For beginners, the method with the least amount of required skills for its maximum rate is the Fishing method. The Skill requirements listed in each method are the minimum required, and you will often struggle to reach the maximum rates without higher levels in the respective skills for things like Skillcapes, or the ability to make boosts from other Skills.

Base Game



Improves GP Rate

Name Effect
  Thieving Skillcape -0.5s Thieving Interval
+100% GP from Thieving
+150 Stealth
10% Thieving Mastery Pool Checkpoint +30 Stealth
25% Thieving Mastery Pool Checkpoint -0.2s Thieving Interval
50% Thieving Mastery Pool Checkpoint +100% GP from Thieving
95% Thieving Mastery Pool Checkpoint +100 Stealth
3x chance to gain unique area items
  Thieving Gloves +75 Stealth
  Gloves of Silence -0.1s Thieving Interval
+150 Flat GP from Thieving
+50 Stealth
  Thief's Moneysack +20% of Maximum GP added to Minimum GP
  Golbin Mask +20 Flat GP from Thieving
+20 Stealth
  Sneak-Ers +5% Global GP
+40 Stealth
  Jeweled Necklace +5% Global GP
  Fine Coinpurse +10% Global GP
  Leprechaun +50 Flat GP from Thieving
  Gentle Hands Potion IV +75 Stealth
  Aorpheat's Signet Ring +100% Global GP
+5% Global Doubling
  Snek +50% GP from Thieving
  Rooftop Run -0.2s Thieving Interval
+20% GP from Thieving
+35 Stealth
  Ice Jump +5% Global Doubling
  Pillar of Skilling +3% Global Doubling
  Slayer Platebody (Master)
  Slayer Leather Body (Master)
  Slayer Wizard Robes (Master)
+3% Thieving Doubling
  Aquarias +1% Global Doubling
  Ko +8% Thieving Doubling
-5% Thieving Interval
+50 Stealth

Thieving Princess and Fletching Jadebolts (24,740k/hr max)


  •   Level 15
  •   Level 10
  •   Level 92
  •   Level 95

Improves GP Rate

These boosts are in addition to the ones above and are specifically for this method.

Name Effect
    Level 99 +100% GP from Princess
+174 Stealth vs Princess
  Fletching Skillcape (  Level 99) Doubles items received from Fletching
  Leprechaun+  Devil (  Level 90) +50 Flat GP from Thieving
50% Chance for 2x GP
35% Chance for 4x Items
15% Chance for nothing
  Crown of Rhaelyx and its   Charge Stones +25% Resource Preservation
  Agility Obstacles providing Resource Preservation


  1.   Steal   Jadestones from the   Princess
  2.   Mine   Iron Ore
  3.   Smith   Iron Bars
  4.   Forge   Headless Bolts
  5.   Fletch   Jadestone Bolts
  6. Sell common drops. Use   Item Alchemy III along with any available GP boosts on drops worth more than 15,000 

Thieving is not better than the   Dragon Javelin method by default. Both methods heavily depend on the buffs from items, passives, and skills. The most important boosts for this method are all buffs to Stealth and   Thieving Interval Reductions. Although princess is unlocked at level 92, it likely will take until level 99 for the   Thieving Skillcape and the 95% mastery pool bonus to have sufficient stealth bonuses for a high thieving success rate. Once   Princess is survivable, the next most important boost is the   Leprechaun+  Devil synergy to increase the number of   Jadestones gathered.

High resource preservation and item doubling during   Fletching is very beneficial. Using   Crown of Rhaelyx and its   Charge Stones is strongly recommended here. Without most of the buffs, earnings can be as low as 4,000,000  per hour.

Check your own   Thieving setup with Thieving GP Calculator by Nomeru#4261.

With the   Throne of the Herald expansion, the items   Grappling Hook and   Thieving Shorts are available at level 100 from the   Explorer which provide substantial buffs for this method.

With the   Atlas of Discovery expansion,   Bandit Hideout point of interest in   Cartography provides several useful buffs to this method.

Thieving Knight with Leprechaun + Monkey Synergy (16,476k/hr max)


This is in alternative method requiring fewer skills and boosts to get viable results.


Improves GP Rate

These boosts are in addition to the ones above and are specifically for this method.

Name Effect
    Level 99 +100% GP from Knight
+174 Stealth vs Knight


This method relies on the increased sell values of common drops from the   Leprechaun+  Monkey synergy: "Upon receiving a Common Drop from Thieving, automatically sell it for 1500% of its base sale price." Although knight is unlocked at level 88, it likely will take until level 99 for the   Thieving Skillcape and the 95% mastery pool bonus to have sufficient stealth bonuses for a high thieving success rate.

  1.   Craft   Leprechaun and   Monkey Tablets and equip them
  2.   Steal from the   Knight
  3. Sell all unsold drops. Use   Item Alchemy III along with any available GP boosts on drops worth more than 10,000 

Without most of the buffs, earnings can be lower than 5,000,000  per hour. If you are lacking in stealth for a high success rate on   Knight, the   Leprechaun+  Monkey synergy may be more effective on the   Fisherman.

Check your own   Thieving setup with Thieving GP Calculator by Nomeru#4261.

Agility (Max 4,978 k/hr)

Only the minimum profit is guaranteed when following the requirements of this guide.
The maximum profit can only be obtained when following all requirements and recommendations.

Profit will increase the more closely the guide is followed. However, the increase in profit may not be in proportion to the amount of recommended items and boosts used.

1,141,700  to 6,323,721  per hour
  •   Level 99
  •   Level 70
  •   Level 60
  •   Level 62
  •   Level 60
  •   Level 60
  •   Level 60
  •   Level 80
  •   Level 80
  •   Level 95
  •   Level 95
  •   Level 95
  •   Level 95
None Items that improve profit
ProfitExperience gained
Inputs (6,246 )Outputs (6,329,967 )
 Performance Enhancing Potion IV23.576,246 
 Gold Pieces6,232,0326,232,032 
 Mastery Token (Agility)61.7292,580 
 Mysterious Stone3.575,355 

Setup the following agility obstacles and hit "Start Agility"

Improves GP Rate

Name Description
Level 90   in every used Obstacle -27% Agility Interval
  Aorpheat's Signet Ring +100% GP while training Agility
  Sneak-Ers +5% global GP
  Jeweled Necklace +5% global GP
  Fine Coinpurse +10% global GP
  Agility Skillcape +10% GP from Agility
  Sam +15% GP from Agility
  Agility 25% Checkpoint +10% GP from Agility
  Performance Enhancing Potion IV -12% Agility Interval (requires   Level 62)
  Ko +5% GP from Agility
-5% Agility Interval
+8% exp from Agility


This save was used to run agility for 1,000 hours. The average output of these 1,000 hours was used for this guide.

Fishing (Max 4,421 k/hr)

Only the minimum profit is guaranteed when following the requirements of this guide.
The maximum profit can only be obtained when following all requirements and recommendations.

Profit will increase the more closely the guide is followed. However, the increase in profit may not be in proportion to the amount of recommended items and boosts used.

Fishing Whales
310,950  to 3,420,499  per hour
  Level 95   Dragon Fishing Rod
  Amulet of Fishing Items that improve profit
ProfitExperience gained
Inputs (6,733 )Outputs (3,427,233 )
 Fishing Hook5143,598 
 Fishermans Potion IV25.73,135 
 Raw Whale3,5132,634,973 
 Mastery Token (Fishing)1.11,650 
 Mysterious Stone0.140 

Fish for   Raw Whales if using the   Octopus +   Pig Summoning synergy, or   Magic Fish if not. Each piece of equipment will give a substantial boost to profit per hour. Sell all the items listed above to the shop for profit.

With the   Throne of the Herald expansion, higher level fish may yield higher profit than base game fish.   Raw Static Jellyfish is the first fish with greater GP/h than whales. Alternately, prioritizing fish with higher XP rates will get you to the most profitable high-level fish such as   Raw Mystic Shark faster. Fish GP/h is listed in the   Fishing page.

With the   Atlas of Discovery expansion,   The Fisherman's Bounty point of interest in   Cartography provides several useful buffs to this method.

Improves GP Rate

Name Description
  Fishing Skillcape Doubles the number of fish caught
  Aorpheat's Signet Ring +10% Fishing Doubling
  Ring of Wealth +7% Fishing Doubling
  Fishing Hook +10% Fishing Doubling
  Sailor's Top -8% Special drops, resulting in more fish
  Pudding Duckie +5% Fishing Doubling
    Level 99 /     Level 99 Doubles the number of fish caught
50% Fishing Mastery Pool Checkpoint +5% Fishing Doubling
95% Fishing Mastery Pool Checkpoint +25% chance to receive an additional random special item whenever special items are received.
  Fishermans Potion IV +12% Fishing Doubling
  Ameria +8% Fishing Doubling
-5% Fishing Interval
  Octopus +3% chance to get 1 extra resource in Fishing (cannot be doubled)
  Octopus     Pig 75% chance to receive an extra fish as a cooked version while fishing

The   Fishing Skillcape and Level 99   Mastery bonuses will stack, causing at least four fish to be caught each time.

Agility Obstacles


The above method for minimum and maximum profit was ran for 1,000 hours using this save.

Mining with Gem Gloves (470k/hr usual, 1350k/hr max)



Improves GP Rate

Name Effect
  Dragon Pickaxe -50% Mining Time, +7% Chance of obtaining 2 ore
  Master of Nature -15% Base Mining Interval (additive with Dragon Pickaxe to a total of -65% Mining Time)
    Level 99/    Level 99 +15% Chance of obtaining 2 ore
  Aorpheat's Signet Ring +10% chance to gain double resources
  Ring of Wealth +7% chance to gain double resources
  Mining Skillcape +1 Coal Ore per Action
  Terra Up to +15% Chance to Double Items in Mining and +15% Chance to receive gems or +15% chance to do zero damage
  Perfect Swing Potion IV +80% Chance to deal no Damage to a Mining Node
  Miner's Helmet +3% Chance to deal no Damage to a Mining Node
  Merchant's Permit Gem Gloves only cost 450k instead of 500k
25% Mining Mastery Pool Checkpoint Reduced Ore respawn time by 10%
50% Mining Mastery Pool Checkpoint Reduce Mining interval by 0.2s
95% Mining Mastery Pool Checkpoint All Rocks gain +10 Maximum HP
  Cool Rock +5 Mining Node HP


This method is recommended to use if you play   Adventure and there's no better money-making method at hand.

  1. Buy   Gem Gloves,
  2. Mine   Adamantite Ore or anything below it until you unlock it,
  3. Sell gems and ores that you got.

The method relies on the   Gem Gloves that increase the gems drop chance to 100% when mining anything but the   Rune Essence. The average value of a Gem is 381.25 , while a single charge of the Gem Gloves costs only 250 . Thus 131.25  of profit is earned per mining action from gems.

With the   Dragon Pickaxe and     Level 50, you will get around 470,000  per hour.

A fully juiced setup with the   Dragonite Ore will give around 1,350,000  per hour.
Please note that this setup already includes the   Master of Nature which is unlocked after beating the   Earth God Dungeon. This upgrade is quite essential to reach GP rates this high. Players at this point have probably already better money making methods at hand. Without the   Master of Nature upgrade and only   Perfect Swing Potion III the GP rate already drops to 787,000 .
The calculation does not include any   Astrology modifiers.

The results were calculated with the Melvor Idle Rate and Resource Calculator created by Kidbiz20#2026.

To check your own setup, do the following:

  1. Copy the spreadsheet to your Google Drive.
  2. On the Equipment tab, specify for Mining that you wear Gem Gloves.
  3. On the Mining tab, set Current Experience to unlock the ores, Ores masteries, and other things that you have.
  4. Specify any additional things in the sheet if you want to, like pets and so on.
  5. You should see your gains in the kGP/h column of the Mining tab.

Fletching Dragon Javelins with Alt. Magic (Max 18,265k/hr)



  •   Level 90
  •   Level 95, 271 Mining Mastery levels in total
  •   Level 93
  •   Level 92
  •   Level 80
  •   Level 95

Improves GP Rate

Name Effect
  Dragon Axe -40% cut time
  Woodcutting Skillcape -15% Base Woodcutting Interval (additive with the bonuses above a total of -55% cut time)
  Master of Nature -15% Base Woodcutting Interval (additive with the bonuses above to a total of -70% cut time)
    Level 99
    Level 99
Decreased cut interval by 0.2s for this Tree (on top of the -70% cut time from above modifiers)
+45% chance to receive 2x Logs per action
  Bird Nest Potion IV +30% Chance for Bird Nests to drop in Woodcutting
  Lumberjack's Top +2% Bird Nest drop rate
25% Woodcutting Mastery Pool Checkpoint +5% increased chance to receive double Logs per action
50% Woodcutting Mastery Pool Checkpoint All Logs sell for +50% GP Value
95% Woodcutting Mastery Pool Checkpoint When you receive a Birds Nest, always receive a base minimum of 2.
  Beavis +5% Chance to Double Items in Woodcutting
  Multi-Tree cut 2 different trees simultaneously
    Level 99 +15% Chance to Double Items In Woodcutting and +15% Chance for Bird Nests to drop in Woodcutting
Name Effect
  Dragon Pickaxe -50% Mining Time, +7% Chance of obtaining 2 ore
  Master of Nature -15% Base Mining Interval (additive with Dragon Pickaxe to a total of -65% Mining Time)
    Level 99
    Level 99
    Level 99
+15% Chance of obtaining 2 ore
  Mining Skillcape +1 Coal Ore per Action
  Miner's Helmet +3% Chance to deal no Damage to a Mining Node
25% Mining Mastery Pool Checkpoint Reduced Ore respawn time by 10%
50% Mining Mastery Pool Checkpoint Reduce Mining interval by 0.2s
95% Mining Mastery Pool Checkpoint All Rocks gain +10 Maximum HP
  Cool Rock +5 Mining Node HP
  Perfect Swing Potion IV +80% Chance to deal no Damage to a Mining Node
    Level 99 +15% Chance to Double Items in Mining and +15% Chance to deal no Damage to a mining Node
  Merchant's Permit permanent 10% discount on all skill gloves
preferably   Mining Gloves Collect 2x ore when worn
Name Effect
  Runecrafting Skillcape +35% Chance to Preserve Resources in Runecrafting
    Level 99
    Level 99
11 Runes Produced per Runecraft
50% Runecrafting Mastery Pool Checkpoint +10% resource preservation chance for Runecrafting
95% Runecrafting Mastery Pool Checkpoint Grants an extra 5 Runes per craft
  Expanded Knowledge -15% Base Runecrafting Interval
  Gunter +10% Chance to Preserve Resources in Runecrafting
Alt. Magic
Name Effect
  Nature's Call Staff Reduces the Nature Rune cost of spells by 1
  Magic Skillcape doubles the Effect of the   Nature's Call Staff
  Ring of Wealth +7% Chance to Double Items Globally
  Salem +5% Rune Preservation
  Jelly Jim +2% Rune Preservation
  Amulet of Incantation -0.2s Magic Interval
+10% Rune Preservation for Alt. Magic Spells
    Level 99 +15% Chance to Double Items in Runecrafting and +15% Rune Preservation for Alt. Magic Spells
Name Effect
    Level 99 +30% Chance to preserve Resources, +35% Chance to double Items
25% Smithing Mastery Pool Checkpoint +5% Chance to preserve Resources
50% Smithing Mastery Pool Checkpoint +5% Chance to preserve Resources
95% Smithing Mastery Pool Checkpoint +10% Chance to double Items
  Art of Control -15% Base Smithing Interval
  Puff, the Baby Dragon +10% Chance to preserve Resources
    Level 99 +15% Chance to Double Items in Smithing and -15% Smithing Interval
Name Effect
  Fletching Skillcape x2 Items received from Fletching
25% Fletching Mastery Pool Checkpoint Produce 1 extra Javelin per Fletch (Applied to base quantity)
95% Fletching Mastery Pool Checkpoint Reduce Fletching Interval by 0.2s
    Level 99 +24.8% chance to preserve resources.
  Skilled Fletching Potion IV +25% Chance to Double Items in Fletching
  Perpetual Haste -15% Fletching Interval
  Quill -0.2s Fletching Interval
    Level 80 +15% Chance to Double Items in Fletching
Name Effect
  Aorpheat's Signet Ring affects all skills above +10% Chance to Double Items Globally
  Aquarias affects all skills above +1% Chance to Double Items Globally
  Clue Chasers Insignia affects all skills above except   Alternative Magic 10% increased chance to receive Global Rare Items, Mastery Tokens, Bird Nests from Woodcutting, Gems from Mining, and Coal from Firemaking.
  Crown of Rhaelyx affects all skills above except   Alternative Magic +10% chance to preserve resources in non-combat skills (Does not work with Alt. Magic).
  Level 99 obstacles about resource preservation and pillar build cost reduction and half debuffs
  Herblore Skillcape x2 Items received from Herblore
  Gronk +2% Chance to Double Items in Herblore
    Level 99 +15% Chance to Double Items in Herblore and +15% Chance to preserve potion Charges


The following setup will maximize total profits when all things are considered, note that a lot of the optional improvements marginally contribute to the final GP rate.

for every hour of fletching intended:

It is recommended to fletch for many hours at a time as to minimize the cost of switching between agility obstacles


For each hour of Fletching you'll need to spend (on average):

and it'll generate 50,297 Dragon Javelins, selling for 32,693,142 GP and leave as byproducts:

and consume:

It is recommended to first combine   Circlet of Rhaelyx and   Jewel of Rhaelyx into   Crowns of Rhaelyx, then convert the crowns into GP by using   Item Alchemy III while utilizing GP boosts. This will add (per hour of fletching) 0.02 seconds to sell crowns and 0.04 seconds to sell the leftover   Jewels of Rhaelyx. Combined with the sale of other leftover elements, this will result in a maximum possible profit of approximately 18,265,154  per hour, all things considered.

Combat (~18,750k/hr)

Template:OldStrategy Combat can yield decent GP rates, but will generally not be comparable with a dedicated skilling setup.   Magic is the generally the most profitable, but it can differ greatly based on the gear and skills in your possession. Assuming   Level 85 and   Cloudburst Staff, Magic is almost always superior to Melee and   Ranged.

Calculating the specific GP/hr depends heavily on your stats, gear, and buffs. The Combat Simulator can help you to calculate the gains for your build. The exact rates are difficult to determine, but the best targets, in rough descending order by profit and tier are:

The two most important items to make this method good are   Chapeau Noir and   Aorpheat's Signet Ring.

To stress again, calculating the specific GP/hr depends heavily on your stats, gear, and buffs. The Combat Simulator can help you to calculate the specific gains for your specific build.

The most profitable target is the   Infernal Stronghold because it drops a lot of raw GP that gets doubled with the   Aorpheat's Signet Ring. The raw GP gained with the ring is 250,000 per clear.

It also drops the   Infernal Cape and the   Infernal Core that will net you 402,400 additional GP per clear if sold with Item Alchemy III.

For one clear   Infernal Stronghold will yield a total of 250,000 + 402,400 = 652,400 GP per clear.

Do note that all God Dungeons should net around about 6-10,000k/h minimum while farming them with appropriate gear, so if you're working on or near these dungeons, you could be looking at a nice payday without needing to rely on other methods to earn GP.

Some of the setups are listed below, but it is (yes, again) advised that you use the Combat Simulator to check your build. By default, all of the listed setups are 99 in all skills, have optimized   Agility obstacles, and have only 30% accuracy from   Astrology

Each setup will have a second listed amount, this will be the gp/h with standardized rates applied to all consumables (excluding food) in combat sim.

Infernal Stronghold (~24,200k/hr)

Head   Slayer Wizard Hat (Master)
Body   Slayer Wizard Robes (Master)
Leggings   Glacia God Platelegs
Boots   Glacia God Boots
Hands   Glacia God Gloves
Cape   Skull Cape
Neck   Fury of the Elemental Zodiacs
Passive   Chapeau Noir
Ring   Aorpheat's Signet Ring
Weapon   Cloudburst Staff

Spells:   Water Surge or   Water Wave (-4% total gp, -1.5% adjusted gp, -13% runes),   Anguish III, and   Fury II.

Prayer:   Battleheart and   Augury

Tablets:   Golbin Thief and   Occultist

Potion:   Diamond Luck Potions

  • Total GP: ~24,200k/hr
  • Adjusted GP: ~18,800k/hr

With better   Astrology, this method gets closer to the (Max ~24,350k/hr) listed above

Hunting Greater Dragon (~16,750k/hr)

Head   Slayer Helmet (Master)
Body   Slayer Platebody (Master)
Leggings   Ragnar God Platelegs
Boots   Ragnar God Boots
Hands   Ragnar God Gloves
Cape   Maximum Skillcape
Passive   Gold Ruby Necklace
Neck   Fury of the Elemental Zodiacs
Ring   Nature's Blessing Ring
Weapon   Infernal Claw
Offhand   Dragonfire Shield

Prayer:   Battleheart and   Rejuvenation

Tablets:   Golbin Thief and   Unicorn

Potion:   Regeneration Potions

  • Total GP: ~16,750k/hr
  • Adjusted GP: ~15,950k/hr

  Throne of the Herald Expansion

Item Alchemy IV on Vorloran Watcher Armor (~81m/hour Maximum)


The equipment set and Agility obstacles detailed here are not completely safe: the player has a very small chance of death if following this suggestion. To ensure safety, consider switching   Burning Protection Platelegs for   Vorloran Protector Platelegs, or   Frostspark Boots for   Vorloran Protector Boots.


Potion:   Penetration Potion IV or   Damage Reduction Potion IV if you do not have the   Superior Cape of Completion

# Obstacle
1 X
2 X
3   Pipe Climb
4   Coal Stones
5   Cliff Balance
6   Lake Swim
7   Boulder Trap
8   Pipe Crawl
9   Water Jump
10   Dragon Fight
P   Pillar of Combat
11     Water Maze
12     Boulder Balance
13     Balance Trap
14     Gap Climb
15     Waterfall Crossing
EP     Elite Pillar of Expertise

Improves GP Rate

See the Item Alchemy page for more information on how to improve the return from item alchemy.


Kill   Vorloran Watcher, collect and cast   Item Alchemy IV on all of the loot. Assuming all possible base game and   Throne of the Herald GP bonuses are used, the expected return per hour is approximately 80,800,000 .

Fletching Meteor Bolts (80,000k/hr max)



Just fletching bolts is approximately 240m/h, adjusted for the smithing/alt-magic required to obtain   Meteorite Bars, works out to around 80m/h

Improves GP rate

Agility (~50,492k/hr max)



Improves GP Rate


# Obstacle
1   Cargo Net
2   Monkey Bars
3   Pit Jump
4   Gap Jump
5   Mountain Climb
6   Tree Balance
7   Heat Trap
8   Tree Hang
9   Ice Jump
10   Boulder Move
P   Pillar of Skilling
11   Frozen Maze
12   Forest Jog
13   Burning Trap
14   Waterfall Climb
15   Mountain Trail
P2   Elite Pillar of Expertise

Thieving Vampires for Blood Vials (76,451k/hr max)



See the   Thieving page for how to acquire the maximum Stealth value

Improves GP Rate


Thieve Vampires, sell everything you get.

  Atlas of Discovery Expansion

Mining Pure Crystal (4m/h Min ~ 39m/h Max)


Without the  Throne of the Herald, this will make a Max of 16m/h.
On   Ancient Relics, this has a Min of 2m/h and a Max of 27.1m/h due to   Mining Gloves being disabled. You will want to swap   Water Maze for   Pit Maze and you will need both the Mining and Astrology Master Relics to reach the Max rate.


Improves GP Rate

Name Effect
  Master of Nature -15% Base Mining Interval (additive with Dragon Pickaxe to a total of -65% Mining Time)
   Corundum Pickaxe 20% Chance to recieve +1 Ore in Mining (Cannot be Doubled)
   Augite Pickaxe 20% Chance to recieve +1 Ore in Mining (Cannot be Doubled)
   Divine Pickaxe 20% Chance to recieve +1 Ore in Mining (Cannot be Doubled)
  Terra +8% Chance to Double Items in Mining
+5% Chance to receive gems from Mining
+5% Chance to deal no Damage to an Ore or Essence Mining Node
   Rosaniya +8% Chance to Double Items Globally
  Merchant's Permit Reduces Mining Glove costs from 75,000  down to 67,500 
  Cool Rock +5 Mining Node HP
  Aquarias +1% Chance to Double Items Globally
  Ace +1% Chance to Double Items Globally
   Classy Rock +10 Mining Node HP
   Cute Rock +2% Chance to Double Items in Mining
   Royal Rock +3% Chance to gain +1 additional resource in Mining (Cannot be doubled)
   Penelope +2% Chance to Double Items Globally
   Harold -2% Interval for all non-Combat Skills
+2% Chance to Double Items Globally
   Carthulu Doubles the effects of all positive Active Modifiers from Points of Interest in Cartography
 944 Hex Mastery Checkpoint -3% Interval for all non-Combat Skills
   Terran Dungeon Ruins +10/+20% Chance to gain +1 additional resource in Mining (Cannot be doubled)
-0.1/-0.2s Mining Interval
  Aorpheat's Signet Ring +10% Chance to Double Items Globally
  Ring of Wealth +7% Chance to Double Items Globally
  Miner's Helmet +3% Chance to deal no Damage to a Mining Node
  Clue Chasers Insignia +10% increased chance to gain Gems from Mining
  Gem Finder Scroll +10% chance to get a second gem (that can be a different type) when receiving a gem from Mining
   Dirty Mining Boots -0.1s Mining Interval
   Mining Lantern +30% Chance to gain +1 additional resource in Mining (Cannot be doubled)
   Ghostly Parrot +10% increased chance to gain Gems from Mining
  Mole +   Bear Synergy OR
   Mole +   Eagle Synergy
+25 Mining node Hitpoints when using Perfect Swing Potions OR
-0.2s Mining Interval (Preferred)
  Pipe Balance +10 Mining Node HP
+3% Chance to deal no Damage to a Mining Node
  Rock Climb +5% Chance to Double Items in Mining
  Ice Jump +5% Chance to Double Items Globally
+10 Mining Node HP
  Pillar of Skilling +3% Chance to Double Items Globally
   Water Maze +10% Chance to Double Items Globally
   Balance Trap +5% Chance to Double Items Globally
   Elite Pillar of Expertise +8% Chance to Double Items Globally
-3% Interval for all non-Combat Skills


  1. Mine   Pure Crystal while wearing   Mining Gloves
  2. Sell the      Gems, and   Pure Crystal for profit

A 100 hour simulation was done on this save which is setup for the Maximum rate of 39m/h or this save for Maximum rate of 16m/h. this save was used for the Ancient Relic Max of 27.1m/h.