From Melvor Idle
Similar to most games, the Melvor Idle community uses a number of abbreviations and shorthand names. This page contains a list of several terms you may see mentioned along with a brief definition for each.
- Cap - An upper limit on a value
- Drops - Another word for the loot (items) that a monster leaves behind when defeated in combat
- Idle - To perform a task without input from the player
- Spawn - When an enemy appears and the fight against that instance of the enemy starts
General Game Acronyms
- AE - Error creating thumbnail: File missingAuto Eat, sometimes referred to as AE1, AE2, or AE3 for each of the available tiers
- BIS - Best In Slot, refers to Equipment that is the best in a given slot (e.g. Helmet) for a particular task
- DPS - Damage per Second
- DR - Damage Reduction
- KPH - Kills per Hour, a metric that allows Error creating thumbnail: File missingCombat equipment/loadouts to be compared in terms of the average number of kills of a particular Monster that is achievable within an hour while using said loadout
- Pots - Potions, a collection of items made with Error creating thumbnail: File missingHerblore
- PP - Prayer Points. More information is available on Error creating thumbnail: File missingPrayer
- SP - Soul Points, used for Abyssal Prayers
- /t - Per Tick, mainly used in Error creating thumbnail: File missingTownship
- Tx - Tier x, often used for potions (Tier 1, 2, 3 and 4) or the level equipment requires to be worn (see T90)
- T90 - Tier 90, which is referencing weapons with a requirement of skill level 90:
Tidal Edge,
Ocean Song and
Error creating thumbnail: File missingShockwave
- XP - Experience Points
- MXP - Error creating thumbnail: File missingMastery Experience
- AXP - Error creating thumbnail: File missingAbyssal XP
- PXP or Pool XP - Mastery Pool Experience
- GP -
Gold Pieces, the main currency in the base game and first two expansions
- SC -
Slayer Coins
- AP - Error creating thumbnail: File missingAbyssal Pieces, the main currency in the Into the Abyss Expansion
- ASC -
Abyssal Slayer Coins
- TotH -
Throne of the Herald (Expansion 1)
- AoD -
Atlas of Discovery (Expansion 2)
- ItA - Error creating thumbnail: File missingInto the Abyss (Expansion 3)
- RC - Error creating thumbnail: File missingRunecrafting
- FM - Error creating thumbnail: File missingFiremaking
- WC - Error creating thumbnail: File missingWoodcutting
- HP - Error creating thumbnail: File missingHitpoints
Game Modes
- 12B - 12 Bank Slots, a community-created Game Mode where the player sticks with the initial 12 bank slots and never acquires more. Due to the increase of initial bank slots to 20, this can also be called 20B.
- AR -
Ancient Relics Mode
- HC - Error creating thumbnail: File missingHardcore Mode
- HCCO - Hardcore Combat Only, a community-created Game Mode in which the player attempts to progress as far as possible in Error creating thumbnail: File missingHardcore Mode without using any non-combat skills
- Maso - Masochism, a community-created Game Mode
Monsters and Dungeons
- BH -
Bounty Hunter
- DD - Error creating thumbnail: File missingDragons Den
- VC - Error creating thumbnail: File missingVolcanic Cave
- AGD - Error creating thumbnail: File missingAir God Dungeon
- WGD - Error creating thumbnail: File missingWater God Dungeon
- EGD - Error creating thumbnail: File missingEarth God Dungeon
- FGD - Error creating thumbnail: File missingFire God Dungeon
- ITM - Error creating thumbnail: File missingInto the Mist
- ID or IDE - Error creating thumbnail: File missingImpending Darkness Event
- UW - Error creating thumbnail: File missingUnhallowed Wasteland
- ARoM -
Ancient Ring of Mastery
- ARoS -
Ancient Ring of Skills
- CCI -
Clue Chasers Insignia
- Crown -
Crown of Rhaelyx
- DJav -
Dragon Javelin, an item commonly mass crafted for its Money Making potential
- DL -
Diamond Luck, usually suffixed with the "Tx" notation. DL T4 would stand for
Diamond Luck Potion IV
- FEZ -
Fury of the Elemental Zodiacs
- Signet or Signet Ring -
Aorpheat's Signet Ring
- (S) - Silver trimmed: an upgrade to base game untrimmed melee armor
- (G) - Gold trimmed: an upgrade to base game (S) melee armor. Adds DR.
- (U) - Upgraded: an upgrade to ranged armor
- (I) - Iridium trimmed: an upgrade to TotH untrimmed melee armor
- (P) - Palladium trimmed: an upgrade to TotH (I) melee armor
- (B) - Barrier: an upgrade available for some base game and AoD armor
- (C) - Crystal: an upgrade available for some (B) gear
- (u) - unstrung: a bow that needs a string
- (m) - Unholy Mark: applies Mark stacks in combat and grants access to
Unholy Prayers
- (a)/(b) - the two halves of Aorpheat's Signet Ring
Enhancement Slots
- L - Left (1 / Circle)
- M - Middle (2 / Triangle)
- R - Right (3 / Square)
Weapons and Shields
- Ancients - Ancient Magicks
- DFS -
Dragonfire Shield
- ELS -
Earth Layered Shield
- CB -
Cloudburst Staff
- DSD -
Darksteel Dagger
- TE -
Twin Exiles or
Tidal Edge
- OS -
Ocean Song
- SS -
Stormsnap or
Sandstorm Ring
- TGS -
Terran Godsword
- RGS -
Ragnar Godsword