Combat involves fighting various monsters throughout the combat areas, slayer areas, and dungeons of Melvor. Food and Equipment cannot be changed while in a dungeon unless an upgrade has been purchased from the shop.
Combat stats — viewable from the combat page — are affected by the player's combat skills and any Equipment worn. The combat skills areCombat Info
- Max Hit shows the maximum potential damage a successful attack can do. The Max Hit displayed for players and enemies does not factor in damage reduction.
- Chance to Hit shows the player's percent chance to hit the enemy with their attack.
- Accuracy Rating affects the likelihood an attack will be successful during combat. The player's Accuracy Rating is compared to the enemy's Evasion Rating when calculating the chance an attack will succeed.
- Damage Reduction (also referred to as DR) reduces any damage received by the percent shown.
- Evasion Rating affects the likelihood an attack will be avoided during combat. There are three types of Evasion Rating; Melee, Ranged, and Magic. The Attack Type being defended against affects which Evasion Rating will be used. The enemy's Accuracy Rating is compared to the player's Evasion Rating when calculating the chance an attack will be avoided.
- Prayer Points are gained by burying bones and are used to activate prayers during combat.
- Active Prayers provide bonuses to the player during combat and use Prayer Points to remain active. Up to two prayers can be active simultaneously, so long as the required Prayer Points are available.
Basic Combat
To fight monsters navigate to the combat page by selecting any combat skill from the left menu. The combat page contains three tabs containing the locations where monsters can be fought, above a section for equipment and combat stats. Browse combat areas, slayer areas, or dungeons to reveal a menu containing all the relevant locations. Selecting a location will display the enemies which can be found there, along with their Hitpoints, Combat Level, and Attack Type. Selecting "Fight" will begin combat. Combat will continue until the player runs, dies, or defeats the dungeon. Enemies are fought automatically. Combat skills can be trained in offline mode as long as it is toggled in the settings.
Combat skills are leveled by damaging enemies with weapons, and magic. To train a specific combat skill match the Attack Style icon with the relevant combat skill. The available Attack Styles will change depending on the type of weapon equipped. Most combat skills have a passive effect even when the relevant style is not selected. Weapons, armour, and food can be equipped for use by selecting them in the Bank. Weapons and armour provide bonuses and penalties to combat stats, while food can be used for healing in combat.
After each kill, it will take 3 seconds for the next monster to spawn.
Loot and Rewards
- See also Thieving#Loot
All monsters killed in combat and slayer areas will drop bones upon death, with a chance for additional loot based on the monster's type. The "Drops" option will display the possible loot drops a monster can give.
Any items enemies drop upon death must be looted manually by selecting "Loot All" or the item itself, unless the Amulet of Looting is equipped. If there are more than 100 stacks of loot, the oldest drop disappears. Bones stack and do not time out like other drops. Other drops do not stack even if they are of the same type.
With the Loot Container Stacking upgrade from the Shop all loot in the Loot Container will stack.
Combat Triangle
- See Combat Triangle
Food is very important at all stages of Combat.
There are 2 ways Food can be consumed:
- Manual Eating - This is when the player manually clicks on the Food button on the combat page to consume it to heal from it.
- Error creating thumbnail: File missingAuto Eat - This is an upgrade bought from the Shop to automatically Consume the Food to be healed from it when your Health drops below a certain threshold (the threshold depends on the Tier of the upgrade that has been unlocked).
Food can be obtained in several ways:
- Fishing Fish with Error creating thumbnail: File missingFishing to then turn it in to consumable Food withError creating thumbnail: File missingCooking
- Planting Seeds in Error creating thumbnail: File missingFarming that can be harvested after a certain time, this can be directly consumed. Some of the produce harvested can be further used inError creating thumbnail: File missingCooking to produce other Food that heals for more.
- This is a great way to passively generate Food
Food Box I contains a variety of Food, this requires
Error creating thumbnail: File missingTownship Level 40 as well as 40 Township Tasks to be completed and the Trader unlocked inError creating thumbnail: File missingTownship- Slayer Resupplies contain Food and can be bought for
Slayer Coins, these Resupplies also provide Ammo,
Light Rune and
Magic Bones for Prayer Points.
Auto Eat

Auto Eat Threshold
Auto Eat Threshold is the HP value necessary to trigger Auto Eat, lowering the necessary HP/DR required. In the base game, only one item affects the Auto Eat threshold:
Wasteful Ring - Drops from
Wicked Greater Dragon
The Shimmering Oasis
Auto Eat Efficiency
Auto Eat Efficiency increases the amount of HP healed per piece of food eaten. This can be found on:
- Error creating thumbnail: File missingCooking item mastery.
- Error creating thumbnail: File missingAstrology constellation modifiers.
- Error creating thumbnail: File missingAgility Obstacles.
Famished Potion.
Lifesteal heals the player for a portion of the damage they deal, it does not deal extra damage. When active, lifesteal will occur any time the player deals damage, where the amount healed is determined by the modifier's magnitude. For example, a +10% Lifesteal modifier will heal the player for 10% of any damage dealt.
Lifesteal can be specific to damage types, such as Melee Lifesteal, Magic Lifesteal, Bleed Lifesteal, Burn Lifesteal, Poison Lifesteal, and Lifesteal if target is Cursed.
Special Attacks
Special attacks can be used in combat to gain a slight advantage over the monster being fought. Equipping a weapon with a special attack will give your attacks a chance to perform a special attack. Only a select few high level weapons have special attacks. Several monsters can use special attacks against the player, including

Special Attacks cannot be used alongside Ancient Magicks.
Gaining Experience
Players can gain experience in nine different skills while training combat:
Experience boosts for the aforementioned skills can be found upon the Combat/Boosts, Attack/Boosts, Magic/Boosts, and Ranged/Boosts pages.
Receiving damage that would bring the player's totalAll items equipped have an equal chance of being lost. When the death penalty rolls to determine which item is lost, it starts by rolling a random equipment slot. If the player has nothing equipped in that slot (For example, if they are using Melee and do not have any Ammo equipped) nothing will be lost, and a message saying "Luck was on your side today. You lost nothing." will appear. If the Decoy Idol is equipped, it will always be the item lost.
How to idle monsters
In order to idle monsters, you will need to purchase Auto Eat which costs 1,000,000 from the Shop.
You normally are safe to idle monsters as long as you don't run out of Food, Ammo or Runes.
Other considerations
While most of this information can be found in the game, it can be difficult to check for dungeons, slayer tasks, and some late game monsters that have special attacks. Players have created tools to help check if you are safe to idle, but please note that they are liable to become out of date and inaccurate.
For more information:
- The Combat Simulator mod is suggested to determine whether or not a particular Monster or Dungeon can be safely fought with your particular setup
To learn about modding, see the Mods section of the FAQ.
Combat Mechanics
Combat Level
The first formula is used to calculate the player's Base Combat Level.
[math]\displaystyle{ \small{ \begin{aligned} \text{Base Combat Level} = 0.25 \times (\text{Defence Skill Level} + \text{Hitpoints Skill Level} + \lfloor 0.5 \times \text{Prayer Skill Level} \rfloor) \end{aligned}} }[/math]
The second set of formulas are used to calculate the player's Offensive Combat Levels, only the highest result is used.
[math]\displaystyle{ \small{\begin{aligned} \text{Melee Combat Level} &= \text{Attack Skill Level} + \text{Strength Skill Level} \\ \text{Ranged Combat Level} &= \lfloor 1.5 \times \text{Ranged Skill Level} \rfloor \\ \text{Magic Combat Level} &= \lfloor 1.5 \times \text{Magic Skill Level} \rfloor \end{aligned}} }[/math]
The third formula is used to calculate the player's Combat Level, rounded down to the nearest whole number.
[math]\displaystyle{ \small{\begin{aligned}\text{Combat Level} = \lfloor \text{Base Combat Level} + 0.325 \times \text{Highest Offensive Combat Level} \rfloor\end{aligned}} }[/math]
Where: [math]\displaystyle{ \left \lfloor x \right \rfloor }[/math] is the floor function.
Stun (Freeze)
Stun, also known as freeze, is a status effect that can be inflicted by both players and monsters. Stun can be applied for a number of turns by a special attack or a normal attack by the player if certain items are equipped. When an attack applies stun the current attack of the target is interrupted, including special attacks that are in progress. If the target is already stunned, it will not be applied again. When stunned, a stun timer counts down with a period equivalent to the target's attack speed. On completion of the timer the number of stun turns is decreased by one, and the status is removed if the resulting amount is zero. In addition to not being able to attack while stunned, a character cannot evade any attacks.
While a player or monster is stunned, they take 30% more damage.
While a player or monster is asleep, they take 20% more damage.
Hidden Skill Levels
The main Combat page has details on the specifics of the max hit, accuracy, and evasion equations the game uses to calculate your stats. In summary, levels inHidden Levels in any of these stats force these equations to use the player's base skill level (the one shown on the sidebar, equal to the amount of XP earned) AND the player's hidden levels, making the player more powerful than their stats would otherwise indicate. Additionally, hidden levels allow the formulas to calculate stats beyond the level cap.
- A character that is level 15 Strength with +5 Hidden Strength Levels would calculate their Melee Max Hit based on their Effective Level of 20
- A character that is level 99 with +5 Hidden Strength Levels would calculate their Melee Max Hit based on their Effective Level of 104, even when their level is capped and can't go any higher.
Special Attacks
Special Attacks are typically found on weapons or jewelry and have a percentage chance of triggering when in combat and will replace your standard attack. If the player has multiple items that grant a special attack, and the combined total adds to greater than 100%, the game will attempt to normalize the chance of using either attack. For example, if the player is wearing both an Ancient Sword and a
Ring of Blade Echoes, the player will have a 50% chance of using Life Leach, and a 50% chance of using Blade Echoes. A list of equipment and spells with special attacks can be viewed on the Special Attacks page.
Accuracy Rating
The calculation used to determine the player's accuracy rating is broadly the same for all combat styles, with some parameters varying depending on the player's current attack type and style:
Attack Type | Attack Style | Skill Level | Attack Bonus Stat |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Melee |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Stab |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Attack |
Stab attack bonus |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Slash |
Slash attack bonus | ||
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Block |
Block attack bonus | ||
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Ranged |
All | Error creating thumbnail: File missing Ranged |
Ranged attack bonus |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Magic |
All | Error creating thumbnail: File missing Magic |
Magic attack bonus |
The first formula is used to determine the player's effective skill level:
[math]\displaystyle{ \small{\text{Effective Skill Level} = \text{Standard Skill Level} + \text{Hidden Skill Level}} }[/math]
Where 'Standard Skill Level' is the player's skill level as seen in the left-hand navigation bar (up to a maximum of 99, or 120 with
Next, the base accuracy bonus should be calculated. This is the sum of the relevant attack bonus statistic provided by all currently equipped equipment (as seen in the Equipment Stats interface), plus:
- Error creating thumbnail: File missingMelee
- Error creating thumbnail: File missingRanged
- +15 if fighting a Error creating thumbnail: File missingMagic monster while theError creating thumbnail: File missingWitch/Error creating thumbnail: File missingCentaur synergy is active
- The additional ranged attack bonus provided by
Stormsnap if equipped, the formula for this is included on the bow's page
- +15 if fighting a
Finally, the player's accuracy rating can then be calculated as:
[math]\displaystyle{ \text{Accuracy Rating} = \left \lfloor \left (\text{Effective Skill Level} + 9 \right ) \times \left (\text{Base Accuracy Bonus} + 64 \right ) \times \left (1 + \frac{\text{Accuracy Modifier}}{100} \right ) \right \rfloor }[/math]
Where: [math]\displaystyle{ \left \lfloor x \right \rfloor }[/math] is the floor function.
Chance to Hit
To calculate the chance an attack will hit, the Accuracy Rating of the attacker is compared to the relevant Evasion Rating of the target. If the attacker's Accuracy Rating is lower than the defender's evasion rating the formula is as follows:
[math]\displaystyle{ \small{ \begin{aligned} \text{Percentage Hit Chance} = \frac{\text{Attacker Accuracy Rating}}{2 \times \text{Target Evasion Rating}} \times 100 \end{aligned}} }[/math]
Otherwise, the attacker's Accuracy Rating is higher than or equal to the target's Evasion Rating, and the formula is instead:
[math]\displaystyle{ \small{ \begin{aligned} \text{Percentage Hit Chance} = \left ( 1 - \frac{\text{Target Evasion Rating}}{2 \times\text{Attacker Accuracy Rating}} \right ) \times 100 \end{aligned}} }[/math]
When the attacker's Accuracy Rating and the target's Evasion Rating are the same, the chance to hit is 50%. The higher the attacker's Accuracy Rating is above the targets Evasion Rating, the less valuable each point will be. At double the target's Evasion Rating, the attacker will hit 75% of the time, at triple, the attacker will hit 83.3% of the time.
Max Hit
Melee and Ranged Max Hit
First, calculate the player's effective[math]\displaystyle{ \small{\text{Effective Skill Level} = \text{Standard Skill Level} + \text{Hidden Skill Level}} }[/math]
Where 'Standard Skill Level' is the player's skill level as seen in the left-hand navigation bar (up to a maximum of 99), while 'Hidden Skill Level' is the sum of any hidden skill level bonuses, such as those granted byNext, the strength bonus should be calculated. This is the sum of the relevant statistic provided by all currently equipped equipment (as seen in the Equipment Stats interface), where the relevant statistic is:
- Melee strength bonus for Error creating thumbnail: File missingMelee
- Ranged strength bonus for Error creating thumbnail: File missingRanged
Given these figures, the base max hit (i.e. max hit before modifiers) is then calculated as:
[math]\displaystyle{ \text{Base Max Hit} = \left \lfloor M \times \left ( 2.2 + \frac{\text{Effective Skill Level}}{10} + \frac{(\text{Effective Skill Level} + 17) \times \text{Strength Bonus}}{640} \right ) \right \rfloor }[/math]
Where [math]\displaystyle{ M }[/math] varies based on the Game Mode being played, and is equal to:
- 10 if playing Standard, Error creating thumbnail: File missingHardcore, or
Ancient Relics mode
- 100 if playing
Adventure mode
This base max hit is then adjusted by the percentage and flat max hit modifiers to arrive at the final max hit figure, where the modifiers include both global max hit increases as well as increases specific to the relevant attack type:
[math]\displaystyle{ \text{Max Hit} = \left \lfloor \text{Base Max Hit} \times \left ( 1 + \frac{\text{Percentage Max Hit Modifier}}{100} \right ) \right \rfloor + \text{Flat Max Hit Modifier} }[/math]
Magic Max Hit
The player's Max Hit with spells changes depending on the spell being used. A spell's max hit is listed in the spell's description and is different for every spell. Magic Damage Bonus can be found in the Equipment Stats interface.
For Ancient Magick spells the max hit is simply as stated in the spell's description, and cannot be increased by the Magic Damage Bonus stat or any max hit modifiers - only the Combat Triangle damage bonus/penalty applies.
For standard spells, first determine the max hit stated in the spell's description along with the player's effective[math]\displaystyle{ \text{Base Max Hit} = \left \lfloor \text{Spell Max Hit} \times \left ( 1 + \frac{\text{Magic Damage Bonus}}{100} \right ) \times \left ( 1 + \frac{\text{Effective Magic Level} + 1}{200} \right ) \right \rfloor }[/math]
This base max hit is then adjusted by the percentage and flat max hit modifiers to arrive at the final max hit figure, where the modifiers include both global and magic max hit increases. Any damage increases with the same element as the spell being used (such as that provided by the Cloudburst Staff) are also added to the flat max hit modifier:
[math]\displaystyle{ \text{Max Hit} = \left \lfloor \text{Base Max Hit} \times \left ( 1 + \frac{\text{Percentage Max Hit Modifier}}{100} \right ) \right \rfloor + \text{Flat Max Hit Modifier} }[/math]
Minimum Hit
For Special Attacks the minimum hit varies depending on the attack. Otherwise, for normal attacks the base minimum hit starts at 1. To this base value, both modifiers for "+X% of Maximum Hit added to Minimum Hit" as well as increased flat minimum hit damage are applied. In addition, if a spell from the standard or Archaic spellbook is being used then element specific modifiers granting flat minimum hit damage for the same element as the spell being used are also included. The minimum hit is at least 1, and no more than the max hit.
The minimum hit calculation for normal attacks is therefore:
[math]\displaystyle{ \begin{aligned}\text{Min Hit} = \min(\max(&\left \lfloor 1 + \text{Max Hit} \times \text{Percentage Max Hit added to Min Hit Modifier} \right \rfloor \\ &+ \text{Flat Min Hit Modifier}, 1), \text{Max Hit})\end{aligned} }[/math]
Calculating Damage Dealt
When the player hits with a normal attack, the game calculates how much damage the player actually does by rolling a number between their minimum hit and maximum hit for the chosen combat style and then applying post-roll modifiers.
Some effects are applied after the damage roll is done. The main two are enemy Damage Reduction and Player Modifiers that affect damage to all monsters or to a subset of monsters such as Slayer Monsters or Boss Monsters. These modifiers can increase the player's damage beyond their listed maximum hit.
Ancient Magick spells are not affected by post-roll modifiers aside from enemy Damage Reduction, although weapon special attacks that do a fixed amount of damage are.
Damage Reduction
Damage Reduction, or DR, is the most important stat in the game. Damage Reduction,- Gear for all 3 Combat Styles
Jewelry - Can be obtained through
Error creating thumbnail: File missingCrafting,Error creating thumbnail: File missingCombat, orError creating thumbnail: File missingThievingDamage Reduction Potions - Obtained from
Error creating thumbnail: File missingHerblore orError creating thumbnail: File missingCartography- Error creating thumbnail: File missingLeonardo -Error creating thumbnail: File missingDefence Pet
- Error creating thumbnail: File missingErran -Error creating thumbnail: File missingEarth God Dungeon Pet
- Error creating thumbnail: File missingAgility Obstacles
- Error creating thumbnail: File missingPrayer
- Error creating thumbnail: File missingBattleheart - Prayer, reduces enemy DR
Shield of Ranged Power
Shield of Magic Power
Shield of Melee Power
Ring of Power
Damage Types
Most weapons and enemies in the game deal Normal Damage, but there are other types of damage that a player may encounter. Each type of damage has its own form of damage negation. Equipping weapons that deal a certain damage type is required to enter combat with some monsters, particularly in theLocation | Damage Type | Resistance Type |
Melvor Realm | Normal Damage | Damage Reduction |
Strongholds | Pure Damage | None |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Abyssal Realm
Abyssal Damage | Abyssal Resistance |
Normal Damage
Normal Damage is the standard form of damage found on all player Weapons and all Monsters. The player and all monsters have access to Damage Reduction that makes them take less of this type of damage.
Pure Damage
Pure Damage is dealt by all monsters in Strongholds. While Pure Resistance exists, it is not found on any pieces of equipment and has no source for the player. Monsters that deal Pure Damage have either Damage Reduction or Abyssal Resistance, depending on the Realm in which they are found.
Abyssal Damage
Abyssal Damage is dealt by all monsters in theAdditional Damage Types
ExpandThe following content contains spoilers! Expand to view. |
Critical Hit
With specific pieces of equipment, there is a chance that hits dealt by the player may become critical. A critical hit increases the damage done by 50% and can be increased with Crit Multiplier boosts. This increase is multiplicative with any other damage increasing bonuses currently in effect.
The player's critical chance starts at 0% (at which point critical hits do not occur), and can be increased with Crit Chance boosts. Having a Crit Chance above 100% will not provide any additional chance of extra damage.
Damage Per Hit, Average Hit, and Damage Per Second
If a player or monster successfully connects with an attack, the damage dealt will be a random integer value between their minimum and maximum hit (inclusive). This random value is uniformly distributed, or in other words any value between and including the minimum and maximum hit is equally likely to be rolled.
Damage Reduction is applied after this initial damage per hit is calculated, which means it is possible for a player to deal less than their minimum hit against a monster that has Damage Reduction.
The player's average hit is thus:
[math]\displaystyle{ \text{Average Hit} = \frac{\text{Max Hit} + \text{Min Hit}}{2} \times (1 - \text{Enemy DR}) }[/math]
And their damage per second can be calculated as:
[math]\displaystyle{ \text{DPS} = \frac{\text{Average Hit}}{\text{Attack Speed (Seconds)}} \times \text{Hit Chance} }[/math]
Reflect Damage
With this effect, whenever the player takes damage, they will also deal a portion of that damage immediately back to the enemy. Reflect does NOT reduce the amount of damage taken. Reflect damage cannot kill an enemy or the player, does not provide XP, and has a 2 second cooldown before it can activate again.
This effect can be found on:
Gold Sapphire Ring
Recoil Shield
- Error creating thumbnail: File missingAstrology constellationError creating thumbnail: File missingTellus.
Monster Respawn Time
After killing any monster, there will be a respawn time of 3 seconds before the next monster appears. During this time the player cannot deal damage, and therefore cannot gain XP. This means that a monster respawning can be considered a guaranteed miss (or two). Respawn time is capped at 0.25s.
This timer can be reduced with the following effects:
- Error creating thumbnail: File missingLava Jump
- Error creating thumbnail: File missingDragon Fight
- Error creating thumbnail: File missingPillar of Combat
Hunters Hat
Monster Hunter Scroll
Passive Effects
Beyond just Combat stats, many pieces of equipment have passive effects that increase stats that don't directly make the player better in combat.
Gold Topaz Ring - This item allows the player to receive
Signet Ring Half (b) from Combat, needed for
Aorpheat's Signet Ring. This is a highly sought after Ring for its wide arrange of benefits.
- Increases to
Slayer Coins and
Gold Pieces
- Double Loot - This allows for double the Items gained from both Combat and Non-Combat
Evasion Rating
The calculation used to determine the player's evasion rating varies depending on the attack type the player is defending against. Each requires the calculation of effective skill levels, the formula for which is as follows:
[math]\displaystyle{ \small{\text{Effective Skill Level} = \text{Standard Skill Level} + \text{Hidden Skill Level}} }[/math]
In addition, the player's evasion modifier need to be known. This is the sum of all global evasion rating and the relevant attack type's evasion rating increases, provided from places such as Potions,Melee and Ranged Evasion Rating
First determine the relevant defence bonus, this will be the melee defence bonus for theGiven this, the evasion rating is then:
[math]\displaystyle{ \text{Evasion Rating} = \left \lfloor \left ( \text{Effective Defence Level} + 9 \right ) \times \left ( \text{Defence Bonus} + 64 \right ) \times \left ( 1 + \frac{\text{Evasion Modifier}}{100} \right ) \right \rfloor }[/math]
Magic Evasion Rating
The calculation for Magic evasion is slightly different from that for Melee and Ranged. The defence bonus used should naturally be the magic defence bonus. In addition, the effective defence level becomes a calculation that factors in both the player's effective Defence and Magic levels:
[math]\displaystyle{ \small{\text{Effective Level} = \left \lfloor 0.3 \times \text{Effective Defence Level} + 0.7 \times \text{Effective Magic Level} \right \rfloor} }[/math]
Then the magic evasion rating becomes:
[math]\displaystyle{ \text{Evasion Rating} = \left \lfloor \left ( \text{Effective Level} + 9 \right ) \times \left ( \text{Magic Defence Bonus} + 64 \right ) \times \left ( 1 + \frac{\text{Evasion Modifier}}{100} \right ) \right \rfloor }[/math]
Slayer Area Effect Negation
Slayer Area Effect Negation reduces the effect of Slayer Area debuffs when fighting in one of these areas. These can range from annoying (- Error creating thumbnail: File missingPillar of Combat
Hunter's Ring - Drops from
Hunting Greater Dragon.
- All
Error creating thumbnail: File missingSlayer armor from the shop (higher tier provides more).Slayer Skillcape
Perilous Peaks Point of Interest in
Error creating thumbnail: File missingCartography
Melvor Idle version v1.3.1 (Released: 30th October 2024) |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Combat: Error creating thumbnail: File missing Attack • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Strength • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Defence • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Hitpoints • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Ranged • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Magic • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Prayer • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Slayer • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Corruption
Skills: Error creating thumbnail: File missing Farming • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Township • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Woodcutting • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Fishing • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Firemaking • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Cooking • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Mining • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Smithing • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Thieving • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Fletching • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Crafting • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Runecrafting • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Herblore • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Agility • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Summoning • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Astrology • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Alternative Magic • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Cartography • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Archaeology • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Harvesting
Other: Error creating thumbnail: File missing Beginners Guide • ![]() Error creating thumbnail: File missing Bank • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Combat • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Mastery • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Money Making • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Shop • ![]() ![]() Error creating thumbnail: File missing Golbin Raid • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Full Version • ![]() Error creating thumbnail: File missing Into the Abyss
Reference Tables: Items, Equipment, Experience Table, Upgrading Items, Combat Areas, Slayer Areas, Dungeons, Strongholds, The Abyss, Monsters |