
From Melvor Idle

A script is used to generate the following table. To use, open the game and paste the below into the console. The outputs will be copied to your clipboard automatically. After running the script, 'edit source' on Template:CorruptionsTable then Ctrl+A and Ctrl+V. Look over the contents to ensure everything looks fine.

const EFFECT_ICON_MODIFICATIONS = [{ effect: 'Bleed' }, { effect: 'Slow' }, { effect: 'Laceration' }, { effect: 'Ablaze' }, { effect: 'Blight' }, { effect: 'Fear' }, { effect: 'Silence' }];
const LINKS_MODIFICATIONS = [ { effect: 'Attack Interval' },  { effect: 'Lifesteal' },  { effect: 'Accuracy Rating' },  { effect: 'Global Evasion' }];
const ICON_MODIFICATIONS = [ { effect: 'Unholy Prayers' }, { effect: 'Barrier' }, { effect: 'Abyssal Resistance' }];
[...EFFECT_ICON_MODIFICATIONS, ...LINKS_MODIFICATIONS, ...ICON_MODIFICATIONS].forEach(x => x["regex"] = new RegExp("\\b" + x.effect + "\\b", "ig"));

const modifyDescription = (text) => {
	EFFECT_ICON_MODIFICATIONS.forEach((x, i) => { text = text.replace(x.regex, `{{EffectIcon|${x.effect}}}`); });
	LINKS_MODIFICATIONS.forEach((x, i) => { text = text.replace(x.regex, `[[${x.effect}]]`); });
	ICON_MODIFICATIONS.forEach((x, i) => { text = text.replace(x.regex, `{{Icon|${x.effect}}}`); });
	text = text.replace('Global Accuracy', '[[Accuracy Rating|Global Accuracy]]');
	return text

let results = [`<noinclude>{{/doc}}[[Category:Manual Tables]]</noinclude>\n{| class="wikitable sortable"\n|-\n! Min Monster Lvl\n! Effect`];
game.corruption.corruptionEffects.allRows.sort((a,b) => a.minMonsterLevel - b.minMonsterLevel).forEach(row => {
	let description = modifyDescription(row.customDescription),
		monsterLevelReq = row.minMonsterLevel ? numberWithCommas(row.minMonsterLevel) : 'Starts Unlocked';
	results.push(`|data-sort-value="${row.minMonsterLevel}"| ${monsterLevelReq}\n| <span class="text-positive">${description}</span>`);
let output = ``;results.forEach((alias, i) => output += alias + (i === results.length - 1 ? '\n|}' : `\n|-\n`));console.log(output);
self.nw?.Clipboard.get().set ? self.nw?.Clipboard?.get().set(output, 'text') : copy(output);