Township is a skill which tasks the player with running a town inside the land of Melvor. Similar to
This page was last updated for (v1.1). |
, it can be trained relatively passively. However, unlike
has no
levels, and uses a unique tick system instead of constantly running. Ticks are a passively generated resource at a rate of 1 Tick per 5 minutes. Ticks can be spent at any time to progress your town, affecting all aspects of your town from population to resources, and with no limit on the amount of Ticks you can store, the town does not need constant attention to run.
It is important to note that you receive unspent ticks with a minimum of 144 ticks back when you reset your town. Starting over can be useful and should not be cause for alarm.
contains buildings that are used to produce resources and income for the player. The buildings are built on purchased land that exists in a map's biomes.
The following maps are available to start a Town. A Town must be completely reset to change maps.Template:TownshipMaps
Each building requires a piece of land to be built. A map starts with 32 free pieces of land which are randomly assigned to the various biomes. Each subsequent piece of land becomes progressively more expensive. When a Town is reset, land that has already been purchased may be reassigned to different biomes for free.
A total of is required to purchase all 2,048 tiles of land. For more details, see Land.
Each biome can build a restricted number of buildings. In addition, some buildings have production bonuses in certain biomes. Lastly, the Desert biome consumes 60 Clothing per building per tick, and the Snowlands biome consumes 30 Coal per building per tick. Biomes are covered in more detail in the buildings section.
are various properties in the Town that do not take up
is the most important resource in Township - without it, the skill produces nothing and earns no experience. The population cap is gained by building Template:BuildingIcon, and spending ticks will cause population to increase until it reaches the cap. For every citizen in the Town, the player gains 0.3 experience per tick. This amount is further increased by
, up to an additional 100% bonus, which is additively added to normal skill boosts. To maximize experience, once a basic Town setup is completed,
should always be at 100% to provide at least 0.6 experience per citizen per tick.
If less than 40% of the total population is living in the Town, then the population has a 100% chance to grow each tick. At 70% of total population, the growth chance is 70%, and at 100% total population, the growth chance is 40%. The number of citizens will increase by 1.5% every growth phase.
A citizen ages by 1 year every 8.7 ticks, meaning that it takes approximately 3.02 real-life days to age from 0 to 100 years old.
File:Workers (township).png Available Workers indicates the number of citizens that are available to perform jobs in the Town. All citizens with an age between 8 and 70 are considered File:Workers (township).png Workers. The left number indicates the number of jobless File:Workers (township).png Workers, out of the total amount on the right.
Unemployed citizens generate -5
allows Resources to be stockpiled in the Town. A Town starts with a base
of 19,000, and is gained by building Template:BuildingIcon. In addition, Template:BuildingIcon contributes a small amount of storage space. No resources can be gained past the storage cap, and hitting the cap will cause buildings that consume resources to continue doing so.
is a modifier to the amount of experience you earn.
provides a flat increase to the amount of experience you earn, where 1% Happiness increases experience by 1%. The max amount of
is twice your
. Each point of
provides 1
, and is often the main source of a Town's
. In additiona, a small amount of
is gained or lost from each building in the Town. Notably, Template:BuildingIcon and Template:BuildingIcon buildings are intended to increase
. Lastly,
is decreased by 5 points for every overflowing corpse and unemployed citizen, and
is decreased by 40% and 50% additively from a
shortage for elderly citizens and a Clothing shortage from buildings in the Desert biome.
is a modifier to the amount of Resources each building produces.
provides a flat increase to the amount of production, where 1% Education increases production by 1%. The max amount of
is three times your
. Every point of
also provides one point of
is produced from Template:BuildingIcon and Template:BuildingIcon buildings.
is a mechanic that calculates when elderly citizens will die. Each citizen aged 55 or above has a chance of dying every tick. Citizens die automatically at age 100, any other citizen that dies will be added to the File:Dead Storage (township).png Dead Storage.
The base chance for a citizen to die each tick is expressed by:
[math]\displaystyle{ \textrm{DeathChance} = \frac{100 - \textrm{healthPercent}}{38100} \times (2 + \frac{\textrm{healthPercent}}{100}) }[/math]
In the above calculation, [math]\displaystyle{ \textrm{healthPercent} }[/math] is the % health as displayed in-game. If we consider [math]\displaystyle{ \textrm{sickness} }[/math] to be the decimal representation of "un-health" (i.e. [math]\displaystyle{ \frac{100 - \textrm{healthPercent}}{100}) }[/math], this simplifies to:
[math]\displaystyle{ \textrm{DeathChance} = \frac{\textrm{sickness}}{381} \times (1 + \textrm{sickness}) }[/math]
[math]\displaystyle{ \textrm{DeathChance} }[/math] is increased by 0.05 if there is no food after resources for the tick are calculated. Citizens will also die if there are more of them than the housing allows for.
The table below gives some examples.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Health
Chance of death per tick |
0% | 0.52% |
25% | 0.34% |
50% | 0.20% |
75% | 0.08% |
100% | 0% |
Health is first calculated using the following parameters weighted out of 235:
- Error creating thumbnail: File missingHappiness with a weight of 100
- Error creating thumbnail: File missingEducation with a weight of 100
- Nonzero Error creating thumbnail: File missingPotions stockpile and positive growth rate contributes 15 weight
- Nonzero Clothing stockpile and positive growth rate contributes 15 weight
- Nonzero Herbs stockpile and positive growth rate contributes 5 weight
This is then modified by any "total health" modifiers and expressed as a percentage capped between 0 and 100%.
Worship is a stat that provides multiple powerful bonuses based on which Deity you choose. It is gained by building Template:BuildingIcon or Template:BuildingIcon and has a set cap of 2000. The benefits of each Deity you choose is outlined below:
Completion of
is required to unlock worship of Bane.
All bonuses are additive with one another.
Aeris | Glacia | Terran | Ragnar | Bane | |
Always Active | • 25% Leather • 25% Mountain Biome • -50% GP |
• 25% Fishing Dock Building Production • 25% Water Biome Production • -50% Arid Plains Biome Production • -50% Desert Biome Production • -50% Mountain Biome Production |
• 25% Farm Building Production • 25% Woodcutting Building Production • -50% Fishing Dock Building Production • -75% Leather Production |
• 25% Blacksmith Building Production • 25% Arid Plains Biome Production • -50% Herb • 50% Building Happiness Penalties |
• 25% Grasslands Biome Production • 25% Jungle Biome Production • -75% Education • -75% Happiness |
5% Worship | • 25% Happiness | • 25% Education • 25% Magic Emporium Building Production • 25% Valley Biome Production |
• 25% Orchard Building Production • 25% Herb Production • 25% Forest Biome Production |
• -50% Coal Usage in Snowlands • 25% Desert Biome Production |
• -25% Citizen Food Usage • 25% Dead Storage |
25% Worship | • +25% (50% ttl) Leather Production | • +25% (50% ttl) Fishing Dock Building Production | • +25% (50% ttl) Orchard Building Production | • -25% (-75% ttl) Coal Usage in Snowlands • +25% (50% ttl) Blacksmith Building Production |
• +25% Building Production in the Jungle Biome |
50% Worship | • +25% (50% ttl) Mountain Biome | • +25% (50% ttl) Valley Biome Production • +25% (50% ttl) Water Biome Production |
• +25% (50% ttl) Woodcutting Building Production • +25% (50% ttl) Forest Biome Production |
• +25% (50% ttl) Arid Plains Biome Production • +25% (50% ttl) Desert Biome Production |
• +25% Township Dead Storage |
85% Worship | • +25% (-25% ttl) GP | • +25% (25% ttl) Arid Plains Biome Production • +25% (25% ttl) Desert Biome Production • +25% (25% ttl) Mountain Biome Production |
• +25% (-25% ttl) Fishing Dock Building Production • +25% (-50% ttl) Leather Production |
• +25% (-25% ttl) Herb • -25% (+25% ttl) Happiness Penalties |
• +25% Township Education • +25% Township Happiness |
100% Worship | • +25% (50% ttl) Happiness • -15% Building Costs |
• +25% (50% ttl) Education • -15% Building Costs |
• +25% (50% ttl) Farm Building Production • +25% (50% ttl) Herb Production • -15% Building Costs |
• +25% (50% ttl) GP • -15% Building Costs |
• -50% Township Citizen Food Usage • -15% Township Building Cost |
Total if 100% | • 50% Happiness • 50% Leather • 50% Mountain Biome • -15% Building Costs • -25% GP |
• 50% Fishing Dock Building • 50% Education • 25% Magic Emporium Building • 50% Valley Biome • 50% Water Biome • -15% Building Costs • -25% Arid Plains Biome • -25% Desert Biome • -25% Mountain Biome Production |
• 50% Orchard Building • 50% Farm Building • 50% Herb • 50% Woodcutting Building • 50% Forest Biome • 25% Fishing Dock Building • 25% Leather • -15% Building Costs • -50% Fishing Dock Building • -50% Leather Production |
• 25% GP • -75% Coal Usage in Snowlands • 50% Blacksmith Building • 50% Arid Plains Biome • 50% Desert Biome • -15% Building Costs • -25% Herb • +25% Building Happiness Penalties |
• -75% Citizen Food Usage • 25% Grasslands Biome • 50% Jungle Biome • 50% Dead Storage • -15% Township Building Cost • -50% Township Education • -50% Township Happiness |
Dead Storage
File:Dead Storage (township).png Dead Storage represents the number of citizens that have died from poor
. This storage is created by building Template:BuildingIcon. 1% of the total File:Dead Storage (township).png Dead Storage will be cleared every hour (12 ticks). Corpses overflowing the maximum File:Dead Storage (township).png Dead Storage generate -5
There are a total of 13 resources. The production of all resources can be increased by up to 100% through
, stacking additively with any regular modifiers.
is a special type of resource that is deposited directly into the player's bank, while the other 12 resources are kept in
. This is the only resource that is exceptionally not affected by
or other production bonuses. A citizen produces 0.3 per tick per percentage point of tax, or 0.6 per tick per percentage point if over 70 years old. GP production is not affected by any global GP modifiers such as Aorpheat's Signet Ring.
The other 12 resources may be used within the town, or traded via the Template:BuildingIcon to obtain items for the player (see Template:BuildingIcon). The production of a building is calculated as follows: [math]\displaystyle{ \textrm{Production} = \textrm{BaseProduction}\times(1 + \textrm{BuildingBiomeBonus} + \textrm{WorshipBiomeBonus} + \textrm{WorshipBuildingBonus})\times(1 + \textrm{Education}+\textrm{GenericProductionBonus}) }[/math]
Food is used to feed citizens. Each citizen will consume 30 Food per tick.
is a basic resource used to build the lowest-level buildings.
are produced from
and are used to build low- to high-level buildings.
is used to build buildings of all levels. A large amount of stone is needed for high-level buildings. Bar is produced from
and Coal. It is used to build mid- to high-level buildings.
has no use, except to be converted into Bar.
Coal is consumed by buildings built in the Snowlands biome. In addition, it can be converted into Bar.
Rune Essence is used to build high-level buildings.
Herbs provide a very small
bonus, but are mainly used to be converted into
are consumed by citizens over the age of 55, and provides a small
bonus. If there are not enough
, a 40%
penalty is applied.
Leather has no use, except to be converted into Clothing.
Clothing is consumed by buildings built in the Desert biome, and provide a small
Each building inside the Desert biome consumes 60 Clothing/tick. If there is not enough Clothing, then total
reduced by a flat 50%. Each building in the Snowlands biome consumes 30 Coal/tick. Without Coal, all buildings in this biome have the following benefits reduced by 75%:
and all production.
Biome | Requirements | |||
Level | Error creating thumbnail: File missing Population
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Fortification
| ||
Grasslands | Error creating thumbnail: File missing 1
0 | 0% | |
Forest | Error creating thumbnail: File missing 1
0 | 0% | |
Mountains | Error creating thumbnail: File missing 1
0 | 0% | |
Water | Error creating thumbnail: File missing 1
0 | 0% | |
Swamp | Error creating thumbnail: File missing 15
0 | 0% | |
Valley | Error creating thumbnail: File missing 15
0 | 0% | |
Arid Plains | Error creating thumbnail: File missing 15
0 | 0% | |
Jungle | Error creating thumbnail: File missing 35
2,500 | 0% | |
Desert | Error creating thumbnail: File missing 35
2,500 | 0% | |
Snowlands | Error creating thumbnail: File missing 35
2,500 | 0% | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Abyssal Plains | 1 | 80,000 | 0% |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Sulfuric Wastelands | 1 | 80,000 | 0% |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Obsidian Cliffs | 1 | 80,000 | 0% |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Ethereal Voids | 30 | 80,000 | 7.5% |
Tasks are a static set of requests from your Township for item donations, bounties on monsters, building township buildings or, rarely, earning skill XP. In return, you will receive
Skill XP, Township Resources,
, or items. In addition, many Township-related Shop purchases are locked behind completing a certain number of tasks.
For a list of Tasks, their requirements, and their rewards, see Task list
The skillcape can be purchased from the store for 1,000,000 after the player reaches
Regular Skillcape
The Township Skillcape is the skillcape for the Township skill. It can be purchased for 1,000,000 from the Shop once the player reaches
in the Township skill. The Township Skillcape offers the following benefits when worn:
-15% Township Building Cost (Does not affect GP cost. Capped at -80%)
Superior Skillcape
The Superior Township Skillcape is the superior skillcape for the Township skill. It can be purchased for 10,000,000 from the Shop once the player reaches
in the Township skill.
can only be reached if the player owns the Throne of the Herald expansion. Likewise, the superior skillcape can only be purchased if the player owns this expansion. The superior skillcape offers the following benefits when worn:
-20% Township Building Cost (Does not affect GP cost. Capped at -80%)
Pet | Name | DLC | Effect |
B | +10% Township Maximum Storage | ||
Marcy | +2% Township Skill XP | ||
Roger | +2% Township Resource Generation | ||
Ace | +1% Chance to Double Items Globally | ||
Layla | +2% Township Happiness | ||
Mister Fuzzbutt | +5% Global GP (except Item Sales) | ||
Octavius Lepidus VIII | +2% Township Education | ||
Classy Rock | +10 Mining Node Hitpoints | ||
Cute Rock | +2% Chance to Double Items in Mining +2% Chance to Double Items in Smithing | ||
Royal Rock | +3% Chance to gain +1 additional resource in Mining (Cannot be doubled) | ||
Elf Rock | +5% Global Evasion | ||
Magic Rock | +3% Chance to Double Items in Magic | ||
Party Rock | +4% Mastery XP in all Skills for Melvor Realm only |
Skill Boosts
This table lists most sources of Township-specific modifier boosts. For a list of boosts that apply to all skills, see the Skill Boosts page. This list does not contain boosts provided from
Source | Type | DLC | Township Boosts | Other Modifiers |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Cargo Net | Agility Obstacle 1 | +2% Fishing Mastery XP | +3% Global GP (except Item Sales) | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Rope Climb | Agility Obstacle 1 | +2% Thieving Mastery XP | ||
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Rope Swing | Agility Obstacle 1 | +2% Agility Mastery XP | ||
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Tier 1 - 1 | Agility Obstacle 1 | Error creating thumbnail: File missing | +3% Harvesting Mastery XP -0.2s Harvesting Interval | +5% Harvesting Abyssal XP |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Tier 1 - 3 | Agility Obstacle 1 | Error creating thumbnail: File missing | +10% Chance to gain +1 additional resource in Cooking (Cannot be doubled) | +3 Hidden Corruption Level +5% Base Food Healing Value |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Balance Beam | Agility Obstacle 2 | +2% Agility Skill XP | ||
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Monkey Bars | Agility Obstacle 2 | -4% Firemaking Interval | ||
Error creating thumbnail: File missing River Crossing | Agility Obstacle 2 | +5% Cartography Skill XP | -5% Cartography survey interval -5% dig site map refinement cost | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Rope Jump | Agility Obstacle 2 | +3% Smithing Mastery XP | ||
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Tier 2 - 2 | Agility Obstacle 2 | Error creating thumbnail: File missing | +5% Chance to gain +1 additional resource in Woodcutting (Cannot be doubled) +5% Chance to gain +1 additional resource in Mining (Cannot be doubled) | -10% Maximum Hit +4% Global Abyssal XP |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Balance Seesaw | Agility Obstacle 3 | +2% Agility Mastery XP +2% Agility Skill XP | ||
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Burning Coals | Agility Obstacle 3 | -3% Cooking Interval +3% Cooking Skill XP | +5% chance to successfully Cook an item -6% Damage To All Monsters | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Stepping Stones | Agility Obstacle 3 | -6% Woodcutting Interval +3% Firemaking Skill XP | ||
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Cave Trail | Agility Obstacle 4 | +6% Archaeology Mastery XP +6% Archaeology Skill XP | +5% chance to preserve dig site map excavation actions | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Gap Jump | Agility Obstacle 4 | +3% Runecrafting Mastery XP | ||
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Mud Crawl | Agility Obstacle 4 | +2% Herblore Mastery XP +2% Herblore Skill XP +3% Chance to Preserve Resources in Herblore | -10% base primary resource quantity gained in Farming | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Tier 4 - 1 | Agility Obstacle 4 | Error creating thumbnail: File missing | -3% Agility Interval | +5% Global AP (except Item Sales) +10% Agility Abyssal XP -6% Global Abyssal XP |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Mountain Climb | Agility Obstacle 5 | -12% Agility Interval | -2% Agility Mastery XP for all Skills -8% Agility Skill XP +15% GP gained from Agility | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Rock Climb | Agility Obstacle 5 | +5% Chance to Double Items in Fishing +5% Chance to Double Items in Woodcutting +5% Chance to Double Items in Mining +5% Chance to Double Items in Thieving | -10% Chance to Preserve Resources in Skills | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Rooftop Run | Agility Obstacle 5 | -0.2s Thieving Interval +3% Thieving Skill XP | +35 Stealth while Thieving -10% Damage To All Monsters +20% GP gained from Thieving | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Tier 5 - 1 | Agility Obstacle 5 | Error creating thumbnail: File missing | -3% Crafting Interval | +5% Crafting Mastery XP for Abyssal Realm only +5 additional quantity of primary resource gained in Crafting for Abyssal Consumables nodes (Cannot be doubled) |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Forest Trail | Agility Obstacle 6 | -5% Summoning Interval +5% Summoning Mastery XP | -6% base primary resource quantity gained in Farming | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Tier 6 - 1 | Agility Obstacle 6 | Error creating thumbnail: File missing | -4% Harvesting Interval | +2 additional quantity of primary resource gained in Harvesting (Cannot be doubled) +8% Harvesting Abyssal XP |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Tree Balance | Agility Obstacle 6 | -12% Agility Interval | -4% Skill XP for all Skills | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Tier 7 - 1 | Agility Obstacle 7 | Error creating thumbnail: File missing | +10% Chance to gain +1 additional resource in Herblore (Cannot be doubled) | -12% Summoning Abyssal XP +10% Chance To Preserve Potion Charge -12% Chance to preserve Summoning Charges +10% base primary resource quantity gained in Farming for Abyssal Realm only |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Tier 7 - 3 | Agility Obstacle 7 | Error creating thumbnail: File missing | -3% Cooking Interval +10% Chance to gain +1 additional resource in Cooking (Cannot be doubled) | -12% Mastery XP in all Skills for Abyssal Realm only +5% Auto Eat Efficiency |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Runic Trail | Agility Obstacle 8 | +5% Chance to Preserve Resources in Summoning | -16% Chance to Preserve Resources in Herblore +15% Chance to preserve Summoning Charges +3 base primary resource quantity gained in Summoning | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Sweltering Pools | Agility Obstacle 8 | +3% Cooking Mastery XP -3% Cooking Interval | +10% Auto Eat Efficiency +10% Base Food Healing Value -20% Chance to Preserve Resources in Skills | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Tier 8 - 2 | Agility Obstacle 8 | Error creating thumbnail: File missing | -3% Smithing Interval -3% Firemaking Interval | +5% Smithing Mastery XP for Abyssal Realm only +5% Firemaking Mastery XP for Abyssal Realm only +1 additional quantity of primary resource gained in Smithing (Cannot be doubled) |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Frozen Lake Crossing | Agility Obstacle 9 | +5% Slayer Skill XP | +3% Damage To All Monsters +10% Global Slayer Coins (except Item Sales) +10% Auto Eat Efficiency | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Ocean Drifting | Agility Obstacle 9 | -5% Cartography Interval +10% Chance to Double Items in Archaeology +10% Chance to Double Items in Cartography | -10% dig site map refinement cost | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Tier 9 - 2 | Agility Obstacle 9 | Error creating thumbnail: File missing | -3% Agility Interval | +4% Agility Mastery XP for Abyssal Realm only +8% Agility Abyssal XP |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Tier 9 - 3 | Agility Obstacle 9 | Error creating thumbnail: File missing | +10% Chance to gain +1 additional resource in Woodcutting (Cannot be doubled) +10% Chance to gain +1 additional resource in Mining (Cannot be doubled) +10% Chance to gain +1 additional resource in Fishing (Cannot be doubled) | +0.05% chance to gain Shadow Drake Nest in Woodcutting +0.5% chance to receive an Abyssal Gem while Mining "Abyssal Rock" and "Outcrop" Nodes +6% Global Abyssal XP |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Tier 10 - 3 | Agility Obstacle 10 | Error creating thumbnail: File missing | -5% Firemaking Interval -5% Herblore Interval | -16% Global Accuracy -16% Global Evasion +4% Mastery XP in all Skills for Abyssal Realm only |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Waterfall | Agility Obstacle 10 | -5% Astrology Interval +5% Astrology Skill XP +5% Astrology Mastery XP | ||
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Forest Maze | Agility Obstacle 11 | +8% Slayer Skill XP | -20% Global Accuracy -20% Auto Eat Efficiency +10% Global Slayer Coins (except Item Sales) +15% Flat Slayer Area Effect Negation | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Tier 11 - 1 | Agility Obstacle 11 | Error creating thumbnail: File missing | -6% Harvesting Interval +5% Harvesting Mastery XP | +2 base primary resource quantity gained in Harvesting |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Monkey Trail | Agility Obstacle 12 | -5% Cooking Interval | +15% base primary resource quantity gained in Farming for Melvor Realm only +10% Base Food Healing Value -6% Agility Skill XP -10% Chance to Preserve Resources in Skills | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Rune Crawl | Agility Obstacle 12 | -5% Summoning Interval | -20% Chance To Preserve Potion Charge +10% Chance to preserve Summoning Charges +6 base primary resource quantity gained in Summoning | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Forest Climb | Agility Obstacle 14 | -10% Astrology Interval | -6% Skill XP for all Skills +1.5% chance to gain Stardust in Astrology +0.5% chance to gain Golden Stardust in Astrology | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Freezing Rafting | Agility Obstacle 15 | -10% Cooking Interval | +3% Auto Eat Threshold +15% Auto Eat Efficiency -20% base primary resource quantity gained in Farming | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Mountain Trail | Agility Obstacle 15 | -0.2s Smithing Interval -0.2s Fletching Interval -0.2s Crafting Interval +30% Chance to gain +1 additional resource in Smithing (Cannot be doubled) +30% Chance to gain +1 additional resource in Fletching (Cannot be doubled) +30% Chance to gain +1 additional resource in Crafting (Cannot be doubled) | +3% chance to receive a Quality Superior Gem while Mining a "Gem Vein" Node or Meteorite Ore -20% Chance to Preserve Resources in Skills | |
Abyssal Runecrafting Relic 2 | Ancient Relic | Error creating thumbnail: File missing | -25% Magic Interval | |
Abyssal Township Relic 4 | Ancient Relic | Error creating thumbnail: File missing | +69% Township Happiness +69% Township Education | |
Abyssal Township Relic 5 | Ancient Relic | Error creating thumbnail: File missing | +25% Township Health | |
Archaeology Relic 1 | Ancient Relic | +50% Archaeology Mastery XP | ||
Astrology Relic 5 | Ancient Relic | -20% Astrology Interval | ||
Cartography Relic 1 | Ancient Relic | -25% Cartography Interval | ||
Cooking Relic 2 | Ancient Relic | +15% Chance to gain +1 additional resource in Cooking (Cannot be doubled) | ||
Crafting Relic 3 | Ancient Relic | -25% Crafting Interval | ||
Farming Relic 3 | Ancient Relic | -25% Farming Interval | ||
Fishing Relic 3 | Ancient Relic | -25% Fishing Interval | ||
Fishing Relic 5 | Ancient Relic | +50% Chance to gain +1 additional resource in Fishing (Cannot be doubled) | ||
Fletching Relic 5 | Ancient Relic | -25% Fletching Interval | ||
Harvesting Relic 3 | Ancient Relic | Error creating thumbnail: File missing | -25% Harvesting Interval | |
Herblore Relic 4 | Ancient Relic | -25% Herblore Interval | ||
Herblore Relic 5 | Ancient Relic | +30% Chance to gain +1 additional resource in Herblore (Cannot be doubled) | ||
Mining Relic 5 | Ancient Relic | +30% Chance to gain +1 additional resource in Mining (Cannot be doubled) | ||
Runecrafting Relic 5 | Ancient Relic | -25% Runecrafting Interval | ||
Smithing Relic 2 | Ancient Relic | -25% Smithing Interval | ||
Smithing Relic 3 | Ancient Relic | +50% Chance to gain +1 additional resource in Smithing (Cannot be doubled) | ||
Summoning Relic 2 | Ancient Relic | -25% Summoning Interval | ||
Township Relic 2 | Ancient Relic | +50% Township Happiness +50% Township Education | ||
Township Relic 3 | Ancient Relic | +50% Township Maximum Storage | ||
Woodcutting Relic 2 | Ancient Relic | +25% Chance to gain +1 additional resource in Woodcutting (Cannot be doubled) | ||
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Ameria | Constellation | -5% Fishing Interval -5% Firemaking Interval +8% Chance to Double Items in Fishing +8% Chance to Double Items in Firemaking +8% Fishing Mastery XP +8% Firemaking Mastery XP +8% Fishing Skill XP +8% Firemaking Skill XP | +5% chance to gain 1 Diamond from Firemaking (Cannot be doubled) +5% chance to receive Special Items from Fishing | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Arachi | Constellation | +8% Runecrafting Mastery XP +8% Chance to Double Items in Runecrafting +8% Magic Skill XP +8% Runecrafting Skill XP | +8% Accuracy Rating +5% Magic Damage Bonus from Equipment +5% Rune Preservation for Alt. Magic Spells +5 Hidden Magic Level +5% Chance to receive random Elemental Runes from Runecrafting when creating Standard Runes | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Corrupted Ameria | Constellation | Error creating thumbnail: File missing | +8% Chance to gain +1 additional resource in Fishing (Cannot be doubled) +8% Chance to gain +1 additional resource in Firemaking (Cannot be doubled) | +8% chance to gain 1 cooked version of a fish when Fishing +8% Fishing Abyssal XP +8% Firemaking Abyssal XP |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Corrupted Dhorn | Constellation | Error creating thumbnail: File missing | -8% Harvesting Interval | +8% Corruption progress gained when hitting with an attack +8% Harvesting Abyssal XP +8% Corruption Abyssal XP |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Deedree | Constellation | +8% Woodcutting Mastery XP +8% Farming Mastery XP +8% Chance to Double Items in Woodcutting +8% Chance to Double Items in Farming +8% Woodcutting Skill XP +8% Farming Skill XP | +5% chance to gain Stardust from Magic Tree in Woodcutting (Quantity equal to primary skill resource quantity) +5% chance to gain Bird Nest in Woodcutting +5% base primary resource quantity gained in Farming | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Haemir | Constellation | +5% Township Happiness +8% Township Maximum Storage +5% Township Education +8% Township Resource Generation -5% Township Building Cost (Does not affect GP cost. Capped at -80%) +8% Township Skill XP | ||
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Hyden | Constellation | -5% Crafting Interval +8% Chance to Double Items in Crafting +8% Prayer Skill XP +8% Crafting Skill XP +8% Crafting Mastery XP +5% Chance to gain +1 additional resource in Crafting (Cannot be doubled) | +5% Chance To Preserve Prayer Points | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Iridan | Constellation | +8% Smithing Mastery XP +8% Chance to Double Items in Smithing -5% Smithing Interval +8% Attack Skill XP +8% Smithing Skill XP | +5 Hidden Attack Level +5% of Maximum Hit added to Minimum Hit +8% Accuracy Rating | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Ko | Constellation | -5% Thieving Interval -5% Agility Interval +8% Chance to Double Items in Thieving +8% Thieving Mastery XP +8% Agility Mastery XP +8% Thieving Skill XP +8% Agility Skill XP | +50 Stealth while Thieving +5% GP gained from Agility | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Nysa | Constellation | +8% Archaeology Mastery XP +5% Chance to Double Items in Archaeology +5% Chance to Double Items in Cartography +8% Archaeology Skill XP +8% Cartography Skill XP | -5% dig site map refinement cost -5% Cartography survey interval +8% chance to preserve dig site map excavation actions | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Qimican | Constellation | -5% Herblore Interval -5% Summoning Interval +8% Chance to Double Items in Herblore +8% Chance to Double Items in Summoning +8% Herblore Mastery XP +8% Summoning Mastery XP +8% Herblore Skill XP +8% Summoning Skill XP | +5% Chance to preserve Summoning Charges +5% Chance To Preserve Potion Charge | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Syllia | Constellation | +8% Fletching Mastery XP +5% Chance to gain +1 additional resource in Fletching (Cannot be doubled) +8% Ranged Skill XP +8% Fletching Skill XP +8% Chance to Double Items in Fletching | +5 Hidden Ranged Level +5% Ammo Preservation +5% Ranged Strength Bonus from Equipment +8% Accuracy Rating | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Tellus | Constellation | +8% Defence Skill XP +8% Slayer Skill XP | +5% Reflect Damage +8% GP from Combat +8 Hidden Defence Level +5% Global Slayer Coins (except Item Sales) +5% Damage to Monsters in Slayer Areas | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Terra | Constellation | +8% Mining Mastery XP +8% Chance to Double Items in Mining +8% Strength Skill XP +8% Mining Skill XP | +8% Accuracy Rating +5% chance to deal no damage to Essence Nodes in Mining +5% chance to deal no damage to Ore Nodes in Mining +5 Hidden Strength Level +5% Melee Strength Bonus from Equipment +5% Chance to receive gems from Mining (Does not work for Rune Essence) | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Vale | Constellation | -5% Cooking Interval +8% Chance to Double Items in Cooking +8% Hitpoints Skill XP +8% Cooking Skill XP +8% Cooking Mastery XP | +8% Accuracy Rating +5% Base Food Healing Value +5% Lifesteal +5% Chance to Preserve Food when eaten | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Variel | Constellation | -5% Astrology Interval +8% Astrology Skill XP | +8% Astrology Mastery XP for Melvor Realm only +2.5% chance to gain Golden Stardust in Astrology +2% chance to gain Stardust in Astrology +0.5% chance to locate a Meteorite in Astrology | |
Alchemic Practice Potion I | Item | +10% Chance to Double Items in Herblore | ||
Alchemic Practice Potion II | Item | +15% Chance to Double Items in Herblore | ||
Alchemic Practice Potion III | Item | +20% Chance to Double Items in Herblore | ||
Alchemic Practice Potion IV | Item | +25% Chance to Double Items in Herblore | ||
Alt Magic Potion I | Item | -5% Magic Interval | ||
Alt Magic Potion II | Item | -10% Magic Interval | ||
Alt Magic Potion III | Item | -15% Magic Interval | ||
Alt Magic Potion IV | Item | -20% Magic Interval | ||
Blacksmith Potion I | Item | +5% Chance to Double Items in Smithing | ||
Blacksmith Potion II | Item | +10% Chance to Double Items in Smithing | ||
Blacksmith Potion III | Item | +15% Chance to Double Items in Smithing | ||
Blacksmith Potion IV | Item | +20% Chance to Double Items in Smithing | ||
Crafting Potion I | Item | +5% Chance to Double Items in Crafting | ||
Crafting Potion II | Item | +10% Chance to Double Items in Crafting | ||
Crafting Potion III | Item | +15% Chance to Double Items in Crafting | ||
Crafting Potion IV | Item | +25% Chance to Double Items in Crafting | ||
Enkindled Yields Potion I | Item | +10% Chance to Double Items in Firemaking | ||
Enkindled Yields Potion II | Item | +15% Chance to Double Items in Firemaking | ||
Enkindled Yields Potion III | Item | +20% Chance to Double Items in Firemaking | ||
Enkindled Yields Potion IV | Item | +25% Chance to Double Items in Firemaking | ||
Fishermans Potion I | Item | +3% Chance to Double Items in Fishing | ||
Fishermans Potion II | Item | +5% Chance to Double Items in Fishing | ||
Fishermans Potion III | Item | +8% Chance to Double Items in Fishing | ||
Fishermans Potion IV | Item | +12% Chance to Double Items in Fishing | ||
Generous Cook Potion I | Item | +10% Chance to Double Items in Cooking | ||
Generous Cook Potion II | Item | +20% Chance to Double Items in Cooking | ||
Generous Cook Potion III | Item | +30% Chance to Double Items in Cooking | ||
Generous Cook Potion IV | Item | +50% Chance to Double Items in Cooking | ||
Generous Harvest Potion I | Item | +10% Chance to Double Items in Farming | ||
Generous Harvest Potion II | Item | +15% Chance to Double Items in Farming | ||
Generous Harvest Potion III | Item | +20% Chance to Double Items in Farming | ||
Generous Harvest Potion IV | Item | +30% Chance to Double Items in Farming | ||
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Harvester's Potion I | Item | Error creating thumbnail: File missing | -2% Harvesting Interval | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Harvester's Potion II | Item | Error creating thumbnail: File missing | -4% Harvesting Interval | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Harvester's Potion III | Item | Error creating thumbnail: File missing | -6% Harvesting Interval | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Harvester's Potion IV | Item | Error creating thumbnail: File missing | -8% Harvesting Interval | |
Performance Enhancing Potion I | Item | -4% Agility Interval | ||
Performance Enhancing Potion II | Item | -6% Agility Interval | ||
Performance Enhancing Potion III | Item | -8% Agility Interval | ||
Performance Enhancing Potion IV | Item | -12% Agility Interval | ||
Secret Stardust Potion I | Item | -3% Astrology Interval | ||
Secret Stardust Potion II | Item | -5% Astrology Interval | ||
Secret Stardust Potion III | Item | -10% Astrology Interval | ||
Secret Stardust Potion IV | Item | -15% Astrology Interval | ||
Skilled Fletching Potion I | Item | +5% Chance to Double Items in Fletching | ||
Skilled Fletching Potion II | Item | +10% Chance to Double Items in Fletching | ||
Skilled Fletching Potion III | Item | +15% Chance to Double Items in Fletching | ||
Skilled Fletching Potion IV | Item | +25% Chance to Double Items in Fletching | ||
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Abyssal Bear | Item (Summon1, Summon2) | Error creating thumbnail: File missing | +5% Chance to Preserve Resources in Herblore | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Abyssal Devil | Item (Summon1, Summon2) | Error creating thumbnail: File missing | -5% Firemaking Interval | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Abyssal Ent | Item (Summon1, Summon2) | Error creating thumbnail: File missing | +10% Chance to gain +1 additional resource in Woodcutting (Cannot be doubled) | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Abyssal Mole | Item (Summon1, Summon2) | Error creating thumbnail: File missing | +3% Chance to gain +1 additional resource in Mining (Cannot be doubled) | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Abyssal Monkey | Item (Summon1, Summon2) | Error creating thumbnail: File missing | +10% Chance to Double Items in Crafting | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Abyssal Octopus | Item (Summon1, Summon2) | Error creating thumbnail: File missing | +3% Chance to gain +1 additional resource in Fishing (Cannot be doubled) | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Abyssal Pig | Item (Summon1, Summon2) | Error creating thumbnail: File missing | +10% Chance to Preserve Resources in Cooking | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Abyssal Salamander | Item (Summon1, Summon2) | Error creating thumbnail: File missing | +5% Chance to Preserve Resources in Smithing | |
Agility Lesser Relic | Item (Consumable) | -5% Agility Interval | -5% Attack Interval -10% Agility Obstacle Item build costs (Melvor Realm only) | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Amulet of Fishing | Item (Amulet) | -15% Fishing Interval | ||
Amulet of Incantation | Item (Amulet) | -0.2s Magic Interval | +10% Rune Preservation for Alt. Magic Spells | |
Ancient Magic Hammer | Item (Consumable) | -0.2s Smithing Interval +5% Smithing Skill XP | +5% Smithing Mastery XP for Melvor Realm only | |
Ancient Ring of Skills | Item (Ring) | +8% non-Combat Skill XP | ||
Ancient Scythe | Item (Weapon) | +15% Chance to Double Items in Farming | +8% base primary resource quantity gained in Farming for Melvor Realm only | |
Archaeologist Body | Item (Platebody) | +5% Archaeology Skill XP | ||
Archaeologist Boots | Item (Boots) | +5% Archaeology Skill XP | ||
Archaeologist Gloves | Item (Gloves) | +5% Archaeology Skill XP | ||
Archaeologist Hat | Item (Helmet) | +5% Archaeology Skill XP | ||
Archaeologist Leggings | Item (Platelegs) | +5% Archaeology Skill XP | ||
Archaeologist's Consumable | Item (Consumable) | -10% Archaeology Interval | ||
Archaeologist's Whip | Item (Weapon) | +4% Archaeology Mastery XP +4% Archaeology Skill XP | ||
Artisan Pouch | Item (Consumable) | -0.2s Crafting Interval +10% Chance to Double Items in Crafting | ||
Artisan Pouch II | Item (Consumable) | -0.3s Crafting Interval +15% Chance to Double Items in Crafting | ||
Astrology Lesser Relic | Item (Consumable) | -5% Astrology Interval | +2% chance to gain Golden Stardust in Astrology -3 Prayer Point Cost for Prayers (Cost cannot go below 1) | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Bear | Item (Summon1, Summon2) | +5% Chance to Preserve Resources in Herblore | ||
Beaver | Item (Summon1, Summon2) | +5% Chance to Double Items in Fletching | ||
Blacksmith Tongs | Item (Shield) | +10% Chance to gain +1 additional resource in Smithing (Cannot be doubled) +4% Smithing Skill XP | +4% Smithing Mastery XP for Melvor Realm only | |
Blacksmiths Body | Item (Platebody) | +2% Smithing Skill XP | ||
Blacksmiths Boots | Item (Boots) | +2% Smithing Skill XP | ||
Blacksmiths Gloves | Item (Gloves) | -0.1s Smithing Interval +75% Smithing Skill XP | +3% Smithing Mastery XP for Melvor Realm only | |
Blacksmiths Hat | Item (Helmet) | +2% Smithing Skill XP | ||
Blacksmiths Leggings | Item (Platelegs) | +2% Smithing Skill XP | ||
Burning Amulet of XP | Item (Amulet) | +15% Firemaking Skill XP | ||
Burning Mans Body | Item (Platebody) | +2% Firemaking Skill XP | ||
Burning Mans Boots | Item (Boots) | +2% Firemaking Skill XP | ||
Burning Mans Hat | Item (Helmet) | +2% Firemaking Skill XP | ||
Burning Mans Leggings | Item (Platelegs) | +2% Firemaking Skill XP | ||
Candelabra (Lit) | Item (Consumable) | +4% non-Combat Skill XP | -3% Interval for all non-Combat Skills +4% Mastery XP in all Skills for Melvor Realm only +3% Chance to Preserve Resources in Skills | |
Candle Lamp (Lit) | Item (Consumable) | +4% Attack Skill XP +4% Strength Skill XP +4% Defence Skill XP +4% Hitpoints Skill XP +4% Ranged Skill XP +4% Magic Skill XP +4% Slayer Skill XP +4% Prayer Skill XP | -4% Alt. Magic Skill XP -0.2s Monster Respawn Timer +25 GP gained when hitting with an attack | |
Cape of Completion | Item (Cape) | -0.5s Thieving Interval -0.5s Crafting Interval +15% Chance to Double Items in Runecrafting -15% Woodcutting Interval -15% Cooking Interval -15% Township Building Cost (Does not affect GP cost. Capped at -80%) +20% Chance to Preserve Resources in Summoning | +5 additional quantity of Runes gained in Runecrafting (Cannot be doubled) +10 Flat Hitpoints Regeneration Bypass Slayer Area item requirements for areas that require less than level 100 Slayer -50% Prayer Point Cost for Prayers (Cost cannot go below 1) +5% Damage To Slayer Tasks +50% Ammo Preservation +1 base quantity when gaining Stardust from Astrology +1 base quantity when gaining Golden Stardust from Astrology +10 base primary resource quantity gained in Summoning +2% Global Perfect Cook chance +10% Chance to preserve Summoning Charges +100% chance to successfully Cook an item -20% Agility Obstacle Item & Currency build costs (Melvor Realm only) +5% Skill XP for all Skills +100% GP gained from Thieving +10% GP gained from Agility +25% Mastery Pool XP Cap x2 Items received from Fishing x2 Items received from Fletching x2 Items received from Herblore +25% Flat Slayer Area Effect Negation +1 Coal Ore per Ore Mined. (Item doubling does not apply) -50% Coal Costs for Smithing +150 Stealth while Thieving +100% chance to gain Coal Ore in Firemaking +100% chance to gain Ash in Firemaking +25% base primary resource quantity gained in Farming Items that reduce Rune costs are now 2x as effective | |
Cape of Completion (Atlas of Discovery) | Item (Cape) | +20% Chance to Preserve Resources in Cartography | +3 levels of the Brush Tool in Archaeology +3 levels of the Trowel Tool in Archaeology +3 levels of the Shovel Tool in Archaeology -30% Cartography survey interval +15% chance to preserve dig site map excavation actions -50% Cartography Dig Site Map upgrade interval -20% dig site map refinement cost +1 base primary resource quantity gained in Archaeology +3 levels of the Sieve Tool in Archaeology | |
Captains Logbook | Item (Shield) | +8% Cartography Skill XP | 100% increased travel event chance in Cartography | |
Cartography Skillcape | Item (Cape) | +10% Chance to Preserve Resources in Cartography | -20% Cartography Dig Site Map upgrade interval -10% dig site map refinement cost | |
Chapeau Noir | Item (Helmet, Passive) | +10% Chance to Double Items in Thieving | +10% Chance To Double Loot in Combat | |
Chef's Hat | Item (Helmet) | +1% Cooking Mastery XP +1% Cooking Skill XP -0.1s Cooking Interval | ||
Chef's Spoon | Item (Weapon) | +1% Cooking Mastery XP +1% Cooking Skill XP | +2% chance to successfully Cook an item | |
Chefs Bag | Item (Consumable) | +20% Chance to Double Items in Cooking +10% Chance to Preserve Resources in Cooking | ||
Chisel | Item (Weapon) | -0.1s Crafting Interval | +3% Crafting Mastery XP for Melvor Realm only | |
Cooking Apron | Item (Platebody) | +1% Cooking Mastery XP +1% Cooking Skill XP | +20% Base Food Healing Value | |
Cooking Lesser Relic | Item (Consumable) | -5% Cooking Interval +30% Chance to gain +1 additional resource in Cooking (Cannot be doubled) | +10% Lifesteal | |
Cooking Skillcape | Item (Cape) | -15% Cooking Interval | +100% chance to successfully Cook an item +2% Global Perfect Cook chance | |
Cool Winds Gloves | Item (Gloves) | -0.1s Runecrafting Interval +10% Runecrafting Skill XP | +3% Runecrafting Mastery XP for Melvor Realm only +1 additional quantity of Runes gained in Runecrafting (Cannot be doubled) | |
Crafters Body | Item (Platebody) | +2% Crafting Skill XP | ||
Crafters Boots | Item (Boots) | +2% Crafting Skill XP | ||
Crafters Hat | Item (Helmet) | +2% Crafting Skill XP | ||
Crafters Leggings | Item (Platelegs) | +2% Crafting Skill XP | ||
Crafting Lesser Relic | Item (Consumable) | -5% Crafting Interval | +5% chance for Urns produced in Crafting to be Enchanted | |
Crafting Scroll Of XP | Item (Consumable) | +3% Crafting Skill XP | ||
Crafting Skillcape | Item (Cape) | -0.5s Crafting Interval | ||
Cursed Idol | Item (Consumable) | +10% Prayer Skill XP | +2% Prayer Point Cost for Prayers | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Devil | Item (Summon1, Summon2) | -5% Firemaking Interval | ||
Dirty Mining Boots | Item (Boots) | -0.1s Mining Interval | ||
Eagle | Item (Summon1, Summon2) | -5% Agility Interval | ||
Enhanced Spyglass | Item (Weapon) | -10% Cartography Interval | +5 Cartography sight range -10% Cartography travel costs +5 Cartography survey range | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Enhanced Township Food Scroll | Item (Consumable) | Error creating thumbnail: File missing | +3% Fishing Skill XP +5% Chance to gain +1 additional resource in Cooking (Cannot be doubled) | +3% Fishing Abyssal XP -10% damage taken from dragonbreath -0.2s Monster Respawn Timer |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Enhanced Township Herb Scroll | Item (Consumable) | Error creating thumbnail: File missing | +3% Herblore Skill XP | +3% Herblore Abyssal XP +0.2% chance to gain Golden Stardust in Astrology +0.2% chance to gain Abyssal Stardust in Astrology |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Enhanced Township Rune Essence Scroll | Item (Consumable) | Error creating thumbnail: File missing | +3% Runecrafting Skill XP | +1 base primary resource quantity gained in Mining for Essence nodes +1 base primary resource quantity gained in Mining for Abyssal Essence nodes +4% Chance To Double Loot in Combat +3% Runecrafting Abyssal XP +5% chance to preserve resources in Runecrafting when making Staves +5% chance to preserve resources in Runecrafting when making Abyssal Staves |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Enhanced Township Stone Scroll | Item (Consumable) | Error creating thumbnail: File missing | +3% Mining Skill XP | +3% Mining Abyssal XP +10% chance to receive a random Standard Gem when gaining a Standard Gem from Mining or Fishing |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Enhanced Township Wood Scroll | Item (Consumable) | Error creating thumbnail: File missing | -3% Firemaking Interval +3% Woodcutting Skill XP | +3% Woodcutting Abyssal XP +5% Abyssal Woodcutting XP added as Abyssal Firemaking XP +5% Woodcutting XP added as Firemaking XP |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Ent | Item (Summon1, Summon2) | +10% Chance to gain +1 additional resource in Woodcutting (Cannot be doubled) | ||
Explorers Map | Item (Consumable) | +3% Slayer Skill XP | +5% Global Slayer Coins (except Item Sales) +20% Flat Slayer Area Effect Negation | |
Explorers Map II | Item (Consumable) | +5% Slayer Skill XP | +8% Global Slayer Coins (except Item Sales) +25% Flat Slayer Area Effect Negation | |
Firemaking Lesser Relic | Item (Consumable) | -5% Firemaking Interval | -10% damage taken from dragonbreath | |
Fishermans Body | Item (Platebody) | +2% Fishing Skill XP | ||
Fishermans Boots | Item (Boots) | +2% Fishing Skill XP | ||
Fishermans Hat | Item (Helmet) | +2% Fishing Skill XP | ||
Fishermans Leggings | Item (Platelegs) | +2% Fishing Skill XP | ||
Fishing Hook | Item (Consumable) | +10% Chance to Double Items in Fishing | ||
Fishing Lesser Relic | Item (Consumable) | -5% Fishing Interval | +10% chance to gain 1 cooked version of a fish when Fishing +100% chance to ignore Slow Effects | |
Fishing Scroll of XP | Item (Consumable) | +3% Fishing Skill XP | ||
Fletchers Body | Item (Platebody) | +2% Fletching Skill XP | ||
Fletchers Boots | Item (Boots) | +2% Fletching Skill XP | ||
Fletchers Hat | Item (Helmet) | +2% Fletching Skill XP | ||
Fletchers Leggings | Item (Platelegs) | +2% Fletching Skill XP | ||
Fletching Lesser Relic | Item (Consumable) | -5% Fletching Interval +10% Chance to gain +1 additional resource in Fletching (Cannot be doubled) | +10% Ranged Maximum Hit | |
Fox | Item (Summon1, Summon2) | -5% Summoning Interval | +5% Summoning Maximum Hit | |
Gloves of Silence | Item (Gloves, Passive) | -0.1s Thieving Interval | +50 Stealth while Thieving +150 GP from Thieving +150 GP from Monster drops | |
Golbin Mask | Item (Helmet) | +2% Thieving Mastery XP | +20 Stealth while Thieving +20 GP from Thieving | |
Gold Emerald Ring | Item (Ring, Passive) | +4% Attack Skill XP +4% Strength Skill XP +4% Defence Skill XP +4% Hitpoints Skill XP +4% Ranged Skill XP +4% Magic Skill XP +4% Prayer Skill XP | -4% Alt. Magic Skill XP | |
Golden Reel | Item (Consumable) | +15% Chance to gain +1 additional resource in Fishing (Cannot be doubled) | ||
Golden Trowel | Item (Shield) | -10% Archaeology Interval +8% Archaeology Mastery XP | ||
Golden Wreath | Item (Helmet, Passive) | +3% non-Combat Skill XP | +100 GP gained when earning GP, except from Alt. Magic and Item Sales +3% Mastery XP in all Skills for Melvor Realm only | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Golem | Item (Summon1, Summon2) | Error creating thumbnail: File missing | +10% Chance to gain +1 additional resource in Harvesting (Cannot be doubled) | |
Grappling Hook | Item (Weapon) | -0.1s Thieving Interval | +50 Stealth while Thieving +20% chance to avoid the stun interval and damage in Thieving when failing a pickpocket attempt for Melvor Realm only | |
Green Party Hat | Item (Helmet, Passive) | +1% Slayer Skill XP | ||
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Harvesting Scroll | Item (Consumable) | Error creating thumbnail: File missing | +5% Harvesting Mastery XP | +1 additional quantity of primary resource gained in Harvesting (Cannot be doubled) |
Herblore Lesser Relic | Item (Consumable) | +20% Chance to gain +1 additional resource in Herblore (Cannot be doubled) | +10 Charges per Potion +15% Global Slayer Coins (except Item Sales) | |
Herblore Scroll Of XP | Item (Consumable) | +3% Herblore Skill XP | ||
Hunter's Ring | Item (Ring, Passive) | +10% Slayer Skill XP | +10% Global Slayer Coins (except Item Sales) +10% Flat Slayer Area Effect Negation | |
Kindling Pouch | Item (Consumable) | -5% Firemaking Interval | +200% GP gained from Firemaking | |
Kindling Pouch II | Item (Consumable) | -8% Firemaking Interval | +250% GP gained from Firemaking | |
Lumberjack's Top | Item (Platebody) | +2% Woodcutting Mastery XP | +2% chance to gain Bird Nest in Woodcutting | |
Maximum Skillcape | Item (Cape) | -0.5s Thieving Interval -0.5s Crafting Interval +15% Chance to Double Items in Runecrafting -15% Woodcutting Interval -15% Cooking Interval -15% Township Building Cost (Does not affect GP cost. Capped at -80%) +20% Chance to Preserve Resources in Summoning | +5 additional quantity of Runes gained in Runecrafting (Cannot be doubled) +5% Skill XP for all Skills Bypass Slayer Area item requirements for areas that require less than level 100 Slayer -50% Prayer Point Cost for Prayers (Cost cannot go below 1) +5% Damage To Slayer Tasks +50% Ammo Preservation +1 base quantity when gaining Stardust from Astrology +1 base quantity when gaining Golden Stardust from Astrology +10 base primary resource quantity gained in Summoning +2% Global Perfect Cook chance +1 Coal Ore per Ore Mined. (Item doubling does not apply) +100% chance to successfully Cook an item -20% Agility Obstacle Item & Currency build costs (Melvor Realm only) +100% GP gained from Thieving +10% GP gained from Agility Items that reduce Rune costs are now 2x as effective +10% Chance to preserve Summoning Charges x2 Items received from Fishing x2 Items received from Fletching x2 Items received from Herblore +25% Flat Slayer Area Effect Negation -50% Coal Costs for Smithing +150 Stealth while Thieving +100% chance to gain Coal Ore in Firemaking +100% chance to gain Ash in Firemaking +10 Flat Hitpoints Regeneration +25% base primary resource quantity gained in Farming | |
Miner's Helmet | Item (Helmet) | +2% Mining Mastery XP | +3% chance to deal no damage to Essence Nodes in Mining +3% chance to deal no damage to Ore Nodes in Mining | |
Miners Body | Item (Platebody) | +2% Mining Skill XP | ||
Miners Boots | Item (Boots) | +2% Mining Skill XP | ||
Miners Hat | Item (Helmet) | +2% Mining Skill XP | ||
Miners Leggings | Item (Platelegs) | +2% Mining Skill XP | ||
Mining Lantern | Item (Shield) | +30% Chance to gain +1 additional resource in Mining (Cannot be doubled) | ||
Mining Lesser Relic | Item (Consumable) | -5% Mining Interval | +100% Chance to receive gems from Mining (Does not work for Rune Essence) +10% Melee Maximum Hit | |
Mining Scroll Of XP | Item (Consumable) | +3% Mining Skill XP | ||
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Mole | Item (Summon1, Summon2) | +3% Chance to gain +1 additional resource in Mining (Cannot be doubled) | ||
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Monkey | Item (Summon1, Summon2) | +10% Chance to Double Items in Crafting | ||
Mortar and Pestle | Item (Shield) | -5% Cooking Interval | +3% Cooking Mastery XP for Melvor Realm only +10% chance to receive an additional Perfect Item from Cooking (Cannot be doubled) | |
Necromancer Boots | Item (Boots, Passive) | +2% Summoning Skill XP | +2 base primary resource quantity gained in Summoning | |
Necromancer Bottoms | Item (Platelegs, Passive) | +2% Summoning Skill XP | +2 base primary resource quantity gained in Summoning | |
Necromancer Hat | Item (Helmet, Passive) | +2% Summoning Skill XP | +2 base primary resource quantity gained in Summoning | |
Necromancer Robes | Item (Platebody, Passive) | +2% Summoning Skill XP | +2 base primary resource quantity gained in Summoning | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Octopus | Item (Summon1, Summon2) | +3% Chance to gain +1 additional resource in Fishing (Cannot be doubled) | ||
Old Fancy Quill | Item (Weapon) | -5% Cartography Interval +8% Cartography Skill XP | ||
Old Spyglass | Item (Weapon) | -10% Cartography Interval | +1 Cartography survey range -8% Cartography travel costs | |
Old Summoning Gloves | Item (Gloves) | -0.3s Summoning Interval | +3% Summoning Mastery XP for Melvor Realm only +3 base primary resource quantity gained in Summoning | |
Owl | Item (Summon1, Summon2) | -5% Astrology Interval | ||
Performance Enhancing Body | Item (Platebody) | +2% Agility Skill XP | ||
Performance Enhancing Boots | Item (Boots) | +2% Agility Skill XP | ||
Performance Enhancing Hat | Item (Helmet) | +2% Agility Skill XP | ||
Performance Enhancing Leggings | Item (Platelegs) | +2% Agility Skill XP | ||
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Pig | Item (Summon1, Summon2) | +10% Chance to Preserve Resources in Cooking | ||
Pirate Captain Hat | Item (Helmet) | +2% Township Skill XP | ||
Pirates Lost Ring | Item (Ring) | +15% Fishing Skill XP | ||
Potion Makers Body | Item (Platebody) | +2% Herblore Skill XP | ||
Potion Makers Boots | Item (Boots) | +2% Herblore Skill XP | ||
Potion Makers Hat | Item (Helmet) | +2% Herblore Skill XP | ||
Potion Makers Leggings | Item (Platelegs) | +2% Herblore Skill XP | ||
Potion Stirrer | Item (Weapon) | -0.1s Herblore Interval | +10% Chance To Preserve Potion Charge | |
Ring of Summoning | Item (Ring, Passive) | -0.2s Summoning Interval +8% Summoning Skill XP | +5% Chance to preserve Summoning Charges | |
Runecrafters Body | Item (Platebody) | +2% Runecrafting Skill XP | ||
Runecrafters Boots | Item (Boots) | +2% Runecrafting Skill XP | ||
Runecrafters Hat | Item (Helmet) | +2% Runecrafting Skill XP | ||
Runecrafters Leggings | Item (Platelegs) | +2% Runecrafting Skill XP | ||
Runecrafting Lesser Relic | Item (Consumable) | -5% Runecrafting Interval +30% Chance to gain +1 additional resource in Cooking (Cannot be doubled) | ||
Runecrafting Scroll Of XP | Item (Consumable) | +3% Runecrafting Skill XP | ||
Runecrafting Skillcape | Item (Cape) | +15% Chance to Double Items in Runecrafting | +5 additional quantity of Runes gained in Runecrafting (Cannot be doubled) | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Salamander | Item (Summon1, Summon2) | +5% Chance to Preserve Resources in Smithing | ||
Sharp Fletcher Gloves | Item (Gloves) | -0.1s Fletching Interval +10% Fletching Skill XP +100% Chance to gain +1 additional resource in Fletching (Cannot be doubled) | +3% Fletching Mastery XP for Melvor Realm only | |
Skillers Body | Item (Platebody) | +2% non-Combat Skill XP | ||
Skillers Boots | Item (Boots) | +2% non-Combat Skill XP | ||
Skillers Hat | Item (Helmet) | +2% non-Combat Skill XP | ||
Skillers Leggings | Item (Platelegs) | +2% non-Combat Skill XP | ||
Slayer Cowl (Basic) | Item (Helmet, Passive) | +5% Slayer Skill XP | +2% Damage To Slayer Tasks +2% Global Slayer Coins (except Item Sales) +5% Flat Slayer Area Effect Negation | |
Slayer Cowl (Elite) | Item (Helmet, Passive) | +30% Slayer Skill XP | +4% Damage To Slayer Tasks +4% Global Slayer Coins (except Item Sales) +15% Flat Slayer Area Effect Negation | |
Slayer Cowl (Legendary) | Item (Helmet, Passive) | +45% Slayer Skill XP +4% Chance to Double Items in Thieving | +4% Chance To Double Loot in Combat +6% Damage To Slayer Tasks +6% Global Slayer Coins (except Item Sales) +25% Flat Slayer Area Effect Negation | |
Slayer Cowl (Master) | Item (Helmet, Passive) | +40% Slayer Skill XP +3% Chance to Double Items in Thieving | +3% Chance To Double Loot in Combat +5% Damage To Slayer Tasks +5% Global Slayer Coins (except Item Sales) +20% Flat Slayer Area Effect Negation | |
Slayer Cowl (Mythical) | Item (Helmet, Passive) | +50% Slayer Skill XP +5% Chance to Double Items in Thieving | +5% Chance To Double Loot in Combat +8% Damage To Slayer Tasks +8% Global Slayer Coins (except Item Sales) +30% Flat Slayer Area Effect Negation | |
Slayer Cowl (Strong) | Item (Helmet, Passive) | +15% Slayer Skill XP | +3% Damage To Slayer Tasks +3% Global Slayer Coins (except Item Sales) +10% Flat Slayer Area Effect Negation | |
Slayer Helmet (Basic) | Item (Helmet, Passive) | +5% Slayer Skill XP | +2% Damage To Slayer Tasks +2% Global Slayer Coins (except Item Sales) +5% Flat Slayer Area Effect Negation | |
Slayer Helmet (Elite) | Item (Helmet, Passive) | +30% Slayer Skill XP | +4% Damage To Slayer Tasks +4% Global Slayer Coins (except Item Sales) +15% Flat Slayer Area Effect Negation | |
Slayer Helmet (Legendary) | Item (Helmet, Passive) | +45% Slayer Skill XP +4% Chance to Double Items in Thieving | +4% Chance To Double Loot in Combat +6% Damage To Slayer Tasks +6% Global Slayer Coins (except Item Sales) +25% Flat Slayer Area Effect Negation | |
Slayer Helmet (Master) | Item (Helmet, Passive) | +40% Slayer Skill XP +3% Chance to Double Items in Thieving | +3% Chance To Double Loot in Combat +5% Damage To Slayer Tasks +5% Global Slayer Coins (except Item Sales) +20% Flat Slayer Area Effect Negation | |
Slayer Helmet (Mythical) | Item (Helmet, Passive) | +50% Slayer Skill XP +5% Chance to Double Items in Thieving | +5% Chance To Double Loot in Combat +8% Damage To Slayer Tasks +8% Global Slayer Coins (except Item Sales) +30% Flat Slayer Area Effect Negation | |
Slayer Helmet (Strong) | Item (Helmet, Passive) | +15% Slayer Skill XP | +3% Damage To Slayer Tasks +3% Global Slayer Coins (except Item Sales) +10% Flat Slayer Area Effect Negation | |
Slayer Leather Body (Basic) | Item (Platebody, Passive) | +5% Slayer Skill XP | +2% Damage To Slayer Tasks +2% Global Slayer Coins (except Item Sales) +5% Flat Slayer Area Effect Negation | |
Slayer Leather Body (Elite) | Item (Platebody, Passive) | +30% Slayer Skill XP | +4% Damage To Slayer Tasks +4% Global Slayer Coins (except Item Sales) +15% Flat Slayer Area Effect Negation | |
Slayer Leather Body (Legendary) | Item (Platebody, Passive) | +45% Slayer Skill XP +4% Chance to Double Items in Thieving | +4% Chance To Double Loot in Combat +6% Damage To Slayer Tasks +6% Global Slayer Coins (except Item Sales) +25% Flat Slayer Area Effect Negation | |
Slayer Leather Body (Master) | Item (Platebody, Passive) | +40% Slayer Skill XP +3% Chance to Double Items in Thieving | +3% Chance To Double Loot in Combat +5% Damage To Slayer Tasks +5% Global Slayer Coins (except Item Sales) +20% Flat Slayer Area Effect Negation | |
Slayer Leather Body (Mythical) | Item (Platebody, Passive) | +50% Slayer Skill XP +5% Chance to Double Items in Thieving | +5% Chance To Double Loot in Combat +8% Damage To Slayer Tasks +8% Global Slayer Coins (except Item Sales) +30% Flat Slayer Area Effect Negation | |
Slayer Leather Body (Strong) | Item (Platebody, Passive) | +15% Slayer Skill XP | +3% Damage To Slayer Tasks +3% Global Slayer Coins (except Item Sales) +10% Flat Slayer Area Effect Negation | |
Slayer Platebody (Basic) | Item (Platebody, Passive) | +5% Slayer Skill XP | +2% Damage To Slayer Tasks +2% Global Slayer Coins (except Item Sales) +5% Flat Slayer Area Effect Negation | |
Slayer Platebody (Elite) | Item (Platebody, Passive) | +30% Slayer Skill XP | +4% Damage To Slayer Tasks +4% Global Slayer Coins (except Item Sales) +15% Flat Slayer Area Effect Negation | |
Slayer Platebody (Legendary) | Item (Platebody, Passive) | +45% Slayer Skill XP +4% Chance to Double Items in Thieving | +4% Chance To Double Loot in Combat +6% Damage To Slayer Tasks +6% Global Slayer Coins (except Item Sales) +25% Flat Slayer Area Effect Negation | |
Slayer Platebody (Master) | Item (Platebody, Passive) | +40% Slayer Skill XP +3% Chance to Double Items in Thieving | +3% Chance To Double Loot in Combat +5% Damage To Slayer Tasks +5% Global Slayer Coins (except Item Sales) +20% Flat Slayer Area Effect Negation | |
Slayer Platebody (Mythical) | Item (Platebody, Passive) | +50% Slayer Skill XP +5% Chance to Double Items in Thieving | +5% Chance To Double Loot in Combat +8% Damage To Slayer Tasks +8% Global Slayer Coins (except Item Sales) +30% Flat Slayer Area Effect Negation | |
Slayer Platebody (Strong) | Item (Platebody, Passive) | +15% Slayer Skill XP | +3% Damage To Slayer Tasks +3% Global Slayer Coins (except Item Sales) +10% Flat Slayer Area Effect Negation | |
Slayer Wizard Hat (Basic) | Item (Helmet, Passive) | +5% Slayer Skill XP | +2% Damage To Slayer Tasks +2% Global Slayer Coins (except Item Sales) +5% Flat Slayer Area Effect Negation | |
Slayer Wizard Hat (Elite) | Item (Helmet, Passive) | +30% Slayer Skill XP | +4% Damage To Slayer Tasks +4% Global Slayer Coins (except Item Sales) +15% Flat Slayer Area Effect Negation | |
Slayer Wizard Hat (Legendary) | Item (Helmet, Passive) | +45% Slayer Skill XP +4% Chance to Double Items in Thieving | +4% Chance To Double Loot in Combat +6% Damage To Slayer Tasks +6% Global Slayer Coins (except Item Sales) +25% Flat Slayer Area Effect Negation | |
Slayer Wizard Hat (Master) | Item (Helmet, Passive) | +40% Slayer Skill XP +3% Chance to Double Items in Thieving | +3% Chance To Double Loot in Combat +5% Damage To Slayer Tasks +5% Global Slayer Coins (except Item Sales) +20% Flat Slayer Area Effect Negation | |
Slayer Wizard Hat (Mythical) | Item (Helmet, Passive) | +50% Slayer Skill XP +5% Chance to Double Items in Thieving | +5% Chance To Double Loot in Combat +8% Damage To Slayer Tasks +8% Global Slayer Coins (except Item Sales) +30% Flat Slayer Area Effect Negation | |
Slayer Wizard Hat (Strong) | Item (Helmet, Passive) | +15% Slayer Skill XP | +3% Damage To Slayer Tasks +3% Global Slayer Coins (except Item Sales) +10% Flat Slayer Area Effect Negation | |
Slayer Wizard Robes (Basic) | Item (Platebody, Passive) | +5% Slayer Skill XP | +2% Damage To Slayer Tasks +2% Global Slayer Coins (except Item Sales) +5% Flat Slayer Area Effect Negation | |
Slayer Wizard Robes (Elite) | Item (Platebody, Passive) | +30% Slayer Skill XP | +4% Damage To Slayer Tasks +4% Global Slayer Coins (except Item Sales) +15% Flat Slayer Area Effect Negation | |
Slayer Wizard Robes (Legendary) | Item (Platebody, Passive) | +45% Slayer Skill XP +4% Chance to Double Items in Thieving | +4% Chance To Double Loot in Combat +6% Damage To Slayer Tasks +6% Global Slayer Coins (except Item Sales) +25% Flat Slayer Area Effect Negation | |
Slayer Wizard Robes (Master) | Item (Platebody, Passive) | +40% Slayer Skill XP +3% Chance to Double Items in Thieving | +3% Chance To Double Loot in Combat +5% Damage To Slayer Tasks +5% Global Slayer Coins (except Item Sales) +20% Flat Slayer Area Effect Negation | |
Slayer Wizard Robes (Mythical) | Item (Platebody, Passive) | +50% Slayer Skill XP +5% Chance to Double Items in Thieving | +5% Chance To Double Loot in Combat +8% Damage To Slayer Tasks +8% Global Slayer Coins (except Item Sales) +30% Flat Slayer Area Effect Negation | |
Slayer Wizard Robes (Strong) | Item (Platebody, Passive) | +15% Slayer Skill XP | +3% Damage To Slayer Tasks +3% Global Slayer Coins (except Item Sales) +10% Flat Slayer Area Effect Negation | |
Smithing Lesser Relic | Item (Consumable) | -5% Smithing Interval | +1% Damage Reduction +10% Global Evasion | |
Stamina Pouch | Item (Consumable) | -5% Agility Interval | +20% GP gained from Agility | |
Star Gazing Body | Item (Platebody) | +2% Astrology Skill XP | ||
Star Gazing Boots | Item (Boots) | +2% Astrology Skill XP | ||
Star Gazing Hat | Item (Helmet) | +2% Astrology Skill XP | ||
Star Gazing Leggings | Item (Platelegs) | +2% Astrology Skill XP | ||
Sturdy Fancy Quill | Item (Weapon) | -5% Cartography Interval +8% Cartography Skill XP +20% Chance to Double Items in Cartography +20% Chance to Preserve Resources in Cartography | ||
Summoning Lesser Relic | Item (Consumable) | -5% Summoning Interval | -0.3s Monster Respawn Timer +15 base primary resource quantity gained in Summoning | |
Summoning Scrolls | Item (Consumable) | +10% Chance to Preserve Resources in Summoning | +10% Chance to preserve Summoning Charges +15 base primary resource quantity gained in Summoning | |
Summoning Skillcape | Item (Cape) | +20% Chance to Preserve Resources in Summoning | +10% Chance to preserve Summoning Charges +10 base primary resource quantity gained in Summoning | |
Superior Astrology Skillcape | Item (Cape) | -10% Astrology Interval | +2 base quantity when gaining Stardust from Astrology +2 base quantity when gaining Golden Stardust from Astrology | |
Superior Cape of Completion | Item (Cape) | -0.8s Thieving Interval -0.8s Crafting Interval +20% Chance to Double Items in Farming +25% Chance to Double Items in Runecrafting -20% Woodcutting Interval -25% Cooking Interval -10% Summoning Interval -10% Astrology Interval +100% Chance to gain +1 additional resource in Fishing (Cannot be doubled) +100% Chance to gain +1 additional resource in Fletching (Cannot be doubled) +15% Chance to gain +1 additional resource in Crafting (Cannot be doubled) +100% Chance to gain +1 additional resource in Herblore (Cannot be doubled) -20% Township Building Cost (Does not affect GP cost. Capped at -80%) +25% Chance to Preserve Resources in Summoning | +8 additional quantity of Runes gained in Runecrafting (Cannot be doubled) +15 Flat Hitpoints Regeneration +5% of Maximum Hit added to Minimum Hit -75% Prayer Point Cost for Prayers (Cost cannot go below 1) +8% Damage To Slayer Tasks +5% Melee Strength Bonus from Equipment +2 base quantity when gaining Stardust from Astrology +2 base quantity when gaining Golden Stardust from Astrology +1 base quantity when gaining Bird Nest from Woodcutting +1 base primary resource quantity gained in Fletching for Gem-Tipped Bolts nodes +10 base primary resource quantity gained in Summoning for Melvor Realm only +4% Global Perfect Cook chance +25% Mastery Pool XP Cap +100% chance to successfully Cook an item +5% Ranged Strength Bonus from Equipment +10% Global Slayer Coins (except Item Sales) +150% GP gained from Thieving +20% GP gained from Agility +50% chance to gain +1 additional resource in Smithing for Bars nodes (Cannot be doubled) +270 Stealth while Thieving +100% chance to gain Charcoal in Firemaking +100% chance to gain Coal Ore in Firemaking +100% chance to gain Ash in Firemaking +10% Summoning Maximum Hit Items that reduce Rune costs are now 4x as effective +40% base primary resource quantity gained in Farming +5% Lifesteal +5% Magic Damage Bonus from Equipment +75% Ammo Preservation -75% Coal Costs for Smithing +20% chance to avoid the stun interval and damage in Thieving when failing a pickpocket attempt for Melvor Realm only +1% chance to gain 1 Lost Chest from Fishing for Melvor Realm only (Cannot be doubled) +15% Chance to preserve Summoning Charges +35% Flat Slayer Area Effect Negation +5% Chance To Preserve Prayer Points +2 Coal Ore per Ore Mined. (Item doubling does not apply) +5% Chance To Preserve Potion Charge Bypass All Slayer Area item requirements x2 Items received from Fishing x2 Items received from Fletching x2 Items received from Herblore +5% Reflect Damage -20% Agility Pillar build costs +5% Chance to Preserve Food when eaten -30% Agility Obstacle Item & Currency build costs (Melvor Realm only) +8% Skill XP for all Skills +10% Rune Preservation +5% Chance to find gem veins when Mining | |
Superior Cartography Skillcape | Item (Cape) | +20% Chance to Preserve Resources in Cartography | -50% Cartography Dig Site Map upgrade interval -20% dig site map refinement cost -30% Cartography survey interval | |
Superior Cooking Skillcape | Item (Cape) | -25% Cooking Interval | +4% Global Perfect Cook chance +100% chance to successfully Cook an item +5% Chance to Preserve Food when eaten | |
Superior Crafting Skillcape | Item (Cape) | -0.8s Crafting Interval +15% Chance to gain +1 additional resource in Crafting (Cannot be doubled) | ||
Superior Farming Skillcape | Item (Cape) | +20% Chance to Double Items in Farming | +40% base primary resource quantity gained in Farming | |
Superior Fishing Skillcape | Item (Cape) | +100% Chance to gain +1 additional resource in Fishing (Cannot be doubled) | +1% chance to gain 1 Lost Chest from Fishing for Melvor Realm only (Cannot be doubled) x2 Items received from Fishing | |
Superior Fletching Skillcape | Item (Cape) | +100% Chance to gain +1 additional resource in Fletching (Cannot be doubled) | x2 Items received from Fletching +1 base primary resource quantity gained in Fletching for Gem-Tipped Bolts nodes | |
Superior Herblore Skillcape | Item (Cape) | +100% Chance to gain +1 additional resource in Herblore (Cannot be doubled) | x2 Items received from Herblore +5% Chance To Preserve Potion Charge | |
Superior Max Skillcape | Item (Cape) | -0.8s Thieving Interval -0.8s Crafting Interval +100% Chance to gain +1 additional resource in Fishing (Cannot be doubled) +100% Chance to gain +1 additional resource in Fletching (Cannot be doubled) +15% Chance to gain +1 additional resource in Crafting (Cannot be doubled) +100% Chance to gain +1 additional resource in Herblore (Cannot be doubled) +20% Chance to Double Items in Farming +25% Chance to Double Items in Runecrafting -20% Woodcutting Interval -25% Cooking Interval -10% Summoning Interval -10% Astrology Interval -20% Township Building Cost (Does not affect GP cost. Capped at -80%) +25% Chance to Preserve Resources in Summoning | +8 additional quantity of Runes gained in Runecrafting (Cannot be doubled) +15 Flat Hitpoints Regeneration +5% of Maximum Hit added to Minimum Hit -75% Prayer Point Cost for Prayers (Cost cannot go below 1) -30% Agility Obstacle Item & Currency build costs (Melvor Realm only) +5% Melee Strength Bonus from Equipment +2 base quantity when gaining Stardust from Astrology +2 base quantity when gaining Golden Stardust from Astrology +1 base quantity when gaining Bird Nest from Woodcutting +20% chance to avoid the stun interval and damage in Thieving when failing a pickpocket attempt for Melvor Realm only +4% Global Perfect Cook chance +2 Coal Ore per Ore Mined. (Item doubling does not apply) +100% chance to successfully Cook an item +5% Ranged Strength Bonus from Equipment +10% Global Slayer Coins (except Item Sales) +150% GP gained from Thieving +20% GP gained from Agility +50% chance to gain +1 additional resource in Smithing for Bars nodes (Cannot be doubled) +270 Stealth while Thieving +100% chance to gain Charcoal in Firemaking +100% chance to gain Coal Ore in Firemaking +100% chance to gain Ash in Firemaking +10% Summoning Maximum Hit Items that reduce Rune costs are now 4x as effective +40% base primary resource quantity gained in Farming +5% Lifesteal +5% Magic Damage Bonus from Equipment +75% Ammo Preservation +1% chance to gain 1 Lost Chest from Fishing for Melvor Realm only (Cannot be doubled) +8% Damage To Slayer Tasks +15% Chance to preserve Summoning Charges +35% Flat Slayer Area Effect Negation +5% Chance To Preserve Prayer Points -75% Coal Costs for Smithing +1 base primary resource quantity gained in Fletching for Gem-Tipped Bolts nodes +10 base primary resource quantity gained in Summoning for Melvor Realm only Bypass All Slayer Area item requirements +5% Chance To Preserve Potion Charge +5% Reflect Damage -20% Agility Pillar build costs +5% Chance to Preserve Food when eaten +5% Chance to find gem veins when Mining +8% Skill XP for all Skills +10% Rune Preservation x2 Items received from Fishing x2 Items received from Fletching x2 Items received from Herblore | |
Superior Runecrafting Skillcape | Item (Cape) | +25% Chance to Double Items in Runecrafting | +10% Rune Preservation +8 additional quantity of Runes gained in Runecrafting (Cannot be doubled) | |
Superior Summoning Skillcape | Item (Cape) | -10% Summoning Interval +25% Chance to Preserve Resources in Summoning | +10% Summoning Maximum Hit +15% Chance to preserve Summoning Charges +10 base primary resource quantity gained in Summoning for Melvor Realm only | |
Superior Thieving Skillcape | Item (Cape) | -0.8s Thieving Interval | +270 Stealth while Thieving +150% GP gained from Thieving +20% chance to avoid the stun interval and damage in Thieving when failing a pickpocket attempt for Melvor Realm only | |
Superior Township Skillcape | Item (Cape) | -20% Township Building Cost (Does not affect GP cost. Capped at -80%) | ||
Superior Woodcutting Skillcape | Item (Cape) | -20% Woodcutting Interval | +1 base quantity when gaining Bird Nest from Woodcutting | |
Thiever's Cape | Item (Cape) | +2% Thieving Skill XP | +25 Stealth while Thieving +10% GP gained from Thieving | |
Thieving Lesser Relic | Item (Consumable) | -5% Thieving Interval | +30 Stealth while Thieving Combat loot is automatically collected | |
Thieving Skillcape | Item (Cape) | -0.5s Thieving Interval | +100% GP gained from Thieving +150 Stealth while Thieving | |
Township Skillcape | Item (Cape) | -15% Township Building Cost (Does not affect GP cost. Capped at -80%) | ||
Training Shield | Item (Shield, Passive) | +3% Attack Skill XP +3% Strength Skill XP +3% Defence Skill XP +3% Hitpoints Skill XP +3% Ranged Skill XP +3% Magic Skill XP +3% Prayer Skill XP | +3% of Maximum Hit added to Minimum Hit -3% Alt. Magic Skill XP | |
Warm Beanie | Item (Helmet) | +3% Firemaking Mastery XP +2% Chance to Double Items in Firemaking -2% Firemaking Interval | ||
Woodcutters Body | Item (Platebody) | +2% Woodcutting Skill XP | ||
Woodcutters Boots | Item (Boots) | +2% Woodcutting Skill XP | ||
Woodcutters Hat | Item (Helmet) | +2% Woodcutting Skill XP | ||
Woodcutters Leggings | Item (Platelegs) | +2% Woodcutting Skill XP | ||
Woodcutting Lesser Relic | Item (Consumable) | -5% Woodcutting Interval | +1 base quantity when gaining Bird Nest from Woodcutting +10% of Maximum Hit added to Minimum Hit | |
Woodcutting Scroll of XP | Item (Consumable) | +3% Woodcutting Skill XP | ||
Woodcutting Skillcape | Item (Cape) | -15% Woodcutting Interval | ||
Error creating thumbnail: File missing 10% Mastery Pool Bonus | Mastery Pool Bonus | +5% Archaeology Mastery XP | ||
Error creating thumbnail: File missing 10% Mastery Pool Bonus | Mastery Pool Bonus | +3% Thieving Skill XP | +30 Stealth while Thieving from Melvor Realm NPCs | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing 25% Mastery Pool Bonus | Mastery Pool Bonus | +3% Herblore Skill XP | ||
Error creating thumbnail: File missing 95% Mastery Pool Bonus | Mastery Pool Bonus | +30% Chance to gain +1 additional resource in Archaeology (Cannot be doubled) | ||
Error creating thumbnail: File missing 95% Mastery Pool Bonus | Mastery Pool Bonus | -10% Farming Interval | ||
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Abyssal 10% Mastery Pool Bonus | Mastery Pool Bonus | Error creating thumbnail: File missing | +6% Harvesting Mastery XP | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Abyssal 50% Mastery Pool Bonus | Mastery Pool Bonus | Error creating thumbnail: File missing | +10% Chance to Double Items in Harvesting | |
B | Pet | +10% Township Maximum Storage | ||
Beavis | Pet | +5% Chance to Double Items in Woodcutting | ||
Caaarrrlll | Pet | -0.2s Crafting Interval | ||
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Cris | Pet | +5% Chance to Double Items in Cooking | ||
Cute Rock | Pet | +2% Chance to Double Items in Mining +2% Chance to Double Items in Smithing | ||
Gronk | Pet | +2% Chance to Double Items in Herblore | ||
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Gunter | Pet | +10% Chance to Preserve Resources in Runecrafting | ||
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Henriette | Pet | Error creating thumbnail: File missing | -2% Harvesting Interval | |
Layla | Pet | +2% Township Happiness | ||
Magic Rock | Pet | +3% Chance to Double Items in Magic | ||
Marcy | Pet | +2% Township Skill XP | ||
Octavius Lepidus VIII | Pet | +2% Township Education | ||
Pudding Duckie | Pet | +5% Chance to Double Items in Fishing | ||
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Puff, the Baby Dragon | Pet | +10% Chance to Preserve Resources in Smithing | ||
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Quill | Pet | -0.2s Fletching Interval | ||
Roger | Pet | +2% Township Resource Generation | ||
Royal Rock | Pet | +3% Chance to gain +1 additional resource in Mining (Cannot be doubled) | ||
Aeris Dungeon Ruins | Point of Interest | -0.1s Crafting Interval -0.1s Fletching Interval +10% Chance to gain +1 additional resource in Crafting (Cannot be doubled) +10% Chance to gain +1 additional resource in Fletching (Cannot be doubled) | ||
Bandit Hideout | Point of Interest | -0.1s Thieving Interval | +10% Ranged Evasion +10% Ranged Accuracy Rating +10% Ranged Strength Bonus from Equipment +25 Stealth while Thieving | |
Ragnar Dungeon Ruins | Point of Interest | -0.1s Cooking Interval -0.1s Firemaking Interval -0.1s Smithing Interval +10% Chance to gain +1 additional resource in Cooking (Cannot be doubled) +10% Chance to gain +1 additional resource in Firemaking (Cannot be doubled) +10% Chance to gain +1 additional resource in Smithing (Cannot be doubled) | ||
Terran Dungeon Ruins | Point of Interest | -0.1s Mining Interval -0.1s Woodcutting Interval +10% Chance to gain +1 additional resource in Mining (Cannot be doubled) +10% Chance to gain +1 additional resource in Woodcutting (Cannot be doubled) | ||
The Fisherman's Bounty | Point of Interest | -3% Fishing Interval | +10% chance to gain 1 cooked version of a fish when Fishing +20% chance to gain GP in Fishing when catching a Fish that sells for GP equal to its base sale price | |
The Monolith | Point of Interest | +5% Chance to Preserve Resources in Cartography | -5% Cartography Dig Site Map upgrade interval +5% chance to preserve dig site map excavation actions | |
The Secret Glacial Hoard | Point of Interest | -0.1s Herblore Interval -0.1s Runecrafting Interval +10% Chance to gain +1 additional resource in Herblore (Cannot be doubled) +10% Chance to gain +1 additional resource in Runecrafting (Cannot be doubled) | ||
Lemon Season | Season | +420% Township Happiness +69% Township Education | +1 Lemon gained from Skill actions (Cannot be doubled) | |
Solar Eclipse | Season | +200% Township Happiness +200% Township Education | ||
Spring | Season | +50% Township Happiness +50% Township Education | -25% Township repair costs +25% Township Food Production +25% Township Herbs Production +25% Township Potions Production +25% Township Leather Production +15% Township Armour & Weaponry Production +15% Township Reinforced Planks Production | |
Summer | Season | +25% Township Education +25% Township GP Production | -10% Township repair costs -25% Township Ore Production -25% Township Stone Production -25% Township Coal Production -25% Township Bar Production +25% Township Voidfire Ash Production -15% Township Abyssal Stone Production | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Error creating thumbnail: File missing AB2 | Skill Tree Node | Error creating thumbnail: File missing | -3% Astrology Interval | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Error creating thumbnail: File missing C2 | Skill Tree Node | Error creating thumbnail: File missing | -2% Astrology Interval | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Error creating thumbnail: File missing CD1 | Skill Tree Node | Error creating thumbnail: File missing | -2% Astrology Interval | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Error creating thumbnail: File missing CD1 | Skill Tree Node | Error creating thumbnail: File missing | +10% Chance to Double Items in Farming | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Error creating thumbnail: File missing CD2 | Skill Tree Node | Error creating thumbnail: File missing | +10% Chance to Double Items in Farming | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Error creating thumbnail: File missing ABCDE7 | Skill Tree Node | Error creating thumbnail: File missing | -5% Harvesting Interval | +1 base primary resource quantity gained in Harvesting |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Error creating thumbnail: File missing B1 | Skill Tree Node | Error creating thumbnail: File missing | +5% Harvesting Mastery XP | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Error creating thumbnail: File missing B2 | Skill Tree Node | Error creating thumbnail: File missing | +5% Harvesting Mastery XP | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Error creating thumbnail: File missing B4 | Skill Tree Node | Error creating thumbnail: File missing | +5% Harvesting Mastery XP | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Error creating thumbnail: File missing B5 | Skill Tree Node | Error creating thumbnail: File missing | +5% Harvesting Mastery XP | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Error creating thumbnail: File missing D1 | Skill Tree Node | Error creating thumbnail: File missing | -2% Harvesting Interval | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Error creating thumbnail: File missing D2 | Skill Tree Node | Error creating thumbnail: File missing | -2% Harvesting Interval | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Error creating thumbnail: File missing D4 | Skill Tree Node | Error creating thumbnail: File missing | -2% Harvesting Interval | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Error creating thumbnail: File missing D5 | Skill Tree Node | Error creating thumbnail: File missing | -2% Harvesting Interval | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Error creating thumbnail: File missing D3 | Skill Tree Node | Error creating thumbnail: File missing | +5% Chance to Preserve Resources in Herblore | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Error creating thumbnail: File missing D4 | Skill Tree Node | Error creating thumbnail: File missing | +10% Chance to Double Items in Herblore | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Error creating thumbnail: File missing C4 | Skill Tree Node | Error creating thumbnail: File missing | +25% Chance to Double Items in Mining | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Crow Error creating thumbnail: File missing Salamander Synergy | Summoning Synergy | +10% Chance to Preserve Resources in Smithing +10% Chance to Preserve Resources in Runecrafting | ||
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Devil Fox Synergy | Summoning Synergy | +100% Summoning Skill XP | +100% Summoning Mastery XP for Melvor Realm only -1000 base primary resource quantity gained in Summoning | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Golem Error creating thumbnail: File missing Abyssal Bear Synergy | Summoning Synergy | Error creating thumbnail: File missing | -5% Harvesting Interval | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Pig Error creating thumbnail: File missing Crow Synergy | Summoning Synergy | +15% Chance to Preserve Resources in Cooking | +15% chance to preserve resources in Runecrafting when making Runes | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Pig Error creating thumbnail: File missing Devil Synergy | Summoning Synergy | +8% Firemaking Mastery XP +8% Cooking Mastery XP | -10% Chance to Preserve Resources in Firemaking -10% Chance to Preserve Resources in Cooking | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Adamant Axe | Upgrade | -5% Woodcutting Interval | ||
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Adamant Fishing Rod | Upgrade | -5% Fishing Interval | ||
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Adamant Pickaxe | Upgrade | -10% Mining Interval +1% Chance to Double Items in Mining | ||
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Art of Control | Upgrade | -15% Cooking Interval -15% Firemaking Interval -15% Smithing Interval | ||
Augite Axe | Upgrade | +3% Chance to Double Items in Woodcutting | +3% chance to gain Bird Nest in Woodcutting | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Augite Fishing Rod | Upgrade | +20% Chance to gain +1 additional resource in Fishing (Cannot be doubled) | +1% chance to gain 1 Lost Chest from Fishing for Melvor Realm only (Cannot be doubled) | |
Augite Furnace | Upgrade | -2% Cooking Interval +2% Chance to Double Items in Cooking | ||
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Black Axe | Upgrade | -5% Woodcutting Interval | ||
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Black Fishing Rod | Upgrade | -5% Fishing Interval | ||
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Black Pickaxe | Upgrade | -5% Mining Interval +1% Chance to Double Items in Mining | ||
Carrion Cooking Fire | Upgrade | -3% Cooking Interval +2% Chance to Double Items in Cooking | +3% Perfect Cook chance for Basic recipes | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Cartographer's Enhancement | Upgrade | +2% Cartography Skill XP | -5% Cartography survey interval -5% Cartography travel costs | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Cartographer's Knowledge | Upgrade | +2% Cartography Skill XP | -5% Cartography survey interval -5% Cartography travel costs | |
Corundum Axe | Upgrade | +3% Chance to Double Items in Woodcutting | +3% chance to gain Bird Nest in Woodcutting | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Corundum Fishing Rod | Upgrade | +20% Chance to gain +1 additional resource in Fishing (Cannot be doubled) | +1% chance to gain 1 Lost Chest from Fishing for Melvor Realm only (Cannot be doubled) | |
Dig Site Token | Upgrade | +6% Archaeology Skill XP | ||
Divine Axe | Upgrade | +3% Chance to Double Items in Woodcutting | +3% chance to gain Bird Nest in Woodcutting | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Divine Fishing Rod | Upgrade | +20% Chance to gain +1 additional resource in Fishing (Cannot be doubled) | +1% chance to gain 1 Lost Chest from Fishing for Melvor Realm only (Cannot be doubled) | |
Divine Furnace | Upgrade | +10% Chance to gain +1 additional resource in Cooking (Cannot be doubled) | ||
Divine Pot | Upgrade | +10% Chance to gain +1 additional resource in Cooking (Cannot be doubled) | ||
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Dragon Axe | Upgrade | -10% Woodcutting Interval | ||
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Dragon Fishing Rod | Upgrade | -10% Fishing Interval | ||
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Dragon Pickaxe | Upgrade | -10% Mining Interval +1% Chance to Double Items in Mining | ||
Elderwood Cooking Fire | Upgrade | +2% Chance to Double Items in Cooking | +2% Perfect Cook chance for Basic recipes | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Expanded Knowledge | Upgrade | -15% Runecrafting Interval -15% Herblore Interval | ||
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Iron Axe | Upgrade | -5% Woodcutting Interval | ||
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Iron Fishing Rod | Upgrade | -5% Fishing Interval | ||
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Iron Pickaxe | Upgrade | -5% Mining Interval +1% Chance to Double Items in Mining | ||
Magic Anvil | Upgrade | +10% Chance to gain +1 additional resource in Smithing (Cannot be doubled) | ||
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Magic Cooking Fire | Upgrade | +10% Cooking Skill XP | ||
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Magic Furnace | Upgrade | +1% Chance to Double Items in Cooking | +1% Perfect Cook chance for Furnace Required recipes | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Magic Pot | Upgrade | +1% Chance to Double Items in Cooking | +1% Perfect Cook chance for Pot Required recipes | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Mahogany Cooking Fire | Upgrade | +5% Cooking Skill XP | ||
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Maple Cooking Fire | Upgrade | +5% Cooking Skill XP | ||
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Master of Nature | Upgrade | -15% Mining Interval -15% Woodcutting Interval | ||
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Mithril Axe | Upgrade | -5% Woodcutting Interval | ||
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Mithril Fishing Rod | Upgrade | -5% Fishing Interval | ||
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Mithril Pickaxe | Upgrade | -5% Mining Interval +1% Chance to Double Items in Mining | ||
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Normal Cooking Fire | Upgrade | +5% Cooking Skill XP | ||
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Oak Cooking Fire | Upgrade | +5% Cooking Skill XP | ||
Palladium Pot | Upgrade | -2% Cooking Interval +2% Chance to Double Items in Cooking | ||
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Perpetual Haste | Upgrade | -15% Crafting Interval -15% Fletching Interval | ||
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Redwood Cooking Fire | Upgrade | +20% Cooking Skill XP | +3% Perfect Cook chance for Basic recipes | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Resilience to Decay | Upgrade | Error creating thumbnail: File missing | -5% Harvesting Interval | +5% Harvesting Mastery XP for Abyssal Realm only +10% base primary resource quantity gained in Farming for Abyssal Realm only |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Rune Axe | Upgrade | -5% Woodcutting Interval | ||
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Rune Fishing Rod | Upgrade | -5% Fishing Interval | ||
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Rune Pickaxe | Upgrade | -10% Mining Interval +1% Chance to Double Items in Mining | ||
Ship Anchor Upgrade | Upgrade | -2% Cartography Interval | +1 Cartography survey range | |
Ship Combat Overhaul | Upgrade | -5% Cartography Interval | ||
Ship Crow's Nest Upgrade | Upgrade | -2% Cartography Interval | ||
Ship Hull Upgrade | Upgrade | -2% Cartography Interval | ||
Ship Keel Upgrade | Upgrade | -2% Cartography Interval | +1 Cartography sight range | |
Ship Mast Upgrade | Upgrade | -2% Cartography Interval | +1 Cartography sight range | |
Ship Rudder Upgrade | Upgrade | -2% Cartography Interval | ||
Ship Sails Upgrade | Upgrade | -2% Cartography Interval | ||
Sign of the Stars | Upgrade | -10% Astrology Interval | ||
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Steel Axe | Upgrade | -5% Woodcutting Interval | ||
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Steel Fishing Rod | Upgrade | -5% Fishing Interval | ||
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Steel Pickaxe | Upgrade | -5% Mining Interval +1% Chance to Double Items in Mining | ||
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Strong Furnace | Upgrade | +1% Chance to Double Items in Cooking | +1% Perfect Cook chance for Furnace Required recipes | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Strong Pot | Upgrade | +1% Chance to Double Items in Cooking | +1% Perfect Cook chance for Pot Required recipes | |
Summoner's Altar | Upgrade | -10% Summoning Interval | ||
Superior Cauldron | Upgrade | +10% Chance to gain +1 additional resource in Herblore (Cannot be doubled) | ||
Superior Cooking Pot | Upgrade | +3% Cooking Mastery XP | -10% Passive Cook Interval | |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Teak Cooking Fire | Upgrade | +5% Cooking Skill XP | ||
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Willow Cooking Fire | Upgrade | +5% Cooking Skill XP | ||
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Yew Cooking Fire | Upgrade | +10% Cooking Skill XP |
Melvor Idle version v1.3.1 (Released: 30th October 2024) |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Combat: Error creating thumbnail: File missing Attack • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Strength • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Defence • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Hitpoints • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Ranged • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Magic • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Prayer • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Slayer • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Corruption
Skills: Error creating thumbnail: File missing Farming • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Township • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Woodcutting • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Fishing • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Firemaking • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Cooking • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Mining • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Smithing • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Thieving • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Fletching • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Crafting • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Runecrafting • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Herblore • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Agility • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Summoning • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Astrology • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Alternative Magic • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Cartography • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Archaeology • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Harvesting
Other: Error creating thumbnail: File missing Beginners Guide • Guides • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Bank • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Combat • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Mastery • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Money Making • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Shop • Easter Eggs • Pets • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Golbin Raid • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Full Version • Throne of the Herald • Atlas of Discovery • Error creating thumbnail: File missing Into the Abyss
Reference Tables: Items, Equipment, Experience Table, Upgrading Items, Combat Areas, Slayer Areas, Dungeons, Strongholds, The Abyss, Monsters |