From Melvor Idle
Allows you to get a table by listing the relevant obstacles.
Parameter | Default Value | Description |
showtotals | false
Indicates whether total costs/requirements/bonusses should be shown. |
showbonus | true
Indicates whether the bonuses column should be shown. |
showrequirements | true
Indicates whether the requirements column should be shown. |
showcosts | true
Indicates whether the costs column should be shown. |
gpCostReduction | 0
The amount of GP cost reduction, if any. (0-100) |
scCostReduction | 0
The amount of SC cost reduction, if any. (0-100) |
itemCostReduction | 0
The amount of item cost reduction, if any. (0-100) |
{{AgilityCourseTable |Rope Climb |Monkey Bars |Balance Seesaw |Elite Pillar of Conflict |showtotals = false |gpCostReduction = 0 |scCostReduction = 0 |itemCostReduction = 0 }}
Turns into the following table:
Slot | Obstacle | Bonuses | Requirements | Costs |
1 | Error creating thumbnail: File missing Rope Climb | +2% Thieving Mastery XP | Error creating thumbnail: File missing Level 1 | 10,000 |
2 | Error creating thumbnail: File missing Monkey Bars | -4% Firemaking Interval | Error creating thumbnail: File missing Level 10Error creating thumbnail: File missing Level 15 | 50,000 250 ![]() |
3 | Error creating thumbnail: File missing Balance Seesaw | +2% Agility Mastery XP +2% Agility Skill XP | Error creating thumbnail: File missing Level 20 | 150,000 |
Elite Pillar | Error creating thumbnail: File missing Elite Pillar of Conflict | +10% Lifesteal +35% Flat Slayer Area Effect Negation +25% Chance To Preserve Prayer Points -3 Prayer Point Cost for Prayers (Cost cannot go below 1) +50% Hitpoint Regeneration +350% GP from Combat | Error creating thumbnail: File missing Level 120 | 250,000,000 3,000,000 10,000 ![]() 10,000 ![]() |