Dark Waters/Guide

From Melvor Idle
This page is up to date (v1.3).


None of these weapons are actually required to beat Impending Darkness Event.

If you own Throne of the Herald Expansion, Ocean Song and Tidal Edge will be easily replaced by weapons such as Heated Fury 2H Hammer and any of the Runecrafting Wands.

Shockwave doesn't have a direct easy upgrade in Throne of the Herald Expansion but if you own Atlas of Discovery Expansion then Engulfing Vortex Longbow is a much better weapon that doesn't really get replaced unless you have Merman Pendant or at level 120 by Feather Storm Crossbow.

All drop estimates were done without any Pets, Astrology or Pillar of Combat. Having these will significantly increase your drops per hour.

Dark Water Level 90 Weapon Farming

Following completion of Into the Mist, you now have access to Dark Waters, the penultimate slayer area. These 3 mobs drop fragments for the Level 90 weapons, the highest level, and often most powerful, weapons in the base game that are extremely helpful in completing the following slayer area, as well as the Impending Darkness Event. These are extremely long grinds, and require quite a bit of preparation. Each weapon requires 100 fragments, and the fragments have a 2% drop rate. That's 5,000 kills on average.

We recommend acquiring them while fighting each monster as a slayer task, this will require you to turn OFF auto-slayer, and will encourage semi-frequent check-ins. Doing these on task will increase your damage dealt to them from various buffs. This will make the order you obtain the final weapons in effectively random, but if you don't want to deal with the hassle of rerolling, or simply want to do them in a specific order, we recommend the following:

Additionally, you should also acquire the pet Otto whilst doing this grind, if you do not, continue farming whichever mob you kill the fastest on or off task until you get it.

Item fragments are very rare drops, (the average amount of kills required to obtain all of the drops with no doubling is 5000 per monster), and it should be noted that there is a Township Task that requires the player to Kill 5,000 Ku-tul, 5,000 Umbora, and 5,000 Rokken, therefore Item Doubling is not as important for this specific grind as it might otherwise be.

Additionally, there is another Township Task that requires 1 of each Fragment and rewards 3 of each Fragment, to shorten the grind a little.

After completing the task, or if you simply want your first copies as soon as possible, you should attempt to sneak in as much item doubling into your gear as possible. Using the Combat Simulator to measure your Drops/hr with no deaths is highly recommended.


The order you obtain these items in is not particularly important.

Using the weapons obtained from killing each monster makes sense, unfortunately, they have historically not always the best available options, however a balance patch in Melvor Idle 1.1 has changed the meta an amount, and this guide will strive to stay updated. For now, the only recommended order is to obtain Shockwave and use it to obtain Ocean Song.


- Shockwave then Ocean Song then Tidal Edge

- Tidal Edge then Shockwave then Ocean Song

Between those two, the required time is roughly equal.

Many people combine the grinding of these weapons with the grind for the master slayer gear. An added benefit is the increased damage given by the Slayer Skillcape and buffs from Astrology while fighting slayer tasks. Another benefit is the ability to buy prayer points, Light Runes, and Food at a profit with the use of Generous Resupply.


There are very few hard requirements beyond the ability to survive and the entry requirement of Slayer (skill).svg Slayer Level 90, but there are several skills and items that will make this grind significantly easier, and we would be remiss to not mention them

Suggestion Benefit
Hitpoints (skill).svg Level 90 - Hitpoints (skill).svg Level 95 Less need for DR
Agility (skill).svg Level 99 Pillar of Combat
Summoning (skill).svg Level 90 Dragon Synergies
Prayer (skill).svg Level 95 For Battleheart
Slayer Helmet (Elite)
Slayer Platebody (Elite)
15% Flat Slayer Area Effect Negation

Tidal Edge

To be able to idle Umbora with Magic, you'll need 48% DR assuming you have 950 Hitpoints (Hitpoints (skill).svg Level 91 with provided Agility table).

We use Standard Magic as Ancient Magicks have a slower kill rate and higher rune cost.

With Cloudburst Staff, use Water Surge or Water Wave (reduced rune cost)

With Air Imbued Wand or Fire Imbued Wand or Ocean Song, use Fire Surge.

Use of Combination Runes is highly recommended for all methods.

If Atlas of Discovery Expansion is owned, Ring of Malice (m) increases the Kills and Tidal Edge Fragment per hour.


Disclaimer: Gem slot is not required but recommended.

Slot Best to Worst
Slot head.png Glacia God Helmet Slayer Wizard Hat (Master)
Slot chest.png Glacia God Platebody Slayer Wizard Robes (Master)
Slot legs.png Glacia God Platelegs
Slot feet.png Glacia God Boots
Slot hands.png Glacia God Gloves
Slot back.png Skull Cape
Slot neck.png Fury of the Elemental Zodiacs Elite Amulet of Magic
Slot passive.png Master Slayer Item Elite Slayer Item Chapeau Noir
Slot ring.png Ring of Wealth Warlock Ring Hunter's Ring
Slot gem.png Slayer Gem Agile Gem Accuracy Gem
Slot weapon.png Cloudburst Staff Ocean Song Fire Imbued Wand
Slot shield.png Scaled Shield Earth Layered Shield
Slot consumable.png Magic Hinder Scroll Fervor Scroll Monster Hunter Scroll
Slot summon.png Witch SynergyIcon.png Dragon Witch SynergyIcon.png Cyclops

Slayer Wizard Hat (Master) and Slayer Wizard Robes (Master) will kill you if used with Cloudburst Staff and the normal build above. If all you care about is fragments, it is possible to equip a build with Master Slayer armor that is approximately 4% faster than the above recommended build. This is accomplished by equipping Slayer Wizard Hat (Master), Slayer Wizard Robes (Master), Skull Cape AND Raft Building - all 3 pieces of equipment must be worn to outpace Glacia armor, and the agility course keeps you from dying. You need 1050 HP and 45 DR.


Drops Per Hour

Both Ocean Song and Fire Imbued Wand were tested with Scaled Shield in off-hand.

Master Item over Elite Item makes an insignificant difference when using Ocean Song or Fire Imbued Wand.

Slayer Coins per hour is only with a Slayer Task.

Estimates of drops per hour.

Weapon & Armor (Passive) Summons Tidal Fragments
Per Hour
SC per hour
Cloudburst Staff & Glacia, Magic Hinder Scroll
(Master Item)
Witch SynergyIcon.png Dragon 4.35 120,000SC
Cloudburst Staff & Glacia, Magic Hinder Scroll
(Master Item)
Witch SynergyIcon.png Cyclops 4.00 175,000SC
Ocean Song & Master Gear, Fervor Scroll
( Chapeau Noir)
Witch SynergyIcon.png Dragon 3.85 150,000SC
Ocean Song & Master Gear, Fervor Scroll
( Chapeau Noir)
Witch SynergyIcon.png Cyclops 3.60 215,000SC
Fire Imbued Wand & Master Gear, Fervor Scroll
( Chapeau Noir)
Witch SynergyIcon.png Dragon 2.60 100,000SC
Fire Imbued Wand & Master Gear, Fervor Scroll
( Chapeau Noir)
Witch SynergyIcon.png Cyclops 2.35 130,000SC

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Ocean Song


To most efficiently kill Ku-tul you'll use one of Shockwave, Slayer's Crossbow or a Stormsnap.
Use of Jadestone Bolts is recommended, Emerald Bolts are not recommended as Jadestone Bolts should be easily obtainable at this point in progression from Hunting Greater Dragon.

Disclaimer: Gem slot is not required but recommended.

Slot Better to Worse
Slot head.png Slayer Cowl (Master) Slayer Cowl (Elite)
Slot chest.png Slayer Leather Body (Master) Slayer Leather Body (Elite)
Slot legs.png Aeris God Platelegs
Slot feet.png Aeris God Boots
Slot hands.png Aeris God Gloves
Slot back.png Infernal Cape
Slot passive.png Chapeau Noir Ring of Wealth Elder Crown
Slot neck.png Deadeye Amulet Fury of the Elemental Zodiacs Elite Amulet of Ranged
Slot ring.png Ring of Wealth Aorpheat's Signet Ring
Slot weapon.png Shockwave Slayer's Crossbow Stormsnap
Slot shield.png Scaled Shield Dragonfire Shield
Slot gem.png Slayer Gem Agile Gem Accuracy Gem
Slot ammo.png Jadestone Bolts Emerald Bolts Ruby Bolts
Slot ammo.png Ancient Arrows Dragon Arrows Rune Arrows
Slot consumable.png Fervor Scroll Ranged Hinder Scroll Monster Hunter Scroll
Slot summon.png Centaur SynergyIcon.png Dragon


Idle HP, DR and Drops/h

To be able to idle Ku-tul with Ranged, you'll need:

HP DR Selected Gear From Equipment Table Drops Per
970 49 Shockwave, Scaled Shield, Slayer Cowl (Elite),
Slayer Leather Body (Elite), FEZ
970 50 Shockwave, Scaled Shield, Slayer Cowl (Master),
Slayer Leather Body (Master), Deadeye Amulet
970 49 Slayer's Crossbow, Scaled Shield, Slayer Cowl (Elite),
Slayer Leather Body (Elite), FEZ
970 50 Slayer's Crossbow, Scaled Shield, Slayer Cowl (Master),
Slayer Leather Body (Master), Deadeye Amulet
1040 47 Stormsnap, Slayer Cowl (Master), Slayer Leather Body (Master),

For Stormsnap you will need to swap Agility Obstacle 6 to Rocky Waters and Prayer from Eagle Eye to Stone Skin.

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Rokken is by far the most dangerous and is both willing, and able to kill you if you are not extremely careful in your setup. This monster is able to buff itself to an attack speed of 2.2s, and is able to stun you, which increases its damage against you by 30%. Your goal here is either to be able to survive the increased stun damage, or to never actually take the stun damage by having an equivalent or faster attack speed than the monster's fastest speed.

You need to use Melee for this grind, it is highly recommended that you use an Tidal Edge, Infernal Claw or Ultima Godsword to complete this.


This Equipment should work at Hitpoints (skill).svg Level 95 (990 HP) with 56% DR.

Disclaimer: Gem slot is not required but recommended.

Slot Best To Worst
Slot head.png Slayer Helmet (Master) Slayer Helmet (Elite)
Slot chest.png Slayer Platebody (Master) Slayer Platebody (Elite)
Slot legs.png Terran God Platelegs
Slot feet.png Terran God Boots
Slot hands.png Terran God Gloves
Slot back.png Infernal Cape
Slot passive.png Fighter Amulet
Slot neck.png Fury of the Elemental Zodiacs
Slot ring.png Ring of Blade Echoes Ring of Wealth Aorpheat's Signet Ring
Slot weapon.png Ultima Godsword Tidal Edge Infernal Claw
Slot shield.png Earth Layered Shield
Slot gem.png Slayer Gem Agile Gem Accuracy Gem
Slot consumable.png Fervor Scroll Melee Hinder Scroll Monster Hunter Scroll
Slot summon.png Minotaur SynergyIcon.png Dragon


Gear Setups, Prayer & Drops Per Hour

Estimates of drops per hour.

Weapon & Armor (Passive) Chivalry or Stone Skin Tidal Fragments
per hour
Ultima Godsword, Slayer Helmet (Master), Slayer Platebody (Master),
Ring of Wealth
Stone Skin 2.7
Tidal Edge, Earth Layered Shield, Slayer Helmet (Elite),
Slayer Platebody (Elite), Ring of Wealth or Ring of Blade Echoes
Stone Skin 1.9
Tidal Edge, Earth Layered Shield, Slayer Helmet (Master),
Slayer Platebody (Master), Ring of Wealth or Ring of Blade Echoes
Chivalry 2.3
Infernal Claw, Earth Layered Shield, Slayer Helmet (Elite),
Slayer Platebody (Elite), Ring of Wealth or Ring of Blade Echoes
Stone Skin 1.45
Infernal Claw, Earth Layered Shield, Slayer Helmet (Master),
Slayer Platebody (Master), Ring of Wealth or Ring of Blade Echoes
Chivalry 1.95

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