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From Melvor Idle
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If you have questions for me or any of the guides I created / edited, you can reach me on the [[Discord]] in the #wiki-discussion channel @Purple

{{UnderConstruction|Page will get a Major Overhaul Tomorrow ((9th of June 2034)}}
If you like / follow the Dungeon Guides, please read [[Introduction to the Dungeon Guides]].

'''BIG DISCLAIMER The site is currently being actively worked on, please check back in a few hours for an updated version of this page. '''
'''The Fishing Advice was removed as it was a terrible suggestion, alternative methods for bank slots / GP will be offered in the new version'''

Melvor Idle is a cut down RPG game with many hidden depths. There is no right or wrong way to progress in the game, and you will rarely (if ever) be punished for experimenting. Melvor Idle is about the journey not the destination.
To do list:
# write combat/dungeon progression
# rework beginners guide
# add ItA AR dungeon guides - Done
# Revisit Xon AR to get deathrates to 0
# add idle setups for AR sections of dungeon guides - Done
# redo exodius guide
# add note on using magic to what to level first - Done


=The Wiki=

The Melvor Wiki is a majority community lead project. The raw data is imported directly from the game. This includes the pages with Monster, Item, Area, Spell, Skill Information/Data. One can almost guarantee that the information on those pages matches in-game content 100%.
= combat guide prep =


This guide is primarily written for characters playing the [[Game Mode#Standard|Standard]] game mode. If playing {{Icon|Hardcore}} or {{Icon|Adventure}} modes, preparation for certain events is different due to the differences in the [[Combat Triangle]]. This guide will assume there are no self-imposed restrictions put upon the account, if you choose to restrict your character in some way, you have to figure out how to get around it.

As mentioned, the rest of the wiki is written by users/players such as yourself. Although there are a few Discord Administrators/Moderators that (occasionally) participate in helping on the Wiki, the majority is done by Players. There is no active professional team that keeps the wiki up to date. This is done to the best of the abilities of the people maintaining the Wiki, but things do fall through the cracks. If you notice something that is incorrect/misspelled/out of date or just could be better in general, feel free to create your own Wiki Account and edit it!
Progression in Melvor Idle primarily revolves around combat; while there is of course progression in all of the non-combat skills, that progression all serves to make you better at combat. There are several different stages to progression:
* The Early-Early Game:
** This stage mainly focuses on getting ready to start combat.
* The Early Game:
** This stage is generally referred to as the start of combat up to Combat Skill Levels up to Level 60-ish. This stage covers [[Dungeons]] up to {{ZoneIcon|Volcanic Cave}}.
* The Mid Game:
** This stage consists of Combat Skill Levels 60-90 and covers the [[Dungeons]] {{ZoneIcon|Volcanic Cave}} up to and including {{ZoneIcon|Fire God Dungeon}}.
* The Late Game:
** This is when the player is preparing to take on the last 2 Base Game [[Dungeons]] {{ZoneIcon|Into the Mist}} and {{ZoneIcon|Impending Darkness Event}}.
* The Post Base Game:
** Here the player finishes any achievements that haven't been mopped up yet, with the goal of filling the completion log with anything that hasn't been worth the time. It is up to the player to either go for 100% Base Game completion or continue on with the {{ExpansionIcon|TotH}} or the {{ExpansionIcon|ItA}}.

Every edit is monitored by other Players and Discord Moderators; egregious edits will be undone/removed. They can also be discussed on the "talk" pages on the Wiki or on the Melvor Discord in the #wiki-discussion channel. This channel is open for:
The guide will start with an overview on how combat works, the stats, and what items affect them. It will also contain resources to [[Guides]]. Remember that the majority of things mentioned in [[Guides]] are ''recommendations'' and are not always the most optimal. The [[Guides#Dungeon_Guides|Dungeon Guides]] and the Training Guides for {{Skill|Melee}}, {{Skill|Magic}} and {{Skill|Ranged}} offer a minimum required and/or recommended setup. They are however not optimized for every situation. To get more precise results for any given situation it will always be recommended to use the [[Combat Simulator]] yourself.

*Reporting incorrect data or spelling that you either don't know how to edit or simply don't want to edit.
= Using Non-Combat to improve at Combat =
*Suggestions of what need to be changed to be more optimal for User experience
There are several non-combat skills that improve various parts of the combat experience:
*Pointing out very out of date Guides that don't actually work anymore, these will usually get a huge disclaimer on them until they can be worked on
*People wanting to Contribute and feel like they have things to say / information to impart
*If you don't have the time or the know how to edit on the Wiki, simply pass on what you'd want done, or perhaps ask players in the channel to teach you how to do it

* {{Skill|Agility}} - Many of the obstacles provide important combat bonuses.
* {{Skill|Herblore}} - {{Icon|Diamond Luck Potion|Diamond Luck Potions}} are among the highest DPS boosts in the game.
* {{Skill|Thieving}} - There are a multitude of useful item drops from several NPCs, including {{ItemIcon|Chapeau Noir}}, {{ItemIcon|Knight's Defender}}, and others.
* {{Skill|Astrology}} - Many powerful and important passive benefits, including [[#Hidden Skill Levels|Hidden Skill Levels]], which provide further combat bonuses.
* {{Skill|Summoning}} - Tablets provide boosts to combat effectiveness and deal damage on their own.
* {{Skill|Cooking}} - Cook food to eat so you don't die!
* {{Skill|Farming}} - Farm food to eat so you don't die! Farming is particularly useful because it does not require you to actively spend time on it, you can farm food 'while doing combat' for example.

Other skills helpful for smooth progression include:

When following guides, please check the version in which this was published; some guides are very out of date or no longer relevant. There's work being done on updating them, but writing a good guide takes time and the current dedicated editing team is small. We'll welcome any help we can get, no matter how small or big.  
* {{Skill|Smithing}} - {{Skill|Attack|Melee}} armor and weapons.
* {{Skill|Fletching}} - {{Skill|Ranged}} ammunition and weapons.
* {{Skill|Crafting}} - Jewelry with unique effects and {{Skill|Ranged}} armor.
* {{Skill|Runecrafting}} - {{Skill|Magic}} armor, runes and weapons.
* {{Skill|Township}} - The Trader can be used to exchange goods for food and consumable items that make combat easier.
* {{Skill|Township}} - Township also has many Tasks available that grant rewards to players for achieving certain accomplishments or having certain items, using these is a great way to find something to do if you're unsure.

= Goal of this Guide =
Melvor Idle is not competitive, so it is recommended to set goals that you personally want and work towards. The game will take a very long time to complete, so anything you can do to make it more fun for YOU is hugely recommended; using a weapon that you personally think is cool or useful, or not using an item because the grind isn't fun is perfectly acceptable and makes the game more interesting!
This guide gives one method for how to start your Melvor Idle journey. The goal is to give players a helping hand in the early stages of the game. It is in no way complete, or optimal for all play styles.

<!-- i assume this "here" link is WIP -->
= Food =
There are several ways to play this game. Some choices can be found [here]

[[Food]] is very important at all stages of Combat. <br>
There are 2 ways [[Food]] can be consumed:
* [[Manual Eating]] - This is when the player manually clicks on the [[Food]] button on the combat page to consume it to heal from it.
* {{UpgradeIcon|Auto Eat}} - This is an upgrade bought from the [[Shop]] to automatically Consume the [[Food]] to be healed from it when your [[Health]] drops below a certain threshold (the threshold depends on the Tier of the upgrade that has been unlocked).

= Why not to use this guide?=
[[Food]] can be obtained in several ways:
There are many reasons that this guide may not be useful:
* Fishing Fish with {{Skill|Fishing}} to then turn it in to consumable Food with {{Skill|Cooking}}
*This guide is intended for Standard and {{Icon|Hardcore|nolink=true}} [[Game Mode|Game Modes]]:
* Planting [[Seeds]] in {{Skill|Farming}} that can be harvested after a certain time, this can be directly consumed. Some of the produce harvested can be further used in {{Skill|Cooking}} to produce other [[Food]] that heals for more.
**If you are playing {{Icon|Adventure|nolink=true}} game-mode then please refer to the [[Adventure/Guide]].
* {{ItemIcon|Food Box I}} contains a variety of [[Food]], this requires {{Skill|Township}} Level 40 as well as 40 [[Tasks|Township Tasks]] to be completed and the Trader unlocked in {{Skill|Township}}
**If you are playing {{AoD}} [[Ancient Relics]] game-mode then please refer to the [[Ancient Relics/Guide]].
* [[Slayer Resupplies]] contain [[Food]] and can be bought for {{SC}}Slayer Coins, these Resupplies also provide [[Ammo]], {{ItemIcon|Light Rune}} and {{ItemIcon|Magic Bones}} for [[Prayer Points]].

=Before you start=
= Stats =
In general:
All gear has certain stats that link it to one of the three combat styles: {{Skill|Attack|Melee}}, {{Skill|Ranged}}, or {{Skill|Magic}}. Gear that is more difficult to obtain is ''usually'' better. Closer to endgame, the choices become more situational.  
*This game is meant to be idled - this means that it is intended that you do not actively play this game, but instead do other things, such as go on a walk, or visit the zoo! And when you come back, hopefully you will start to see some progress, but do not expect to complete this game in a week.
**This game however also some more active play when it comes to the combat. You can spend as little or as much time as you want optimizing your farming there.
*Items and equipment will give you small benefits that stack up over time, so do not expect to be a Melvor god after you have completed all of the steps outlined below - you will still have ''a lot'' of gameplay left, and the expansions are a great investment if you are yearning for more!
* You should expect some parts of these guide to take many days and weeks to complete, so feel free to deviate from the guide at any time.
*Offline progress is capped to 24-hours, and so once you start following these steps, you may feel it necessary to keep the game running continuously, or feel the need to check-in on progress regularly. If you do need a break, this is ok - the progress cap might feel like a limitation at first, but it also means that your township doesn't fall into disarray after a long break.
**If you're unable or unwilling to log in within the 24 hour timespan, there's the option to download the "Unlimited Offline" [[Mods|Mod]]. Please be aware that the longer you stay offline with that mod, the longer it will take for the game to load in.

=Skills That Boost Other Skills=
''For stat breakdowns and math, use the [[Combat Simulator]] or read the {{Icon|Combat}} page.''

These skills are mostly centered around "if you invest in this skill, other skills will get stronger". Some of these skills also provide some direction about what order to work on other skills, because the bonuses to work on other skills come in a certain order. For the sake of simplicity, this section only discusses non-combat bonuses. See the full skill page for how they provide buffs for combat skills.
== Attack Interval ==
{{Main|Reference=Attack Interval}}
[[Attack Interval]] is determined primarily by the default Attack Interval on weapons and affects how long it takes between attacks. It is given as seconds per attack, so a lower number is better. A variety of things, such as [[Equipment]], [[Pets]], [[Spells]], and {{Skill|Prayer|Prayers}} can provide a reduction to the player's attack interval.

There is a far more comprehensive list of what Skills do exactly to be found at [[Beginners Guide]].
A complete listing of things that effect the player's attack interval is provided on the [[Attack Interval]] page.

If you wish to see how Skills effect other Skills please expand the column below.
== Damage Reduction ==
{{Main|Reference=Damage Reduction}}

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''Damage Reduction'', or DR, is the most important stat in the game. Damage Reduction, {{Skill|Hitpoints}}, and {{UpgradeIcon|Auto Eat}} tier are all taken into account when considering how much damage the player can take before being able to [[Death|die]]. Damage Reduction can be found on:

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* {{ItemIcon|(G) Dragon Platebody|notext=true}}{{ItemIcon|(U) Black D-hide Body|notext=true}}{{ItemIcon|Air Expert Wizard Robes|notext=true}}- Gear for all 3 Combat Styles
|+Meta Skills
* {{ItemIcon|Silver Diamond Ring|notext=true}}{{ItemIcon|Guardian Ring|notext=true}} Jewelry - Can be obtained through {{Skill|Crafting}}, {{Icon|Combat}}, or {{Skill|Thieving}}
* {{Icon|Damage Reduction Potion|Damage Reduction Potions}} - Obtained from {{Skill|Herblore}} or {{Skill|Cartography}}
!Skill!!Description!!Order of unlocks for other skills
* {{PetIcon|Leonardo}} - {{Skill|Defence}} Pet
* {{PetIcon|Erran}} - {{ZoneIcon|Earth God Dungeon}} Pet
|{{Skill|Astrology}}|| style="width: 50%" |This is the most straightforward Skill Boosting-skill. Study constellations to unlock permanent bonuses for the respective skills. Note that it takes a lot of investment in Astrology before Astrology buffs itself.||* {{Skill|Farming}} <br> * {{Skill|Woodcutting}} <br> * {{Skill|Smithing}} <br> * {{Skill|Firemaking}} <br> * {{Skill|Fishing}} <br> * {{Skill|Mining}} <br> * {{Skill|Cooking}} <br> * {{AoD}}{{Skill|Cartography}} <br> * {{Skill|Archaeology}} <br> * {{Skill|Fletching}} <br> * {{Skill|Runecrafting}} <br> * {{Skill|Agility}} <br> * {{Skill|Thieving}} <br> * {{Skill|Crafting}} <br> * {{Skill|Herblore}} <br> * {{Skill|Summoning}} <br> * {{TotH}} {{Skill|Astrology}}
* {{Skill|Agility}} Obstacles
* {{Skill|Prayer}}
|{{Skill|Summoning}}||Create Summoning tablets that provide a small bonus to the corresponding skill, using a combination of materials that use ingredients from the skill and materials you buy for GP. Unlock much stronger bonuses by using [[synergies]] after progressing in multiple different summons.||* {{Skill|Woodcutting}} <br> * {{Skill|Mining}} <br> * {{Skill|Fishing}} <br> * {{Skill|Cooking}} <br> * {{Skill|Runecrafting}} <br> * {{Skill|Thieving}} <br> * {{Skill|Crafting}} <br> * {{Skill|Smithing}} <br> * {{Skill|Herblore}} <br> * {{Skill|Firemaking}}  <br> * {{TotH}} {{Skill|Agility}} <br> * {{TotH}} {{Skill|Astrology}} <br> * {{TotH}} {{Skill|Fletching}}  <br> * {{TotH}} {{Skill|Summoning}}
|{{Skill|Firemaking}}||Firemaking provides flat percentage bonuses for all skills: skill XP in the form of {{ItemIcon|Firemaking Skillcape}}, and mastery XP from the pool checkpoint and achieving 99 item mastery. It's also required to unlock better [[Cooking|cooking fires]].||* {{Skill|Cooking}}

For the end game, there are some {{Skill|Prayer|Prayers}} and items that affect enemies' DR:
|{{Skill|Herblore}}||Most skills have at least one potion that provides a bonus. For non-combat skills, these potions are usually increased output of resources, but there are some important exceptions for speeding up progression.||* {{Skill|Firemaking}} - {{ItemIcon|Controlled Heat Potion}} <br> * {{Skill|Astrology}} - {{ItemIcon|Secret Stardust Potion}} <br> * {{Skill|Mining}} - {{ItemIcon|Perfect Swing Potion}} <br> * {{Skill|Agility}} - {{ItemIcon|Performance Enhancing Potion}} <br> * {{Skill|Runecrafting}} - {{ItemIcon|Elemental Potion}}
* {{PrayerIcon|Battleheart}} - Prayer, reduces enemy DR
* {{ItemIcon|Shield of Ranged Power}}
|{{Skill|Agility}}||Build obstacles that provide fixed bonuses to specific skills. The higher your skill level, the more obstacles you can build, at higher tiers. However, these obstacles also get progressively more difficult to build, both in terms of money and in terms of items, but they also have some of the strongest bonuses in the game. As you progress in Melvor, you will find yourself swapping between obstacles reasonable often.||Agility has too many bonuses with complicated ordering, so it's difficult to enumerate them like in the previous sections. Please see the {{Skill|Agility}} page for full information.
* {{ItemIcon|Shield of Magic Power}}
* {{ItemIcon|Shield of Melee Power}}
* {{ItemIcon|Ring of Power}}
* {{PetIcon|Bone}}

== Auto Eat ==
{{Main|Reference=Auto Eat}}
''{{UpgradeIcon|Auto Eat}}'' is an upgrade that automatically eats equipped food after a certain health threshold. '''Upgrading this as quickly as possible is critical.''' Auto Eat Tier, along with {{Skill|Hitpoints}} and Damage Reduction controls what content is accessible without a chance of death.

== Raw Material Gathering Skills ==
With {{UpgradeIcon|Auto Eat}}, the type of food does not matter as long as one does not run out of it. Eating either {{ItemIcon|Potatoes}} or {{ItemIcon|Whale (Perfect)}} will both keep the player alive as long as they have enough of either. The main difference between any given food sources is the time spent {{Skill|Cooking}}, {{Skill|Fishing}} or {{Skill|Farming}} instead of fighting monsters.

These skills provide items that usually aren't useful for themselves, but are very important for doing other skills. <br> {{Skill|Herblore}} and {{Skill|Agility}} aren't explicitly included because the materials for these skills come from everywhere.
=== Auto Eat Threshold ===
''Auto Eat Threshold'' is the HP value necessary to trigger Auto Eat, lowering the necessary HP/DR required. In the base game, only one item affects the Auto Eat threshold:

If you wish to look at which Skills power which other Skills, please expand the table below. <!-- below? isn't the table above? -->
* {{ItemIcon|Wasteful Ring}} - Drops from {{MonsterIcon|Wicked Greater Dragon}}
* {{POIIcon|The Shimmering Oasis}}

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=== Auto Eat Efficiency ===
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{{Main|Reference=Auto Eat Efficiency}}
''Auto Eat Efficiency'' increases the amount of HP healed per piece of food eaten. This can be found on:
!Skill!!Description!!Primary skills powered by these items
* {{Skill|Cooking}} item [[mastery]].
* {{Skill|Astrology}} constellation modifiers.
|{{Skill|Woodcutting}}|| style="width: 30%" |Chop Trees. Get logs.||* {{Skill|Firemaking}} <br> * {{Skill|Fletching}} - Bows & Javelins <br> * {{Skill|Farming}} - {{ItemIcon|Bird Nest}} and {{TotH}}  {{ItemIcon|Raven Nest}} <br> * {{TotH}} {{Skill|Crafting}} - Hardwood Armor
* {{Skill|Agility}} Obstacles.
* {{Icon|Famished Potion}}.
|{{Skill|Mining}}|| Hit Rocks. Get Ores.||* {{Skill|Smithing}} <br> * {{Skill|Crafting}} - Gems <br> * {{Skill|Runecrafting}} - {{ItemIcon|Rune Essence}} and {{TotH}} {{ItemIcon|Pure Essence}}
|{{Skill|Fishing}}||Catch Fish.||* {{Skill|Cooking}} <br> * {{Skill|Crafting}} - Gems
|{{Skill|Thieving}}||Steal all kinds of things. Each thieving target gives different stuff from all over the game. Thieving targets also provide unique items that can provide unique bonuses for many different skills.||These items are used everywhere.
|{{Skill|Farming}}||Plant Crops. Harvest them after some time has passed. Farming is passive output, you don't activate Farming.||* {{Skill|Cooking}}  <br> * {{Skill|Herblore}} - Herbs for all potions are made in Farming. <br /> ** Also makes logs for the same things as {{Skill|Woodcutting}}

== Lifesteal ==
|{{AoD}} {{Skill|Archaeology}}||Go to dig sites, and find cool stuff. Most of these items don't impact other non-combat skills, but there are some exceptions.||* {{ItemIcon|Crystalized Mithril Fragment}} <br> * {{ItemIcon|Crystalized Dragon Fragment}} <br> * {{Skill|Woodcutting}} <br> * {{Skill|Crafting}} <br> * {{Skill|Summoning}}
==Finished Goods Artisan Skills ==

These skills provide finished items, usually used for combat.
== Slayer Area Effect Negation ==
{{Main|Reference=Area Effect Negation}}
''Slayer Area Effect Negation'' reduces the effect of Slayer Area debuffs when fighting in one of these areas. These can range from annoying ({{ZoneIcon|Forest of Goo}}, {{ZoneIcon|Arid Plains}}) to downright progress blocking ({{ZoneIcon|Dark Waters}}, {{ZoneIcon|Unhallowed Wasteland}}). This stat can be found on:
* {{AgilityIcon|Pillar of Combat}}
* {{ItemIcon|Hunter's Ring}} - Drops from {{Icon|Hunting Greater Dragon|type=monster}}.
* {{ItemIcon|Slayer Helmet (Master)|notext=true}} - All {{Skill|Slayer}} armor from the shop (higher tier provides more).
* {{ItemIcon|Slayer Skillcape}}
* {{AoD}} {{POIIcon|Perilous Peaks}} Point of Interest in {{Skill|Cartography}}

If you wish to look at these items, please expand the table below.
== Attack Bonus/Accuracy Rating ==
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These are included on all weapons, and some pieces of armor. {{Skill|Attack|Melee}} has {{Skill|Attack|Stab}}, {{Skill|Strength|Slash}}, and {{Skill|Defence|Block}} Bonuses, while {{Skill|Ranged}} and {{Skill|Magic}} have their own attack bonuses. In combat the player's [[Accuracy Rating]] determines how often they hit an enemy, based on the enemy's Evasion Rating. {{Skill|Summoning}} Tablets use the player's accuracy rating to calculate their chance to hit.
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|+Artisan Skills
!Skill!!Description!!Primary skills powered by these items
|{{Skill|Smithing}}|| style="width: 30%" |Make bars (ingots), then turn them into metal items.||[[Melee]] weapons and armor. <br /> {{Skill|Fletching}} - Javelins, Arrows and Crossbows
|{{Skill|Crafting}}||Make items that you wouldn't use a forge for.||{{Skill|Ranged}} armor <br /> Jewelry (a wide variety of uses) <br /> Consumables (also wide variety of uses)
|{{Skill|Fletching}}||Ranged weapons and ammunition.||{{Skill|Ranged}}

== Defence/Evasion Rating ==
|{{Skill|Runecrafting}}||Transform essence (from {{Skill|Mining}}) into materials needed for magic||{{Skill|Magic}} <br /> {{Skill|Alt. Magic}}
These are included on all pieces of armor, and are heavily connected to the [[Combat Triangle]]. The higher the number, the better. Evasion only helps to kill enemies faster if they can stun, slow, or sleep, as the player will evade their disabling attacks more often.

=Choosing the Way to Play The Game=
== Hidden Skill Levels ==
The main [[Combat]] page has details on the specifics of the max hit, accuracy, and evasion equations the game uses to calculate your stats. In summary, levels in {{Skill|Attack}}, {{Skill|Strength}}, {{Skill|Ranged}}, {{Skill|Magic}} and {{Skill|Defence}} increase your stats based on different equations, but only up to the level cap (99 for the base game, and 120 with {{TotH}}).

There are several ways to play the Game, depending on your goals and preferred game play. Here are some suggested ways to play the game and a guide on how to do it.
Hidden Levels in any of these stats force these equations to use the player's base skill level (the one shown on the sidebar, equal to the amount of XP earned) AND the player's hidden levels, making the player more powerful than their stats would otherwise indicate. Additionally, hidden levels allow the formulas to calculate stats beyond the level cap.

*[[#Laid back|Laid back]]: only logging in once/twice per day, knowing what to set your offline times to and what to do when online
* A character that is level 15 Strength with +5 Hidden Strength Levels would calculate their Melee Max Hit based on their Effective Level of 20
*[[#Skilling Focused|Skilling Focused]]: max out everything to 99/120 then start combat while having access to everything and being as overpowered as possible
* A character that is level 99 with +5 Hidden Strength Levels would calculate their Melee Max Hit based on their Effective Level of 104, even when their level is capped and can't go any higher.
*[[#Max efficiency without Throne of the Herald|Max efficiency without Throne of the Herald]]: mix of the 1st and 2nd but then choosing the most optimal way
*[[#Max efficiency with Throne of the Herald|Max efficiency with Throne of the Herald]]: road to 100% completion. This will be combat focused, since it involves leveling as little non-combat as possible to rush {{PetIcon|Harold}} for the 2% interval, after which skills and item collection will be done.

=Before Settling on Desired Game-play=
== Reflect Damage ==
With this effect, whenever the player takes damage, they will also deal a portion of that damage immediately back to the enemy. Reflect does NOT reduce the amount of damage taken. Reflect damage cannot kill an enemy or the player, does not provide XP, and has a 2 second cooldown before it can activate again.

Before we get into the actual different way to play, it is generally advised you get a good feel of the game and how it works / interacts. This is generally achieved by leveling all the skills to around Level 20-30 and beating a Dungeon or 2.
This effect can be found on:
Once everything is around level 30 you should better understand how the game works and if you like it. The Core Game Mechanics won't really change much; it gets slightly more complicated especially when it comes to Combat later on, and there will be more and more Skill interactions once you get to higher levels. You will also obtain Faster Experience Gains and get more loot quicker. But this is about it. This would be an excellent point to determine if this game is for you or you'd rather move on.
* {{ItemIcon|Gold Sapphire Ring}}
* {{ItemIcon|Recoil Shield}}
* {{Skill|Astrology}} constellation {{ConstellationIcon|Tellus}}.

== Monster Respawn Time ==
{{Main|Reference=Monster Respawn Timer}}
{{:Monster Respawn Timer}}

The entire process of leveling everything to around level 30 should take about 2 hours. If you don't have that time to spare in 1 sitting, do what you can and then switch to {{Skill|Astrology}} until the next time you log back in. There is never any harm to level {{Skill|Astrology}}; it will only give you more benefits. At later stages you might want to switch to different skills for other benefits, but for now this is your best choice.
This timer can be reduced with the following effects:
* {{AgilityIcon|Lava Jump}}
* {{AgilityIcon|Dragon Fight}}
* {{AgilityIcon|Pillar of Combat}}
* {{ItemIcon|Hunters Hat}}
* {{ItemIcon|Monster Hunter Scroll}}

#It is advised you start by leveling {{Skill|Astrology}} for the minor gains you'll get from that at low levels.
== Minimum Hit and Special Attacks ==
#* You can stop at {{SkillReq|Astrology|30}} for now.
Each normal attack made by the player or an enemy will deal a random amount of damage between its minimum value and its maximum value, for all monsters, and for players without any bonuses, the Minimum Hit is 1.
#** If you have enough {{ItemIcon|Stardust}}, buy the first 2 [[Astrology#Modifiers|Stars]] (the Blue ones) in each of the following [[Astrology#Constellations|Constellations]]: {{ConstellationIcon|Deedree}}, {{ConstellationIcon|Iridan}}, {{ConstellationIcon|Ameria}} and {{ConstellationIcon|Terra}}.
#**This will give you 16% Global [[Accuracy]], 8% experience and {{Icon|Mastery}} gain in: {{Skill|Woodcutting}}, {{Skill|Farming}}, {{Skill|Smithing}}, {{Skill|Fishing}}, {{Skill|Firemaking}}, {{Skill|Mining}} and 8% Experience in {{Skill|Attack}} and {{Skill|Strength}}
#Your next skill should be {{Skill|Fishing}}
#*To get enough Gold Pieces to upgrade the [[Shop]] upgrades for the first 2 Axes, Fishing Rods and Pickaxes.
#*Once you get to roughly {{SkillReq|Fishing|23}} you should get enough Gold Pieces to upgrade the Fishing Rod to the level 20 one,
#*At {{SkillReq|Fishing|30}} Sell all the [[Junk]] that you got, but DO NOT SELL the [[Fish]] since we'll be using that for {{Skill|Cooking}}
#*Next is {{Skill|Cooking}} the fish caught from {{Skill|Fishing}}. This will be used in [[Combat]].
# The next skill would be {{Skill|Agility}}
#*This has some minor increases for {{Skill|Woodcutting}}, {{Skill|Cooking}}, {{Skill|Agility}}, {{Skill|Herblore}}, {{Skill|Firemaking}}, {{Skill|Mining}} and {{Skill|Archaeology}} at low levels.
#*Switching {{Skill|Agility}} Obstacles can be quite pricy at these levels, especially before you have a good Moneymaking Method. If you can focus on 1 Obstacle in each Tier and leave them for now, we can start switching later on.
#After this finish the rest of the Skills to Level 30. The order in which you do this is not very important, but you might run into not being able to level some Artisan Skills yet as you don't have the resources from the Gathering Skills yet. If this happens, simply do the Gathering Skills first and then level the Artisan Skills you couldn't earlier.

There are several ways to earn Gold Pieces in this Game. Below are some suggestions on how you can obtain them effectively.  
Increasing the minimum hit is possible with buffs such as:
When Combat is the main focus, it is generally recommended that your first {{GP|1000000}} goes towards {{UpgradeIcon|Auto Eat}}
* {{ItemIcon|Air Acolyte Wizard Hat|notext=true}}{{ItemIcon|Water Acolyte Wizard Hat|notext=true}}{{ItemIcon|Earth Acolyte Wizard Hat|notext=true}}{{ItemIcon|Fire Acolyte Wizard Hat|notext=true}} all {{Skill|Runecrafting}} Armour.
* {{SpellIcon|Charged I}}
* {{PrayerIcon|Battleheart}}
* {{AgilityIcon|Pillar of Combat}}
* {{Skill|Astrology}} constellation {{ConstellationIcon|Iridan}}.

Special Attacks are typically found on weapons or jewelry and have a percentage chance of triggering when in combat and will replace your standard attack. If the player has multiple items that grant a special attack, and the combined total adds to greater than 100%, the game will attempt to normalize the chance of using either attack. For example, if the player is wearing both an {{ItemIcon|Ancient Sword}} and a {{ItemIcon|Ring of Blade Echoes}}, the player will have a 50% chance of using Life Leach, and a 50% chance of using Blade Echoes. A list of equipment and spells with special attacks can be viewed on the [[Special Attacks]] page.

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== Passive Effects ==
Beyond just Combat stats, many pieces of equipment have passive effects that increase stats that don't directly make the player better in combat.
|{{Skill|Thieving}}||54 / 57 / 77||At apropriate Levels thieving {{Icon|Fisherman|type=thieving}}, {{Icon|Cyclops|type=thieving}} and {{Icon|Knight|type=thieving}} provides some of the best GP/h, but<br> you will need to obtain {{ItemIcon|Chapeau Noir}}, {{ItemIcon|Golbin Mask}}, {{ItemIcon|Thiever's Cape}}, {{ItemIcon|Sneak-Ers}} from {{Skill|Thieving}}, and also <br>{{ItemIcon|Gloves of Silence}} from {{MonsterIcon|Thief}} in {{ZoneIcon|Runic Ruins}}, which requires {{SkillReq|Slayer|45}}||It takes quite a while to set up {{Skill|Thieving}} correctly, be sure you don't do this before {{UpgradeIcon|Auto Eat}} as you'll most likely die. Also don't forget to enable the "Continue on Stun" option if you have plenty of Food available
|{{Skill|Fishing}}|| ??||Fishing in general is quite bad for {{GP}}, but it is an easy AFK method to grind out the first {{GP|1000000}}
| Low Level {{Skill|Mining}}||0|| Low Level Mining with {{ItemIcon|Gem Gloves}} might sound like a good idea; it does give you some profit, but it yields very poor hourly gains.
|{{AoD}} {{Skill|Mining}}||85||Mining is a really good way to earn {{GP}}, but it doesn't really start generating a lot before Level 85. It also requires you to have {{AoD}}. {{ItemIcon|Pure Crystal}} sells for {{GP|750}} each, which racks up quite quickly and should average around {{GP|4000000}} per hour without any boosts. {{ItemIcon|Perfect Swing Potion}} will help immensely if you wish to farm {{GP}} with this Method

With this minor preparation of the Skills, we're now ready to start picking the desired [[#Choosing the Way to Play The Game|Way to Play]], be it Skilling or [[Combat]] you should be set for both!
* {{ItemIcon|Gold Topaz Ring} - This item allows the player to receive {{ItemIcon|Signet Ring Half (b)}} from Combat, needed for {{ItemIcon|Aorpheat's Signet Ring}}. This is a highly sought after [[Ring]] for its wide arrange of benefits.
* Increases to {{SC}}Slayer Coins and {{GP}}Gold Pieces
* [[Double Loot]] - This allows for double the Items gained from both Combat and Non-Combat

== Ways To Play The Game==

===Laid Back===
== Major Goals for each Stage ==
This Guide is aimed at people that don't have a lot of time, or don't want to log in more than once or twice a day.
If you have 10-20 minutes to play and want to do something else than is suggested here, feel more than free to do so, the majority of these things will take a long time, 10 to 30 minutes won't impact the overall progress that much.

# Start by vising your {{Skill|Township}}, Select the {{MonsterIcon|Aeris}} Worship. This grants the best benefits for a while.
=== Early-Early Game ===
#{{Skill|Astrology}} is the Skill we start with.
# The first large goal is to reach {{SkillReq|Astrology|99}}, this increases {{Icon|Mastery}} and {{ItemIcon|Stardust}} gains.
#* Start with Deedree and work your way up through the other [[Constellations]] when they unlock.
#* If they're close to Level 80 {{Icon|Mastery}} it will be worth waiting a little while then switch as soon as they reach Level 80 {{Icon|Mastery}}.
#* Once you're {{SkillReq|Astrology|99}} buy the {{ItemIcon|Astrology Skillcape}} from the [[Shop]] and equip it.
#* Keep training {{Skill|Astrology}} until all [[Constellations]] are at least Level 80 {{Icon|Mastery}}, this allows you to Purchase 5 of the 6 Stars.
#** There are a few [[Constellations]] where it's worth to Level them all the way to 99 {{Icon|Mastery}} and Purchase all the stars, those are: {{ConstellationIcon|Iridan}}, {{ConstellationIcon|Terra}}, {{AoD}}{{ConstellationIcon|Nysa}}, {{ConstellationIcon|Arachi}} and {{ConstellationIcon|Ko}}.
#* If the {{TotH}}[[Throne of the Herald Expansion]] is owned, this skill can go to Level 120.
#** In which case it's worth sticking to {{Skill|Astrology}}.
#** {{ConstellationIcon|Haemir}} is only used to level {{Skill|Astrology}} if you're not at Level 110 yet.
#*** If you're already at {{SkillReq|Astrology|110}} you can completely ignore {{ConstellationIcon|Haemir}}, the rewards from this [[Constellations|Constellation]] will not provide any bonuses for now.
#** {{ConstellationIcon|Rosaniya}} is a very good [[Constellations|Constellation]] and should be fully maxed to 99 {{Icon|Mastery}} and Purchase all the stars.
#** {{ConstellationIcon|Ashtar}} is also extremely powerful, but can be skipped until you start combat. If you do combat in the times you are online, it is highly recommended you max out this [[Constellations|Constellation]] to 99 {{Icon|Mastery}} too and Purchase all the stars.
# The next step is to make some Gold Pieces {{GP}}
#* We start by {{Skill|Woodcutting}}.
#* Keep {{Skill|Woodcutting}} until you find the {{ItemIcon|Ent}} [[Mark]]
#** Craft {{ItemIcon|Ent}} Tablets until you're out of wood.
#*** You'll need to buy some [[Summoning Shards]] from the [[Shop]], which you should have enough Gold Pieces {{GP}} for from selling all the stuff you got from leveling everything to Level 30.
#*** You will need to craft at least 1 Tablet to be able obtain more [[Marks]] for the same Familiar.
#*** Equipping the Tablet doubles your chances of getting [[Marks]].
#* After the {{ItemIcon|Ent}} tablets have been crafted, equip them.
#* Then continue {{Skill|Woodcutting}} until you find {{ItemIcon|Ent|Ent Mark Level 2}}.
#* Don't Sell your {{ItemIcon|Normal Logs}} for now. Keep {{ItemIcon|Normal Logs|qty=630}} in the [[Bank]], they will be needed later.
# {{Skill|Fishing}} is our next target.
#* Start by buying the {{UpgradeIcon|Iron Fishing Rod}} from the [[Shop]] for {{GP|100}}.
#* Fish the highest experience Fish you can, there is a list of the experience/second to be referenced [[Fishing#Fish| here]]. Alternatively you can installed the "ETA" [[Mods|Mod]] which will tell you exactly how much Experience per Hour you'll get on each Fish.
#* Just pick the highest one until you get to {{ItemIcon|Shark}} then keep fishing {{ItemIcon|Shark}} until {{SkillReq|Fishing|85}}
#** At {{SkillReq|Fishing|85}} it is best to switch to {{ItemIcon|Manta Ray}} until {{SkillReq|Fishing|95}}
#** At {{SkillReq|Fishing|95}} it is best to switch to {{ItemIcon|Whale}}
#* Keep {{Skill|Fishing}} until you find a {{ItemIcon|Octopus}} Mark
#** Make a bunch of {{ItemIcon|Octopus}} Tablets and Equip them in the other slot than where {{ItemIcon|Ent}} is equiped
#*** 2 different Familiars together offer what is called a Synergy, when the Synergy is active the arrows in between the 2 Familiars will turn Green. This means the Synergy is active, it will use 1 Skill Related Tablet per action (in this Case Octopus) and when the Synergy is Active it will use an additional Related Tablet and 1 Synergy Companion Tablet, so in short, it will use 2 {{ItemIcon|Octopus}} and 1 {{ItemIcon|Ent}} as soon as the Synergy is active.
#**** Synergies require {{Skill|Summoning|Summoning Marks}} to be a certain Level, their current Level can be viewed in the {{Skill|Summoning}} Menu. In this Case with {ItemIcon|Octopus}} and {{ItemIcon|Ent}} it will require both [[Marks]] to be Level 2. As soon as you find enough {ItemIcon|Octopus}} Marks for another Level, the Synergy will activate.
#** Keep {{Skill|Fishing}} until your {{Skill|Summoning}} reaches Level 25 and your {{ItemIcon|Octopus}} is Mark Level 3.
#* Start by Cooking the [[Fish]] you caught in {{Skill|Fishing}}
#** We're looking for {{ItemIcon|Pig}} [[Marks]] here
#** Once you receive your first Mark, craft some {{ItemIcon|Pig}} Tablets and continue Cooking
#** Keep Cooking your Fish until your {{ItemIcon|Pig}} is Mark Level 3.
#*** If you run out of [[Fish]] you can buy {{ItemIcon|Bag of Flour}} and turn those into {{ItemIcon|Bread}}.
#*** For this the {{UpgradeIcon|Basic Furnace}} will be needed. If your {{ItemIcon|Pig}} is already at Mark Level 3, you can skip these steps for now and move on to point #6 .
#**** Visit {{Skill|Firemaking}} and burn {{ItemIcon|Normal Logs|qty=130}} to reach Level 15.
#**** Mine {{ItemIcon|Copper Ore|qty=500}} and {{ItemIcon|Tin Ore|qty=500}} in {{Skill|Mining}}.
#**** Smelt {{ItemIcon|Bronze Bar|qty=500}} in {{Skill|Smithing}}
#**** Purchase the [[Shop]] Upgrade {{UpgradeIcon|Basic Furnace}}
#The {{Synergy|Pig|Octopus}} will give a 75% chance to give you a Cooked version of the Fish you're fishing.
#* Keep {{Skill|Fishing}} selling all the Raw and Cooked fish you obtain. Your goal is around {{GP|47000000}} to prepare for {{Skill|Agility}}
#* You can also keep {{Skill|Fishing}} for more {{GP}} to buy some [[Bank#Bank_Slots|Bank Slots]]. How many slots is up to the Player, a minimum of 100-150 would be suggested.
# Next up is preparing for {{Skill|Agility}}. There is a whole list of items and Skill Requirements for this. This Guide will not go in detail where to obtain them all, you can click the items to view their sources and requirements.
#* Keep in mind that things like {{ItemIcon|Agility Skillcape}} and the {{Icon|Mastery|Mastery Pool Thresholds}} will lower the cost of items. These reductions are not calculated in these item requirements.
#* {{ItemIcon|Raw Herring|qty=300}}
#* {{ItemIcon|Raw Salmon|qty=300}}
#* {{ItemIcon|Bones|qty=300}}
#* {{ItemIcon|Mind Rune|qty=500}}
#* {{ItemIcon|Mahogany Logs|qty=1000}}
#* {{ItemIcon|Iron Arrows|qty=2000}}
#* {{ItemIcon|Chaos Rune|qty=2000}}
#* {{ItemIcon|Maple Logs|qty=1500}}
#* {{ItemIcon|Magic Logs|qty=5000}}
#* {{itemIcon|Stardust|qty=3000}} - Not needed if {{AoD}}[[Atlas of Discovery Expansion]] is not owned.
#* {{SkillReq|Fishing|70}}
#* {{SkillReq|Mining|70}}
#* {{SkillReq|Firemaking|70}}
#* If {{AoD}}[[Atlas of Discovery Expansion]] is owned:
#** {{ItemIcon|Coral|qty=500}} - Obtainable from {{Hex|22|6}}{{POIIcon|The Vibrant Coral Gardens}}.
#** {{ItemIcon|Paper|qty=5000}}
#** {{SC|250000}}
#*** Visit {{Hex|4|26}}{{POIIcon|Shrouded Horizon}} for {{SC|50000}}
#*** Visit {{Hex|22|13}}{{POIIcon|Dragon Valley}} for {{SC|50000}}
#*** Visit {{Hex|2|10}}{{POIIcon|Shrouded Badlands}} for {{SC|150000}}
#** {{ItemIcon|Magic Logs|qty=5000}}
#** {{SkillReq|Archaeology|70}}
#** {{SkillReq|Cartography|70}}
# The next Skill is {{Skill|Agility}}
#* Build {{AgilityIcon|Cargo Net}}
#* At {{SkillReq|Agility|10}} build {{AgilityIcon|Balance Beam}} and continue training {{Skill|Agility}}.
#* At {{SkillReq|Agility|20}} build {{AgilityIcon|Pit Jump}} and continue training {{Skill|Agility}}.
#* At {{SkillReq|Agility|30}} build {{AgilityIcon|Gap Jump}} and continue training {{Skill|Agility}}.
#* At {{SkillReq|Agility|40}} build {{AgilityIcon|Mountain Climb}} and continue training {{Skill|Agility}}.
#* At {{SkillReq|Agility|50}} build {{AgilityIcon|Tree Balance}} and continue training {{Skill|Agility}}.
#* At {{SkillReq|Agility|60}} build {{AgilityIcon|Heat Trap}} and continue training {{Skill|Agility}}.
#* At {{SkillReq|Agility|70}} build {{AgilityIcon|A Lovely Jog}} and continue training {{Skill|Agility}}.
#* At {{SkillReq|Agility|80}} build {{AgilityIcon|Ocean Drifting}} and continue training {{Skill|Agility}}. - Requires {{AoD}}[[Atlas of Discovery Expansion]].
#** If {{AoD}}[[Atlas of Discovery Expansion]] is '''not''' owned, stop here and skip to #10.
#* At {{SkillReq|Agility|90}} build {{AgilityIcon|Waterfall}} and continue training {{Skill|Agility}}.
#* At {{SkillReq|Agility|99}} build {{AgilityIcon|Pillar of Skilling}} - Requires {{ItemIcon|Silver Bar|qty=3500}} and {{ItemIcon|Gold Bar|qty=3500}}.
#* If {{TotH}}[[Throne of the Herald Expansion]] is owned, we continue to {{SkillReq|Agility|120}}.
#* For this the following items and Skill Levels will be required. These Skills will also not be explained further, please look up their Training Guides on the Wiki:
#** {{SkillReq|Smithing|115}}
#** {{SkillReq|Mining|120}}
#** {{SkillReq|Fishing|120}}
#** {{SkillReq|Woodcutting|120}}
#** {{ItemIcon|Corundumite Ore|qty=12500}}
#** {{ItemIcon|Meteorite Ore|qty=5000}}
#** {{ItemIcon|Oricha|qty=12500}}
#** {{ItemIcon|Terrorfish|qty=20000}}
#** {{ItemIcon|Divinite Ore|qty=20000}}
#** {{ItemIcon|Carrion Logs|qty=20000}}
#* At this point it is advised you level {{Skill|Crafting}} to Level 115 for access to {{ItemIcon|Stamina Pouch}}.
#** You can get {{ItemIcon|Basic Bag}} from {{Skill|Thieving}} or if you have the {{AoD}}[[Atlas of Discovery Expansion]] the better choice is to dig up {{ItemIcon|Ancient Woven Bags}} from {{POIIcon|Bazaar}} (Medium).
#* To continue {{Skill|Agility}}. These aren't the most effective Obstacles but they are the easiest to build.
#* At {{SkillReq|Agility|100}} build {{AgilityIcon|Pit Maze}} and continue training {{Skill|Agility}}.
#* At {{SkillReq|Agility|105}} build {{AgilityIcon|Forest Jog}} and continue training {{Skill|Agility}}.
#* At {{SkillReq|Agility|110}} build {{AgilityIcon|Ice Trap}} and continue training {{Skill|Agility}}.
#* At {{SkillReq|Agility|115}} build {{AgilityIcon|Forest Climb}} and continue training {{Skill|Agility}}.
#* At {{SkillReq|Agility|118}} build {{AgilityIcon|Water Dive}} and continue training {{Skill|Agility}}.
#* At {{SkillReq|Agility|120}} build {{AgilityIcon|Elite Pillar of Expertise}}
# Next skill is {{Skill|Cartography}} if {{AoD}}[[Atlas of Discovery Expansion]] is owned.
#* Visit [[Cartography/Training|This Wiki Page]] for more information on how to level it.
#This is where the Guide ends. Feel free to look up how to level other Skills by visiting their Guides.

There are 3 main goals before starting Combat:
# Get a good supply for [[#Food|Food]] so you don't die.
# Purchase at least Tier 1 of {{UpgradeIcon|Auto Eat}}.
# Get a starter set of [[Equipment]] for the desired Combat Style.

===Skilling Focused ===  
=== Early Game ===

Max out everything to 99/120 then start combat while having access to everything and being as overpowered as possible
# The first goal for this stage is obtaining {{ItemIcon|Amulet of Looting}} from {{ZoneIcon|Spider Forest}}.
# After obtaining this Amulet the aim should be Level 60-85 in all Combat Skills, including {{Skill|Prayer}} and {{Skill|Slayer}}.
# The last goal would be a full set of either {{ItemIcon|(G) Rune Helmet|Rune Equipment}} or {{ItemIcon|(G) Dragon Helmet|Dragon Equipment}}

===Max efficiency without Throne of the Herald ===  
=== Mid Game ===

===Mix of the 1st and 2nd but then choosing the most optimal way===
This stage focuses around {{ZoneIcon|Volcanic Cave}} and the [[God#Combat_Areas|God Dungeons]]. <br>
It is up to the player to decide whether to grind out a full set of {{ItemIcon|(G) Ancient Helmet|Ancient Equipment}} or do some risky/[[Manual Eating]] Combat as explained in the [[Air God Dungeon/Guide]].

===Max efficiency with Throne of the Herald road to 100% Completion===
=== Late Game ===

This Method aims at clearing {{ZoneIcon|Throne of the Herald}} as soon as possible for the {{PetIcon|Harold}} pet. This gives:
This stage has the last 2 remaining [[Dungeons]], {{ZoneIcon|Into the Mist}} and {{ZoneIcon|Impending Darkness Event}}. <br> Preparations can be found in their respective [[Guides#Dungeon Guides|Dungeon Guides]].
* Max Pool Mastery Cap increased by 25%
*2% Global Interval reduction
* 0.1s Attack Speed Interval reduction
*5% Global Mastery Gain
*as well as many more useful things.<!-- what do you mean by "& required Playtime"? -->

Doing this first has great benefits on the entirety of your account & required Playtime to reach 100% Completion.
= Dungeon Order =

This will be combat focused. Level as little non-combat as possible to rush {{PetIcon|Harold}} for the benefits, after which skilling and attacking will be faster/easier. It's the biggest boost one can get in the entire game.
The Dungeon Order listed in the game may not reflect how hard these Dungeons are. <br>
The recommended order to do them in is listed in the [[Guides#Dungeon Guides|Dungeon Guides]]

It is recommended you completely ignore {{Skill|Township}} buildings after setting {{MonsterIcon|Aeris}} as your [[Worship]].
= Other Resources =
*Keeping {{Skill|Township}} low will allow for cheaper rerolls of [[Township#Casual_Tasks|Casual Tasks]].
*We will be using these [[Township#Casual_Tasks|Casual Tasks]] for free {{SC}}[[Slayer Coins]].
*Tasks that provide {{SC}}[[Slayer Coins]] will reward {{SC|1000}} per {{Skill|Slayer}} Level.
**{{Skill|Township}} Level has no influence on that.
**Equipment that awards extra {{SC}} does effect the amount, so wearing [[Slayer Equipment]], {{ItemIcon|Hunter's Ring}} and the {{Skill|Cartography}} Point of Interest {{POIIcon|Dark Waters}} do effect the amount.
*Once you feel you no longer need the [[Food]], [[Prayer Points]], [[Bolts]] or [[Arrows]] from them, and you have a decent Gold {{GP}} income, feel free to start leveling {{Skill|Township}}.

There are several [[Guides]] available to the player.

Before going into Combat it is recommended to Level these Non-Combat Skills:
* {{Skill|Melee}} Leveling guide found at [[Attack/Training]]
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* {{Skill|Magic}} Leveling guide found at [[Magic/Training]]
* {{Skill|Ranged}} Leveling guide found at [[Ranged/Training]]
* Dungeon guides found at [[Guides#Dungeon Guides|Dungeon Guides]]
* Money Making guides found at [[Money Making]]
|{{Skill|Astrology}}||60|| Max out the first stars (They give Global Accuracy which applies to all Attack Styles) <br>in the [[Constellations]] {{ConstellationIcon|Iridan}}, {{ConstellationIcon|Terra}}, {{ConstellationIcon|Vale}}, {{ConstellationIcon|Syllia}} and {{ConstellationIcon|Arachi}}. If there is not enough {{ItemIcon|Stardust}} obtained, try to balance out where you spend it and maximize the amount of [[Accuracy]] Gained.
* Manual Eating guide found at [[Manual Eating]]
|{{Skill|Runecrafting}}||85|| For {{ItemIcon|Ancient Rune|Ancient Runes}} & decently crafted [[Wizard Equipment]].
|{{Skill|Mining}} & {{Skill|Smithing}}||40||At 40 {{Skill|Mining}} and 40 {{Skill|Smithing}} you can mine & craft {{ItemIcon|Silver Bar}} and {{ItemIcon|Gold Bar}}, which are required to upgrade [[Melee]] Armour to (G), so they actually get their [[Damage Reduction]].
|{{Skill|Agility}}||70||To start with {{SkillReq|Agility|50}} will be enough. {{SkillReq|Agility|99}} should be the aim once {{ZoneIcon|Impending Darkness Event}} is beaten.
Later Aims should be:
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|{{Skill|Herblore}} or {{Skill|Cartography}}||90||Both these Skills grant access to {{ItemIcon|Damage Reduction Potion IV}} which is very helpful, especially in the {{TotH}}[[Throne of the Herald Expansion]]. <br> When {{Skill|Herblore}} is chosen it will also need {{MasteryReq|Damage Reduction Potion IV|90}}. In {{Skill|Cartography}} 1000 can be  obtained at {{Hex|31|19}} {{POIIcon|The Sand-Covered Treasure}}. These can be turned in for {{ItemIcon|Damage Reduction Potion IV|qty=5000}} with [[Township/Tasks#Hard|Township Task Hard 15]].
|{{Skill|Archaeology}}||90||Only when also doing {{SkillReq|Cartography|90}}, since this allows access to {{ZoneIcon|Underwater Ruins}} which has the very powerful {{ItemIcon|Engulfing Vortex Longbow}}. This is quite a grind but well worth it; the weapon shreds through Throne of the Herald content
|{{Skill|Archaeology}}|| 118||'''This is highly Optional''' Not required but very fun to play with, {{ItemIcon|Merman Pendant}} and {{ItemIcon|Pirate Hook}} are 2 very powerful items only obtainable from very high {{Skill|Archaeology}}. You can defeat the entire game without them, they will however make some parts of the game faster/more fun.
====Starting Off Your Journey====
Once you've got all the skills at around Level 30, with {{Skill|Astrology}} at level 60, {{Skill|Agility}} at Level 50, {{Skill|Runecrafting}} at Level 85 and {{Skill|Mining}} & {{Skill|Smithing}} at Level 40. You're ready to start your Combat Journey.
<!-- Original: It is assumed that Combat Stats are also at Level 30. I have assumed that 30 is a typo and replaced it with 5 - please revise -->
#It is assumed that Combat Stats are also at Level 30.
#* If your Combat Skills are not Level 30, go beat up some {{MonsterIcon|Chicken}}, {{MonsterIcon|Cow}} or {{MonsterIcon|Golbin}} to get to at least {{Skill|Attack}} and {{Skill|Defence}} Level 5.
#* Craft some [[Steel Equipment]] and upgrade it twice with {{ItemIcon|Silver Bar}} and {{ItemIcon|Gold Bar}} to it's (G) version so it gets the [[Damage Reduction]].
#**Equip the armour and continue your Combat.
#**It is suggested to do [[Slayer Task|Slayer Tasks]]. Since they are free to reroll at this point, keep getting new tasks until you see a task you can easily do.
# When you're roughly level 20-25 in Combat Skills (or 30 from Leveling everything to 30), it's time to switch to [[Mithril Equipment]]. Seeing as our {{Skill|Mining}} and {{Skill|Smithing}} isn't high enough to craft this, we can get these items from {{MonsterIcon|Mithril Knight}}.
#*Collect: 2x {{ItemIcon|Mithril Helmet}}, 2x {{ItemIcon|Mithril Platebody}}, 2x {{ItemIcon|Mithril Platelegs}} and 2x{{ItemIcon|Mithril Boots}}.
#**Turn 1 set of these items in for [[Township/Tasks#Normal|Normal Township Task #1]], this rewards a {{ItemIcon|(G) Mithril Platebody}} and {{ItemIcon|(G) Mithril Shield}}, saving you some time needing to gather the {{ItemIcon|Silver Bar}} and {{ItemIcon|Gold Bar}}.
#**Upgrade the {{ItemIcon|Mithril Helmet}}, {{ItemIcon|Mithril Platelegs}} and {{ItemIcon|Mithril Boots}} to (G) the normal way so they get [[Damage Reduction]] too.
#***This will require {{ItemIcon|Silver Bar|qty=525}} and {{ItemIcon|Gold Bar|qty=750}}.
#Continue Farming {{Skill|Slayer}} while leveling your Combat Skills.
#*Once you reach Combat Levels around Level 40-45 it's time to upgrade the Armour and Weapon again. This time we'll be aiming for [[Rune Equipment]], completely skipping [[Adamant Equipment]].
#**We also can't craft [[Rune Equipment]] so we'll be getting it from {{MonsterIcon|Rune Knight}}.
#**This will be the last [[Melee]] [[Armour]] Set needed before upgrading to [[God Equipment]].
#**A good Weapon alternative at this point is {{ItemIcon|Ice Sword}} or {{ItemIcon|Ice Dagger}} or {{ItemIcon|Ice Battleaxe}}. This can be obtained from {{ZoneIcon|Frozen Cove}}.
#***A {{ItemIcon|Rune Claw}} would also be a very good weapon but requires some {{Icon|Barrier}} combat.
#**Upgrade the {{ItemIcon|Rune Helmet}}, {{ItemIcon|Rune Platebody}}, {{ItemIcon|Rune Platelegs}}, {{ItemIcon|Rune Boots}} and {{ItemIcon|Rune Shield}} to (G).
#*** This will require {{ItemIcon|Silver Bar|qty=2000}} and {{ItemIcon|Gold Bar|qty=3750}}.
#You will also need to level your {{Skill|Magic}} and {{Skill|Ranged}}.
#*{{Skill|Magic}} [[Wizard Equipment|Wizard Armour]] you can craft in {{Skill|Runecrafting}}.
#**Simply craft the highest [[Wizard Equipment|Wizard Armour]] you can craft that matches the Element of the highest Spell you can Cast. This will increase the Minimum Damage of the Spell.
#**A {{ItemIcon|Magic Wand (Powerful)}} can be crafted by upgrading {{ItemIcon|Magic Wand (Basic)|qty=100}} 
#***Or as a drop from {{MonsterIcon|Angel}} or {{MonsterIcon|Dark Wizard}}, which are both {{Skill|Magic}} enemies and can be rather rough unless your {{Skill|Ranged}} is already decently leveled.
#*[[D-Hide Equipment]] is slightly harder to come by. For this, {{ZoneIcon|Spider Forest}} needs to be cleared several times
#**This drops [[D-Hide_Equipment#Green D-Hide|Green D-Hide Equipment]] (Level 40), [[D-Hide_Equipment#Blue D-Hide|Blue D-Hide Equipment]] (Level 50), [[D-Hide_Equipment#Red D-Hide|Red D-Hide Equipment]] (Level 60) and [[D-Hide_Equipment#Black D-Hide|Black D-Hide Equipment]] (Level 70).
#**Clearing {{ZoneIcon|Spider Forest}} 30 times rewards {{SC|10000}}, {{GP|25000}} and a {{ItemIcon|(U) Green D-hide Body}} through [[Township/Tasks#Normal|Normal Township Task #3]]
#**{{ItemIcon|Amulet of Looting}} also drops in this dungeon. When worn this item loots all items directly into your bank instead of the Loot Box. 
#***It is recommended you keep {{ItemIcon|Amulet of Looting|qty=5}} for the {{UpgradeIcon|Loot Container Stacking}} later on.
#***There is also a [[Township/Tasks|Township Task]] to turn one in, although this only provides {{GP|25000}} and is not worth it at this time.
#** You can get a {{ItemIcon|Adamant Crossbow}}, {{ItemIcon|Rune Crossbow}} or {{ItemIcon|Dragon Crossbow}} by thieving {{Icon|Marauder|type=thieving}} at {{SkillReq|Thieving|21}}.
#**An easy way to get [[Bolts]] is by buying [[Slayer Resupplies]]. This will also provide you [[Prayer Points]] and some [[Food]].
#At this point you should have all 3 Combat Styles available to you. Keep fighting {{Skill|Slayer}} tasks until you reach {{SkillReq|Hitpoints|77}}.
#*At {{SkillReq|Hitpoints|77}} you're set to start {{ZoneIcon|Volcanic Cave}}, you can find a guide [[Volcanic_Cave/Guide|here]].
# This is where this guide ends. You should have grasped the basics of Combat and Upgrading at this point.
#*Further [[Guides]] can be found with each [[Dungeons|Dungeon]]. They all have a list of recommended/required [[Equipment]] and Skill Levels.
#* The Dungeon Guides have been kept as low as possible on the Requirements and Gear needed.
#*If you want to know what the next objectives are, look at the Next Dungeon guide. This should give you Items and Skill Levels to aim for.

Latest revision as of 15:55, 19 March 2025

If you have questions for me or any of the guides I created / edited, you can reach me on the Discord in the #wiki-discussion channel @Purple

If you like / follow the Dungeon Guides, please read Introduction to the Dungeon Guides.

To do list:

  1. write combat/dungeon progression
  2. rework beginners guide
  3. add ItA AR dungeon guides - Done
  4. Revisit Xon AR to get deathrates to 0
  5. add idle setups for AR sections of dungeon guides - Done
  6. redo exodius guide
  7. add note on using magic to what to level first - Done

combat guide prep


This guide is primarily written for characters playing the Standard game mode. If playing

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or Adventure modes, preparation for certain events is different due to the differences in the Combat Triangle. This guide will assume there are no self-imposed restrictions put upon the account, if you choose to restrict your character in some way, you have to figure out how to get around it.

Progression in Melvor Idle primarily revolves around combat; while there is of course progression in all of the non-combat skills, that progression all serves to make you better at combat. There are several different stages to progression:

  • The Early-Early Game:
    • This stage mainly focuses on getting ready to start combat.
  • The Early Game:
    • This stage is generally referred to as the start of combat up to Combat Skill Levels up to Level 60-ish. This stage covers Dungeons up to
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      Volcanic Cave
  • The Mid Game:
    • This stage consists of Combat Skill Levels 60-90 and covers the Dungeons
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      Volcanic Cave
      up to and including
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      Fire God Dungeon
  • The Late Game:
  • The Post Base Game:
    • Here the player finishes any achievements that haven't been mopped up yet, with the goal of filling the completion log with anything that hasn't been worth the time. It is up to the player to either go for 100% Base Game completion or continue on with the Throne of the Herald Expansion or the
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      Into the Abyss Expansion.

The guide will start with an overview on how combat works, the stats, and what items affect them. It will also contain resources to Guides. Remember that the majority of things mentioned in Guides are recommendations and are not always the most optimal. The Dungeon Guides and the Training Guides for

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offer a minimum required and/or recommended setup. They are however not optimized for every situation. To get more precise results for any given situation it will always be recommended to use the Combat Simulator yourself.

Using Non-Combat to improve at Combat

There are several non-combat skills that improve various parts of the combat experience:

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    - Many of the obstacles provide important combat bonuses.
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    - Diamond Luck Potions are among the highest DPS boosts in the game.
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    - There are a multitude of useful item drops from several NPCs, including Chapeau Noir, Knight's Defender, and others.
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    - Many powerful and important passive benefits, including Hidden Skill Levels, which provide further combat bonuses.
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    - Tablets provide boosts to combat effectiveness and deal damage on their own.
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    - Cook food to eat so you don't die!
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    - Farm food to eat so you don't die! Farming is particularly useful because it does not require you to actively spend time on it, you can farm food 'while doing combat' for example.

Other skills helpful for smooth progression include:

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    armor and weapons.
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    ammunition and weapons.
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    - Jewelry with unique effects and
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    armor, runes and weapons.
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    - The Trader can be used to exchange goods for food and consumable items that make combat easier.
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    - Township also has many Tasks available that grant rewards to players for achieving certain accomplishments or having certain items, using these is a great way to find something to do if you're unsure.

Melvor Idle is not competitive, so it is recommended to set goals that you personally want and work towards. The game will take a very long time to complete, so anything you can do to make it more fun for YOU is hugely recommended; using a weapon that you personally think is cool or useful, or not using an item because the grind isn't fun is perfectly acceptable and makes the game more interesting!


Food is very important at all stages of Combat.
There are 2 ways Food can be consumed:

  • Manual Eating - This is when the player manually clicks on the Food button on the combat page to consume it to heal from it.
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    Auto Eat
    - This is an upgrade bought from the Shop to automatically Consume the Food to be healed from it when your Health drops below a certain threshold (the threshold depends on the Tier of the upgrade that has been unlocked).

Food can be obtained in several ways:

  • Fishing Fish with
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    to then turn it in to consumable Food with
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  • Planting Seeds in
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    that can be harvested after a certain time, this can be directly consumed. Some of the produce harvested can be further used in
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    to produce other Food that heals for more.
  • Food Box I contains a variety of Food, this requires
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    Level 40 as well as 40 Township Tasks to be completed and the Trader unlocked in
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  • Slayer Resupplies contain Food and can be bought for SCSlayer Coins, these Resupplies also provide Ammo, Light Rune and Magic Bones for Prayer Points.


All gear has certain stats that link it to one of the three combat styles:

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, or

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. Gear that is more difficult to obtain is usually better. Closer to endgame, the choices become more situational.

For stat breakdowns and math, use the Combat Simulator or read the
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Attack Interval

Attack Interval is determined primarily by the default Attack Interval on weapons and affects how long it takes between attacks. It is given as seconds per attack, so a lower number is better. A variety of things, such as Equipment, Pets, Spells, and

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can provide a reduction to the player's attack interval.

A complete listing of things that effect the player's attack interval is provided on the Attack Interval page.

Damage Reduction

Damage Reduction, or DR, is the most important stat in the game. Damage Reduction,

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, and

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Auto Eat

tier are all taken into account when considering how much damage the player can take before being able to die. Damage Reduction can be found on:

  • - Gear for all 3 Combat Styles
  • Jewelry - Can be obtained through
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    , or
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  • Damage Reduction Potions - Obtained from
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    Earth God Dungeon
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For the end game, there are some

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and items that affect enemies' DR:

Auto Eat

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Auto Eat

is an upgrade that automatically eats equipped food after a certain health threshold. Upgrading this as quickly as possible is critical. Auto Eat Tier, along with

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and Damage Reduction controls what content is accessible without a chance of death. With

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Auto Eat

, the type of food does not matter as long as one does not run out of it. Eating either Potatoes or Whale (Perfect) will both keep the player alive as long as they have enough of either. The main difference between any given food sources is the time spent

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instead of fighting monsters.

Auto Eat Threshold

Auto Eat Threshold is the HP value necessary to trigger Auto Eat, lowering the necessary HP/DR required. In the base game, only one item affects the Auto Eat threshold:

Auto Eat Efficiency

Auto Eat Efficiency increases the amount of HP healed per piece of food eaten. This can be found on:


Lifesteal heals the player for a portion of the damage they deal, it does not deal extra damage. When active, lifesteal will occur any time the player deals damage, where the amount healed is determined by the modifier's magnitude. For example, a +10% Lifesteal modifier will heal the player for 10% of any damage dealt.

Lifesteal can be specific to damage types, such as Melee Lifesteal, Magic Lifesteal, Bleed Lifesteal, Burn Lifesteal, Poison Lifesteal, and Lifesteal if target is Cursed.

Slayer Area Effect Negation

Slayer Area Effect Negation reduces the effect of Slayer Area debuffs when fighting in one of these areas. These can range from annoying (

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Forest of Goo


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Arid Plains

) to downright progress blocking (

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Dark Waters


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Unhallowed Wasteland

). This stat can be found on:

Attack Bonus/Accuracy Rating

These are included on all weapons, and some pieces of armor.

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, and

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Bonuses, while

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have their own attack bonuses. In combat the player's Accuracy Rating determines how often they hit an enemy, based on the enemy's Evasion Rating.

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Tablets use the player's accuracy rating to calculate their chance to hit.

Defence/Evasion Rating

These are included on all pieces of armor, and are heavily connected to the Combat Triangle. The higher the number, the better. Evasion only helps to kill enemies faster if they can stun, slow, or sleep, as the player will evade their disabling attacks more often.

Hidden Skill Levels

The main Combat page has details on the specifics of the max hit, accuracy, and evasion equations the game uses to calculate your stats. In summary, levels in

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increase your stats based on different equations, but only up to the level cap (99 for the base game, and 120 with ).

Hidden Levels in any of these stats force these equations to use the player's base skill level (the one shown on the sidebar, equal to the amount of XP earned) AND the player's hidden levels, making the player more powerful than their stats would otherwise indicate. Additionally, hidden levels allow the formulas to calculate stats beyond the level cap.

  • A character that is level 15 Strength with +5 Hidden Strength Levels would calculate their Melee Max Hit based on their Effective Level of 20
  • A character that is level 99 with +5 Hidden Strength Levels would calculate their Melee Max Hit based on their Effective Level of 104, even when their level is capped and can't go any higher.

Reflect Damage

With this effect, whenever the player takes damage, they will also deal a portion of that damage immediately back to the enemy. Reflect does NOT reduce the amount of damage taken. Reflect damage cannot kill an enemy or the player, does not provide XP, and has a 2 second cooldown before it can activate again.

This effect can be found on:

Monster Respawn Time

After killing any monster, there will be a respawn time of 3 seconds before the next monster appears. During this time the player cannot deal damage, and therefore cannot gain XP. This means that a monster respawning can be considered a guaranteed miss (or two). Respawn time is capped at 0.25s.

This timer can be reduced with the following effects:

Minimum Hit and Special Attacks

Each normal attack made by the player or an enemy will deal a random amount of damage between its minimum value and its maximum value, for all monsters, and for players without any bonuses, the Minimum Hit is 1.

Increasing the minimum hit is possible with buffs such as:

  • all
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    Charged I
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    Pillar of Combat
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Special Attacks are typically found on weapons or jewelry and have a percentage chance of triggering when in combat and will replace your standard attack. If the player has multiple items that grant a special attack, and the combined total adds to greater than 100%, the game will attempt to normalize the chance of using either attack. For example, if the player is wearing both an Ancient Sword and a Ring of Blade Echoes, the player will have a 50% chance of using Life Leach, and a 50% chance of using Blade Echoes. A list of equipment and spells with special attacks can be viewed on the Special Attacks page.

Passive Effects

Beyond just Combat stats, many pieces of equipment have passive effects that increase stats that don't directly make the player better in combat.

  • {{ItemIcon|Gold Topaz Ring} - This item allows the player to receive Signet Ring Half (b) from Combat, needed for Aorpheat's Signet Ring. This is a highly sought after Ring for its wide arrange of benefits.
  • Increases to SCSlayer Coins and GPGold Pieces
  • Double Loot - This allows for double the Items gained from both Combat and Non-Combat

Major Goals for each Stage

Early-Early Game

There are 3 main goals before starting Combat:

  1. Get a good supply for Food so you don't die.
  2. Purchase at least Tier 1 of
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    Auto Eat
  3. Get a starter set of Equipment for the desired Combat Style.

Early Game

  1. The first goal for this stage is obtaining Amulet of Looting from
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    Spider Forest
  2. After obtaining this Amulet the aim should be Level 60-85 in all Combat Skills, including
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  3. The last goal would be a full set of either Rune Equipment or Dragon Equipment

Mid Game

This stage focuses around

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Volcanic Cave

and the God Dungeons.

It is up to the player to decide whether to grind out a full set of Ancient Equipment or do some risky/Manual Eating Combat as explained in the Air God Dungeon/Guide.

Late Game

This stage has the last 2 remaining Dungeons,

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Into the Mist


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Impending Darkness Event

Preparations can be found in their respective Dungeon Guides.

Dungeon Order

The Dungeon Order listed in the game may not reflect how hard these Dungeons are.
The recommended order to do them in is listed in the Dungeon Guides

Other Resources

There are several Guides available to the player.