers as you see fit, but as earlier, upgrade costs double each time for each respective area upgraded.
- For
Stardust modifiers, be careful upgrading past star level 5-6
- For
Golden Stardust modifiers, be careful upgrading past star level 3-4
- Alternate between training Error creating thumbnail: File missingWoodcutting andError creating thumbnail: File missingFiremaking untilError creating thumbnail: File missingLevel 15
- The ultimate goal here is Error creating thumbnail: File missingLevel 99 to unlock the
Firemaking Skillcape.
- Equip the
Ancient Ring of Skills before starting.
- Any Axe upgrades should be purchased as soon as possible, as they significantly decrease the amount of time required to cut trees
- Open any
Bird Nests dropped for seeds, then plant those you can in
Error creating thumbnail: File missingFarming. Don't forget to buy new Farming plots when available.- Keep all
Strawberry Seeds for
Gentle Hands Potions used in
Error creating thumbnail: File missingThieving, and keep 3000xWatermelons for
Error creating thumbnail: File missingAgility. - High Mastery level in Farming gives a chance to return seeds (to the point where crops sustain themselves), so a surplus of Strawberry Seeds can be planted if its Mastery level is high enough.
- Keep all
- Manually lighting bonfires is not recommended
- The ultimate goal here is
- Train Error creating thumbnail: File missingAgility untilError creating thumbnail: File missingLevel 10 is reached. This will allow the Monkey Bars Agility obstacle to be created, providing a 4% decrease to the Firemaking interval
- Train to Error creating thumbnail: File missingLevel 35 andError creating thumbnail: File missingLevel 30
- If you haven't already trained Error creating thumbnail: File missingTownship a bit (Error creating thumbnail: File missingLevel 15), it is worth doing this now to unlock
Warm Beanie for additional
Error creating thumbnail: File missingFiremaking boosts. If you've followed the full guide up to this point, you should have plenty of Township ticks to easily reachError creating thumbnail: File missingLevel 80 or higher, so it is highly recommended to be mindful when spending ticks.
- If you haven't already trained
- Train Error creating thumbnail: File missingAgility once more, this time untilError creating thumbnail: File missingLevel 20 is reached for the purpose of creating the Stepping Stones obstacle. This obstacle provides both a 6% decrease to Woodcutting interval and a 3% increase to Firemaking skill XP.
- Continue training Error creating thumbnail: File missingWoodcutting andError creating thumbnail: File missingFiremaking untilError creating thumbnail: File missingLevel 99
- Having Error creating thumbnail: File missingEnt andError creating thumbnail: File missingOctopus equipped will increase the number of
Bird Nests dropped and continue to grant you more summoning XP.
- If you have reached Error creating thumbnail: File missingLevel 90, as soon as you obtain one
Mark of the Devil you can begin to craft
Error creating thumbnail: File missingDevil and use them for Firemaking to increase your summoning XP/action considerably as well as your Firemaking XP/h. - Once again, keep planting seeds awarded from Bird Nests and keep the ones noted in the first Error creating thumbnail: File missingWoodcutting section.
- Skip cutting
Magic Trees due to the long cut time
- It is highly suggested to have the Error creating thumbnail: File missingMulti-Tree upgrade by the time you reach
Redwood Trees as this allows you to level Woodcutting with the best XP rates while keeping the primary Firemaking resource (
Yew Logs) intact
- This means using Error creating thumbnail: File missingMulti-Tree to simultaneously cut
Redwood and
Yew logs.
- This means using
- Save any
Redwood Logs gained as these should be turned into
Dragon Javelins later, burning only up to and including
Yew Logs to achieve
Error creating thumbnail: File missingLevel 99. - Although lighting bonfires will increase the Error creating thumbnail: File missingFiremaking Skill XP gained, this is very manual to maintain and uses significantly more logs per hour.
- Lighting bonfires automatically by using
Controlled Heat Potions is highly recommended if you are able to reach
Error creating thumbnail: File missingLevel 20 by creating onlyBird Nest Potions, requiring
Garum Herbs from
Error creating thumbnail: File missingFarming andPotato Seeds from
Bird Nests to create.
- Lighting bonfires automatically by using
- Having
- Purchase and equip the
Firemaking Skillcape
- It might be worth checking your Error creating thumbnail: File missingFiremakingError creating thumbnail: File missingMastery pool and seeing whether the 95% checkpoint is active. This provides an additional +5% Global Mastery XP - if not, go back and finish this this up now. Continuing on your moderately mastered
Yew Logs you should be getting a bit more than 1% pool per hour.
- Reaching maximum level in a skill increases the amount of pool provided per action from 25% to 50% of the Mastery XP.
- It might be worth checking your
- Train Error creating thumbnail: File missingAstrology once more, this time untilError creating thumbnail: File missingLevel 99 is reached in order to unlock many more bonuses, including the
Astrology Skillcape, which - when equipped - further speeds up the rate at which you find both types of Dust.
- Go back to Error creating thumbnail: File missingAstrology and ensure all your constellations are at leastError creating thumbnail: File missingMastery Level 40, and train those which are not.
- Error creating thumbnail: File missingMastery Level 40 unlocks the 2nd tier of normal modifiers, which contain Skill XP or Mastery XP (or both) bonuses.
- Many Error creating thumbnail: File missingError creating thumbnail: File missingMastery Level 60, 80 and 99 unlocks provide modifiers that are rarely seen elsewhere in the game, with some of them only being useful in edge cases, so it is suggested to only further master the constellations that you know you will be benefiting from. You can see the list of constellation modifiers on theError creating thumbnail: File missingAstrology page.
At this point, you have both Ancient rings (providing +8% Skill or +7% Mastery XP, depending on which is equipped), the Firemaking Skillcape (providing +5% Skill XP to all skills), and a variety of other bonuses from
The choices on what path to take next start to open up, some suggestions are:
- Error creating thumbnail: File missingThieving for GP, and various Area unique & NPC unique items, a number of which provide various bonuses to other skills.
- Error creating thumbnail: File missingMining,Error creating thumbnail: File missingSmithing, andError creating thumbnail: File missingFletching for the
Dragon Javelin money-making method, which is one of the best in the game. This is where any saved
Redwood Logs from Woodcutting will be used.
- Error creating thumbnail: File missingAgility to unlock further obstacles, providing additional bonuses. Reaching any further than obstacle 5 or 6 may be difficult initially however, due to the significant cost of obstacles and various level requirements.
Melvor Idle Skill Guides |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Combat • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Prayer • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Farming • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Township • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Woodcutting • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Fishing • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Firemaking • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Cooking • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Mining • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Smithing • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Thieving • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Fletching • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Crafting • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Runecrafting • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Herblore • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Agility • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Summoning • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Astrology • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Alternative Magic • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Cartography • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Archaeology • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Harvesting
Melvor Idle version v1.3.1 (Released: 30th October 2024) |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Combat: Error creating thumbnail: File missing Attack • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Strength • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Defence • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Hitpoints • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Ranged • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Magic • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Prayer • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Slayer • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Corruption
Skills: Error creating thumbnail: File missing Farming • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Township • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Woodcutting • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Fishing • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Firemaking • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Cooking • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Mining • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Smithing • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Thieving • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Fletching • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Crafting • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Runecrafting • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Herblore • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Agility • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Summoning • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Astrology • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Alternative Magic • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Cartography • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Archaeology • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Harvesting
Other: Error creating thumbnail: File missing Beginners Guide • ![]() Error creating thumbnail: File missing Bank • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Combat • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Mastery • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Money Making • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Shop • ![]() ![]() Error creating thumbnail: File missing Golbin Raid • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Full Version • ![]() Error creating thumbnail: File missing Into the Abyss
Reference Tables: Items, Equipment, Experience Table, Upgrading Items, Combat Areas, Slayer Areas, Dungeons, Strongholds, The Abyss, Monsters |