Into the Mist/Guide

From Melvor Idle

Dungeon Mechanics

This section can be ignored if one focuses on Manual Eating when Health is low. If one is interested in how the Mechanics work, feel free to read them.

Afflicted Monsters

The Final Boss


Manual Eating


Stats and Buffs

Minimum Requirements

The only true requirement to complete this dungeon is
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Level 90
and enough
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and Damage Reduction to not be killed instantly.

The recommended levels to complete this dungeon are roughly:

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    Level 85
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    Level 85
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    Level 85
  • 950
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    Level 85
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    Level 85
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    Level 95

It is possible for a player to complete the dungeon roughly 10-20 levels lower in any given skill, so if any of your stats are lagging behind, it's not the end of the world.


  • Food:
    • Whale or similar. You want a food item that heals for a large amount all at once, so that one click heals you for the vast majority of your HP.
  • Potions:
  • Summoning Tablets:
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      , or
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  • Prayers:
    • These will be outlined on a case-by-case basis for each Boss phase below.
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      Protect Item
      is not recommended so as to not plan for failure. There are many ways to ensure you do not die, and losing the power of one of your prayers can actually increase your chance of death.
  • Consumable Slot:


While agility helps provide useful combat bonuses, it mostly helps lower the floor of the HP level you need to attempt ITM. Typically, switching agility just for ITM is not important - use whatever agility obstacles you would normally use for combat training.

Tier Obstacle Reason
1 Any
2 Any
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Pipe Climb
Only obstacle that provides a combat bonus.
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Coal Stones
No negative bonuses
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Cliff Balance
Be sure to remember the HP increase in your HP/DR damage calculations.
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Rocky Waters
Lake Swim is typically more useful if you are higher level, where the HP increase is proportionally less effective.
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Boulder Trap
No negative damage modifiers.
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Water Trap
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Raft Building
Extra damage and HP.
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Ice Jump
Ice Jump is typically the only obstacle used on this tier, there's really no reason to stop using it now.
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Frozen Lake Crossing
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Lava Waterfall Dodge
Changing this obstacle from Lava Waterfall Dodge is expensive, and usually not really worth it.
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Ocean Rafting
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Pillar of Combat
Pillar of Combat is the only DPS-boosting pillar, but it is not necessary to use if you already have a different Pillar as its bonuses are not particularly helpful for this dungeon.

Fight Details

Afflicted Monsters

In general, waves 1-20 are best completed with your best Magic gear and Ancient Magicks or by actively switching to take advantage of Combat Triangle bonuses. Typically, these monsters are not very dangerous, swap to the correct combat style, and the monster falls over.

Notes for all Boss Phases

Once you reach the final boss and at the start of each phase, take the time to check the maximum hits of each attack the boss is capable of, then calculate how many stacks of affliction are required before an attack is able to kill you.

It is recommended to make a notecard with your effective auto-eat threshhold at various stages of Affliction build-up, typically every 10 stacks or so. This means write down what 40% of your HP is at 90%, 80%, 70%, 60%, 50% Maximum HP, then write down or pay attention to the maximum damage values of each of the bosses attacks so you can make more informed decisions than the general advice given below.

If in doubt at any time, try to eat immediately after one of your attacks finishes. Keep in mind however that eating interrupts your attack, and removes any chance of using special attacks on the next attack.

Mysterious Figure - Phase 1

Disclaimer: Gem slot is not required but recommended.

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Protect from Melee
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or the highest level melee prayer you have available.
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Protect from Melee
is important here, as it sets the boss's chance to hit to 20%, reducing the chance of healing when using Reap and Return significantly. If possible, swapping
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Protect from Melee
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when the boss is using any other attack can help you squeeze in a little extra damage.

The choice to use 1h weapons here is important, as their attack interval is low enough to drop stacks of Mark of Death easily. Terran Godsword and Ragnar Godsword ( > ) are both very good and may be able to kill the boss faster depending on your specific stats, but they have a slow attack interval and will generally require you to pay more attention to when you eat.

Ultima Godsword is a fantastic weapon that circumvents the drawbacks of a 2h weapon by doing a ridiculous amount of damage. If owned, this weapon should be used, however, it is not necessary or recommended as the weapon can be quite difficult to obtain. Do not use any other equipment that provides a special attack ( Ring of Blade Echoes) as they will ruin your damage potential by lowering the chance of using one of the Ultima special attacks.

Phase 1: Abilities and Eating Methods

  • Mark of Death: Typically not dangerous, you want to complete an attack as soon as possible after this attack hits you. Failing to remove the stack of Mark of Death before the next attack hits you massively complicates things.
  • Cursed Edge: Dangerous at medium stacks of affliction, heal to full if this attack deals more than your auto-eat threshold. NOT dangerous if the attack deals at least 60% of your total HP because each hit will cause your auto-eat to set you to at least 80% HP.
  • Reap and Return: Dangerous at high stacks of affliction, if in doubt, hold eat to avoid death. NOT dangerous if the attack deals at least 60% of your total HP

This phase is by far the most difficult, it may be prudent to run if you feel you are in danger.

Phase 1: Idle

Manually eating while under the effect of Mark of Death can still kill you, do NOT manually eat if attempting to idle.

To fully idle Phase 1, you will need a weapon that has an interval faster than 2.6 seconds (all weapons above fit this criteria) and enough HP and DR to survive a 600 damage max hit when your HP is reduced by 50%, the below table lists some common HP checkpoints:

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Normal with Wasteful Ring
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67% 63%
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66% 61%
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65% 60%
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64% 59%

Mysterious Figure - Phase 2

Disclaimer: Gem slot is not required but recommended.

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or the highest level Ranged prayers you have available.

2h weapons like the Stormsnap are generally fine, but they will require you to pay more attention to when you eat as they have less Damage Reduction due to not being able to wear a shield, and being slow and unwieldy for dropping stacks of Mark of Death.

Phase 2: Abilities and Eating Methods

  • Mark of Death: Typically not dangerous, you want to complete an attack as soon as possible after this attack hits you. Failing to remove the stack of Mark of Death before the next attack hits you massively complicates things.
  • Concealed Danger: Typically not dangerous unless you fail to remove mark of death.
  • Shadowstep: Does no damage, however, if the boss tries to use it twice in a row she will use a Normal Attack instead, her Normal Attack Max hit is quite high, and becomes much more dangerous if you have failed to remove Mark of Death

This phase is by far the easiest, so it is not critically important to optimize it perfectly, nearly any setup should have no real problem clearing this phase. Eating during this phase should be almost entirely unnecessary.

NOTE: At exceptionally high stacks of affliction, and while under the effect of Mark of Death, it is possible for the boss's Normal Attack to deal more damage than your total HP. This is only possible if you manually eat and fail to remove the Mark of Death before the attack connects. If this scenario occurs, you must run to guarantee your survival.

Phase 2: Idle

Manually eating while under the effect of Mark of Death can still kill you, do NOT manually eat if attempting to idle.

To fully idle Phase 2, you will need a weapon that has an interval faster than 3.9 seconds (all ranged weapons fit this criteria by default) and enough HP and DR to survive a 772 damage max hit when your HP is reduced by 50%, the below table lists some common HP checkpoints:

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Normal with Wasteful Ring
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75% 71%
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74% 70%
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73% 69%
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72% 68%

Ahrenia - Phase 3

Disclaimer: Gem slot is not required but recommended.

With Imbued Wands:

With Cloudburst Staff:

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    Water Surge
    , and
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    Fury II
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    or the highest level Magic prayers you have available.

As this phase is relatively weak, Cloudburst Staff under most circumstances should deal enough damage to kill Ahrenia before she becomes a real threat, however, as the phase is relatively simple, it is recommended to use the Ancient Magicks as they will allow you to use Damage Reduction Potions instead of Diamond Luck as your hits are already guaranteed at 33,333+ Accuracy Rating (normally 20k accuracy rating but due to debuffs you will need 33,333).

Phase 3: Abilities and Eating Methods

  • Shadow Burst: Can be dangerous at low stacks of Affliction. Gives the player -1% Accuracy rating when it hits, up to a maximum of 40%. To guarantee 20k+ Accuracy at maximum stacks of this effect, the player must have 33,333 Accuracy Rating.
  • Into the Mist: Does no damage. Gives the enemy +10% Damage Reduction each time they are hit, so if using Ancient Magicks, it may be prudent to swap to
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    to get more effective damage for the duration.
  • Fallen Light: Not dangerous.

Phase 3: Idle

To fully idle Phase 3, you will only need enough HP and DR to survive an 800 damage max hit when your HP is reduced by 50%, the below table lists some common HP checkpoints:

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Normal with Wasteful Ring
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75% 72%
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74% 71%
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74% 70%
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73% 70%