Introduction to the Dungeon Guides

From Melvor Idle

This is the introduction to the Dungeon Guides, there will also be some further explanation regarding the Guides.

Dungeons can be found in the Combat tab of the game.
Each dungeon consists of a few monsters followed by a Boss.
Upon completion you will receive a Reward Chest of the Dungeon, this will appear directly in your Inventory as long as you have a free Inventory Slot. Any Item Doubling will apply to Reward Chests.
Dungeons can be cleared for the rare items contained in the Reward Chest.

All the Dungeon Guides are written with the lowest possible Gear and Stat requirements as a goal.

It is very important that everything mentioned in the Guide is obtained and equipped. The vast majority of the Guides was written with very narrow margins for error. If there is uncertainty which items / Agility obstacles etc are used, these can always be double-checked in the Combat Simulator Exports.

There are a few things to note.

  1. If better items are owned than listed in the guide they can usually be equipped without any issue.
    • Only thing to keep in mind is that the Damage Reduction (or potential Health increases) are equal or greater to the replaced item.
  2. Recommended combat styles are almost always listed in order.
  3. Crafted Magic Equipment can be swapped around in the same tier.
  4. Guides are written with as few random elements as possible, the following things are not included in the Guides unless implicitly mentioned.
  5. Guides from
    Error creating thumbnail: File missing
    Dragons Den
    onward all have Combat Simulator Exports if you wish to tinker with the listed setups yourself.
  6. All the Dungeon Guides assume
    Error creating thumbnail: File missing
    Auto Eat
    has been purchased from the Shop
  7. Standard Mode and Ancient Relics Mode Guides are not interchangeable.
  8. Food:
    • When Auto Eating:
      • Any food will suffice for that, it will automatically consume any amount of food required to get you to your current Auto Eat Threshold. Just make sure you have enough Food equipped.
    • When Manual Eating
      • Use the highest healing food you have available. Less Manual Eating food means less interruptions on your Attack Interval
    • For
      Error creating thumbnail: File missing
      Into the Abyss Expansion:
      • Suggested Food will be listed in the Guides Setup